The Apocalypse Barrier [Str8][MF][inc][Mom/Son]

### Introduction
The zombie apocalypse was different than imagined. I was in my first year at university when the virus appeared. A small outbreak at first, with mild symptoms. My mother, already of a nervous disposition, needed comfort. That’s why I was by her side when the virus got worse. It quickly went global, spreading like wildfire. The symptoms were… zombie-like. Rather than dangerous flesh eating monsters, they were just shuffling around. Millions of them, capable of nothing more than drinking water and moving around. As far as we knew, me and my mother were the only survivors in our city.

### Part 1
Stealing my neighbors camper was easy, since he was zombified and incapable of understanding the concept of property. He was the outdoorsy type, something we had in common, and his camper was an all terrain vehicle with just enough room for two people. I had envied his camper, and the freedom he had with it, capable of going out trekking at a moments notice. Now the camper was mine, but while it had previously meant freedom, it now meant survival.

I packed like I would have for one of my long hikes: fuel, food, water, all the gear I could loot, and two bikes, in case the roads were blocked. Our destination was obvious. It was our summer home, further down south. My father had never been a prepper, but he valued independence from established society. Our summer home was built accordingly, with solar cells for power, a well for water, and secluded enough that we wouldn’t need to worry about stray visitors.

After going through my checklist I took my mothers hand and we left our home for the last time. She was clinging to me, terrified, as we walked outside and she saw the state of our city. I held her close, and walked her to the passenger side door, before getting in the driver seat myself. With the roads blocked by abandoned cars, it took most of the day to leave the city. We rarely spoke during the drive. My mother cried, then went quiet, then quietly sobbed, then cried again. I held her hand as much as I could while driving. She held my hand tighter than I’ve ever had anyone do before.

We were an hour outside of town when it started getting dark. It was a road I had driven many times before, but it looked different now that abandoned cars littered the road. I turned on to a dirt road I know would lead to a lake, not far from here. We sat at the benches by the lake, sharing a meal as the sun finally set.

“Mom… We need to try to sleep now. I want to get started at first light”

She only nodded, and quietly went into the camper. I tidied up, throwing the remains of our meal into a trash can no one would ever empty again. In the camper, my mother was already in the bed. She had changed to a large t-shirt, and was quietly sobbing under the covers, turned against the campers side. I took off my trousers, but kept the t-shirt on. I climbed in next to her under the covers, and put a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s going to be alright, Mom… We’ll get to the house soon. Just a couple of days.”

She turned around, with tears in her eyes as she looked into mine. Then she shuffled closer to me, buried her face in my neck. I put my arm under her head and put the other arm around her, holding her closer to me. She had always been a petite woman, but she felt so small pressed up against me, her feet against my shins, my arm around her tiny waist. She stopped sobbing as I gently patted her on the back. I held her close and felt her breath against my neck, until I finally fell asleep.

After a restless night I finally woke up to the first hints of dawn. We were still entangled, with my one arm under her head, and the other over her body. I shifted a little and looked down at her. Still asleep. As I shifted I realized my arm over her body was now at the small of her back. Her t-shirt must have bundled up during the night, because I felt the edge of her panties against my fingers. I let my hand linger there, and felt an immediate sense of guilt. What if someone were to find out? But for the first time I truly realized that no one was around to know. I stayed there for a while, absolutely still, listening to her breathing, before I decided it was getting too late. I very gently pulled my arm out from under her, got up and grabbed my trousers, and went outside. I made breakfast, and was getting ready to wake her up, when she came out of the camper. She must have just woken up, as she was still wearing only her large t-shirt, which reached her halfway down her thighs. She sat down at the bench opposite mine, and started eating her breakfast. I tried to not look at her panties, clearly visible between her legs, but it was hard not to. They were pink lace panties, and luxurious by the looks of it. It was such a stark contrast to our current bleak situation, struggling to survive.

After we finished our breakfast and stored our gear, she came up to me, still in her large t-shirt. She put her arms around me, and hugged me close. My arms went around her too, pressing her even closer against me.

“I’m so grateful you’re taking care of me, honey”, she said. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“Of course, Mom. Of course I’ll always take care of you.”

“I wouldn’t have made it without you. You’re my everything, honey. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

“You’re so strong now. I know I’m not, I’ve never been, but I know I’m safe with you. You’re my man now.”

We stood there, holding each other for a while. I gently caressed her back, feeling her tension slowly releasing.

“It’s time to get going”, I finally said.

I took her head in my hands and looked down at her.

“I will get you through this. I will, I told her, looking into her eyes.”

She looked back into my eyes and nodded.

“I know. You’re so strong. I know we’ll be just fine.”

Back on the road it was uneventful. We took smaller roads, long stretches of forest on each side. We found fewer vehicles abandoned. She cried less than yesterday, and we talked more. We talked about what we would do once we reached our home. We started making plans for which stores we’d go to, scavenging for food. But even though our situation was the same as yesterday, my perception of it had changed. She was right about how strong I was, and she was right about how she hadn’t ever been that strong. I had shifted from being my mothers son to the man who would do whatever it took to keep us going. She had shifted from the mother who raised me, to the mother would relied on me for her survival. I no longer belonged to her, like I had belonged to her as a child. Now she belonged to me.

We drove all day, taking only short breaks for meals. When darkness fell we had just found a small gravel road to park in, just out of sight from the road. As I turned off the car, keeping only the lights inside on, she climbed into the back, getting ready for bed. I checked our GPS position and made a mark on our paper map, as I didn’t trust that GPS would function forever. When I climbed into the back she was turned with her back against me, putting on her pyjamas t-shirt. She let it fall down over her panties and pulled down on it. She got in the bed, under the covers, and got on her side, facing the side of the car. I took off my socks, and pulled down my trousers. Then, remembering how it had been much too hot for comfort the night before, I also took off my t-shirt. I turned off the light, and was struck by how it became pitch black. I carefully got on the bed, lifting the covers, and crawled in. I got on my side, looking at Mom, but seeing only darkness. She lifted her head as I put my arm under it. As I put my other arm around her she moved back a bit, so that we touched a little. I hugged her closer, pressing her body against mine. She pressed her body back into mine, shifting a little to get comfortable. Her ass ever so gently pushed against my crotch. I tried to focus elsewhere, so I wouldn’t get hard against her. I could feel myself slowly getting hard. I prepared to move back a little, but then I felt it again. The feeling that there’s no one left but me and her. And now she was mine. Instead I stayed still, feeling myself rise against her ass. She must have felt my hardness against her. At first she didn’t move. Then she placed her hand in mine, and we interlocked our fingers. Ever so gently she pushed her body back, pressing her ass against me. There we lay absolutely still, breathing more heavily than usual. She fell asleep soon, and I not long after her.

When I woke up she was already out of bed. I heard her outside, fixing breakfast. I pulled on my trousers, but left the t-shirt in the car. It was barely dawn, and it felt like we were all alone in a little forest of our own. She had made breakfast ready, and we both sat on a rock by the side of the gravel road, eating in silence. We both felt that something changed between us the night before, but it didn’t feel wrong. We sat so close together on the rock that our legs pressed against one another. It was left unspoken, but there had been a barrier between us, and that barrier is no longer there.



  1. Would love to see a bit more, the mother seems like a bit of a flat character however… I am sure someone else can articulate this better than myself but she just seems too much like a 1950s tv character at the moment…

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