Watering Plants: Part 1

Kylie stepped out onto her balcony and into the warm morning sun. She loved the end of spring, the rain had mostly moved on, and the trees and vegetation were flourishing everywhere, filling the view from her apartment with lush vibrant colors. She loved being so high up and felt lucky to have found this tenth floor apartment near the river park where she had all the conveniences of living downtown but a view that rivaled many places outside of town. Her building formed an L which blocked most of the wind and warmed her apartment when the sun hit the opposite walls. It was a little less private as some of her neighbors could see her balcony, but they were all chill and she never felt like anyone was spying on her and she often had little conversations with them across the space if they ended up outside at the same time. The sun was warm, but the late spring, morning air was still a bit cool at this hour so she had thrown on a loose wide-shouldered shirt over her fitted tank top. Tall, grey, wool socks came up almost to her knees to keep her tan legs a bit warmer as her little cotton shorts weren’t helping much…

Setting her hot coffee down on the little wooden table next to her, Kylie sat facing the morning rays and propped her legs up on the little bench that ran along the balcony railing. She rested her new book on her bare thighs and soaked in the sun with the sounds of birds and the waking city around her.

She was about three chapters in when a voice from across the open space pulled her away from the story, “You’re out early today.”

Kylie looked up and saw Tyler, who lived in the apartment across and one up from her. “Oh hey, good morning! Yea… I turned in early last night after a long week and a late night out Friday and so found myself up with the sun this morning and thought I’d end my weekend right.” She smiled up at Tyler who was busy checking on his balcony plants. They’d chatted occasionally from time to time but she’d never run into him outside as his entrance was on the opposite side of the building as hers. She bet the view from his balcony was incredible as well and he had set up all sorts of plants on his and she felt pretty jealous of how well they grew as hers tended to get too dry or too wet and not thrive as she wanted. She’d asked him for pointers a few times and he’d given her ideas on what to try. A genuinely nice guy, and damn cute too, barefoot, and wearing fitted jeans and a t-shirt that hugged his body just enough. Kylie was a bit too shy to do anything about that though, and didn’t really know anything about him outside of their little passing conversations.

“Well you choose a great spot,” Tyler smiled back, “gotta take advantage of this sun after all that rain earlier in the spring.” He continued his rounds of the different plants and trees and was about finished when Kylie remembered she hadn’t found someone to check on hers when she was gone for work next week. Her neighbor across the hall usually did but wasn’t available this week.

“Hey Tyler? I got a bit of a favor I was wondering if I could ask you.”

Tyler turned and looked back at her, “Yea sure, what do you need?”

She eyed him and thought to herself, *I want to get you over here with a coffee so I can get a closer look at you…*

“I’m heading out Monday for work and won’t be back until Thursday night,” she said instead, “the lady across the hall who checks on my place and waters while I’m gone isn’t around this week. Since you obviously know what you’re doing with your plants *(and probably know what you’re doing in bed too…)* do you think you could stop by on Wednesday and water? Would be my luck that they’ll all be dead when I get home Thursday if they don’t get some water before then…”

Tyler laughed, “Sure, of course, that’d be no trouble, I’d love to help. Want me to pop over and you can show me what needs to be done?”

Blushing, Kylie called back, “If you don’t mind, that’d be great, do you want a coffee?”

“Sounds perfect, I’ll be over in a few minutes,” he said as he reentered his apartment.

She watched his wide shoulders duck through the door and snuck a glance at an ass she could definitely be interested to see more of before getting up to put some coffee on.

A few minutes later the door buzzer sounded and she hit the response button, “It’s open, come on up.” She cracked open her apartment door and went back to the coffee.

“Knock knock?” Tyler called out tentatively from the hallway and stepped into her living room which was open to the kitchen. Kylie felt her cheeks warm again seeing this good looking man actually in her own apartment.

“Yea come in! Thanks for coming over, and nice to finally “meet” you outside of just saying hi from our balconies. Just a second, let me just finish up this coffee for you and I’ll show you around.”

“No problem at all! Wow, you’ve got a great view from here as well! We seriously lucked out with these places hey?” Tyler stood in front of her large living room windows, taking in the view. “It’s a different angle from here, you can see out more down the valley than I can.”

“I love this apartment and the view, I bet yours is great too. Here’s your coffee, careful it’s pretty hot.”

She held out the steaming mug to Tyler and he took it in two hands, one grasping the mug and the other sliding down her fingers to her wrist to show her he had it and could let go. The heat in her cheeks didn’t dissipate a bit and if she wasn’t simply hoping, she thought she saw a tinge of color on his face as well.

“Thank you, wow, this smells amazing.” he flashed a smile at her and then looked around her place, “So how can I help?”

Kylie pulled her eyes away from his smile and showed him around her place and the different things that would need attention during her absence. “It’s not much, just these big plants in the living room and here, come look, there’s a couple in my bedroom and one small one in the bathroom.”

They did the rounds, Tyler complimenting her on the style and decoration of her apartment and reassuring her again that of course it was no problem, he’d stop by for a few minutes on Wednesday and take care of it. They stepped out onto the balcony.

“Well that’s about it,” she said, “You already know what’s out here. Have a seat and finish your coffee and then I’ll get you a set of keys, and again thank you so much. I really wasn’t sure what I was going to do when my neighbor said she was going to be gone.”

