Girls’ Weekend [FFF] [Les] [exh] [reluc] Ch. 8-9

#~Chapter Eight~
##A curious errand

I must have drifted off to sleep after the orgasms, because when I look over at the clock on the dresser. It’s 1 a.m. I’m exhausted. I’m dazed, and for a minute, I don’t remember where I am. But I feel warmth next to me, and look over and see Amanda to my right, and roll over and see Tammy to my left. I look down, and don’t feel so wet any more—they must have moved the towel after I passed out. I didn’t plan on staying the night, but in the state I’m in, I’m too tired now to consider otherwise. I think through my plans for tomorrow, realize that I really have nothing that can’t be put off. I chuckle at my poor prognostication prior to my visit that I wouldn’t need a change of clothes, and drift off to sleep again.

I’m awoken by something warm and wet on my cheeks, which turns out to be Amanda kissing me. “Hey, sweetie” she whispers sensually, “Feeling well rested? That was quite a night we had, and you were exhausted.” Don’t I know that? “So… I don’t know about you, but I’m going to need some breakfast before we get started today. And in fact, I know just what I want…” I start to get up, groggily, when Amanda says to me, “Actually. You can’t get up. Because you have what I want for breakfast! Do you mind?” Her hand slides down my thigh and onto my crotch, I get where she’s going with this, and groggily nod. I look down and notice that they’ve put panties on me again. I’m dry now. But that would soon change. Amanda slides down between my legs, and starts licking me again. I start to feel warm all over, and get wet. She licks around the “v” of my panties, and I shudder with the warmth of her tongue. She rubs me through the fabric, and now starts to lick me. I reach down and stroke her hair, and she looks up at me and smiles. I smile back. She continues to lick and rub me. It doesn’t take too long before I shudder and come. It’s quick, and amazing. Amanda slides up to me and kisses me. “Good morning, sweetie. Now let’s get you some food.”

I get up, and walk with her into the kitchen. Tammy’s cooking breakfast in underwear and a tank top, and I notice that she’s still wearing my panties. The sight of that sends a tingle through me, as I recall the previous night. “Morning, honey!” Tammy says. She’s leaning in to the fridge. “Damn,” she says, looking over at me, “we’re out of milk. Can you do us a favour and get some from the store?” I tell her that I’ll go put on some clothes and do it. “No,” comes the reply from the kitchen. “Go just like that,” she continues, and flashes a wicked grin at Amanda. They are up to something. I look down and see that I’m wearing only a t-shirt and panties. “Like this?” I question. Amanda pipes in, “Have you ever been out in public like that?” Of course not, I tell them. “Okay, so remember when you were younger? Didn’t you ever streak?” I confess to them that I hadn’t ever done that. “It’s exhilarating, Steph. Think about it… if you can do this, what other situation could you get into that would scare you? And… um, besides”, she says, playfully looking away, “You look great in your panties.” I’m still not sure that I can do this. “I’ll go with you. Just to make sure you’ll be okay.” I realize that everything is a game to these women. She pulls her pants down and off, and grabs my hand. “I’ll do it do. We can both be freaks.” Tammy looks over at me and smiles. And with that, we’re off.

When the front door of their apartment closes, I recognize there’s no turning back. I’m Amanda’s prisoner now. I look at her, in her t-shirt and grey bikini, and snicker, because we look pretty silly. I’m sure I’m blushing the whole time in the elevator. Thank god the undies she put on me were black, so no one could tell that they were so damp. My hopes of making it at least to the lobby without anyone else seeing us were quickly dashed when the elevator stops, and a middle aged man gets on. He’s taken aback as he enters the car, can’t help but look, but then quickly turns around to press his floor, and keeps looking at his feet. Luckily, he’s the only other one.

