The Camgirl Part LIX: That Would Get In The Way Of Our Date [Cute] [Plot] [MF]

**LIX: Blake**

Blake opened her door a crack to peek out, biting her lip.

Across the main room, Marie stood next to a small carry-on and a large purse as she locked the door to her room.

*Don’t chicken out. You can do this. You have to start somewhere.*

Taking a deep breath, Blake opened her door and stepped out into the main room, smiling.

“Hey, Marie,” she said, taking a few quick strides across the room as the blonde slung the strap of her purse over one shoulder.

Marie gave her a tight smile, “Hey Blake, what’s up?”

Blake’s roommate had make-up on, but it couldn’t entirely conceal how tired Marie looked.

*Is she just tired? Or is she still having a hard time getting over Liam?*

Blake couldn’t help but feel guilty at that last thought. She knew Liam had made his own choices in the matter, and they hadn’t even kissed until two days ago—Blake felt her cheeks heat a bit at the memory of that, pussy twitching in anticipation of more—but she had still basically stolen Liam away from her.

“I just wanted to make sure I caught you in time to say good-bye before you took off,” Blake said, spreading her arms and lifting them halfway, giving Marie an out if she didn’t feel like a hug, “I haven’t really seen you around here much lately.”

To Blake’s relief, Marie smiled at that and stepped into the hug, “Thanks, Blake. I’ve just been…”

Marie trailed off, blowing out a long puff of air.

“I know,” Blake said quietly, releasing her roommate. She hesitated for a moment, then: “Let me know if you want to talk about it. Hopefully being away from things over break will help?”

Marie gave her another tight smile, “Hopefully. And thanks.”

“No problem,” Blake said. She meant it. Despite what had happened between her and Marie—and Marie and Liam—Blake did feel for her roommate. If it was possible, she would like to have Marie as a friend again at some point.

“Maybe when you get back you can tell me about the girl you’ve been seeing?” She grinned, “Or girls?”

Apparently, that had been the wrong thing to say.

Marie’s cheeks turned bright red.

“Uh, sure,” she said, looking away as she ran her fingers through her hair, “When I get back.”

She pulled out her phone, then gave Blake another quick smile as she slipped it back into her purse, “I’ve gotta go—my car is here. Have a good break, Blake. And thank you. I’ll see you when I get back.”

Blake nodded and helped Marie out of the apartment with her luggage. When she closed the door behind the blonde, Blake frowned, leaning against the wall.

Marie’s reaction to her question about the girl had not been what Blake expected. She’d meant it mostly as a joke.

*Is she embarrassed that I know she’s sleeping with girls? Or just one girl? Or did I remind her of the night that basically fucked everything up with her and Liam? Liam!*

Blake had been trying her best not to think about Liam, as thoughts of him usually led to Blake needing to attend to her increasingly needy pussy. Thinking of him now, however, helped Blake push away thoughts of guilt regarding him and Marie.

Blake walked back to her bedroom, pulling out her phone to text Liam.

*”Marie just left. Wish you weren’t leaving today, too. Let me know when you’re headed over to the airport?”*

Blake set the phone down on her desk but hesitated before sitting down. She was a bit warm, surprisingly, and wanted to be comfy so she could do some actual work. Striding over to her closet, Blake shimmied out of her yoga pants and took off her hoodie and tank top, opting for a robe instead. It wasn’t her cutest, but it was cute enough, and she had a plug in and no panties on, so she didn’t want to worry about ruining one of her nicer robes. Once she was sufficiently comfy, Blake opened up her laptop to check the schedule for her shows and look over her homework again. Since she didn’t have Liam or work to occupy her time today, and she’d taken the opportunity to go to the gym early during one of her cancelled classes, Blake planned to work on her own project until she had to get ready for her show. Setting herself up as a cam model had actually given her the idea for it in the first place: a sort-of CRM for building an online presence, though she had certain routines specifically for camgirls in mind.

Blake smiled as her phone buzzed, picking it up and opening the messages before she realized she’d done so.

*”Yeah, break won’t be nearly as enjoyable with a whole country between us. I’ll let you know! :)”*

Blake smiled at Liam’s text and sent him a little happy face before getting back to work.

