[Str8] – I’ll Show You Mine

Stella and Levi had been taking things slowly. They both wanted it that way, for different reasons. Levi told her at the outset that he was fairly religious and he’d want every step they took to be deliberate. Stella all but blurted that she’d never gone out with anyone before him within an hour of their first date. She was on a learning curve and didn’t want to rush things.

They were both self conscious individuals. At 19 and 20 years old this was their first very serious relationship. For Stella, it was her first relationship of any kind. Levi had been a late bloomer and worried he wasn’t toned and strong enough, that his physicality lacked charisma. Stella worried her tits couldn’t be desirable since they weren’t perky, and that Levi would run off with the first thin girl that gave him an opening.

Neither cared about the other’s perceived flaws, or even noticed them. She had a face straight out of a renaissance painting and the wavy blonde hair of a goddess. Levi adored her curves. He had caramel skin, held her just the way to melt her, and possessed the bedroom eyes every romance writer tries and fails to accurately depict. Stella didn’t care that you couldn’t see his muscles at first glance, you felt them if he so much as bumped into you going down a hall. She loved that he loomed large. It made her feel safe.

But now it had been three months of dating and they were both worried the other was getting bored. Both were actually perfectly content with the pace, but they were anxious about the other person’s interpretation. They noticed the other was anxious, which in turn, made them anxious. Without speaking , they attributed one another’s anxiety to their sex life moving too slowly.

Levi didn’t think he was much to look at and figured girls had always dated him for his personality or because they saw him as a ticket out of the small town he came from. Now, at an Ivy League college with a rich girlfriend like Stella, he knew it could pretty much only be his personality.

Stella knew nothing about Levi when she approached him, just that he was so stunningly gorgeous in her eyes that she couldn’t breathe when he walked past her table in class.

She liked how he looked, but she loved his personality. She came for his solid warrior build and wavy cascade of elbow length hair, but she stayed for his sense of humor, compassion, and work ethic.

She meant it when she told him he was the first. She hadn’t even asked another guy out before him. Or even after him, in the months of waiting for him to come around. No one had made her feel the way the long haired guy in the Pathways and Fundamentals seminar did.

She was elated when he’d circled back to ask her out after rejecting her the first time. But as they spent more time together, the elation turned into fear. She read every article and comment section she could get her hands on about keeping a man. She didn’t know how fast seemed slutty and how slow seemed prudish. Levi had had plenty of girlfriends before her. She worried there was a certain level of competence and intuition he’d have grown to expect that she couldn’t live up to.

It was heavy on her mind, even when they weren’t doing anything sexual. Like that afternoon, three months and two days into their relationship, when they were lying opposite each other on Levi’s bed doing class work.

Levi’s eyes were glazing over from the dense reading and he prayed for a distraction that wouldn’t make him look like a slacker in front of his girlfriend. It’s moments like what happened next that kept Levi a faithful man.

Stella sat up and turned to face him. “You know something?” She asked, sweeping the hair from her eyes, her front teeth lightly chattering the way they would when she was nervous. “I know a few things so you’ll have to be more specific.” Levi said, figuring this was going to be another comment on how he should get a better apartment or how her professor had it out for her or the sunset was so beautiful, or whatever.

If he’d been eating he would’ve choked when she said “I’ve never seen a penis. Like, live and in person.” He was totally unprepared. Sometimes he loved how direct Stella could be, but at other times, it drove him crazy, because she said things that didn’t provide him anything obvious to reply. This was one of those times.

“Oh.” He said, red in the face. “How ‘bout that.” His mind raced as he tried to determine what the expectation was of him. On the one hand, he didn’t want to Louis C.K. her and just turn around unzipped like, “Well here’s mine”, but on the other hand, he wanted her to know he was into it.

He decided he needed more information. “Is that, uh, by choice?” He asked, still pretending to read his calculus book. “Well it was for a while, but now it’s not.” She said, hesitantly. “I guess the opportunity just hasn’t presented itself, you know?”

Levi tried to think of a way to communicate his interest without coming on so strong that she’d be turned off of initiating sexual contact in the future. He cleared his throat. “You know, I have one. Just in case you were wondering.” He said, finally turning to face her.

“One what?” Stella asked, too nervous and consumed by her own thoughts to follow the thread. Levi wasn’t sure if she really didn’t know what he meant or if this was her way of telling him she wasn’t into it. “I was just, I mean… you can see mine if you want.” He rushed, breaking eye contact.

