I’m too young for sex :( pt. 18 [fM][first]

By Wednesday I knew something was up. Our private prep school thrives on scandal. The beach bust had fed the gossip mills for the last couple of weeks, but since Mark had taken Bethany and I home the three of us had been largely ignored.

Joe’s involvement and parental house arrest was discussed as much as Camden’s sudden departure to an all-girls boarding school. There was actually a betting pool on who the next *what’s her name* would be when his grounding was up in two weeks.

When Bethany’s name showed up on a copy of the pool I found in the girls’ locker room, I figured it was someone’s idea of a joke. Then I noticed groups of girls whispering together would stop when I walked by. I finally figured out what happened when I was on my way into the lunch room. My brother grabbed my arm and pulled me into a side hallway.

“What the fuck, Steph? Who did you tell?” he hissed.

At first I was confused, then it was like a light went on and I saw what had happened. The word must be out that Joe was hooking up with Bethany.

“That stupid bitch,” I muttered and closed my eyes.

Bethany couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. I had worried that she would blab about us being with Mark. When she started screwing Joe, she and I had drifted apart. We still hung out at school, but she had abandoned me for Joe the moment we got home.

“It wasn’t me. I bet you anything Bethany bragged to the wrong person about you punching her v-card and the word spread.”

“She said she wasn’t a virgin,” Joe whispered as a look of horror spread across his face.

“Technically, *I* popped her cherry.” I raised my hand and wiggled my fingers. Joe blinked at me and finally blushed when he understood. I decided not to mention her impaling herself on Mark to avoid complicating things. “You just fucked her first.”

“Shit.” Joe rolled his eyes up and fell back against a wall. “I could end up in jail!”

“Yup,” I said. “Sucks to be you.”

His gaze snapped back to me. “You gotta do something.”

“No, *you* gotta do something. If I were you, I’d end it and deny it ever happened. The only thing I’m willing to do at this point is to stop inviting her over.”

“But she’s your best friend,” Joe said with a puzzled frown.

“Things changed.” I took a deep breath. “I’ve changed.”

Joe’s eyebrows raised. “Shit. I’m sorry, Steph. I didn’t figure hooking up with her would be such a big deal. She said you wouldn’t care.”

“I know. I heard her.” The hollow feeling from that afternoon returned and left me feeling sick to my stomach.

“I can’t talk to her with everyone watching us. Can you tell her?”

When I nodded, the fucking coward hugged me. “I owe you,” he said.

“And I’ll collect someday,” I said as he let me go. He nodded and walked away.

Bethany was sitting in our usual spot when I got to the lunch room. I guess she saw something on my face because she flushed and wouldn’t meet my eyes when I sat down. I leaned closer so others wouldn’t overhear.

“So how did the news get out?” I asked as I opened my sack lunch.

“I swear, I never said who it was. A bunch of us were just talking about sex in study hall.” Bethany loved the attention of telling stories and always thought she was being subtle. She was about as subtle as a brick to the head.

“And yet Joe cornered me on the way here in a complete panic,” I said.

“What do I do?” she whispered.

“Joe doesn’t want to see you anymore. You can’t come home with me after school because someone will notice and talk. And we should probably not have any sleepovers until this blows over.” I was ashamed at the lack of empathy I felt. Her face crumpled and tears instantly flooded her eyes.

“You and Mark get to keep playing around?” she whined. “That’s so not fair.”

I just took a bite of my sandwich and watched the tears leak from her eyes. She made the decision to screw Joe, knowing how he was and knowing how it would end. Part of me hated seeing her hurt, but another part watched her suffer with a detached feeling of satisfaction. I instantly regretted that when she wadded up her trash and stormed off. I couldn’t swallow around the painful lump in my throat until it went away.

After lunch I tossed my trash and headed back to my locker. The hallway where my locker was located was also the hallway that led to the borders dorm. Our school had a few dozen kids who lived on campus because their parents travelled or simply preferred boarding their kids. I had just finished gathering my books for the afternoon when I heard a familiar voice down near the dorms.

“How do you *know* you won’t like it?” Dan asked with a threat in his tone.

“The same way you know you don’t want to suck a dick! Now leave me alone!”

I didn’t recognize the girl’s voice, but I knew she needed help if that asshole Dan was involved. When I got closer I saw he was keeping her trapped in the alcove that led to the womens’ restroom.

“Hey, leave her alone!” I yelled as I got closer.

“Fuck off, Steph. You had your chance,” Dan said with a glance in my direction.

