The First First [MF] [oral]

I lost my virginity in college, freshman year, to an exchange student from England . . .


She wasn’t the fittest girl I’d ever met. She was only slightly shorter than me, and had a fair bit of ‘padding’ – I tend to consider her as the founder of my enjoyment for both fit and thicker women. Her breasts, while it was a few more days before I got to see them in all their glory, were large and welcoming. Her size allowed her to have a fantastic ass: fantastic for grabbing, slapping, squeezing, biting . . . she kept her blonde hair cut to the middle of her back, just the right length to hold onto during particularly fast-pacing fucking in doggy-style.

For whatever reason someone wouldn’t want to go to bed with her, her British accent and oh-so-nasty vocabulary swept the board and replaced any hesitation with anticipation.

Most of my partners in high school were slender girls, and I expected to relinquish my virginity to someone of that shape, but by the time Jessa and I met I was ready to hit the sheets with nearly anyone, and she was a damn good teacher. We got to know each other on a hike with the outing club; it was the club’s semester trip to a park, up in the mountains. Jessa and I had met a few times before, and had certainly flirted, but nothing physical came of our interactions, until that trip.

The First First

We arrived at the campsite separately, with a bunch of other friends and classmates. Friday night wasn’t the traditional party night on this trip, but there were plenty of us there early enough that the beer and whiskey started flowing as we were setting up the tents. I had arrived with Elli and her friends; kind of the ‘old guard’ of the club, and was busy taking stuff from Elli’s car when Jessa called me over to help her with the tent she was working on. No one else was on the tent, and she was having a tough time tying it down. I helped her, and we chatted a bit.

As I passed behind her to get a few more stakes for my corner, I slid my hand on her waist, as if there wasn’t enough room behind her for me to pass without touching her. Jessa backed up into me, and gave me a coy smile.

I learned that move, the gentle hand on the back or waist, from a Canadian girl with whom I worked on a dude ranch in Spain. I accidentally did that to her one evening in the kitchen as we were both making dinner (because there really was no room to move in that tiny Spanish kitchen), and instead of ice cream for dessert, we shared the couch in a passionate make-out session. Unfortunately, that was just at the start of my yearlong trip and I was still quite naïve in terms of sexual relations, outside of the kissing and fingering I learned in high school.

Jessa and I finished setting up the tent, and I asked her if she wanted to help me get more gear from Elli’s car. It was dark outside, just after twilight, and most of the group was down by the fire. Jessa said, “Sure,” and we started walking over to the car together. We walked fairly close to each other, and I put my hand on her waist, lightly bumping into her.

I felt like I was in high school again, awkwardly flirting with the girls in theater class.

Jessa reacted immediately and turned to me, landing a kiss that was only amplified with the admittedly small amount of alcohol in our systems. The kiss didn’t last too long, and we both laughed quietly as we walked to the car together, my arm around her waist.

Elli had locked the car, but there was a keypad on the driver’s side door to let us in. I quickly texted Elli for the code, saying that we needed to get more stuff from her car. She responded promptly. Before I opened the door, Jessa asked me, “What do you want?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we’re over here, alone, with an empty car. I’ll do anything for you. Or to you,” she said, winking.

“Excuse me?” I had gone so far as hand-stuff before, and was a little uncertain of what was happening to me.

“Oh, just get the fuck in,” she said, exasperated. As I crawled in she slapped my ass gently.

We got in the car, and after getting situated on the small Subaru backseat, started making out again.

She stopped, put her hand on my chest and looked me dead in the eyes. She repeated her question: “Now, what the fuck do you want to do?”

“Umm . . .”

“You can say anything. Really!”

I looked at her, trying to see if this was a trick. Why would a senior exchange student like her want to do anything with a nerdy freshman like me? I decided to test the waters and see what came up:

“Well, I’ve never had a blow-job before.”

She smirked, “Really? No fucking way.”

I made a little shrug and side-smile.

“I’d be delighted to be your first suck-off, then, Jason.”

