Vivid Dreams Poker Club (Chapters 1 & 2) – [MF] [Str8] [Oral]

*sorry for posting the Chapter 1 again: i wanted to include links between chapters and had both auto deleted. that was my mistake. I hope you enjoy your time at Vivid Dreams Poker Club!*


May, 14

This was the first day of my new job, which would later prove exceptionally interesting and arousing. If only I knew what my future had in store! But, let’s stick to the timeline.

My name is Dennis and I was in a desperate search for job. I was fired a while ago and surely needed money. So, one day I came home and saw a pretty interesting e-mail in my inbox.

“Vivid Dreams Poker Club is a brand new gambling facility in search of staff. We are just opening, and currently hiring a dealer for our club. If this offer seems interesting for you, feel free to call us at +x-xxxxxx and we will appoint a meeting. Knowledge of game rules is a must. We only need one male applicant! Dress code: black suit.

Helene Miller”

This was hell of an interesting offer! I knew my chances were slim, because they seemed to only hire one person and chances are someone was hired already, but nevertheless, I had a plenty of free time, so I decided to give it a shot and called Helene. Good part was that I knew poker rules well enough and I really thought I was fit for this position.

“Vivid Dreams Poker Club?”, I asked.

“Yes, Helene is here.”

Her voice was deep; she had some slight accent, which I could not recognize.

“Good day, Ms. Miller. My name’s Dennis and I’ve received your invitation for an interview…”

“Yes, yes, you’ve called me just in time! We’re open now for two more hours and I’m able to interview you, if you come here soon.”

“Thanks! I’m ready to go. What’s the address?”

I packed my stuff and went on: five kilometers to go. I put my black suit on (wasn’t a very tidy one, but I thought I needed to fit in their dress code on my interview). I hoped for the best.

When I arrived, I saw no sign or poster of any Poker Club, so I figured it was a kind of a small room, maybe for special guests only. Either way, I was yet to hear the details.

I knocked at the door and after a minute Helene opened it. She was a tall, slim woman in black dress: she certainly fit her own dress code! There was some strange but pleasant odor in the room.

“Come in.”

I entered the room: it was indeed small, but tidy and stylish.

“What a nice place!” I exclaimed.

“Thank you! We’ve spent good time designing it. Do you drink?”

There was also a nice, thought small, bar there.

“Maybe a little bit, thanks. So…” I was uncertain what to say.

“Sit down here,” she led me to a round table in the corner of a room. The center of the room was covered by a green poker table, complete with chairs, card and chip sets. Everything seemed ready for play.

“Style is an important thing for our place,” she started talking to me, “We’re small, but we want our share of, you know, dedicated customers. We are not open yet, but we want to look presentable and professional.”

“I understand.”

“And you look, as of now, fit enough to the position. At least your looks are promising,” she smiled, “But your playing skills are the most important for us, so let’s play a training game to see if you’re worthy.”

I nodded and we proceeded to the playing table.

“You want to be our dealer, so please, go ahead and deal!”

I nodded again, mixed the cards for a while, then gave her two cards and two cards for myself. I announced the blinds and posted a big blind for myself, leaving small blind for Helene.

“Good,” she said, looking in her cards, “I raise.”

I reached for the chips to put her raise in place and looked in my own cards. I had a pair of eights – good start!


“What’s your gaming experience?” she asked me while I was dealing the flop.

“I played in college for a while. Nothing serious, but I have studied the theory thoroughly – I love gaming.”

“I can see that,” she smiled. I noticed by that time that she was an adorable woman with style. She was, like, 25-28 years old and her eyes were black: she certainly had a kink for that color!

We played for a little while more, and I beat her big time. This didn’t seem to disappoint her, she was in a good mood and I thought I have impressed her enough. So I went on to discuss possible conditions of our partnership.

“Speaking of our conditions…”

“Oh, that,” she grinned, “I’m going to give you a test run tomorrow, if you’re ready. It’s an evening job, so you will have to move your schedule.”

“I’m fine with that. And speaking of salary…”

“We will agree on that later, but you have to be sure you won’t be disappointed. We’re a special place,” she replied with a wink.

Not quiet sure what she could mean by that, I decided to agree with her terms and give myself a shot tomorrow. If anything, this place seemed a nice place to work in, and Helene seemed like a pretty damn good boss!

May, 15

At 6 p.m., after my dinner, I tidied up my suit a little and headed to my new job. Helene was waiting for me already.

“Hi, Dennis,” she greeted me. “Come in and get ready, we’re opening in an hour.”

I was wondering how many people will come and play.

“Did you take a shower?” Helene asked unexpectedly, “Because we value physical cleanness and hygiene.”

“I sure did,” I replied. Those were unusual standards for a poker dealer, though understandable ones.

