Spring Break at the Las Bragas Cantina.

It had been a long shift at the Las Bragas Cantina. A long week, really. From working the extra hours that come in the May rush in a spring break town to the trouble of commuting without a car, I had served more than my share of margaritas already this night, with still more to go.

Doing my usual rounds, I spun when I felt a hand on my lower back. Some college kid with an empty margarita glass. With my spin his palm was on the front of my jean shorts. I rolled my eyes as he didn’t take it away, but didn’t mention it. Anything for a better tip, right?

I leaned over so my voice would cut through the noise. And maybe to give him a little tease. “Another one?”

“We’re up for a round.. Of tequila!” Was this kid even close to 21?

“Anything specific?” His glazed eyes lowered down my shirt, as his girl’s glared menacingly at him. Ohh, this could be a fun game. “We’ve got Patron, 1800..” I rattled off our list of options by heart. Meanwhile, I shifted my weight to my other side, moving my hips. His hand slid inside my thigh, luckily blocked from view by the high top.

“Something classy, like Jose – ” he realized where his hand was. I would have winked at him, but his gaze never lifted from my breasts. My bra wasn’t anything special – just green cotton that stood out vibrantly from my mandatory yellow crop top, but youth and alcohol make lustful bedfellows.

“Jose Cuervo? Certainly. Four shots for the group?” His hand moved up my thigh, his index finger just gracing my inseam.

“Yes! Though Josh here might need something extra,” His male friend across the table shouted. While the girlfriend was getting frustrated, the friend was thoroughly amused. He couldn’t see down my shirt, but he could see the hand between my legs. I made eye contact and winked.

“Sounds good! Are the girls up for the Bragas discount?” Such a nonchalant question, which always follows with –

“What’s that?” From the girls. I moved to the middle of the table as close as I could so the girls could here. Josh’s hand stayed glued to me, while his friend took the opportunity to feel my ass. The hands began feeling between the folds on both the front and the back as I began my little speach. While one hand was typical and ignorable, them pressing on both sides sent shocks that made me bite my lip. I could get through this, though. I’m a veteran.

“Drinks are cheap but they’re not free! But then for you they still could be! Take off your panties for all to see, then your tasty shot’s on me!” As usual, the faces on the girls turn red and tight and the guys get excited. Unlike usual, my thong was getting quite slick. While the usual debate between the sexes started, I let myself relax and enjoy. The hand sliding against the front of my shorts didn’t have much room to work with, but being felt up in front of their dates was delightfully scandalous.

“I will if you will!” Ah yes, the bargaining. Ahh yes.. I opened my eyes and responded before Josh’s girl could respond.

“Great! Just stand on your bench and slide ’em off and you’ll get your drink!” The one who spoke up was already standing up, much to the boy’s delight.

“Easy for you Sarah, you’re in a skirt!” Sarah was now standing, and the rest of the bar started cheering. Josh pulled his girl up on her feet, and in the process stopped massaging my girly parts. I exhaled – how long had I been holding my breath? It wasn’t long before Josh’s friend’s hand took over, except it unclasped a button and slid straight down the front. Fuck! He wasted no time finding and running tight circles on my clit. I looked him in the eyes, but his were on Sarah’s, or rather up Sarah’s skirt.

Sarah hiked up her skirt to get enough room to pull her panties down. I got a good look at her clean little slit as her blue unmentionables hit the bench. It took some awkward stepping around her shoes to get them all the way off, showing the crowd longer than she bargained. The cheers were great, and in the heat of the moment she pulled up her skirt again to much applause.

The applause covered my trembles, and as she got settled I noticed a hand go up her skirt too. The rascal! But damn.. my shorts fell down to my hips, and he started pumping a finger inside me.

“Your turn Renea!” Should have gone at the same time, amateur. As she stood hesitantly on the bench, cameras were out and filming. She pulled down her leggings, giving a wonderful full frontal – and rear. Josh steadied her, and by that I mean he grabbed her bare ass. It took her a full two minutes to take off her white cotton panties. Boring and traditional.

Those two minutes were all I needed. I disguised my moans as cheering, and furiously rubbed my clit in stealth mode. One hand on me, one presumably in Sarah and his hungry eyes on Renea’s snatch.

His casual finger fucking with my own rapid massaging sent me kinda close to the edge, but certainly not over it. I stopped pleasuring myself and pulled his finger out. He barely shrugged as he put all of his focus on Sarah.

I collected my thoughts and hastily pulled up my shorts as Renea took her seat. Josh never removed his hand from her butt, surprise surprise. Renea looked smug having regained all of his attention. Damn I wanted more!

Both girls handed over their panties, which I took with great care, treating them as treasure. They were looking quite relieved that the ordeal was over, Sarah quite especially so. They returned to embarrassment as I stood on a barstool to tack them over the bar.

The blue thong was a special treat. It had ornate little holes down the front, enough to show some skin while leaving something for later. I took my time hanging it, making sure the design could be fully appreciated. I felt my shorts sliding – I didn’t have a chance to button them.. Or maybe I didn’t bother. The room cheered at the hanging, and probably at seeing how my own green thong slid between my cheeks.

I hopped down without hanging Renea’s, as they didn’t meet the bar’s standards. I curtsied and shouted “I’ll be right back with those shots!” and ran off to the bar and put in the order. “Make ’em doubles.” I serviced my other tables with haste, then collected the shots and returned to the table.

Sarah was making out with her date with gusto, one leg propped on the bench with just a touch of care to hide the activity underneath. Renea looked aggrivated that Josh was trying to get down the front of her leggings, while Josh looked jealous of the action his friend was getting. Time to regain their attention.

“Ever do body shots?”

I wondered how long it would take Josh to notice I was now wearing his girlfriend’s panties.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/eow41s/spring_break_at_the_las_bragas_cantina

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