That line, no matter how many times I’ve played it in my head since that late April evening, is just as sexy and arousing as when she first uttered it in her southern British accent.

Jessa proceeded to push me back against the inside of the car door. I sat so one of my legs balanced on the seat and had the other leg bent so my foot was on the ground. She kissed me again, and started unbuckling my belt. I really couldn’t contain myself, and started smiling hugely.

She smiled back and purred; she started tugging on my pants, so I lifted up my butt to help her and she pulled my pants down my thighs to my knees. She stroked my cock over my thin boxers; pre-cum was already leaking out and I was harder than I’d ever been before.


“Hell yes!”

We both laughed: me out of shear nervousness, and her out of . . . well, I’m not really sure why she laughed. At the time I doubt she was as turned on as I was. Maybe she was just humored by my eagerness.

She pulled down the waist strap on my boxers and my penis sprung out. I won’t take any liberties with this story: I’m a healthy six inches, moderately thick. I’ve never been too proud of my length, and I know it’s just about average, but I like to think I now know how to use it well enough that the size doesn’t matter too much.

She engulfed the entire shaft in one go: I might have well just died and gone to heaven. Jessa worked my cock with her mouth, her lips, her tongue. She used her lips as a vacuum, applying pressure to different points on my shaft and whipped her tongue around my penis. The sensations were mind-blowing and I swear I saw stars in the first few minutes. Jessa moved her hands to my chest and neck. Massaging me, she brought one hand down to my balls and fondled them gently, all the while going up and down, up and down with her head on my tool. Her blonde hair tickled my happy trail, and I can still see the beautiful sight of the top of the head of the first girl ever to go down on my penis.

She brought both hands to my waist, and lifted her head, licking the head of my cock and kissing the tip before looking at me, straight in the eyes.

“How’s that for you? Do I make your cock and balls feel nice? I fucking love sucking you off.”

“Holy shit,” I breathed, completely caught off-guard by her statement.

“Haha,” she laughed as she stroked my cock with one hand, rubbing my crotch and upper leg with the other.

She took a breath and dove back in, pleasuring me in a way no one or nothing had ever done before.

This time she focused her lips on my tip, tightening her mouth as she approached the head and releasing my dick to the cooling night air between sucks.

I didn’t feel right putting my hands anywhere on her; it seemed to me at the time to be too forceful, and I just rested my arms on the back of the chairs on either side of me and tried to relax with the moment. I’d read enough erotic literature to know what to expect mentally, but nothing compared with my physical situation.

Then the warmth started coming up from within me; a familiar feeling, but so much stronger than ever before.

I moved my hands quickly to her wrists, needing to grab onto something, and she took a deep breath in through her nose as she descended her head all the way onto me; I could feel the back of her throat. As the final moment approached, I couldn’t control my hands and they leapt to her head, pushing her down just a little bit more.

She didn’t struggle, and moaned her approval of my forceful movement. She reached beneath herself and grasped my balls, gently but firmly turning, rubbing, pulling on them and my sack until I ultimately came.

Every drop of my seed went shooting down her throat. She nursed on my cock for a few moments more, relaxed her body, and slid her hands up to my stomach. Jessa finally released my slowly shrinking shaft from her mouth, kissed the tip again and moved forward to give me a kiss.

I could taste myself on her lips and tongue. I wanted to return the favor with immense passion, but before I could do anything more than move my hands to her hips, she pulled back and wiped her mouth daintily.

“We should probably get back to the group,” she winked at me, and we got out of the car.

The rest of the weekend went pretty well, with some good hikes and rock-climbs. Elli of course never found out about what we did in her car. On another trip, just a few weeks later, Jessa and I rode in Elli’s car, and while nothing intense happened, there was some hand-play on both accounts. That car had special meaning for Jessa and me. Nothing else happened between Jessa and me besides the occasional touch or kiss or nip for the rest of this trip.

But that doesn’t mean that Jessa and I were done and over with . . .