I backed up a step and kicked him between his legs like I was shooting a penalty kick from eleven meters out. Dan fell to his knees with his hands gripping his groin. He didn’t even yell, but his face was twisted into a mask of pain.

“Come on,” I told his prisoner with the blue streak in her dark hair. “Let’s go to the office so they can hear the truth first.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” she said with a burr in her tone. “I could have handled him.”

“I owed him for getting my brother arrested,” I replied as we walked towards the office. “I’m Steph, by the way.”

“Sam,” she said, but I knew her name already.

She was team captain for the softball team and had the slim, boyish build that I’d found myself attracted to. I glanced up at her just as she tucked her long blue bangs back. Her dark hair was really straight and the practiced tuck seemed like the kind of thing she did all the time. It made my stomach warm for some reason and brought a smirk to my lips.

When we arrived at the office, I walked right up to the secretary. “I assaulted a student who was threatening Sam. The nurse should probably go see if I ruptured something important. He’s writhing on the floor by the womens’ restroom near the dorms.”

The secretary just stared at me for a moment like I was insane, then picked up the phone to alert the school nurse. Sam and I sat down to wait for my punishment.

“There’s a zero tolerance policy on fighting. You’re going to get suspended,” she whispered to me.

“Won’t be the first time,” I sighed. I hadn’t gotten in trouble often, but I had a stubborn streak that got me in trouble at times. Suspensions at our school meant staying home and doing extra work, but didn’t hurt our grades. With all the drama around Joe and Bethany, I’d welcome the quiet time at home even with Mom getting pissed at me fighting.

After about fifteen minutes, the principal came out of her office and stared at us with an unhappy frown on her face. “Come on in and tell me what happened.”

Sam and I followed her in her office. Before Principal Stewart could ask a question or I could say anything, Sam stepped in front of me with her arms crossed.

“It’s no secret I’m a lesbian. Dan Smith saw me leaving the womens’ restroom and blocked my escape so he could offer to *cure* me. While he was sexually harassing me, Steph came up and told him to leave me alone. When he refused, she kicked him in the balls. Then we walked here.”

Principal Stewart had to suck in her cheeks to keep from laughing. She glanced at me. “Is there anything you wish to add?”

“Nope,” I said with a bit of a flutter in my stomach. I didn’t know if it was from standing so close to Sam or worry about the school calling Mom.

“Sam, you are free to return to class. Get a pass from Nancy at the front desk.” Sam gave me an unreadable look as she passed me on the way out. “Now, I have to suspend you for two days, but you can finish your day and start tomorrow. Dan is being taken to the hospital by his mother and will be starting his suspension tomorrow as well.”

“Thank you,” I said and turned to go.

“It was kind of you to stand up for Sam. She catches a lot of heat around here for being so outspoken about her orientation.”

I paused at the door. “To be honest, I’d take any opportunity to kick Dan Smith in the balls, but I appreciate what you said as well.”

That got a chuckle and Principal Stewart whispered, “Believe me, I understand.”

When I got home after school, I had all my books and a ton of extra work to do over the next two days. Joe had locked himself into his room and was playing loud rock music. It was all on him if Mom called and he missed the call. I figured since I was going to be in trouble anyway, I’d make sure it was worth it.

Mark answered his door and grinned when he saw me. “I heard about all the crap that happened today.”

I shrugged. “What can I say? Dan’s an asshole and Bethany’s an idiot.”

“Come on in,” Mark said as he stepped back. “Mason has an away game and I’m off the hook since Mom took him.”

When he shut the door behind us, I stepped into his arms to kiss him. “So we’re all alone?”

“Yeah,” he grinned. “What did you have in mind?”

“Today is day seven,” I said, referring to my IUD waiting period.

His eyes widened. “Are you sure about this?” he whispered to me.

“I wanna see what all the fuss is about.”

I laughed when he tossed me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing and ran me up his stairs to his room.

He tossed me on his bed and immediately began taking off his clothes. I had only shed my school uniform when he helped me pull off my socks and panties. I flung my bra on the floor behind me. He dragged me into the center of his bed and quickly kissed his way up between my thighs.

I shut my eyes to enjoy his attention. He knew my body as well as I did at this point and I trusted him entirely to make my first time wonderful. He wasted no time teasing before burying his tongue in me. I cried out as I drew my knees up to open myself to him fully. One finger rubbed me open to spread my inner lips then he began working it inside.

That feeling of being filled while he sucked on my clitty drew another cry from my lips. He was relentless as he drove me towards a first quick orgasm. I felt the building pressure release when he pressed on that spot deep inside that I loved so much.