When we walk through the lobby, there are a few people milling about, and I get a bit embarrassed as most of them (men and women) give us a strange look. Some smile, others look, and then avert their gaze. What surprises me is that though I am embarrassed, I am also a bit excited. I’m glad Amanda’s with me, because there’s no way I would do this on my own, but with her, it’s almost fun—like a silly thing I would do with my girlfriends when we were much younger. I know that I’m still uneasy with it, and I feel the stares of people as we pass them on the street. I try my best to be confident—which is difficult, but if I can be confident in this situation, I can be confident anywhere. As we approach the store, a bunch of skateboarders hanging outside whistles at us. When we get inside, I see there’s a bit of a line, and of course, we have to walk right past those in it to get the milk. We get in the line, which fills behind us. I’m sure I’m turning red. When it’s our turn to pay, Amanda gets out her money, goes to put it on the counter, and it drops. It was intentional. “Oops!” she says, “Stef, can you please pick that up for me?” And I know then she got me. I squat down to pick it up, offering those behind us in line a view that they probably never thought they’d see. I’m turning red now, but I don’t want Amanda to think I’m a wimp, so I pick it up, and hand it to the cashier. I cannot let her win. Summoning all my courage, I take the change, wink at the clerk, turn and face the line, wink at them, and stroll out the door as confidently as I can. Fuck it. I just want to get home.

When we get home, Amanda tells Tammy that I did well. “Have a shower and we’ll have breakfast for you when you come out.” Sounds good to me. “We’ll leave a change of clothes for you on the bed.” I shower, and go into the bedroom. They’ve left me a tank top and a skirt, as well as a pair of black panties. As I go to put them on, I notice there’s something strange about them. They have a little pouch in them, and what appears to be a vibrator! “So… what do you think?” I turn to hear Amanda in the doorway. “They’re vibrating panties. And I have the remote.” She’s indeed holding a little remote. “Get dressed, because after breakfast we’re going shopping. Our treat. We’ll tell you where over breakfast.” Wow. This day keeps getting stranger. I put on the panties, settling them so that they’re where I think they should be. And then put on the skirt and tank top. Okay. I take a deep breath, and prepare for what lies ahead.

Over breakfast, scrumptious French toast, strawberries, and coffee, Tammy and Amanda tell me their plan. We’re going shopping for a strap-on. I’ve never even bought a dildo, let alone bought or used a strap on before, so I’m a bit nervous. They tell me that it’ll be just like being with a man, but with the sensuousness of a woman. They tell me how they work, and that they’ve both used them on each other before, and how much fun they are for both the giver and receiver. They said I could try both. I’m getting excited about this, now, and tell them that I’m game for their plan. But why the vibrating panties, I ask? And they tell me. While we’re shopping, Tammy and Amanda will keep the remote control to the vibrator. Oh god. This both scares and excites me.

On the way to the sex toy shop, we’re stopped at a crosswalk with a lot of other people. Tammy’s on one side of me, Amanda on the other. And all of a sudden, I gasp. My crotch is on fire. Tammy looks at me and winks. I start to tremble, as the pressure on my clit is new. I’m a bit shaky, and I scream out, before covering my mouth. I look around to see if anyone notices. It feels great, but it’s hard to stand in one place. I grab on to Amanda, shaking. She smiles at me. I’m trying to stifle my moans, and hope no one is paying attention. The feeling is incredible, and my legs start to buck. “Please…” I say. She can tell my embarrassment, but just snickers at me. It’s getting harder to stand, I’m really shaking, and my breathing gets heavier. Then the vibration stops. The walk signal changes, they link my arms, look at me with an evil smile, and we cross the street. “How far is the shop?” “About 4 more blocks, Steph”, says Tammy, smiling.

