The Walk of Shame

I probably should’ve just left after I gave Nick his blowjob, but we snuggled together and I fell asleep. When I woke up, the sun was starting to peek through the windows of his room at the fraternity. I look at the clock on his desk and it was just after 6 a.m. I poked him in the ribs.

“Nick, honey, wake up,” I whispered, hoping he would offer a ride back to the Tri Delt house, but he didn’t budge. I caressed his face with my hand.

“Nick, baby, I gotta go,” I said. He moaned softly and rolled over. Great, I thought. He’s not even going to wake up to walk me out. He’ll just open his eyes and I’ll be gone. From the frat boy perspective, it would be a perfect morning-after.

I slowly pushed myself out from under him and stood up, my legs slightly wobbly. I knew I started the evening with panties, they couldn’t have gone far. I looked under his desk, under the couch, lifted a few cushions. Nothing. My dress was draped over a chair so I gingerly picked it up and stepped into it, pulling the snug fabric up my body. Oh, well, I thought, he can keep my panties as a souvenir.

I stepped into my high heels and looked at myself in a mirror. I looked a mess. Make-up smear, lipstick gone, my hair was a disaster. I reached in my purse for a brush, but my hair was so matted there was little I could do to improve it. I might as well hang a sign on my back that said “spent last night fucking” for the walk back to the Tri Delt house. I looked around for a paper and pen to leave Nick a note.

“Enjoyed seeing your room,” I wrote. “Enjoyed seeing you, too. Very impressive. Looks like I wore you out, but if you ever decide to return the favor, give me a ring.” I scribbled my number at the bottom. It was a bit of a slutty move, but hey, he was a hottie and having him in my mouth made me wonder what it’d be like with him in my pussy. I figured he’d be curious, too.

I tried opening the door as quietly as I could. I peeked down the hallway and everything was silent. There were no signs of the fraternity brothers stirring and if any of the girls from the party decided to stay over, there was no sign of them either.

I made my way down the stairs and through the foyer of the fraternity house to the front door, past the empty cups and beer bottles and all the other detritus that remained from last night’s party. I opened the door and stepped out into the bright, warm sunshine. The cool morning air made goosebumps on my arm.

I hadn’t realized it, but there were three of the brothers sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch. They each had cups of coffee and were smoking cigars. I had no idea whether they’d been there all night or woken early to take positions observing any girls making their way out the front door for what has historically been termed the “walk of shame.”

“Good morning..” one of them called brightly.

“Hey,” I said, somewhat forlornly.

“You’re up early.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Another chimed in. “I remember you from last night. Tri Delt, right? You spent a lot of time talking to Nick.”

I smiled sheepishly. “Looks like your memory’s clearer than mine this morning.”

“Yeah, I remembered that dress was seriously sexy. Looks like it still is this morning.”


“Enjoy yourself last night?”

“From what I can remember, yeah.”

“Yeah, you two disappeared upstairs fairly early in the evening,” one brother snickered. “Let me compliment you on your stamina.”

“I was nervous and I drink too much when I’m nervous.”

“From the sounds I heard coming from Nick’s room, you weren’t just drinking from a beer bottle…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I replied, giving him my best “don’t be a smart ass” look.

“I don’t mean anything by it,” he said. “I just got the sense that somebody was going down on somebody else. And it sounded like Nick was doing most of the talking, so that means you were otherwise occupied.”

“So, are you trying to ask me if I blew him?” I said.

“No, sweetie, I already know you blew him,” he said, smiling. “I just wanna know if you enjoyed it as much as he did?”

The three of them sat there, puffing on their cigars, barely suppressing their laughter, the picture of rich, white, frat boy privilege, enjoying the prospect of teasing some girl about having sex with one of their friends. I decided I wouldn’t play. I’d keep my power, I’d own my sexuality and take responsibility for everything I did last night.

“I enjoyed it a lot,” I said, their eyes widening. “He’s got a really nice dick.”

“Oh, really?” they howled.

“Yeah,” I said, smiling. “Smooth, round head …nice and thick …he fit in my mouth really well.”

They started turning red. “And did he cum in your mouth, too?”

“Yes, he did, actually,” I said. “A lot of my sorority sisters are kind of squeamish about it, but its never actually bothered me. His was thick, warm, very salty and bitter …a little bleachy smelling. And there was quite a bit of it. Took more than one swallow to get it all down. I think he got as much on me as in me.”

“Going back for more?”

“Maybe,” I said. “But, then again, I’ve never had a shortage of volunteers willing to step forward if a guy couldn’t repeat himself.”

“I’ll bet that’s fuckin’ right,” one of the brothers said. “But, just in case, why don’t you give me your phone number so you can put me on speed dial?”

I smiled my wickedest smile at him. “Honey, I’ve got five guys who’ll be at the Tri Delt house parked in the driveway by the time you get it up…” I turned and walked away, down the sidewalk, taking long strides to let my ass sway as I heard them cackling and whooping behind me.

I got to the end of the street as a car with two guys slowed down beside me. Dear God, I thought, haven’t these guys ever seen a girl walking home from a date before? The guy in the passenger seat rolled down his window.

“Yo, baby,” he said, smiling. “Was he worth it?”


“He treat you right?”

“You could say that.”

“Make you see stars?”

“I’m thinkin’ he’s the one who was seeing stars,” I said.

“Oh, yeah? You got skills?”

I smiled. “Yeah, but you’ll never find out.”

The driver piped in. “Fuck! Look at that ass, man!”

“C’mon, baby, get in,” the passenger called. “I promise I’ll make it worth your time.”

I just smiled and kept walking.

“I swear to God, blondie,” he pleaded. “I’ll make that pussy quiver.”

“That’s nothing to brag about. I got toys in my nightstand that’ll do that.”

“Awwwwww, fuck!”

I turned the corner and walked halfway down the block to the Tri Delt house. Climbing up the front steps, I punched in the code to the front door and walked in. Three girls were gathered around a large circular table, sorting mail. They rolled their eyes when they saw me enter.

“Krista, honey, did you miss curfew again?”

“Uh huh.”

“A guy from the party last night?”


One of the girls exhaled with an exasperated sigh. “Sweetheart, you’re going to give us a reputation as a bunch of sluts! Can’t you be just a little more discreet about your sex life? Or at the very least keep your legs closed?”

“I never opened my legs, sweetheart,” I responded.

“Then, why are you only coming back at 6 o’clock in the morning?”

As I walked past, I wrapped both my hands around an imaginary penis and jerked it back and forth, poking my tongue into my cheek in the universally understood mimicry for oral sex.

“Ewwwwwww, gross!” they said in unison.

“Not if you do it right,” I said.

I headed past them up the stairs to my room, thinking only of a hot shower and crawling into my bed for a long nap. From behind me, I could hear them whispering and I knew by the time I woke up, the rumors about my walk of shame would be all over the sorority house. I might wind up being called in front of the infractions committee again, but I didn’t really care. I only cared if Nick called.

“Did you see that?” a voice behind me whispered. “I don’t even think she was wearing panties under that dress!”

“She probably left ‘em behind to encourage the guy to call her back,” another whispered.

“Damn,” another whispered. “That’s not a bad idea. Why didn’t I think of that…?”



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