1. Usually details help me associate with the character, get invested in them and the story. Makes things more believable as well.

  2. I personally like it vague because then i can put myself in the story and imagine it better

  3. Vague specifics? So, “she was 5’0″ and 105 pounds,” tears me right out of a story. It makes me feel like I’m reading a news report. But, “at barely five feet, her tiny frame,” totally conveys the point but leaves imaginative details up to the reader.

  4. I like vague descriptions, too, because I can put myself into the story; I tend to ignore most passages where the narrator is describing themselves (if they’re a woman). In the same vein, I hate passages where a female narrator looks into the mirror and talks about their 34D breasts and their long blonde hair and etc etc- I tend to skip right past it

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