Sports moms, Chapt I [age gap]

Cleaning out the concession stand.
It’s the end of summer and the local high school football team is back in practice a couple of weeks before the return to classes. They need to be prepared for the start of the season and the coaches need time to evaluate the players and work on their plays. School isn’t officially open but there are teachers showing up here and there to check out their classrooms and inventory their allotted supplies. The only students are some upperclassmen girls who aspire to become teachers aides and the football players. The fresh/soph team meets early in the morning from 8 til 11 and the varsity team uses the field after 12 until the coach is satisfied with what he sees. This being summer sometimes they break and return to play in the evening under the lights and the thin blue skies of dusk.

Im Patty, I’m a freshman mom. My son is actually going to participate in Cross Country/track. I have however been volunteered by the senior moms to be on the ‘sports moms’ committee. We get all the chores now. You know, fundraising, decorating, coordinating the end of season banquets, etc. I guess it’ll be all worth it and it shows my son I support him all the way. All the way. Hmmm, funny expression.

A small group of four of us moms were told we were to take on our first of many tasks. We would choose one to head up and rely on the other women to help out if needed. We drew out of a hat (a helmet actually) Decorations, clothing sales, contacting the local papers and social media postings, bake sales, transportation if needed, etc.
I got concession sales. Which meant I had to make sure there were enough hot dogs, hamburgers, sodas, and candy for each home event and to enlist some dads to partake in manning the grills and collecting the monies. Banking and distribution was also my responsibility, and one I didn’t take lightly. But that’s not why I’m here. That’s not the tale I need to tell. Nope. It started with….

.. me going to the school field early one day to check out the concession stand. I met the mom I would be replacing and she passed on the keys to me, winked, and said “good luck”. As I opened up the small musty structure I could see where over the last few months it has been pressed into service as a storage site for landscaping utensils, heavy cartons filled with who knows what, dirt and debris, and not much room for my needs for the upcoming pep rally. All the others are too busy to come give me a hand so I improvise. I ask a couple of big hulking boys to come inside to help out a needy mom.

And they obliged.

And how did they oblige.



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