[mf] Sucky Vacation 14

Chapter 14

Spending the day with Amy made it easier for Jeff to avoid thinking about his family situation. They had spent their time going to different parks to ride their favorite rides again. In one park they found a jungle-themed restaurant with fantastic food for lunch but both had gotten tired before dinner. Jeff could tell Amy was uncomfortable despite the ibuprofen she’d taken for her cramps that morning and suggested they head back to the hotel.

He was distracted and tense on the bus ride back at the thought of confronting his family, especially Uncle Bob. *My biological father*, Jeff thought bitterly. Amy must have noticed his anxiety and kept his right hand captured in both of hers. He leaned over and pressed his lips into her beaded hair, drawing in her sun-warmed scent.

She reached up to scratch between the braids. “I think I need to take the beads out. It’s getting too itchy. Do I stink?”

“Nope, you just smell like you,” Jeff said with a kiss near her ear. “I can help you get the beads off tonight if you want.”

She turned and smiled at him for a moment before kissing him. “I’d like that.”

They got off the bus at the resort and swung their hands as they wound their way to the room they shared. Jeff opened the door with his wrist band and allowed Amy through first.

“I need to clean up and shower,” she said to Jeff without meeting his eyes. “Do you need to use the bathroom first?”

“You don’t need to be embarrassed around me,” he said as he lifted her chin with his fingertips. “It’s just your period.”

Amy let out a half-hearted chuckle. “I know, but it’s just weird talking about it with a guy.”

They both stripped off their clothes. Jeff folded his dirty clothes in his suitcase while Amy tossed hers in the pile on the floor near the dresser. After letting Amy enter the bathroom first, he shut the door behind them and locked it.

While Amy sat on the toilet, Jeff stepped into the tub and drew the curtain to start the shower. He adjusted the temperature, then stepped into the warm spray. Eventually, Amy flushed and slipped through the curtain to join him. She still seemed a little hesitant, so Jeff allowed her past into the shower spray while he turned the bar of soap over and over in a wet washcloth.

Watching the water wash over Amy’s curves was captivating. She raised her arms to scratch her hair in the spray, which lifted her small breasts high on her chest. Her light-colored nipples were crinkled in the spray. The water flowed down from her breasts along the narrow curves of her body to run through the tangle of hair at the joining of her thighs.

Jeff washed Amy with slow, sensual strokes that left suds and goosebumps behind. He covered every inch of her from her neck down to her waist as she slowly turned in the spraying water. He moved the shower curtain slightly to sit on the edge of the tub. Then he worked the sudsy cloth down from her waist to her legs. She lifted each foot to his bent knee so he could wash her arch, instep, and toes.

“You doing this makes me feel like a queen,” Amy chuckled as a blush rose on her chest and cheeks.

“Sit here, my queen,” Jeff invited and patted one leg.

She sat daintily, her face even with his. He kissed her in the warm spray while he moved the sudsy washcloth between her knees. While his tongue explored her mouth, he carefully washed the messy tangle of hair between her legs. She opened herself to him even more.

She broke the kiss with heat in her eyes. “You know the worst part about being on your period?”


“How horny you get,” she said and resumed kissing with more passion.

Dropping the cloth, Jeff allowed the water spray to rinse the suds away. Then he parted her wet tangle with his fingers and used his thumb to tease at the top of her folds where the hair was densest. Amy gripped his head between her hands and responded by devouring his lips.

Jeff probed gently while he kept his thumb circling, allowing the water to wash away anything that remained. His cock rose until it pressed against the outside of her thigh. He couldn’t resist breaking the kiss to lean down and take a puckered nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, God,” Amy moaned as she rocked into his hand. She gasped as her body trembled, then Jeff felt her warmth pulse against his fingers. “I need you in me,” she begged in frustration.

Fumbling for a moment, Amy half stood to bring his knees together while lifting his cock. She backed up until she hovered over his lap, slowly lowering herself until his hard shaft slowly disappeared into her slippery depths.

Jeff wrapped his arms around her from behind while he kissed her neck and shoulders. One hand went to cup her breast and the other moved between her legs to feel their joining. She rubbed the same places with him. Her hand moved quickly in tight circles, so he stroked her from navel to knees. She arched her back when he pinched her nipple with his other hand or tugged on it gently.