When I settled at the table, and there still was time left, she quietly gave me a brochure about how everything worked.

Reading it left me astonished. It turned out, Vivid Dreams Poker Club had some special rules, and those were… Interesting.

Along with a usual set of chips of different worth, there were also some unusual ones, of pink and red colors, without labels.

“What’s with those chips?” I asked Helene.

“That’s our special feature,” she replied, “When a person has no money left and wants to re-buy, or when she wants to save some money for herself even though she loses, she has an option to use those chips.”

“And? Wait, you why do you say “she”?”

“Our club is mostly for female players for now,” she replied, a fact she didn’t mention at all the day before, “If our players want to save money they’re losing other way, they will have to pay in a different way. A pink chip is the cheapest of all: she will get back some regular chips in exchange it, and if she still loses it, she will have to perform a lap dance for the dealer. Red chip is more expensive: it means having an oral sex session with our dealer is what she has to pay.”

“Wait, what?!” I exclaimed, totally shocked. She was saying this like as if she explained the most routine things in the world to me.

“What, did I not mention it earlier? Sorry if so, I sometimes forget stuff,” she replied with another wink.

“But, wait, is it okay to do such things? It’s illegal!”

“Well, we don’t allow everyone to play here, this is going to be an elite club, when all players sign a special paper of consent before playing. But,” she lowered her voice, “It doesn’t mean all of them will read the special clauses typed in small print. Signing them, nevertheless, will automatically mean their agreement. And – calm down – no one is going to force them into having an intercourse with the dealer, because using those special chips is always a player’s choice. Regular play with simple chips is totally possible here, so stay cool.”

To say I was astonished was to say nothing. My most dirty fantasies started forming in my mind when I realised I was in position to have sex with poker players who will lose to the club. And since women are generally not very top players…

“But why did you come up with those unusual rules? Even I would not think of something like that, though I’m a young man with longing for women!”

Helene smiled.

“I just like spreading love, you know. It will please me to know people are having good time in my club, playing poker and… other things. Come on, you’re in a lucky position. Enjoy it and be a good… dealer,” she winked again and her wink sent me shivers.

Oh my, so that’s what she meant when she said I’m going to be satisfied with my working conditions! I could barely concentrate on setting the table for play.

“Some players already called me to tell they were coming to play today. I don’t know if they read the papers thoroughly, so… If you’re persuasive enough, you might make them save some money!”

I nodded, still in shock, but heck, that was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. I was wondering who was about to come play!

After an hour, the doorbell rang. Helene stood up, sending me a what I now could classify as a pervert smile, and opened the door.

Who came in were two young women in their twenties, and I could already feel my cock crave for them. One was blonde and short, though slim, in a red dress, another had a short black hair and a gray suit.

“Hello Helene!” the blonde one said when they came in.

“Welcome to the Vivid Dreams Poker Club,” Helene replied, “I hope you enjoy your time here. Proceed to the table, our dealer Dennis will… serve you.”

I put a smile on my face and took the card deck.

“My name’s Dennis, and I’m going to be your dealer.”

They said down in front of me, smiling wide.

“I’m Nicole,” the blonde one replied in a high-pitched voice.

“My name’s Ann, nice to meet you,” said the other one.

Helene came to exchange their money for (regular) chips and they started playing. I was nervous at first, but the women were so nice and in good mood that I finally entered the good flow of playing, and dealing turned out to be easy. From time to time I looked at Helene to know if she approves my work and each time she nodded, making me more and more sure I’m going to be appointed.

Soon another player came: she was a Latin-looking woman around 25 years old and her name was Claire. Finally, Ann and Nicole weren’t playing against each other, and we had a proper competition. From what I’ve seen, Ann was a damn good player, and she kind of took every chip from Nicole’s stack. Seemed like Ann wanted to teach Nicole play poker, because at first Nicole seemed very unsure in the game flow and rules. Claire, who joined later, was also a good player, though slightly inferior to Ann. I kind of liked the fact that Nicole was such a newbie, because, I have to say, she looked hot as hell.

“I have a set of kings,” Ann exclaimed after one of the games, and Nicole turned out to have a pair of aces, which certainly put her down. Instantly I realised she had no chips left, and I instinctively looked for Helene’s reaction. She looked at me seemingly indifferently and nodded slightly. I gasped and went ahead with my game.

According to my instructions, I secretly passed a pink chip and a small sheet of paper to Nicole.

This is what was written there:

“Read carefully and keep QUIET!

We at Vivid Dream Poker Club don’t want our players to go broke. Also, we want our players to have some good time with us. We’ve combined those two wishes in our special offer, which is something we want to keep secret, so please don’t tell.

