I prefer to Eat Natasha’s Rump

Nicolas and Natasha arrive around 7 p.m. at Jonathan. He welcomes them cordially wearing a Bermuda shorts and a polo shirt. 

Nicolas wears a short-sleeved shirt and jeans, and Natasha is dressed in a very short and very low-cut dress, bought in the store where Sophie works on Saturdays. She took care of course to put a raincoat on her shoulders to get out of her house and travel the few meters from the car to her host’s house.

### Nicolas, not seeing Sophie, asked:

“Sophie is not there? “

Jonathan” If it’s in his office to do some sewing. It is a large room that I have fitted out for her, but come, I will show you. ”

They take the corridor and Jonathan enters the room where Sophie is naked, making a second dancer costume for her friend.

If Sophie is in no way surprised to see them arriving in her office, Natasha and especially Nicolas remains amazed when she sees the 3 life-size paintings of Sophie nude.

Nicolas: “Doesn’t it bother you to display your paintings in this way?” “

Sophie:” Absolutely not, I’m a bitch and I assume completely. “

And addressing Natasha, Sophie asks her:

“But you, my darling, would you not like to have a beautiful portrait of you, life-size, at home? “

Natasha surprised by the question hesitates before answering:

” … Yes … It’s true that I would like … but in a room where few people will come. “

Nicolas: “What! But there is no question of it, you realize what you are saying ”.

Natasha: “Well yes … I like to show off then like Sophie, why not assume? »

Sophie:« In this regard, make yourself comfortable my beautiful »

Natasha takes off her dress and finds herself in the same outfit as her friend. The quator returns to the stay and after a few moments of uninteresting discussion, Jonathan offers a punch with accras cooked by Sophie. She took care to put only a small dose of rum in the glasses of women, an ordinary dose for her lover and a stronger dose for Nicolas.

After the aperitif, Jonathan asks to excuse him, but he wants to smoke a cigarette before going to the table. Obviously Natasha follows him under the same pretext, while Sophie stays in the living room to keep Nicolas company.

Jonathan only lit two of the eight spots that light up the terrace, leaving them in the dark and barely visible from the living room. Natasha sits in an armchair, back to the living room and Jonathan remains standing next to her. He opens his fly, takes out his cock and orders Natasha:

### “Suck me bitch!” “

Natasha:” But Mr. Jonathan, my husband …. “

Jonathan:” He can’t see us. Hurry up my little whore “

Natasha turns to her friend and begins to lick him before taking him in the mouth and greedily pumping knowing that she must make her lover come quickly. He lights a second cigarette before filling the throat of the brunette, who swallows the man’s semen, then she wipes her lips with a handkerchief that Jonathan hands her. And in turn lights a cigarette, so that her husband perceives the smell of tobacco more than that of sperm.

He said to her:

“You know what I have planned after the dessert”.

Natasha: “… I don’t know, Mr. Jonathan, a belly dance? “

Jonathan” No darling, I planned to fuck you and fuck you in front of your husband. “

Natasha: “But you’re crazy, Mr. Jonathan, he’s going to kick me out and I’m going to end up on the street.”

Jonathan: “You will not be on the street, you will be able to come and live with us”

And he enters the living room, finding Sophie and Natasha’s husband. This one, follows Jonathan a little embarrassed towards his man. Sophie places Natasha near her, Jonathan at one end of the table near Natasha and Bernard at the other end. Then Sophie brings on a plate the half-melons containing pinault from the Charentes.

### Nicolas: “Oh what a beautiful melon”

Sophie: “Yes, they are the same size as those of Natasha”

Nicolas: “Hum! It’s very good Sophie ”.

Sophie: “I wonder if Natasha’s melons are as good with pinault”.

She puts wine in her spoon, she pours it on the left breast of her friend and immediately licks the nipple.

Nicolas opens his eyes wide, astonished at Sophie’s attitude, yet knowing the light customs of the blonde. Sophie starts the operation again and says, pouring the wine over her right breast:

“Monsieur Jonathan, do you want to taste?” “

Jonathan then considers the right breast Natasha and starts licking the nipple of brown. Nicolas, really shocked, addresses his wife and says:

“You don’t say anything! you let yourself go! You should be ashamed ! »

Natasha; “But darling, we are not doing anything wrong, and then it’s super nice to get your tits licked”

Jonathan: “You are right Natasha, there is nothing wrong with sucking, and your breasts with pinault, it’s very very good ”.