Stella came into the conversation thinking this was a rock solid plan. In her mind it was a nonchalant way to initiate some sort of undressing and touching without a long preamble about how inexperienced she was. Instead, she’d created a situation which had caused her to forget the English language.

“I… I didn’t mean…” she stammered, trying to think of how to say that she didn’t want to pressure him, without making him feeling emasculated. She knew his ego was fragile even with clothes.

“I didn’t either.” Levi tried to help her finish. “I just meant, I guess, that if you’re going to see one, it should be mine. What are boyfriends for? The boy part is what differentiates us from all your ambiguous friends.”

“I’d like to. If it’s ok with you.” Stella said, shifting onto her knees in front of him on the bed. “I think we’d both like that.” Levi said. “I like the confidence.” Stella smiles. “Oh I didn’t mean me and you. I meant me and him.” Levi said, grabbing his crotch and winking.

Stella was nervous. She didn’t plan past this part. She honestly didn’t think she’d have worked up the nerve to get this far. She straddled his knees and, hands shaking, undid the button of his jeans.

Levi hadn’t really thought past this point either. The idea of a pure virginal girl asking in earnest to take his pants off was really hot in his mind, but in reality, it was awkward and terrifying. It was the middle of the day. All the lights were on in the room.

Before he’d done anything sexual with his very first girlfriend, he’d watched a ton of porn to try and decipher whether or not his dick was normal. He determined he might be on the lower end of average, but was at least anatomically correct.

He couldn’t tell from his brothers, they were too young to be a good comparison. They were the only other guys he knew well enough that he was ever getting undressed around them.

Later he’d join a sports team and look at way more penises than he’d ever hoped to in his lifetime. They all seemed pretty similar to him. But he figured if there were something subtle wrong with him, no one was going to interrupt him in the shower to tell him so. And for all he knew, everyone looked totally different than him when they got hard. He’d never know. No girls had ever told him there was anything wrong down there, but they’d never led him to believe he was working with anything special, either.

So as he lay there, with Stella on top of him, fumbling with his pants, he asked himself why he offered this in the first place. The first time any of his other girlfriends had seen or felt him, it was under blankets, or in dim lighting. She was getting a urologist’s angle.

Stella wasn’t breathing. She swung her legs off him to pull his pants down. She avoided eye contact. She too felt this entire set up was far more clinical than she’d intended. She wondered if she’d be able to contain herself if she were disappointed by it or it wasn’t like she imagined it would be. She didn’t have much to go on, but she thought she’d know instinctually whether it was wrong or right.

Levi willed his pulse to slow, he worried it was pounding so loudly she’d hear it and realize he was scared. Levi had envisioned the most catastrophic outcome in his head. Of her seeing him, gasping, and running out, never to call him again. Just as he was about to stop her and say he was going to dim the lights first, she tugged his boxers off. He allowed his legs to cooperate with her, even as his brain screamed he should be trying to hide this, not be complicit in exposing it.

Stella stared in awe for a few seconds. “This one’s all mine.” She thought, feeling a feathery warmth emanate out through her heart and spreading down her veins. She said the first thing that came to mind.

“Holy shit, it’s gigantic. Fucking awesome, Levi. I won the dick lottery, it’s like a cobra. Oh my God, we’re gonna have so much fun.” She gushed. In actuality, Levi was perfectly average at about three and a half inches flaccid. But Stella meant every word of what she said. After all, his was the biggest she’d ever seen.

Levi tried to process her reaction. “Did she say cobra? Did she really just say my dick was like a cobra?” He watched her staring at it like a portal to another dimension. “Well that settles that, from now on I only date virgins.” He thought to himself.

“Can I… is it alright if I touch it?” She asked, embarrassed, but not so much so that she looked away from it. “Yeah, go.” Levi managed to say, caught up in the rush of hormones and self consciousness.

“Hold it. Something’s not right.” Levi held his breath. “This is it. This is where she runs out and breaks up with me over text.” He thought. She reached over and grabbed his shirt off. “That’s better. Way more natural.” She smiled.

Levi hated being topless in front of people. All the other girls he’d been with had treated him like a head and a waist, always wanting to go from kissing straight down to business. No matter how badly he craved it, Levi had never gotten finger tips traced across his chest or nails dug into his back. The only explanation he could think of for it was that he just didn’t have a good body.