She sat and smiled as Tyler pointed out different things that he couldn’t see from his apartment, admiring the view. She wished that some time she would be able to return the favor and get to see the view from his place…

“Oh!” Kylie exclaimed, “There’s one more plant to water, I’m surprised it’s not dead yet. I’m always forgetting about it being the bad caretaker I am… come back in and I’ll show you.”

They made their way back inside and she grabbed the little stool by the kitchen bar. “You probably won’t need this, but I’m a bit short… there’s a little plant right up here on top of the bookshelf.”

Kylie stepped up on the stool and reached up for the plant, losing her balance a bit and put her hand out to steady herself against the bookshelf but before she grabbed it she felt Tyler’s hand gently but firmly hold her right above her hip.

“Heeey slow down there,” he said teasingly, “you don’t want me to be taking are of you in a cast this week instead of your plants.” *Well actually… she just might…*

She suddenly felt the desire that his hand would slide down from her waist onto her ass. She could imagine his wide hands grabbing it firmly in their grasp…

She bit her lip to wake herself back up, “Sorry… just lost my balance there a second, can you steady me while I grab this?” she felt the electricity travel up her spine from his reassuring touch and took her time getting the plant off the shelf. “I should just leave this on a lower shelf but I love how the leaves hang down over the bookshelf. I’m sure you can just leave it up there when you water it.”

With Kylie’s arm reached up, he could see her thin, fit silhouette through the loose shirt she was wearing, showing off her curved hip where his hand rested, and the form of her breasts under her tank top. He loved the style of her knee high wool socks and tanned legs leading up to the little white shorts that showed off the form of her smooth tight butt. A bit of skin and her hip showed as she reached up, a, band of dark blue panties showing stark against the shorts.

She could feel him looking at her, but his hand held steady as she climbed down off the stool.

“Thanks for that… I’m a bit clumsy sometimes… that’s about it really,” she stammered, “let me grab you the spare keys.”

Tyler flashed his smile again, and held her gaze, “Don’t worry about a thing, you’ll find everything as it should be when you come back Thursday night. Let me know when you want me to drop the keys off after you get back.”

With that he said he had to get back to some things to finish before noon and told her to have a good trip and was gone as fast as he had come.

Kylie’s shoulders relaxed and she realized she’d been tense the whole time Tyler had been there. Did a guy she didn’t even know have that effect on her? She felt a warmth crawl up her neck and into her face yet again remembering his gentle but firm, stable touch on her waist. The feeling traveled back down her chest and between her legs. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. *Stop it Kylie. Just a cute guy next door, nothing to get worked up about…*

After packing her bags and giving the apartment a last cleanup, she wrote a little note to Tyler and left it on the kitchen counter.

*Hey Tyler, thanks again so much for being cool about this, I owe you one. I’ll be back late Thursday, but why don’t you drop by Friday evening for the keys, maybe you can stay for a quick drink in thanks?*

In bed, Kylie tried to quiet her mind and not think too much about her trip the next day. That’d keep her awake unnecessarily and she was used to these short week trips for work a couple times a year. She let her mind wander back to the morning’s interaction with Tyler. He had been plenty to look at and his hand on her waist holding her steady was a little unexpected cherry on top. She let her hand wander up under her loose t-shirt and onto her breasts, taking their form in her hands and squeezing them gently, her fingers lightly running over her nipples, imagining his strong shoulders and exhaling slowly. He’d had such a captivating smile, genuine and free, a light twinkling in his eyes. She kept a hand on her breasts and slid the other down her body and between her legs, first on top of her soft cotton panties, and then sliding inside, her fingers finding the warmth she’d felt earlier in the day when Tyler had helped her down off the steps of the stool. She imagined stepping down, both of his hand wrapping around her thin waist while he leaned forward into her and placed a long, slow kiss on her waiting lips… Her fingers gently pressed against the lips between her legs, releasing some of the built up heat and spreading the smooth wetness over her with a practiced motion. She inhaled sharply and squeezed her eyes shut as her fingers found a rhythm along the length of her sex and her other hand grasped her breast tighter, pinching her hardening nipple between her fingers. Her breathing grew rhythmic as her hips moved and pressed up against her hand, each rotating movement sending a slowly increasing amount of pleasure up her spine, asking her, no daring her, no begging her, to continue. In her mind, Tyler had now slid his hands up the back of her shirt and his fingernails were running almost painfully, but pleasurably, up and down her back, digging lines into her as he realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her tank top. His grip on her back tightened and she felt a hand dig into her shoulder blade as his other hand drifted down and over her shorts, pressing up between her legs. Her movements intensified and two of her fingers found their way into her, sliding easily into her hot, wet sex which immediately tightened around her. Each movement in and out relaxed and tightened around her and she let out a soft groan in the dark as she imagined his hand slipping into her shorts and doing the same. Her movements became quicker, even frantic, as his fingers penetrated her, the nails of his other hand digging into her back, and his warm kiss pressed against her face. She came in a cry of pleasure, giving into his movements, forgetting completely as she orgasmed that it was her own hands and imagination that had taken her there.

Kylie panted and trembled in the dark, alone, but completely enveloped by the idea of Tyler around her. Just a simple moment of fantasy, but as she drifted off to sleep, one she hoped would come true in a near future with this guy she really knew nothing about…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/emouss/watering_plants_part_1


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