I’m too young for sex :( pt. 14 [fM]

We woke up with plenty of time to clean up before Mom and Dad got back with my delinquent brother, Joe. In fact, we were sitting around the kitchen table enjoying a late breakfast together when Joe burst through the door from the garage and headed straight upstairs for his room, shooting us all an evil look.

Mark got up with a grimace and headed after him before Mom and Dad came into the kitchen shaking their heads.

“Where’s Mark?” Mom asked as she came up to the table. Dad let out a heavy sigh as he stalked into their bedroom off the kitchen.

“He went to talk to Joe,” I said. “How’d it go?”

“Well, I wish Joe had been as responsible as *Mark*,” she said. “Your father and I weren’t really comfortable with you two going to the beach in the first place, but Joe promised there would be proper supervision and no drugs or alcohol.”

“We were *all* surprised,” I said, trying to preserve a little bit of freedom I’d been given. “I heard Camden Fletcher say it was just going to be few friends hanging out at her family’s beach house.”

“And where were her parents?” Mom asked, crossing her arms under her breasts. “Joe said there were supposed to be some adults there keeping an eye on things.”

“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “We hung out playing beach volleyball for a couple of hours when we first got there. Once we saw what was going on, both Joe and Mark decided we should head back rather than stay over.”

“What about the fight I heard about?” Mom asked with a cocked eyebrow.

*Shit!* I kept my expression neutral as I scrambled for what to say. Mark came back in the kitchen just then.

“That was all on me,” Mark said to Mom. “I didn’t like the way one of the guys was acting toward Steph and Bethany. He was out of line and I took care of it.”

Mom’s expression thawed and she dropped her arms. “Mark, I don’t know how to thank you for talking care of the girls.”

“You don’t need to,” he said as he cheeks pinked. “I was happy to help.”

“That said, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. Joe can see you at school, but he isn’t allowed to go anywhere or have *anyone* over for the next month.”

A cold chill filtered up my from guts. I knew Mark well enough now to see his frustration at Mom’s comment in the little wrinkles around his eyes. If Mark couldn’t come over to see Joe, I’d have a hard time seeing *him*. His brother, Mason, would make being at his house impossible. The chill boiled at the unfairness of not seeing Mark because Joe was a horn dog.

“Sure, I understand,” Mark mumbled and glanced at Bethany and me. “See you around.”

“Bye,” I giggled, even though I didn’t feel it. Before he could turn away I ran to him and gave him a quick hug. When Bethany did the same I saw Mom grinning at us like she thought we were being cute. I died a little when Mark closed the front door.

Bethany headed home after we finished breakfast. It was a only two blocks to her house, but Mom drove her anyway, probably to explain about what happened over the weekend. I grabbed my bed sheets out of the dryer and made my bed while she was gone. Then I climbed up and crawled into a ball on the covers.

I cried softly. Tears leaked out and I quickly wiped them off my cheeks and nose. A roller-coaster took me through confusion, fear, pain, and envy. The image of Bethany sliding down Mark’s wiener was playing on an endless loop in my head. I wanted to talk to her about what it meant and how it felt, but Mark had been around and I didn’t want him to know I was worried about it.

All morning I kept wondering if Mark secretly liked Bethany more now. Sure, he’d been mad last night, but he had smiled at her more this morning. I just knew it. And she had laughed and flirted the whole time.

Joe had just screwed up *everything*. I’d never get time with Mark now that Joe was going to be home all the time. And even doing stuff with Bethany would be harder because Joe usually hung out over at Mark’s house over the weekends.

At least the endless parade of *what’s her names* would stop. Mom said she was going to be calling the kitchen phone at random times after school. Joe had to answer the phone within two rings or he would get another week. That meant he couldn’t go to his room and shut the door and I wasn’t allowed to answer unless he was in the bathroom.

It was so screwed up. I was a basket case. Eventually, I fell asleep and woke a dozen times from bad dreams. In the morning I woke up with stomach cramps and a little gift from my uterus throwing up in my panties. No wonder I was so emotional.

My first period started a couple of years before. At first it was just a rusty stain in my panties every couple of months and a feeling like I needed to poop really bad. That lasted a year and then things got much worse.

The cramps were unbearable, but no one had ever warned me about the smell. Geez, it was like someone rolled around the nasty floor of a fish market and slaughter house. Mom had me wearing pads at first, but after the brush handle incident, I got myself some skinny tampons to plug the leak at its source.