The girls make sure we miss every light for each of those four blocks. Each time, they turn on the vibrator, and get me close. And each time, they stop just before I come. I’m a mess. I feel myself flushed, and realize that I can’t possibly look normal. They have to hold me at times, because I can barely walk. As we get to the sex toy shop, I’m a bit embarrassed to be going in, making a check to see if anyone I know is around. I don’t see anyone, somehow, this gesture makes me more comfortable. While inside, they don’t turn on the panties while we browse. I’m amazed at all the toys, and have no idea what to choose. I figure the girls have been right so far, let’s let them choose. So I do. They pick out something called the “Jaguar”, which is a leather harness, a dildo called the “Leo”, and another called the “Smooth Operator”, and a butt plug. They’re all big, but not too big. I ask why they’re buying three. “Why do you think, Steph?” says Tammy, and she casually taps my butt. Oh god. “Now, you have to pay for these.” Amanda hands me some cash. “Alone. We’ll say here. Good luck.” Good luck?

I walk to the counter, and try to smile at the girl behind the counter. She’s totally friendly, and doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable. She tells me that there’s no returns or exchanges, and just as she does so, I feel it. My crotch is vibrating. Oh god. Those bitches. I shoot a glance at the girls, and they’re smiling at me. I steady myself against the counter, and try and answer the cashier’s questions while maintaining my composure. It’s impossible. I bite my teeth and grab the counter. As she turns to put the stuff in the bag, I come. I’m sweating, and I bite down hard to make sure I don’t scream, and lean against the counter to steady myself. She hands me the bag, and looks at me strangely. “Are you okay?” she asks. “Mmmhmmm. Cramps.” I moan, trying desperately to muster a smile and say thank you. I nervously take the bag, and soon, Tammy and Amanda join me. They make me walk out while the vibe’s still on, and as soon as we are, I bury my head in Amanda’s shoulder and scream. “Okay… okay! Enough!” They turn it off, and we walk home the rest of the way without more vibrations. I’m relieved, but wow, was that a great orgasm! Just wish it wasn’t in public.

We walk into their apartment, and they tell me to wait on the couch for now. “We just need to get set up, sweetie. But don’t worry, we’ll keep you entertained.” I wait, somewhat patiently. As I sit, I feel the vibrations again. “Oh GOD!” I yell out, and I grip the couch for support. I’m sweating, and bucking, and really wet. I come. And it keeps going. I’m in so much pleasure. They turn down the vibrations. It still feels good. They then turn them off. I recover for a few minutes, then they turn it on again. They repeat this cycle. I come each time. “Ready?” I hear Tammy’s voice call from the bedroom.

#~Chapter Nine~
##New Horizons

I get up, flushed, and make my way to their room. My legs are shaking, and I’m still wet. The door’s closed, and I open it. The room is dark… they’ve drawn the shades, and the room is lit only by candles. I step inside, and see Tammy in the bed, under the covers. I don’t see Amanda. “Come here, Steph,” Tammy calls. I step forward a few steps, and as I do, I hear the door close behind me. A few seconds later, I feel hands around my waist, grabbing me tightly. It’s Amanda. “Don’t move”, she breathes into my ear, and her warm breath against my neck makes my hairs stand on end. She slides her knee between my legs, pushing them apart. “Keep these legs spread, baby. We need to change you. No fancy vibrating undies for now… I have something much sexier for you to wear”. She slides the tank top over my head, and then squats down to undo my skirt, which falls to the floor. She pulls my underwear down at the same time. “Lift your legs, sweetie” I do, and step out of my clothes. I’m totally exposed now, and I look right into Tammy’s eyes. She looks at me and smiles.

“Now, you’ve worn Tammy’s panties, but you haven’t worn mine. Let’s change that, baby.” She taps my right leg, and I lift it, and she slides my foot into them, then another. She slides them up, slowly. Once they’re in position, I feel that they are wet. On her way up, her hands trace the insides of my legs, and meet at my crotch, where she begins to massage me through my new underwear. I start to breathe heavy. “You’re wetter than these panties, aren’t you Steph?” I moan a “yes” in response. Her arms lock now around my waist, locking my hips, and she pulls me towards her, so that my butt presses into her crotch. I feel something hard against my bum, and realize it can only be one thing… the dildo we bought earlier today. “It’s good… we’re going to need you to be wet for what I have in mind for you, baby.” She holds me close, and her hands slide down the front of my panties. In what’s starting to become my normal state for this weekend, I’m again so wet that her fingers glide across me with ease. She rubs me and her left arm holds me tightly. She knows just where to touch me and how to make me come, and soon, I’m shaking and bucking against her. After what I did last night, I’m losing my inhibitions with these women, and I cry out when I orgasm. She stops, and puts the fingers she was using to touch me in my mouth, and I suck on them. She then bends me over and pushes me forward towards the bed. My hands grab the bed for support. Her hands grab my waist, and she presses herself against me.