His mouth moved to the creases of my thighs and my belly button while his wonderful finger seemed to make the throbbing pulses of my ‘giner go on forever. My fingers gripped his hair as the intensity passed.

He only gave me a moment before he began to work a second finger inside me. My eyes were screwed shut as he filled me, stretching me out to take his even larger wiener. I pushed against his hand, wanting that feeling of fullness to overwhelm me. When he withdrew his finger I whimpered and opened my eyes.

“Just a second,” he said as he climbed up to open the drawer of his night stand.

He drew out a rounded white bottle and opened the cap to squirt a little clear liquid into the palm of his hand.

I was still panting from him touching me when he smoothed the liquid along his wiener and stroked it a few times. “You bought us lube?”

“Yeah,” he said with a cute blush. “I knew you wanted to and didn’t want it to hurt.”

I was still up on my elbows watching when he scooted closer. He still looked too big when he rubbed his head between my lips. I smiled to encourage him despite my fear. He leaned over me, kissing me tenderly while he kept rubbing along my slit. I tried to relax my muscles, imagining how wonderful it felt when I was full of his fingers.

The head was soft, but blunt. When he got lined up I could tell it would really stretch me. He was holding himself up with one arm while the other hand guided him. I was torn between wanting to kiss him and watching it happen, but curiosity won out.

My outer lips spread wide at his initial intrusion. I could feel him pushing so I pushed back to help get him inside. Despite the incident with the hairbrush handle, this was by far the largest thing I’d ever tried to fit inside me. We kept up the pressure and moved slowly and finally I felt some progress.

It stung like a sonuvabitch, but I kept a smile on my face anyway. I think it may have hurt Mark some, because he was wincing a little until we got past the entrance. The stinging eased off a little and I was able to focus on how it felt inside.

Mark was going back and forth a bit at a time and had made it halfway in when I felt my first shiver of pleasure. He had my knees back and was pushing against that wonderful spot deep inside. Like the other times he’d played with it, I felt like I needed to pee but ignored it.

He moved his hand away and pushed a little deeper and I broke out in goose bumps all up and down my body. When he lay on top of me at last, I lifted my knees to wrap my legs around his waist. The last few inches made it feel like he was pushing my insides around. It was like he reached the source of that warmth I always felt when I was horny.

“I’m all the way in,” Mark murmured against my neck. “Are you okay?”

I chuckled before answering and he shivered. “I’m *so* okay.”

“I could feel you laugh from the inside,” he said with a grin I could hear in his voice. “That was so cool.”

After kissing his cheek, I chuckled again. “You’ve never laughed during sex?”

He pulled back to look at me with a wry smile. “Steph, you’ve met Sophie and you’re number two for me. What do you think?”

I touched his cheek with my fingers. “I don’t know. We laugh all the time.”

“Exactly.” He kissed me tenderly and pressed himself in deep enough for me to gasp in his mouth. “You feel so wonderful.”

“So do you,” I said and pulled him with my feet to encourage him to move more.

Slowly, a little at a time, we worked out a nice rhythm between us. When he pushed all the way in it made my mouth open from the pleasure that flooded me. It was so different than fingers or mouths I wasn’t sure I could get off, but I had absolutely no complaints. Mark was attentive and careful and so loving with me, but it became obvious he was close.

“Cum in me,” I whispered between kisses. “I want to feel you let go inside me.”

Mark whined like he was going to cry, then kissed my shoulder as he pressed in deep. He stopped moving, but I could feel his tense muscles all around me. Then moments later I felt him pulsing and a warmth bloomed inside me. I gripped him tighter, holding him there while he filled me up.

It was everything I imagined and hoped. After he was spent, I traced lazy circles around his back while he recovered. His weight on top of me made me feel secure and safe. I was sure we would do it again for the fun of it, but he’d made this first time perfect.

Mark rolled off carefully and smiled at me, blowing cool air down my sweaty body. I could feel his deposit leaking out of me and should have been worried about the wet spot, but couldn’t muster the energy.

“That was amazing,” he confessed as he ran his palm over my stomach.

“Thank you,” I said, suddenly overcome with emotions I couldn’t even name. His frown made me smile through my tears. “I’m fine, just a little overwhelmed.”

“Can I see you Saturday?” he asked as he wiped my tears away. His own eyes looked a little glassy. “Maybe go out for pizza again?”

“I’d love that,” I said with a quick kiss before sitting up. “I may be grounded though.”

“I’ll wait,” he laughed and bent over to gather our clothes off the floor.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/50k2st/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_18_fmfirst


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