Nicolas disappointed by the attitude of his wife and his friends, keeping silent in silence while tasting his melon and drinking a glass of pinault.

Sophie gets up to clear the table and bring the second dish. By placing the tray on the table, she announces:

### “Cod and its house mash, beware the cod is very hot”.

She said, putting a casserole dish on each of the plates. The guests are enjoying themselves and Nicolas congratulates Sophie on her cooking skills. Jonathan, who served a riesling with the dish, retorts:

“I knew you liked cod, contrary to what you want us to believe”.

Once the casseroles are empty, Sophie gets up to continue the service. Natasha imitates her to help her. While Sophie goes to the kitchen to prepare the suite, Natasha puts the casseroles on the tray. For this, instead of staying in front of her chair, she shifts very close to Jonathan, which forces him to bend over to take the empty casseroles, so she allows her new lover to pet her.

Jonathan takes advantage of this situation to caress the brunette’s buttocks, knowing that her husband can see it. He wasted no time in reacting:

Nicolas: “Hello, are you caressing my wife’s buttocks?” “

Jonathan:” Yes of course, she has such a nice ass and her skin is very soft and warm, how can you resist? “

Nicolas: “Yes, but I would like you to stop groping Natasha, and you let him do it? »

Natasha:« … Well … It’s quite pleasant, especially since Jonathan’s hands are soft and warm ».

Jonathan still hasn’t stopped caressing the brunette’s hindquarters, under the eyes of Nicolas, who watches his wife enjoying his friend’s petting, pours himself a glass of white wine which he drinks quickly.

Sophie returns from the kitchen and Natasha returns to her place and sits down. Nicolas takes a breath, satisfied that this little comedy is finally over.

Sophie placing the tray with 4 verrines announces:

### “A hole and a finger”

Before smiling and explaining that it is a norand hole with a finger of calvados with a scoop of apple ice cream and a few apple matches to give a little consistency.

The friends laugh and compliment Sophie for the title of her verrines.

Nicolas, who regained his senses, said:

“Sacred Sophie, always the ideas below the belt! “

Jonathan” Yes she thinks this, and soon your pretty little wife will like it. “

This remark has the effect of suppressing the smile of Nicolas, who again falls silent. With the Norman hole served, Jonathan offers Natasha to do a belly dance during Sophie’s successful interlude.

Natasha too happy to show off, leaves her chair and starts dancing. She wiggles and squirms, caressing her breasts, thighs, buttocks and finally masturbating without restraint. It is enjoyed until collapsing on the ground. Jonathan helps him get up and sit at the table.

When Jonathan holds Natasha in her arms, she whispers in his ear:

“I’m ready! “

He understands what it means to her new mistress, and kissed her lips before returning to his own site.

Sophie, who keeps getting busy for a successful evening, returns with the last dish. It is a confit of turkey legs and carrots and in addition to the rump of turkey. It serves a leg with carrots to each guest. Jonathan uncorks a good bottle of red burgundy and pours wine to each person. Everyone praises the success of the dish and when Sophie offers a rump of turkey, Nicolas accepts this supplement, Natasha declines the offer and when she makes the proposal to Jonathan, before serving, he replies:

“No thank you darling, but I prefer to eat Natasha’s rump”

He gets up, grabs the brunette’s hand to make her stand up, and the obedient one, bends her thighs open, spreads her buttocks with her hands offering her puck to her lover under the gaze of her husband, who, well soaked in alcohol, remains without reaction. Jonathan kneels behind Natasha and plunges his face between the globes of his mistress, licking his stripe, then poking his puck before penetrating her tongue. After long minutes of tasting, under Natasha’s moans, he gets up and said,

“This is rump as I like! “.

Read the end here : [https://rubberout.com/i-prefer-to-eat-natashas-rump/](https://rubberout.com/i-prefer-to-eat-natashas-rump/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/enw8gn/i_prefer_to_eat_natashas_rump