Turning her head, Amy continued to kiss him. Her breath came unevenly as he kissed her in return. She rose and fell out of rhythm, impaling herself again and again. Her inner muscles flexed and squeezed around his cock. Lost in pleasure, she tilted her head back against his shoulder and cried out, her knees squeezing together as her hand rubbed in a wild frenzy. Water splashed everywhere.

A long straining moan came at the end of her cry. It left her body shaking like she was cold despite the warm spray. Then her jerky movements slowed as Jeff felt the rhythmic pulses of her orgasm clasp his cock in its quivering grip. She relaxed against him as the tremors passed, panting the tension away with giggles of giddy pleasure.

Jeff held her close, kissing her shoulders and neck with a huge grin on his face. Watching her seek her own pleasure like that was erotic as hell and he didn’t want it to end yet. She finally rolled her head over to kiss his open mouth.

“And just like that, no more cramps,” she said quietly. “You’re better than ibuprofen!”

Jeff didn’t know what to say, so he kept dropping light kisses on her cheek, neck, and shoulders.

“Let me help get you off, too,” she said as she started to move against him.

“No,” he said as he held her down. “I’m good. Besides, after spending all that time cleaning you up I don’t want to leave another mess behind.”

That comment made them both chuckle as he squeezed her tightly for one last hug.

She eased off of him with a grimace. The pink tint she’d left disappeared from his lap in the shower spray. He got the washcloth and cleaned them both off again, then stood as he rinsed the cloth in the water. After they rinsed each other off a final time, they kissed once more, deeply, before Jeff turned off the shower.

He left Amy in the bathroom while he dried off. No one had come back to the rooms yet, so he dressed slowly in shorts and a soft undershirt. Amy came out without a towel and pulled on panties and a nightshirt.

“Were you serious about helping me take the beads out of my hair?” Amy asked.

“Of course,” he said as he sat on the bed against the headboard and patted the space between his legs. Amy got a comb and a plastic cup from the bathroom before she sat.

“You can put the beads in here,” she said as she handed him the plastic cup. Then she turned on the television and began surfing channels.

Jeff put the cup next to his leg and began working the beads off starting on the left side. It was a slow process because Jeff was careful not pull her hair or break the long strands by rushing. He had done a handful of the beaded lengths when the door lock beeped and Shelly appeared in the opening doorway.

“Hey,” Shelly exclaimed as she held the door open for Lori to enter. “There y’all are!”

Lori ran directly to Jeff and threw her arms around his neck before whispering, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Jeff hugged her back with one arm and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I take it you and Shawna had a great day?”

While Jeff continued to remove beads from Amy’s hair, Lori and Shelly chattered away, filling them in on all the day’s happenings. Some older lady had seen Lori and Shawna kissing while they waited in line and made a rude comment. Lori laughed as she described the moment as her rite of passage for coming out as a lesbian.

Shelly was still captivated by Neal based on her stories of their activities and affection. When Amy asked where Neal and Shawna were, Lori said that they had gone back to their rooms. Apparently, Uncle Bob wanted to have a *family meeting*. Jeff winced at the announcement.

That was the moment when Mom, Dad, Aunt Jackie, and Uncle Bob entered the adjoining room. Their quiet conversation wasn’t loud enough to overhear, but the tone was serious and filled with the sharp sounds of tension. Jeff kept removing the beads from Amy’s hair and swallowed the acid burning in his stomach. When the adjoining door to their room opened all the way, Jeff ignored their parents as they came in and stood just inside the open doorway.

“This room’s a wreck,” Uncle Bob groused as he kicked at the pile of the girls’ clothes near the dresser. “Why don’t you pick up after yourselves.”

Jeff resisted the urge to point out that his *own* things fit neatly in his suitcase. Shelly gathered a few items off the floor and dropped them on top of the open suitcases on the table in a half-hearted attempt to appease her father. Then she and Lori climbed into the other bed and sat quietly.

Dad pulled each of the four chairs from around the table and dumped the clothes piled on them to the floor. They sat down in the chairs at the foot of the beds with Dad at one end, Bob near the door, and left Mom and Aunt Jackie in the middle.