You’ve been offered a pink chip, which is worth some of chips you’ve already lost. You have an option to get them back and pay this pink chip in the bank instead. Only, doing this will mean you will have to provide a special kind of payment instead: that is performing lap dance for our dealer. This involves dancing on his lap for around five minutes and stripping topless. The choice is yours!”

Nicole looked surprised, which meant, I suppose, she was unaware of the rules. But much to my surprise and excitement, she nodded, and passed the pink chip along to me. She blushed, but I noticed a wry smirk on Ann’s face: _she_ seemed to be aware of the rules. Helene winked at me again, as we continued playing.

The playing day approached its’ end, Claire left first, and Ann whispered something to Nicole, then stood up and told goodbye to both me and Helene.

Helene came to me and Nicole and said:

“Following your decision, I will now lead you to our special payment room”.

Nicole nodded and followed her. I noticed she was somehow excited.

The room was lit by a dim red lamp, and the atmosphere was intimate. Helene left the room and I was left alone with Nicole.

“I suppose you know what to do,” I said. Suddenly a quiet music started playing, I suppose Helene forethought everything well.

Nicole approached me and sat on my lap. She seemed uncomfortable, but I touched her hair and smiled, and she smiled back. Slowly, she started moving on my lap, and I felt my cock harden. She was extremely sexy and I couldn’t wait to see her boobs naked. Her red dress was kinky, but as it was a lap dance, I couldn’t actually touch her, only watch.

She moved smoothly, slowly getting rid of parts of her dress. My cock wanted her, but, alas, not today. In a way, pink chip was a torturous one. Nicole started to feel more frivolous with me, she realized how sexy she were to me and I felt her rub on my lap in excitement. She closed her eyes and danced with passion. She even put her hand on my cock and felt it through my pants.

“Hmm,” she said, “I suppose you have more special chips in case I lose more, don’t you?”

I nodded. Suddenly I realized I had a very nice job. The music fade off, Nicole barely managed to put her dress on when Helene entered the room to lead Nicole out.

“I hope you enjoyed playing at Vivid Dreams Poker Club, Nicole!”

“I sure did!” she smiled.

“See you next time.”

As Nicole left, Helene turned to me.

“Good job, Dennis. See you tomorrow!”

As I nodded, she briefly touched my crotch, laughed satisfyingly and left for her table.


May, 16. Friday

A question I didn’t ask the day before, I dared to ask Helene today.

“What’s the financial idea behind the special chips?” I said when I arrived for work, half an hour before the start of the day, “I mean, Nicole used the pink chip, and I exchanged it for real money she’d lose to Ann. But I didn’t take that money from Ann, that’d be unfair, I took it from our own cashier. What’s the point? That’s clear loss for the club.”

“I’m glad you’ve asked,” replied Helene, “That’s a very unusual scheme. Let me explain this for you. Those two chips are only a test run, I’m still thinking about how to expand it, but here are the basics: when a player agrees on a special chip, it’s either for rakeback, or for loss return. The latter means we cover their losses and give them some money back for that different kind of payment, defined by the color and the price of the special chip. You’re right, we pay for them moneywise, but look at a broader picture: our rake is higher than average, and this kind of service might come in handy to attract more players and make them more loyal. You want our players to be loyal, don’t you?”

Who could possibly not want that?

“When an enterprise is at its first days, it spends more than it earns. I’m pretty wealthy, so that helps. I can cover those initial losses with ease. Through time, high rake and rakeback system would compensate for occasional loss returns. Nearly all poker rooms provide a kind of a rakeback, it’s just that here it’s… quite different.”

“What’s the rakeback system, though?”

“Oh, that’s about special chips as well. You see, players pay rake for each hand. A certain percent for every bank. We keep account of rake paid by every player, and if they wish, and if they need, they can get it back. And – you guess – here’s where special chips come into play.”

“That’s damn smart.”

“Well I am damn smart!” Helene laughed, content with herself.

“But aren’t we losing money by only allowing female players?”

“Technically, we allow both sexes. But I’m still working on special _perks_ for males. Don’t worry, you’ll have nothing to do with that. I’m not much into gay stuff,” she laughed, “But soon you’ll see what I’m planning for future. As for now – it’s about time to start working!”

“Helene,” I said before heading to the poker table.


“Thank you for this opportunity.”

Helene gave me a wry smile.

“You’re welcome.”

I wondered if today I’ll be lucky enough to execute a red chip with some good-looking client.

As I quiet expected, no one came to play in the early hours, but Helene seemed to be okay with that. Finally, after a couple of hours, a knock at the door.


A sporty-looking woman in her thirties appeared, looking around shyly. Helene welcomed her.

“Fancy a drink?”

“Maybe a little, thanks!”

“This is Yvette, Dennis. I was expecting for her to come.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Helene seemed to have quite a good taste at picking potential players for her club! Dressed in black, probably to fit the club style, Yvette had a curvy body and her dress was kinkily short. Not too bright, but still red hair topped the impression.