The first time he took his shirt in front of Stella, they were kissing and she pulled it off him. He hated when she did things like that and didn’t check with him first. He was so overwhelmed with self consciousness that he froze in place. Even though they were in a locked bedroom. In the dark.

He’ll never forget her reaction. She ran her hands down his sides and cried “Finally! Why have you been depriving me of this? Lie down.” She pulled him to the bed and pushed him into the pillows. She climbed on top of him, threw her bra to the ground, and kissed him from his hips up to his lips, massaging every inch of flesh she passed, moaning softly into his chest.

He hadn’t hesitated to take his shirt off for her since.

As she did it now, she climbed on top of his legs again, and clumsily dragged her fingers down his shaft, rolling his sack lightly in her palm. “I don’t know what to do with it.” She said, as she cautiously explored some more. “But I like it.”

Usually when girls ripped Levi’s clothes off and asked if they could touch his dick, it was with the intention of getting him hard. So as he started to relax and enjoy Stella’s playful inspection, he remembered that might not have been what she was anticipating. “Woah.” She said, stopping.

“Oh—I…. sorry. That was kind of inevitable.” He said, blushing, as she stared, transfixed, pulling her hands away. “Did I do that?” She asked, skeptically. Levi nodded. “Awesome!” She cried, grinning ear to ear. “Oh my God, it’s even bigger! Jesus Christ Levi, it’s like a fucking redwood tree. This is the best. Oh my gosh. So, what do I do now?” She asked, still beaming with enthusiasm at the surprise extra inches. He was only about five inches fully erect, but in her eyes, he was The Rock.

“Whatever you want” Levi said, in confident bliss. He’d never had a girl this satisfied, let alone without his even touching her yet. He quickly remembered this was her first go around, and she was probably self conscious about it. “You want me to show you?” He asked, “‘cause you can also just look at it if you want.” He was surprised that that didn’t sound stupid.

“Show me, show me. I want to make your eyes roll into the back of your head, like in the movies.” Stella said, bouncing with excitement.

Levi showed her one thing at a time. She’d copy and build on it. She’d get it all right away, with the exception of his having to constantly reassure her she could use more pressure. She was petrified of hurting him.

“We’re going to have to practice this all the time.” Stella said, as she began to relax and contentedly played with him. “Oh my God I’m gonna have to step my game up.” Levi thought, oscillating between nirvana and nightmare as Stella continued to gasp and giggle in delight. He loved pussy as much as the next guy but he worried he wouldn’t be able to match her energy when their roles were reversed. Was he biting off more than he could chew? Fuck it, this felt so good, he didn’t care. That was future Levi’s problem.

After a few minutes more of Stella rubbing and tugging and exploring this new pleasure center, he couldn’t hold off any longer. His eyes didn’t roll back into his head, but it was still a concerto of bliss and eternal happiness for a full 7 seconds.

“Did I do that??” Stella asked, baffled. He realized he forgot to give her any warning. “You and you only baby.” Levi said, suddenly aware of the imbalance between his fully clothed girlfriend in the brightly lit room as he lay naked on the soiled sheets. “Am I getting dressed now or are you getting undressed?” He asked, trying to hang onto the afterglow for as long as he could.

Stella answered by taking her top off. She turned around to let him unhook her bra. He doesn’t know what he did to make her think he liked doing it, but somewhere along the way she always stopped to let him. To this day he didn’t understand the mechanics of bras, and had to watch several YouTube videos on clasp mechanics just to get past first base once Stella stopped undoing it herself altogether.

She kicked the sheets off and snuggled up next to him, pulling the throw blanket from the foot of the bed up over them for warmth. Levi was relieved to not be on display anymore. The thrill of being Stella’s first had worn off almost instantaneously.

She snuggled up close to him and cupped a hand around his balls. He tried not to let on how startled he was. “Right now, this one’s all mine.” She said, blinking back mid-day fatigue. “No other girl’s anywhere. All mine. And it’s perfect.”

Levi realized she wasn’t just resting, Stella had every intention of sleeping now. It was 2:00 in the afternoon and he wasn’t the least bit tired, but he knew Stella rarely slept through a night, so let her lay there in his arms until her exhaustion became contagious and dragged him down with her. From then on, that was usual the position they slept in. With Stella drifting off mumbling “This one’s mine. And it’s perfect.” Creating an impenetrable forcefield of tranquility around them both.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eku2tn/str8_ill_show_you_mine


  1. Very nice story, I hope we get a continuation where they actually do it! Amazing work

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