A Chance pt. 7 [ff][no sex]

**Author’s note:** I usually let my stories speak for themselves, but this one needs a little explanation. I know this subreddit is called sexystories and usually favors hot little stroke stories. That said, I’m a writer and my stories tend to go where they want.

I really love this story, but I couldn’t write this chapter and include any sexy bits because, frankly, this part of the story is really hard on the characters. But every couple of weeks I either get a comment or PM asking for more.

I write under other names besides /u/lizette_and_kimmy including /u/tooyoungforsex, /u/kat_and_renauld, /u/jacob_molly_camden, and /u/friends_and_benefits. You guys have voted 20 of my stories into the all time top 100 stories on this subreddit and I appreciate all your votes and comments.

So here is chapter 7 as it *needs* to be, without gratuitous sex, for those of you who keep asking for more. I suggest you click on my name (/u/lizette_and_kimmy) to read the earlier parts first or this chapter may not make any sense.



Lizette bit all her nails off as she sat in the waiting room. Kimmy had been in the Emergency Room for what felt like hours, but a quick check of her phone showed it had only been about thirty minutes. She had followed the ambulance in her car, leaving the police officers to go ask questions at Kimmy’s house.

Kimmy had been able to explain what had happened to the police before the ambulance had taken her away. Hearing the the story had torn her heart out. Lizette knew Kimmy’s family was religious and that her father was a deacon in that gay-hating church, but she had no idea he’d been physically abusive.

After arriving at the hospital, Lizette had called Coach Karen for help. Her partner, Christine, worked in family law and Lizette hoped she could help Kimmy. Her father may have beaten her, but Kimmy’s mother had to have known it was happening. There was no way to quietly cover someone’s body with welts like that. No matter what happened, Lizette didn’t want her girlfriend going back to that house.

She spotted Coach Karen and Christine coming in from the parking lot and walked over to meet them when they came in.

“Lizette, how’s she doing?” Coach Karen asked as she approached with a frown and furrowed brow.

“I don’t know. They won’t tell me anything because I’m not family.”

“Don’t worry. Let me go see what I can do,” Christine said as she brushed her hand on Lizette’s shoulder.

Lizette stood with her arms around her stomach, trying to keep her fear at bay. Christine spoke to the nurse at the desk, then pulled a business card out of her purse. The nurse nodded and typed on the computer for a moment, then handed her a printed paper badge. Christine looked back, gave a thumbs up, then followed the nurse through the automatic double doors.

“What if they make her go home?” Lizette whispered, more to herself than Coach Karen. “What if they make her go to a foster home?”

“She’s over sixteen,” Coach Karen whispered back. “If she accepts Christine as her attorney, we can probably do something about that.”

“Could she come home with me? I called Mom earlier to let her know what happened and that was the first thing she said.”

“Maybe, but don’t get your hopes up yet. Christine said it really depends what the police find out from their investigation. If her father confesses or they find enough physical evidence, he’ll be arrested for assault.”

“Her mother had to know what happened,” Lizette growled. “She was nice when we were little, but she never went against what her husband said. We can’t let them force her to go home.”

A few minutes later, Christine came out with another woman at her side. “Lizette, this is Jean Halloran, the social worker that has been assigned to evaluate Kimmy. Jeanette, this is Kimmy’s girlfriend, Lizette Coleson.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Jean said as she shook Lizette’s hand. “Kimmy has been asking to see you non-stop since she got here.”

“Can I go see her?” Lizette begged. “Please? Just for a minute.”

“I think we can do that,” Jean said with a suppressed smile. “They’ve gathered all the assault evidence and the doctors are treating her now. I just wanted to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.”

“Anything I can do to help,” Lizette promised, her heart lifting at the prospect of seeing Kimmy.

Jean asked a series of questions about order of events and the time she dropped Kimmy off. Lizette answered as fully as she could, adding in passing how her mother had already invited Kimmy to stay at their home. Jean nodded as she took notes, like everything matched up with what she expected.

“Excuse me,” Jean said as her cell phone started ringing. “Yes? Ok, wow. Seriously?” Jean’s face drew up into an incredulous expression. “Yeah, technically she’s a minor, but she has representation.” Her eyes darted to Christine, then she turned around.

Lizette used her torn thumb nail to smooth the ragged edges of her other fingernails. Coach Karen put an open hand on her back, adding a little warmth to the chill in the waiting room. When Jean got off the phone, she let out a long breath and looked at Christine.

“The police just arrested Joel McKimson.”

“Good,” Christine growled. “What options can you give me? I need to speak to my client about what she wants to do now.”

“Well, technically she should go with her mother.” Jean crossed her arms and stood straighter. Lizette thought she saw a little hesitation in the suggestion.

