[Discussion] Anyone else sick of u/I_am_a_slutty_bitch using reposted and stolen content to push traffic to their blog even though it violates the first rule of the sub?

For god knows how long, u/I_am_a_slutty_bitch posts stolen and reposted chunks, teasers, and half stories that link to their Tumblr blog even tho this is an absolute violation of the first rule of the subreddit, and yet the Mods sit back and do nothing, if they are even still paying attention at all. I’m getting tired of their crap clogging up what used to be a subreddit with pretty decent content. So, u/GlueBoy
u/RUItalianMan u/isawwhatyoudid, are you actually going to enforce your rules?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/epeby7/discussion_anyone_else_sick_of_ui_am_a_slutty


  1. Yes. Reposts don’t bother me too much, because whatever, foot traffic is nice. But the stolen content irritates me to no end. Either do the work yourself or don’t post it.

  2. I reported it as spam last week but I’ve still been seeing her. I think I finally blocked her

  3. Tho I feel that credit should be addressed to the author, but i do enjoy having something to quick read time to time

  4. Report it. The mods will get tired of them and ban them if enough people do so.

  5. Banned. Thanks for the messages Dark and Roj. If banning them doesn’t remove their content automatically I’ll take some time today and go through and remove their recent submissions.

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