Mom cleared her throat and looked at Jeff. “I would like to start by apologizing to Jeff for what I said this morning. It came out all wrong. I never intended to hurt you.”

Jeff kept working methodically to remove beads after Mom spoke, the only sound was the clatter of beads hitting the bottom of the cup. He knew he should accept the apology, but couldn’t seem to let the anger go.

“Say something please,” Mom begged.

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Jeff said as his fingers continued to work the beads down Amy’s hair. “You’re forgiven? I’m still angry. It fucking hurt after all these years to find out the father I love, who raised me, isn’t my *sperm donor*.” He bit out the last two words with more anger than he’d intended.

Uncle Bob flinched, but his grimace returned quickly. “Well, I’m not comfortable with what’s been going on in here for the past week.”

“You don’t even know what’s been going on here,” Jeff replied, his eyes drilling Uncle Bob while his hands continued to ease the beads down Amy’s hair. “You’ve made assumptions, jumped to conclusions. But then you also screwed my Mom, so hey, it’s all good.” Jeff’s sour tone grated in his own ears, but he couldn’t seem to stop.

“Now who’s jumping to conclusions,” Uncle Bob mumbled.

“I believe that *I’m* all the evidence I need for that particular assumption.” Jeff gritted his teeth and returned to Amy’s hair. “It’s the hypocrisy that bothers me the most.”

“What hypocrisy?” Uncle Bob said as he shifted uncomfortably.

Jeff looked at his mother. “How old were you and Aunt Jackie when you started fooling around?”

The twins looked at each other. “Thirteen? Fourteen?” Mom asked and Aunt Jackie nodded.

“When did you two meet Dad and Uncle Bob?” Jeff asked his mother.

“Um,” she said and glanced toward her husband. “Sixteen, I think. Junior year of high school.”

“How long before the four of you fooled around together? How long before you started going to nudist—pardon me—*naturist* camps? I know you didn’t stop until sometime after I turned five. Lori was in diapers the last time I remember running around outside naked.”

The gasps from Lori, Shelly, and Amy made the parents swallow hard and clear their throats.

“You took us to *nudist* camps?” Amy asked her parents in slack-jawed shock.

“Look,” Jeff started with a sigh. “I don’t care what you guys do. In fact, I’d prefer not to know, because… just… *eww*.” He shivered at the thought. “But you guys made your own decisions, lived your lives. I’m *certain* Nanny and Pop-pop wouldn’t have approved if they’d known what you all got up to. I’d just like the same privilege without the judgment of people who, frankly, are in no position to judge us.”

That got Uncle Bob red-faced and made him look like he was chewing nails, but he didn’t say anything.

“We’re just worried you might be getting in over your heads,” Aunt Jackie said in an obvious attempt to play the parent card.

“What are you talking about?” Amy asked her mother. “We have access to more accurate sexual information than *you* did growing up. We’re being safe. Nobody is being coerced or forced to do anything. So what are you *actually* worried about?”

Uncle Bob and Aunt Jackie looked at each other, then Uncle Bob glanced at Lori, which made Lori snicker despite the tension in the room.

“What?” Lori asked. “You’re worried about *me*?”

“Jeff is much older than you,” Uncle Bob said to her. “Too much older.”

That made Amy and Shelly both chuff out a laugh.

Uncle Bob pinched his eyebrows in confusion. “What? What am I missing?”

Lori spoke slowly and carefully. “Daddy, Jeff is really nice, but I like *girls*.”

Uncle Bob blinked at her in stunned silence. Mom and Aunt Jackie looked at each other with expressions of shock. Dad barked a laugh and said, “Well, I suppose *that* apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You and Shawna certainly were chummy all day.”

“This is exactly what I mean,” Jeff said into the silence that followed. “You don’t actually know what’s been going on between us and Neal and Shawna. According to what Nessa said, you’ve all been swapping around with each other for the last week, but you still feel like you have the right to judge what you *imagine* we’re doing.”

“I’m still their father,” Uncle Bob said and swept the girls with a gesture, but Jeff laughed at the unintended irony.

“Thanks, *Uncle Daddy*. Confirming our paternity is so reassuring,” Jeff said with a snort that made the girls snicker and roll their eyes. “If we need your advice, I’m sure someone will ask for it. Otherwise, can you please take your opinions and fuck right off?”