In front of me, Tammy slides out from under the covers and spreads her legs in. She’s naked, and she’s touching herself. “Eat me, Steph”, she says. I crawl to her, and breathe in her scent. It’s warm, and sexy, but I’m a little apprehensive, because I’ve never done this before. I move my face towards the warmth of her, taking in her scent, and start to lick up and down her lips. I have no idea whether I’m doing it well, but she moans in pleasure, and runs her hands through my hair. I take that as a good sign, and I lick her smooth folds, and slide my tongue down her opening, and back up, listening to her moan. “Don’t make me come… just make me wet.” I’m sure I’m doing that, as the liquids from my mouth and her sex are copious and hot. And it’s not only her that I’m making wet. While I’m eating her, I feel Amanda’s hands around my waist again, as she leans in, and says “Do you want me inside you?” My mouth is full, but I grumble “uh huh”, because I do. “What was that, I couldn’t hear you?” I move away to say that I do. And I can’t explain why I want her, because I’ve never been penetrated by a woman before. But I know I’m so hot for her that I can’t resist. “Do you really want me to?” “Please. Amanda. Please. I want you inside me” I moan. “How badly?” “I want you so bad,” I moan, between licks. “So bad that you are going to keep eating Tammy’s pussy?” “Uh huh… I’ll eat her pussy. Please. Just fuck me.”

And with that, she grabs my hips, and spreads my legs, sliding my panties to the side. Her hand reaches down to stroke me, “well, I think you’re wet enough, Steph, so I think you’re telling the truth. That part of you can’t lie.” And then, I feel it. She slides into me from behind. It hurts a little, and I gasp, but, as she did before, Amanda goes slowly. It feels amazing and sensuous. I continue to lick at Tammy, but it’s getting harder to concentrate. I moan. Mandy’s hands find my breasts, and her thrusting finds its rhythm. The taste and smell of Tammy drives me wilder, and Mandy slides her hands down my body, touching my clit, and then back up to my breasts, leaving a trail of wetness that gets cooler. It’s near impossible to concentrate on Tammy now, and she can tell this, and backs off. I see her start to touch herself. “You’re so hot, Steph, I want to come watching you get fucked”. My head starts to spin, and I hear moans escape me that are guttural. Amanda’s thrusting sends shock waves through me, and I’m so wet that I can hear the squishy noises of her moving in and out; she can barely stay inside. But her thrusts are getting deeper, and more deliberate. Her fingers focus now on my clit. She bends over and kisses my neck, and I try and turn to kiss her back. I just barely do. “Eat her again, baby”. It’s tough, but I try my best to lick Tammy as she fingers herself.

“Oh God, Steph, I’m going to come” moans Tammy, and with that announcement, Amanda returns to my clit, and gets me ready to do the same. Tammy comes, panting hard, and letting out the sweetest cry I’ve heard. Hearing her come, along with the pounding I’m taking leaves me not far behind. Seeing her partner in the throes of orgasm, Amanda focuses on my clit, and soon, I’m seeing stars, and bucking against her in another hot orgasm. I cry out and collapse forward into Tammy’s spread legs. Amanda stays close and inside me, wrapping her arms around me so that I don’t fall as I allow the pulses of my orgasm to squeeze around her toy. When I’m done, she pulls out of me, leans over and starts to kiss me and stroke my forehead. She reaches down, and puts her dildo to my lips, and I lick it off, before I enter my dream-like post-orgasmic bliss.



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