Seeing him earlier today had been both good and bad. Good because she loved just being around him, even if they were in class paying attention to something else. Bad because it just made the next four-and-a-half days that much harder.

Blake had gotten another kiss out of him, though. She smiled thinking about that, tongue darting out to wet her lips. Her pussy twitched, and Blake’s fingers made it all the way to her waistband before she remembered herself.

*You’ll have time for that later during your show, ya dumb bitch. This is work time, not dreaming-about-Liam-time.*

Blake made sure not to text Liam too much as she worked, though she spent more time than she should have looking at different CRMs, debating whether or not she should buy one for research. It would definitely be within her work budget, but she would need to spend all of her time doing research on it to make sure she spent as little money as possible and didn’t leave the subscription just eating away at her bank account. Winter break might work for that.

Eventually, Blake’s tummy rumbled, and she pushed herself away from her desk. She still had about two hours before she had to get ready for her show. For a moment, she contemplated just ordering take-out. Then she sighed, knowing she had some food in the fridge that she needed to cook instead of wasting it. Blake slipped her phone into the pocket, then strode out into the main room.

After a look in the fridge and freezer, Blake sighed. She had some cauliflower, half an onion, and half-a-bag of veggie-mix in the fridge, but no meat. There was some cheese, but she didn’t have anything to make into dressing. Plus, she wanted something more substantial than a salad. The freezer had a bunch of frozen chicken and veggies in it, as well as some pasta, but she didn’t feel like defrosting anything, and she’d been trying to stay away from even her occasional pasta for a bit after all the popcorn she’d eaten on her date with Liam.


Blake pulled out her phone, sending a message to Liam as she straightened, closing the fridge.

*”Hey, you got a sec to talk?”*

Blake poured herself a glass of water and started a cup of tea as she waited for his response. After about a minute, her phone started to buzz. Blake blinked when she saw Liam’s face filling her screen instead of just a text.

She answered the phone, holding it up to her ear, “Hey.”

“Hey,” Liam said. Blake’s cheeks heated up, corners of her lips curling. She could hear Liam’s smile through the phone, “What’s up?”

“I need cooking advice,” Blake said, “You mind if I put you on speaker?”


Blake smiled to herself, opening up the fridge again and sticking the phone back in her pocket, “Can you hear me, still?”

“Yeah, sounds a little weird, but I can hear. What are you trying to make?”

“That’s the problem,” Blake said, squatting down in front of the fridge again, “No clue what I can make, but I’ve got a bunch of stuff I need to use, and I need to be able to make and eat it before I get ready for my show in like two hours.

“Alright, whadda you got?”

Blake listed off the ingredients for him, then told him about her freezer.


For a minute, just some static came through the phone.

“Do you have any barbecue sauce?”

“Uhh,” Blake looked over the shelves and the door, moving a few things around, “Not open. Hold on a sec.”

She closed the fridge and stood, opening the cabinet where they kept all their sauces and spices.

“Ha!” Blake said, pulling it forward, “Yes we do!”

“Awesome!” Liam said, “Okay, so take out like…eight pieces of the frozen chicken and put them into that pot with the vertical edges.”

“Eight?” Blake asked, “Dude, I’m not *that* hungry.”

Liam laughed, “Yeah, but you like leftovers, right? And if you have the chicken pieces I remember, it’s not as much as you think.”

“Okay…” Blake said, getting out the pan and the chicken. She dumped the chicken into it rather than handling the raw meat. That just grossed her out too much, “Alright, now what?”

“Fill the pan with hot water until it covers all the pieces, then set it aside and chop up the veggies. After that, just use one of your regular skillets to heat up the onions, and then the cauliflower. Separately.”

“Got it,” Blake said, pulling out her phone to set it on the counter as she followed his instructions, “You know, this would be much easier if you were just here so you could cook it for me.”

Liam laughed again. This time, Blake felt her lips curl, a warmth spreading through her body at the sound.

*Fuck, that’s not fair.*

“And what would you be doing while I cooked?” He asked.

“Giving you moral support?” Blake suggested, filling up the pan with chicken and setting it aside, “Telling you how good everything smells?”

*Sucking your cock.*

Liam would say it wasn’t safe—and Blake knew it wasn’t—but she liked the idea of doing *something* like that to Liam while he made her delicious food.