“Jeff!” Mom sat up straight at his profanity. “That’s completely inappropriate.”

“I’m sick of discussing this,” Jeff snapped. “I’m sick of being angry. Of being lied to.” He looked Bob directly in the eyes, bitterness overflowing his better sense. “And I’m really sick of the way you’ve treated me over the years. Like I’m some kind of *mistake* you made that you hate being reminded of.”

“That’s not how I feel,” Bob roared. “Don’t you dare tell me how I feel!”

“Then why haven’t you’ve *ever* really talked to me? Even as flakey as Jackie is, at least she speaks to me like I’m a person!”

“I do talk to you,” Bob said in a defensive mumble.

“You and Dad talk while I’m around sometimes, but that isn’t the same as talking to me. You ignore me mostly.”

“When did this get to be about me?” Bob shouted. His grimace more of pain now than anger.

“You’re the only one pissed off about this!” Jeff reached around Amy and pulled her back against his chest. “Why does it bother you so much that I love your daughters? My cousins. Sisters. Whatever.”

The last question hung out there as Amy relaxed against Jeff for a moment with a sigh. Shelly and Lori shot him reassuring glances from the other bed.

Bob frowned in confusion while his lips quirked. Then he whispered, “It was never supposed to be like this. I messed everything up.”

Jeff felt the mood shift in the room at Bob’s words. Mom and Jackie traded worried looks. Dad leaned over to rest his elbows on his knees before speaking.

“What do you mean, Bob?” Dad asked.

“Before we even got married, we planned to raise our kids together as one big family.” Bob shook his head as he stared away. “The four of us, making a go of it together. Then that job in Seattle came along and it was too good to pass up. You both had good jobs. Full lives in Houston. But leaving Jeff behind was the hardest thing I’d ever done. Even harder than leaving you two.”

Jeff had resumed taking the beads out of Amy’s hair but stopped again to look at Bob. His mind swirled at the meaning of the words.

“All those discussions we had together before we made the decision to take the job,” Jackie said. “I thought you were good with it.”

Bob shook his head and turned to his wife. “Every time I saw Jeff again it was another reminder of how much we’d given up. He was my son and a stranger to me. I never meant to hurt him, but being around him… hurts *me*.”

Jeff’s mouth went dry at the confession playing out in front of him. The silence stretched out so long it became uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry, Bob,” Dad said. “I never realized it was this hard for you.”

“And I thought I was hiding it so well,” Bob said with a sorrowful look at Jeff. “I guess I wasn’t. I’m sorry, Jeff.” Bob got up and plodded out the door before anyone said anything.

“I’ll go with him,” Dad said and left as well.

Mom and Jackie sighed and grabbed each other’s hands and sat silently for a while.

Jackie mumbled under her breath, “Well… shit.”

Jeff resumed taking Amy’s beads out while he searched his earliest memories to try and match what Bob said. There were hints there. He saw Bob in a tumble of vague memories, always smiling and playing with him. Seen through a child’s eyes, their leaving was sad but he had been too young to understand. He tried to reconcile the cold man he knew today with that playful character in his memories. Maybe it was true.

Mom took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “So.”

“Do you have enough condoms left?” Jackie asked as her face reddened.

“Tomorrow is our last night before we fly out,” Shelly said. “We should be fine.”

Jackie looked at Amy and Jeff for their answer. Amy shrugged. “My period started.”

“I see,” Jackie said and looked away.

“No cramps, though, thanks to this guy,” Amy said with a smirk and turned her head to kiss Jeff.

“Wait, what?” Shelly asked. “Sex cures cramps?”

“Ah… yes,” Jackie answered. “Well, orgasms can. If you don’t mind the mess.”

“Neal said periods were natural and that he didn’t mind if we kept having sex,” Shelly said and gave an amused smirk in Jeff’s direction. “Apparently, *someone* has taken Neal under his wing and taught him a few things this week.”

Jeff chuckled as he continued to work off the beads in Amy’s hair. “He’s a good guy. I’m gonna miss him and his dad.”

Mom and Jackie glanced at each other with subdued smiles before Jackie said, “Thank you for keeping an eye on things, Jeff.”