Helene approached the table.

“As no one else’s here, I’ll play with you. Dennis, deal the cards.”

Instantly the fantasies of how Helene might theoretically make use of the special chips herself zipped through my mind, but her own words that she’s wealthy enough, and surely she had a lot of cash with her (and probably superior playing skills) cold-showered me out of such thoughts. Besides, I really wanted to know how Yvette would react to our special offer (in case she blows her bankroll, of course).

Helene proved to have a tight aggressive style of playing, from what I have seen: just the style you need to win on a steady basis. I made a note in my mind that I should ask her where she would learn to play so well. Indeed, Yvette’s bankroll melted like Antarctic ice.

“It might be because I feel slightly dizzy,” Yvette said, smiling in apology.

“You can’t win every day,” Helene shrugged. She basically looked like she _did_ win every day.

It’s a good thing Helene could and would like to play. In such a hidden place, in its first days, you don’t expect a surge of random customers, so it was pretty crucial to make sure people who come don’t get disappointed and have an opportunity to at least play heads-up. And Helene was charming. Yvette really seemed to like playing and talking to her.

As time flew, I realized there was some atmosphere of intimacy forming in the room. Yvette smiled and looked at me with her innocent eyes, losing hand after hand. Helene looked knowingly in turns at me and her, with her usual wry smile.

“You want her, don’t you?” she probably thought after a fortunate flush of diamonds on river saved her a big bank.

“I’m nearly broke,” Yvette said, playing what had left of her chips.

Her lips looked so sweet, especially as she moistened them with her tongue, probably out of breath because the air was pretty hot inside. My cock would feel so good surrounded by them. Every time she sticks her tongue out I’d imagine how it plays with my tip.

Oh no, I wouldn’t be able to survive another session of a pink chip.

“At our club, there’s always a possibility to regain what’s lost,” – I said, secretly moving a special red chip over to her, noticing Helene’s appreciative smile.

Yvette’s situation was that she didn’t really need to be quiet about what she’d read, because there was only her and the club’s staff.

“Are you proposing a way out of my gambling trouble?” she chuckled and looked me directly in the eye. My cock bulged to a point that I started feeling uncomfortable.

“Yes. Still it’s up to you,” I said.

“But isn’t it appealing to both get some of your loss back _and_ feel this man’s hot seed on your lips?” Helene added. I loved it how our client being outnumbered by us allowed us play openly. It was already hot as hell, and her remark brought me to the brink of craziness.

Yvette looked at Helene surprised, but I saw her bite her lower lip. Oh dear, this girl was ready. And I was ready too.

As if it wasn’t necessary to wait for a reply, Helene took Yvette’s hand and said, “I’ll lead you to our special room.” Yvette followed.

I sat down on a dark-red couch, while Helene was turning the light down. In surrounding dimness, I could see Yvette approaching me, still unsure.

“Don’t worry, girl,” I said quietly, “You might not know it yet, but you want it.”

“I do,” she replied after a short pause even more quietly.

I let her unzip my trousers. I heard her gasp as she released my dick, already as hard as it probably never was.

“It’s so hard!” she touched it with her fingers, “Did you watch me play all the time and secretly dream to put your thing in my mouth?”

Damn, she turned out to like dirty talk!

“I actually was waiting for your stack to disappear so that I could finally stick it in. Now don’t let me wait.”

I let my fingers in her hair and slightly pushed her head towards my dick. Since yesterday my balls were so full of seed, obviously waiting for Yvette to come and take care of it.

It felt like heaven when she opened her wet mouth and licked my tip. I held her hair tighter and gasped, feelings overwhelmed me. I wanted to both cum hard in this gorgeous slut and continue playing with her.

It was so wet and moisty as she worked her way up and down my cock. She certainly liked it, she moaned in lust and I just sat back and enjoyed my unbelievable job.

This girl knew how to suck a man’s dick for sure. I touched her shoulders as she pleased me, her eyes closed. Right before my feelings nearly peaked, she let go of my dick.

“Will you cum harder for me if I set my boobs free?”

My eyes must have widened so hard, because she nodded, and with a wry smile slowly took her dress down. Her hard nipples suggested she really enjoyed the time she spent here.

I touched her soft breast with my hand as she stroke my dick, in an impossible rush of feelings I took control of her head and set it right in front of my dick again.

“Prepare to feel me cum in your throat,” I said, and put my dick back in her mouth, not holding down anymore and increasing the speed. She moaned in excitement, and not able to edge anymore, I let spurts of my hot cum right inside of her mouth, covering her tongue with my seed. Barely able to breathe, I saw her kissing my cock, leaving her red lips cum covered.

“I will come play here again for certain,” she said in a deep and lustful voice.

“You’re always welcome.”