“No chopping veggies for me?” Liam asked, amused.

“If I have to,” Blake said, “Pretty sure you’d be better at it than me.”

Liam snorted, “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“In this situation, I just care about it getting me yummy food.”

Something occurred to Blake then as she got out the cauliflower, “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be on a plane right now?”

“Not yet,” Liam said, “I left my dorm a little bit before you called though.”

Blake sighed, cutting into one of the larger florets.


“I’m gonna miss you a lot,” she said, trying her best not to sound mopey, “I already miss you. I know I already said that at lunch, but…Is that weird or clingy? Since…”

“Since we met two months ago, hang out all the time, are now dating, and you told me that I’m one of your best friends?” Liam finished when she trailed off, “Yep, definitely way too clingy.”

Blake rolled her eyes, “Don’t be smart with me, ass. I just…” She sighed, “I don’t want to scare you off.”

“I think that ship sailed a while ago, Blake.”

Blake smiled at that, even if she didn’t entirely agree.

*There’s still a lot you don’t know about me, Liam.*

Not that she’d exactly been forthcoming in those areas.

*One step at a time. For right now, I just have to get through break without going insane.*

“I’m glad you feel that way.” Blake said, smiling again.

A knock came at the door then, and Blake frowned, pulling her robe a bit tighter as she stepped out to peer at the door. The knock came again after a few seconds.

“Ugh, hang on, Liam,” she said, striding over to the door. She had to stand on her tiptoes to look through the peephole. Blake eyes went wide when she saw who was on the other side, and she threw open the door.

Liam grinned, hanging up his phone as he stepped through the doorway, “Ideally, I would have found some way to just let myself in, but—mmph!”

Blake cut Liam off by jumping onto him and mashing her lips against his. He staggered for a moment, but then his arms encircled her waist as he returned the kiss.

Blake’s pussy was on fire, sent into overdrive by this sudden, unexpected physical contact with Liam. His coat was thick and scratchy, but his arms were around her, and her lips were on his. Blake’s mouth worked on instinct alone as she sucked and nipped at his lips, tongue occasionally darting out to lick his lips or slip between them, tasting him.

*Fuck, I love how he tastes.*

Blake’s hips started to grind against Liam of their own accord as he filled her senses. She moved from his mouth to his jaw, then his neck, breathing in his scent, frustrated by how much of him his stupid coat covered.

Then Liam moved. A moment later, the door shut behind him, and Blake’s eyes shot open. She dropped back onto her feet, realizing what she’d been doing—what she’d been about to do—and took a step back, gulping in air hungrily. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Blake glanced down at herself to make sure her robe hadn’t fallen open, then looked up at Liam. When their eyes met, Blake almost stepped toward him again. She resisted, shaking herself, though her pussy throbbed with need.

“What—what are you doing here?” Blake asked, panting as she looked up at Liam, “You’re supposed to be going to the airport.”

Liam, face flushed, gazed at her for a moment, panting just as hard as she was, before grinning, “I may have changed some plans around.”

Blake’s heart leapt, eyes widening, “You’re not leaving till tomorrow?”

Liam grinned, “That would get in the way of our date. I don’t fly home till after finals.”

Blake blinked, trying to process his words.

*Date? After finals?*

Blake suddenly found her mouth dry, mind failing her, “W-what?”

Liam smiled, stepping closer and taking Blake’s hand, “I decided not to go on break.”

As he spoke, Liam tugged on Blake’s hand. The moment the last word left his mouth, they were kissing again.



  1. Alright guys, this is the beginning of the end of this arc of the story (don’t worry–there’s still a lot more to come). I believe it will two more parts after this until we get back to the sexy bits, but those parts will be pretty sexually charged.

    Enjoy and Happy New Year!

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](
    [Part LVI](
    [Part LVII](
    [Part LVIII](

  2. An unexpected twist! I feel like we are gonna get some hot and heavy stuff with everyone else away!

  3. Any chance you have a place where you post stories earlier or more frequently? I love this story and it’s brutal waiting 3-4 days between parts!?

  4. Oh my god, Liam is a legend! Can’t let that one cook unsupervised eh?

    Good timing for a sweet chapter!

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