“I plead the fifth,” he said without raising his eyes from the beaded hair in front of him.

“He took care of all of us,” Lori said with a little awe in her tone. “He even gave me his vacation fling.”

“Whoa, I’m not Shawna’s keeper,” Jeff said with hands held up in protest. “She did exactly what she wanted to do with no coaxing from me.”

“Well, you didn’t object, then,” Lori said.

“And Jeff and Amy helped me get comfortable with Neal,” Shelly added with a blushing smile at her sister. “Before letting us go off and do our own thing.”

“You only needed a little encouragement,” Amy said. “Even less after he jumped in to protect you and Lori from that creep with the camera.”

“Yeah, but on our own, we’d have fumbled around trying to figure it all out. I felt more comfortable the way it happened. You know how nervous we both were at first.”

“I only knew—” Amy broke off with a smiling glance back at Jeff. “Let’s just say we all figured it out together.”

“Well,” Mom said as she stood and drew Jackie up with her. “I know it’s been an emotional night. Let’s get some sleep and talk again at breakfast. It’s our last full day at the parks and I want to make it a good one.”

The girls each got up and hugged their aunt and mother. Some whispered words were spoken in each case but the worst of the tension seemed to have evaporated. By the time Jeff finished removing the beads from Amy’s hair, he was exhausted. After he put the comb and cup of beads in the bathroom, he climbed back in bed and faced the wall.

The girls watched television and chatted but eventually nodded off. Amy turned off the television and lights. Then she snuggled up to Jeff’s back and wrapped him in her arms. It felt good being the little spoon for once.

“Are you okay?” Amy whispered into his neck. She traced her fingers along his shoulder and arm.

“Yeah,” Jeff sighed. “I just hate all the tension.”

Amy kissed his shoulder and squeezed him a little. “Can I confess something?” she asked with a quaver in her voice.

Jeff rolled over to wrap her up in his arms. She snuggled into his embrace and nuzzled against his chest.


“When we started messing around, I didn’t know it would feel like this.”

Jeff considered her words for a moment. “It’s easy to get overwhelmed. Sex, intimacy, can magnify feelings.” He kissed her then rested his forehead against hers. “Right now I feel so close to you it’s kinda scary.”

“Exactly,” Amy whispered. “I *am* scared.”

“What about?”

“Missing you. Going back to school again. It feels like everything has changed.”

“Not everything. Just you. Just us.”

Amy sighed. “How can I go back to the way I was before?”

“Remember how it felt like everyone could tell we’d just had sex that first time?” Jeff asked, reminding Amy about her paranoia at the pool.

Amy nodded against his chin.

“When you go back, no one will know anything is different, no matter how you feel. You might see things a little differently. Guys that might have been interesting before may seem… transparent or hollow. *You* have a new perspective now, but it doesn’t have to change everything.”

Amy huffed a laugh. “I’m going to want sex more than ever. I had no idea what I was missing. Now I don’t want to give it up.”

“So find a nice guy, someone like Neal. Then teach him how to make you happy.”

The silence went on so long Jeff thought she might have fallen asleep. “I wish I was going to college with you.”

Jeff smiled and hugged her tighter for a moment. “Clothes. Everywhere.”

“Stop it,” she chuckled. “I’m serious.”

Jeff let out a happy sigh. “I think I’d like that.”


Jeff considered her question. Vacation flings aside, he felt as close to Amy as he had to Christina. Like her, it wasn’t what they felt now that was the question. It was the potential. Their family was all kinds of screwed up already, but despite that, he and Amy clicked in a way he rarely had with anyone else before. She was funny, bright, and trustworthy. Those were the three most important qualities Jeff looked for in a friend or a girlfriend.

“Yeah, I do. But don’t let that stop you finding happiness.”

Amy tilted her head back to look at his face. Jeff met her questing gaze with a smile and a soft kiss. The kiss deepened and transcended the kinds of arousing expressions they had shared all week. Jeff felt her tremble in his arms, her mouth opening to him in a kind of invitation. He responded with a wordless affirmation that answered and assured her that he meant what he’d said.

The kiss ended in a soft embrace. Jeff drifted off with Amy’s soft breath tickling his chest.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eq5glz/mf_sucky_vacation_14


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