I’m too young for sex :( pt. 19 [fM]

Mom grounded me all weekend. Apparently my penalty kick to Dan’s balls almost cost him the left one. When she told me, I busted out laughing and that got me two more days.

So Joe and I spent four days stalking around each other. I was sore as hell after my virgin conversion and he was so hard up I bet he went through a whole bottle of hand lotion before Sunday.

I was glad to get back to school on Monday until I found out that Lydia Jenkins had set her sights on the apparently available Mark. The worst part was that Lydia, unlike Sophie, was actually nice and very funny. I was in choir with her and she was the easygoing leader of the Alto section. In an unexpected moment of solidarity, I realized both Sophie and I spent lunch glaring at Lydia while she made Mark laugh until milk shot out of his nose.

I couldn’t actually complain. He was my *secret* boyfriend after all. We hadn’t so much as glanced at each other at school for weeks to keep it a secret. And despite my confidence that he truly cared about me, in my heart I knew that there was no way we could work out long term. But that didn’t mean I had to be happy about it.

I was grumbling along to my locker Wednesday after lunch. Bethany hadn’t spoken to me for a week, but I’d seen her hanging on Collen all week. Joe had noticed and was acting like a girl on her period. I hadn’t been able to get Mark alone for a second and his daily lunches with Lydia were legitimate torture. I spun the knob on my locker while I silently bemoaned my fate.

“Hey.” I looked over my shoulder to see Sam giving me a nervous frown.

“Hey.” The last number of my combination lined up and I opened my locker. Morning books went in. Afternoon books came out.

“Look,” Sam started. “I… uh…”

I sighed and dropped my afternoon books in my bag before shutting the locker and turning around. “When’s you next game?”

Sam blinked in confusion. “Friday. Why?”

“I wanna come see you play. Maybe we can go get an ice cream or something after.”

Come on, like I couldn’t tell she wanted to ask me out. She’s a cute lesbian. I’m fucking lonely. It’s not like my secret boyfriend was gonna bitch about it to anyone but me. Besides, I was nearly positive I’d seen him and Lydia holding hands in the hallway earlier.

Sam sighed in relief and nodded. “That’d be cool. You wanna hang out after school Friday before the game?”

“You mean here?” I asked. I knew she boarded at school, but I didn’t know the rules about guests in rooms or whatever. I’d never been up in the dorms.

“Yeah.” Sam blushed and shrugged. “I mean, if don’t want to, it’s cool.”

“I’ll meet you here after class on Friday.”

“It’s a date,” she said, then opened her eyes wide in a panic. “I don’t mean a *date* date. I mean, I’ll meet you here.”

She was older than me, an outspoken lesbian, and totally adorable when she got embarrassed. Before I could consider the consequences, I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

Sam completely froze up. I worried I’d misread the situation, so I headed off to class before I could make a bigger ass out of myself.

I tried not to fixate on either Sam or Mark. Or sex. Especially not sex. Before I’d kissed Mark that fateful day, I thought I knew what sex was all about. The wiener got hard and entered the ‘giner, depositing sperm to fertilize a waiting egg. Simple, right?

Of course I hadn’t considered there was an actual guy attached to the wiener who may or may not be an jerk. And if you wanted to enjoy getting the sperm deposited without consequences, it required some unromantic planning and a guy that wasn’t a jerk. No one mentioned that finding a nice guy was the hardest part of the whole process.

Then there is the whole emotional thing that goes along with sex that no one talked about in health class. You really have to trust someone to let them put their wiener inside you. I mean, I spent literal hours getting comfortable with Mark before I let him give me a hot beef injection.

I don’t regret it for a minute, but I can say the process was *nothing* like I had imagined it would be before we kissed. Again, not complaining, but having someone poking around inside you with their wiener is fundamentally weird. When I added in my unexpected attraction to certain females, the mortifying experience that is an IUD insertion, and the hours after sex that Mark’s cum leaked in my underwear, I realized I had been woefully unprepared for the realities of sex.

I was especially unprepared for the part when we were cuddling afterwards and my brain melted into mush. I found myself wishing that Mark and I could live together forever and screw endlessly. But then reality struck and I realized that my wish was the exact opposite of having a secret boyfriend.

I was just as dumb as Bethany was with Joe. I’m sure Mark would be happy to continue being my secret boyfriend, but the whole thing was a trap. Because of our difference in ages, Mark would never be able to date me like he could someone like Lydia. We could sneak around for a while, but eventually someone would find out and then I’d be the one running out of the lunch room crying.

*God, I’m an idiot.*

I was still kicking myself when I got home that afternoon. Mark was tossing a basketball at the hoop above his garage when he saw me walking up.

“Hey,” he said and jogged up with a grin.

He was only wearing shorts and sneakers, just like that first day I kissed him. The sheen of sweat over his muscular chest made warmth bloom in my core. Even my bad mood couldn’t stop my answering grin at the delicious sight of him.

“Hey,” I said and clutched my book bag to my chest. “Is Mason home?” I asked and then kicked myself for being so pathetically needy.

“Yeah, he and Travis are playing video games.” He glanced at my house and gave me a nod.

“Wanna come in?” I asked. The idea of Joe being hard up and me making animal noises with Mark satisfied a kind of karmic balance.

“Sure,” Mark grinned.

Joe was watching television when I led Mark to the stairs. He glanced over at us heading up the stairs and said, “Aw, hell naw.”

“Payback’s a bitch,” I sang and made sure Mark was right behind me.

I tossed my book bag at my desk and quickly got rid of the khaki slacks and school shirt that made up our uniform. Mark toed off his shoes and pushed down his shorts while his eyes never left my body. I released my puffies and turned to slowly lower my boyshort panties so he could watch my ass appear.