“Absolutely not. The family is part of some cult-like church where women must obey their husbands. You think she didn’t hear her daughter being beaten? Kimmy’s old enough to decide for herself.”

Jean pinched her lips and squinted at Christine. “But I still need a legal guardian.”

“I’ll do it,” Coach Karen said. “I’ve been through the training and am already in the system as registered special advocate.”

“I’ll need your information,” Jean said. “Why don’t you go back to see Kimmy while we do this?”

Christine gave Lizette a nod then led her through the double doors into the emergency room. The large space was partitioned with light green curtains around a circular desk where the nurses worked. Lizette’s heart pounded as Christine guided her to one of the curtained rooms.

Kimmy was reclining on a raised hospital bed. Her cheek had a mottled red and purple bruise where she’d been hit. Her left eye was swollen closed, the lid discolored and the brow above covered with a bandage. There were raised stripes visible on her neck and arms that looked like red snakes under her skin. They had been covered with a greasy salve that made them shiny in the bright lights.

Christine stayed back and pulled the curtain closed behind Lizette to give them some privacy.

“Hey,” Lizette whispered as she approached the bed. Kimmy blinked her eyes open and reached out her hand. Lizette took it, fighting back tears. “I’m here.”

“What took you so long,” Kimmy whispered through bruised lips that lifted in a faint smile.

“Oh, you know, the usual. Cute police women wanting to chat me up. Hanging out with Coach Karen and Christine.” Lizette sniffed and put on her best smile.

“You suck at lying,” Kimmy sighed and closed her eyes again. “Dad knew I was with you. I guess this is one way to come out of the closet.” Her ironic chuckle tickled out a cough that made her wince. She opened her eyes again. “My back is killing me. Help me sit up?”

Lizette pulled her up and gasped at the open back of the hospital gown. Her skin was crisscrossed with angry red stripes. The really bad ones were mercifully covered with bandages. “Are you sure you’re supposed to be sitting up?”

“It doesn’t matter. If they try to force me to go back home I’m gonna run away, so I need to get on my feet.”

“I don’t think they’ll make you go home. Christine and Coach Karen may put you up temporarily. And Mom said you can stay with us if the courts allow it.”

“If we can be together I’ll sleep under a bridge.” Kimmy gave a weak smile and leaned into Lizette’s shoulder. There was nowhere to touch her that wouldn’t cause pain.

Christine opened the curtain to allow Jean inside.

“Okay,” Jean said. “I think we’ve got a workable plan. I’ve got a call into Judge Emory to grant temporary guardianship to your Coach Karen. We’ll release you to her tonight so you can get some rest and then work on long term arrangements starting tomorrow. Does that sound okay?”

“As long as I don’t have to go back to live with Mom or ever see Dad again, I’ll do whatever you say.”

Once the decision was made it took hours to get Kimmy out of the hospital. Between the legal and medical issues, Lizette could only watch while her girlfriend battled between pain and exhaustion. Just before midnight, Kimmy was wheeled out to Christine’s SUV. After getting the address, Lizette went home to get clothes for them both and other necessities. She arrived at the address around one in the morning and was directed to the guest room where Kimmy would be staying.

Kimmy was sleeping on her stomach wearing nothing but bandages. In the dim light, Lizette could clearly see the welts all over her back, legs, and arms. Biting her lip, she quickly stripped down to her panties and pulled on a soft sleep shirt. Then she got into bed with her girlfriend, careful not to wake her or touch her, but Kimmy woke anyway.

“Snuggle me?” she whispered.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Lizette whispered back, but scooted closer.

“I took a cold shower and Karen put on the salve they gave me in the hospital. It numbed everything. I’m okay for now.”

Lizette snaked her arm under the pillow and rolled next to Kimmy. “How’s this?”

“Better,” Kimmy murmured and lifted her face for a kiss.

Kissing those bruised lips, Lizette felt her heart twisting in her chest. Her best friend, her lover, had been beaten bloody by the man who should have protected her because she dared to disobey him. When Lizette pulled back, Kimmy had a smile on her face.

“Sleep. I’ll watch over you.”

Kimmy hummed and shut her eyes. Lizette watched until the sun brightened the bedroom window before succumbing to sleep.


Vote or comment if you want me to continue. Click on my name for the next part.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4y0in5/a_chance_pt_7_ffno_sex


  1. I knew the style looked familiar. I’ve always liked your work CN. :)

  2. I don’t know if you’re a lesbian, or even a woman, but I am and this series hit close to home. Being in love with your best friend, sneaking around, hiding this… I just read all 7 parts back to back. I cried, then masturbated, then cried again. Never done that before. Anyway, this was really touching and great. Thanks for writing :)

  3. Please continue the story, it’s really good! I don’t even mind if there is no sex in some (or many) parts.

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