The Rebellious Stepdaughter – Part 1 [Mf][bd][inc][nc]

I'm turning prompts and role-plays from r/dirtypenpals into longer and more detailed stories. Each character is based off an image that I found sexy – If you want to see the story's image, PM me for it! All comments and feedback are appreciated.

After a long and unfulfilling day at work, I drive home under a slate-grey sky. My wife left this morning for a business trip to South Korea, where she'll be staying for a month. Honestly, I won't miss her. Our sex life has been dead for quite some time now, and she only ever acknowledges my existence to bitch about something she feels that I've done wrong. So there's not much to miss. The problem is that I am now stuck with her 18-year-old daughter Carrie for a month. I have tried to be a good stepdad to her, but from day one she hasn't respected me or given a shit about anything I've done for her. She's a bit of a hellion, we're always getting calls from school about her getting into fights or being caught in compromising positions with boys in secluded stairwells. We're on her third school this year, as she keeps getting expelled. At home it's no better. She smokes in her room, completely oblivious to my rule that she keep it outside. She steals liquor, breaks curfew, and I've even caught her posting sexy pictures of herself online. The most recent one was of her lying on her back in a pushup bra, biting her lip and squeezing her breasts together as tightly as possible without bursting her bra.

She's not a bad looking girl. Fuck that, she's hot as hell. Much hotter than her mom. She's about 5'2", petite with huge tits for her frame (she's a 32DD). Firey red hair about halfway down her back and pale, milky skin. I'm a living, breathing man and so despite the age difference I would be lying if I said I'd never fantasized about her. There have been plenty of times she's left the house in a particularly low-cut top, and I've beaten off furiously to the memory of her creamy, bouncing cleavage and toned, round ass. But I have never done anything about it, and never would…

So this month is going to be interesting. I have to deal with her behavioral problems on my own, and handle being alone with her in the house. I park my truck, a black Toyota Tundra, in the garage and make my way inside. Carrie is already home, her red Celica (a birthday present from her mom) parked out front on the street. I take my laptop inside and decide to get some more work done before I start dinner.

After a few hours, I have yet to make anything to eat. In fact, I've started drinking. I can smell the smoke (cigarettes and weed) coming from Carrie's room, and her loud death metal music vibrates the walls. I hate her so much sometimes, disrespectful little bitch. This is my house, goddamnit, I don't care if I'm not your dad. You should have to play by my rules!

I'm drinking yet another Jack & Coke and watching TV when the little bitch comes down the stairs, headed out for the evening. I heard her friends pull up outside a moment ago and honk for her, followed by hurried footsteps coming down the stairs from her room. I glance up and am absolutely blown away by what I see. Tonight she's wearing a teal green halter top that's at least two sized too small, her bouncy breasts squeezed tightly into the thin material. The top's neckline affords me a view of a solid 12 inches of creamy white, freckled cleavage. She's also wearing a black leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings, and boots. Her nose ring sets off her bad-girl look.

"Holy shit, young lady!" I yell as she bounces down the stairs. "You are absolutely not leaving the house dressed like that." My eyes are drawn to her hard nipples, visible through the thin green fabric of her top.

"Fuck you, asshole" she says, flipping me off. "You're not my real dad. I'll be back late, fuck your curfew." And with that, she's out of the house. The last thing I see is her perfect ass in black leather swishing out the door. I down my drink and try to come to terms with how turned on I am by this teenage girl. I pour myself a shot this time, down it, and think to myself about how badly she needs to be taught some respect.

I am absolutely hammered by the time she gets home, at about 3:00AM. I've worked myself up into a righteous indignation over her behavior and the lack of respect I get from her and her mother. Being as drunk as I am, I'm majorly horny and excited to get a look at her again when she quietly turns the doorknob and lets herself inside.

"Well, Carrie, I give you credit for at least trying to be quiet", I say. "But that's not getting you out of this. Your curfew is 1:00, and eighteen or not you are going to follow my rules if you're going to live in my house." I notice that her hair looks slightly messy, and I wonder if she's been fucking someone tonight. I stand up and put on my best angry face, towering over her and notice that I'm slightly unsteady on my feet.Goddamn all these shots, I think to myself.

"Oh seriously, what the fuck are you going to do about it?" To my abject surprise, she reaches into her cleavage and pulls out a single cigarette. I watch in erotic rapture as her soft breasts yield beneath her touch. She then lights up… right there in the fucking living room! I'm beyond pissed at her blatant disrespect. I watch her lips and tongue take the cigarette a little too sensually, and feel my rock-hard cock start to throb.

"I dont give a shit about your rules" she says, and with an exhalation of smoke adds "I'm going to bed."

It's the last straw. Neither this high school whore or her bitch mom respect me. I draw back my hand and smack her, aiming for her face, but miss when she jumps back in surprise with a sharp cry. Her boots have stiletto heels, not the best for quick movements, and so she falls over and must catch herself on the nearby wall. She looks up at me, surprise and anger etched all over her face. "What the FUCK!?" she shrieks. Trembling, whether with rage or fear I cannot tell, she gets to her feet, and I get a nice view of her miniskirt-clad ass in the process. "That's it!" she declares. "I'm calling mom!" With that, she's running for her room and fumbling in her purse for her cell phone. As she rounds the landing, I get a view of her bouncing tits as well as an upskirt. It kicks me over the edge, and I go a little crazy.

No you're fucking not calling your mother, I think as I grab a roll of duct tape from a nearby closet. You're mine tonight. I tear off a piece, put the roll around my wrist, and chase her upstairs. Just as I reach the top, I see her bedroom door slam shut.



  1. Thanks! I tried to include a link to the picture in the story, but that got my post deleted by a bot. Hopefully comments are fair game… here’s Carrie: Part two will be coming later this afternoon. Edit: Actually answered u/random221’s question.

  2. Just a random picture I found on one of the cleavage-glorifying subreddits a while ago. I decided that I’d base a character off the girl in the picture.

  3. I don’t think this one was uploaded by an actual user. A lot of the pics on /r/cleavage and /r/burstingout are just random internet girls uploaded by guys like us for the fapping pleasure of the reddit masses. So unfortunately, I doubt that girl has an inbox the she needs to prepare.

  4. Well shit! I was just hoping to see more of her. Excellent job on the story so far btw. I’ll be checking in to read the rest

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