“You are so fucking hot,” Mark whispered as he came up behind me to cup my puffies and press his stiff wiener between my cheeks. The kisses he trailed on my shoulders made my arms break out in goosebumps.

I crawled up onto my bed, looking back over my shoulder at him following me. With a slow sigh, I pulled a pillow over to grip while waving my bare ass at him.

“Like this?” he asked me with a breathless tone.

My answering hum turned into a gasp when his tongue licked up my bare slit. I’d kept shaving my ‘giner because I liked the way it felt when he ate me. Arching my back, I spread my knees slightly and growled into the pillow while he licked me until I was slick.

Between his tongue and fingers, he made me cum in minutes. Then he climbed up behind me and notched himself into me. He filled me so slowly I thought I would die before he bottomed out. The first time we had sex had been a little uncomfortable and left me sore for a couple of days, but this time didn’t hurt at all.

“Okay?” he asked as he held himself still.

“This feels even better than the last time,” I murmured as I hugged the pillow tighter.

He backed out slowly, then filled me in again. That odd sensation of him pushing my insides around made me cream up like never before. After a few more strokes I was beginning to understand what all the funny noises were about. I literally couldn’t stop the little squeaks, chirps, and moans he drove out of me. Then when he changed his angle a little, that feeling that I needed to pee came back along with a strong urge to whimper.

“You feel so good,” Mark whispered as he gripped my hips. “So fucking tight.”

His words lit me up like a string of Christmas lights and I pushed back against his thrusts. Soon our skin was slapping together and I was calling his name and feeling a continuous building orgasm that seemed to never peak.

He fucked me through the first big orgasm and I cried like I was dying. Then he reached down to diddle my clitty and I exploded again. I have no idea what I said at that point, but the sensation of being thoroughly fucked became my number one all time favorite thing in the world.

After what seemed like hours of pleasure, Mark pulled out and flipped me over like I weighed nothing. Then he was back inside in one smooth stroke to grind into me while kissing me with a passion I’d never experienced before. I had my arms around his neck and had raised my knees high to push against him.

Then he suddenly buried his face in my shoulder and shuddered with a low groan. I was full of him again, and he was as hot as molten lead in my belly. I kissed his cheek, rubbed his back, ran my feet down his legs, anything I could reach to show him how much I appreciated his efforts.

He rolled away after a moment to blow cool air down my chest. The ache I felt between my legs had more to do with what was missing than what he’d just done. My brain was mush. My body limp. All I could do was grin at him like an idiot.

Of course, I was an idiot. I had figured that out earlier. Those thoughts came rushing back and I shut my eyes to get control of myself. Mark didn’t seem to notice because he kept blowing and running his palm across my chest and stomach.

“That was the best ever for me,” Mark whispered. Despite my shifting mood I could hear the sincerity in his tone.

“Me too,” I whispered back, my voice rough and raw from whatever I’d been screaming.

“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Mark said as he scooted up to put his head on a pillow. “And if you don’t like the idea then I won’t do it.”

I rolled over to face him and opened my eyes. “That sounds ominous.”

“Lydia Jenkins asked me to the turn-about dance.” My stomach twisted into knots at his statement.

Our school went year round, but had week long breaks during certain times of the year. We usually had dances right before breaks like the Winter formal or the Spring Fling. Summer featured a turn-about dance where the girls asked the guys out and theme was always something outdoorsy. I had honestly forgotten about it, but even if I wanted to ask Mark we couldn’t do it and keep our secret.

A cruel impulse hit me and I shot my mouth off before I could stop myself. “I was thinking about asking Sam.”

“Who the fuck is Sam?” Mark sat up as he frowned down at me.

“No one you know,” I said. “So go with Lydia. I don’t care.”

“I can’t believe you were gonna ask some other guy to the dance!”

I didn’t bother to correct his assumption. “Would you have gone with me if I’d asked you?”

Mark frowned. “That’s not the point.”

“Well, it’s obvious you want to go with Lydia since you brought it up.”

“I’d go as her friend!”

I raised an eyebrow. “And I’d stay home and miss the dance?”

“I figured you could take Mason. Then we could double and still spend time together.”

“If I ask Mason, he’d be pawing me all night. Do you intend to let him in on our secret?” I asked as I sat up to face Mark with an answering frown.

Mark shook his head “He can’t keep his mouth shut any better than Bethany.”

“So what do you intend to do when he cups my ass during a slow dance?”

“Fuck.” Mark rubbed his face with both hands.

“And meanwhile, everyone has figured out it’s really over between you and Sophie. You might think Lydia is looking for a friend, but trust me, she’s playing for keeps.”

“It’s not like that,” Mark pleaded.

“It’s exactly like that. If you go with her, I’m taking Sam and we’re done.”

Mark reacted like I’d slapped him. “You’re already seeing him, aren’t you?”

I rolled my eyes and groaned. “God, you’re pathetic when you’re jealous.”

Mark got up and began to dress with jerky motions and mutters of profanity.

I grabbed a long t-shirt and followed him down the stairs. “Just tell Lydia no and this will all go away.”

“What’s the point?” Mark growled at me with one hand on the doorknob. “You’ve already picked *Sam*.” His comment was punctuated by the slamming door.

“Who the fuck is Sam?” Joe asked from the living room.

I stood looking at the door with tears in my eyes. “No one you know.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/51rvi4/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_19_fm


  1. I’m so invested in these stories.
    The sex is nice, buy I’m legit wrapped up in the characters.
    Can the friendship with Bethany be repaired?
    What’s going to happen with Sam????
    Can her and Mark just be a real life couple already?!?!??!

  2. Please don’t break them up, Sam needs to get in on this, it’s like Steph likes threesomes more than 1v1 so unfair

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