Five days I suffered with it. Five miserable days watching Mark from a distance while Bethany chatted up my brother Joe after school. Five days I waited for the cramps to stop tormenting me. Five days of mood swings that went from crying jags to being so horny I lay under the bathtub faucet until I groaned out Mark’s name. Five days until my *Honey Bee* stung me so hard I couldn’t stand her anymore.

Bethany knew what I was going through and had cut me a break all week. We got home from school Friday after teasing each other all day. I headed to the shower to cleanse the last of the funk away while she joined Joe on the couch to do homework.

I wanted to be especially clean, so I washed carefully and rinsed using the shower wand. Bee was staying the night and both of us were horny as hell. I shaved everything off. I mean everything. I’m blonde and my hair is nearly invisible, but I got my underarms, legs, and every single hair off my ‘giner. I even got the ones way down underneath because I had a mirror on a stand.

After I got out and dried off, I put lotion all over to soothe my skin. We planned to trim and paint our nails while we watched a movie later, so I just scraped off the last of my glittery polish before getting dressed.

My favorite boyshort panties and lacy bra went on first so we could have fun taking them off. Next came soft blue shorts and a pink tee that stopped right under my belly button. I put my damp hair back in a tail as I went down the hallway and stopped dead at the stairs.

“But I’m *not* a virgin,” I heard Bethany giggle as she gave my brother a coy look.

“What about Stephanie,” Joe asked with a growl in his voice as he scooted closer to Bethany on the couch.

“Oh, she’s still got her v-card,” Bethany said as she leaned into Joe’s side. “No one will touch her, especially after what happened to Dan last weekend. You made me feel so safe.”

I suddenly felt sick watching them. This was nothing like what we had with Mark. That was all out in the open between us all. My fear that Mark liked her more had drained away right along with my period. It was just me being emotional, but this was something else entirely.

She was laying it on so thick I was surprised Joe bought it, but maybe a week without sex had dropped his IQ. Hiding back behind the wall, I watched Joe lean over to kiss her and felt like I needed to vomit.

He kissed her softly a few times, then they went for it. She reached around his back while his hand went under her shirt. It was actually my t-shirt. I’d loaned it to her last week. My brother was kissing my girlfriend and she was pushing her breasts into his hand.

My hand covered my mouth to stifle the sob and tears blurred the sight of her pulling closer to him. Joe pulled back and I hoped he would realize this was wrong and put a stop to it.

“Can we go up to your room?” she asked.

“I need to hear if Mom calls.”

“So leave the door open. Bethany knows I want to be with you. She won’t care.”

My heart ripped right down the middle. *My love. My first.* I scrambled back to my room and shut the door before sliding down the wall to sit on the carpet. They laughed as they ran up the stairs and I heard Joe’s bed squeak. I couldn’t stay there and listen to it happen.

Slipping back into the hallway, I crawled towards the stairs. Joe’s room was on the other side so I knew I could sneak down if they were distracted. The sound of wet kisses and moans forced me to stop. My traitor eyes looked while my mind screamed not to.

Joe had her shirt off and was sucking those tiny nipples I loved while she arched her back. My t-shirt was cast off on the floor next to the bed. The soles of his feet were dirty. I hated my brother even more because he was going to fuck my best friend with dirty feet for some reason. I couldn’t think straight, but I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

Joe worked her shorts down and plunged his hand inside to cup her sex. She gasped and pushed against his fingers. Watching the fabric bunch and move, I knew the exact moment he entered her from her cry.


Bethany pushed her own shorts and panties down, kicking them off while his large hand worked between her legs. She looked so small next to him. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of her cumming as she squeezed his hand tight between her thighs.

While she recovered, my brother pushed down his shorts and tore off his shirt. I noticed he wasn’t as big as Mark was as he tore open a condom wrapper. Bethany scooted back on the pillows as her eyes moved all over his body. He rolled the condom on with one hand and crawled between her legs to kiss her thighs.

It was like watching a car crash in slow motion. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him licking her. I’d kissed those thighs. I’d spread those lips and licked in between. I’d felt her hands in my hair as I brought her all the way there.

Joe’s body blocked my view, but my memory painted every fucking detail for me. When she cried out I just whimpered. My chin quivered as I scooted down one step at a time until I couldn’t see them anymore. Then I ran. When my hand was on the doorknob I heard the bed begin to squeak rhythmically.

I looked down at my ankle. We’d made friendship anklets at a party a few weeks before. Mine was frayed and the colors had faded. I couldn’t stand it touching me anymore. I tore it off and threw it on the floor of the entryway before running out of the house.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4x4kn9/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_14_fm


  1. Interesting twist. I didn’t expect that to happen. Curious to see where it goes next.

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