From a plane to the moon. PT.1: Becca arrives at the airport.

“Dear passengers, we inform you that the plane will arrive to destination in one hour” Said the commander of the plane through some cheap blown out speakers.Becca was only half asleep, but the loud news woke her up. Suddenly she is filled with joy, excitement. Her heart is beating fast. “O*h my God, Yes! I can’t wait to… hug him!*”She was high, and quite literally too.

Becca and Victor started talking in an online forum about Alternative Rock. They had all the same tastes in music. She really couldn’t find anyone who loved “Adore” by Smashing Pumpkins as much as she did. Victor was the only one in the forum who defended that pearl from the 2nd mid of the 90s in that post from 4 months and an half before. They started sending PMs to each other. Then they shared their emails… well, it didn’t take too long before they started having video-calls. Talking to him was just the easiest thing in the world. Every sentence flowed naturally, every word understood, and it was mutual. He seemed to be sensitive and introverted, but there was something wild about him as well. She developed a big crush on him, and he was quite attractive too. She wanted to see him, and discovered that he was yearning the same. He offered her a plane ticket.

“*Oh God…*” she thinks “…*lemme check…”

The trip was quite long, and she was concerned that her carefully put together makeup had been undone by her sleeping, and the stress of boarding into the plane. She takes grabs her cellphone to check it out. It’s perfect.

“*Oh my god, I’m a mess! He can’t see me like this…*” she gasps, nonetheless.

She should just sit down and wait for the plane to land… but no. Anxiety makes her run straight to the bathroom to correct her makeup. She starts correcting her eyelashes… but… turbulence. She can’t do shit, unfortunately. She is nervous, and she shakes. You can’t really tell if the plane is going through turbulence of if it’s her shaking it. Usually she is much more confident than this, but this is something different from normal. She checks her clothes one more time with those marvelous languorous eyes…Black tank top that shows her navel… bordeaux shorts… yeah that ass is great as it always is… bordeaux sneakers, grey beanie, chocker… yeah, she looks all right. She is tall and naturally thin, with beautiful long legs that belong to a magazine. She remembers showing Victor a picture where she’s dressing exactly like that, and he found her stunning. Actually, everybody tells her that she’s stunning… but she never believes them. She behaves as if SHE thought that she is beautiful, but deep down she’s deeply insecure. Her face becomes serious as she checks that one thing out once again.

She raises her tank top. Her beautiful breasts reveal themselves to the mirror… as does that horrible burn. It’s a scar that goes from her back to the left breast, which misses its nipple. This is the work of a vindictive step father.

But she doesn’t want to think about that. She feels insecure. How could anybody find her attractive with something like that? She did have casual sex in the past… lots of it, actually… but she always refused to remove her shirt, not without great protests from her partners. They wanted to kiss, shake, lick, and squeeze those breasts, as they simply looked phenomenal through the shirt. The few times she did remove that shirt though… she absolutely doesn’t want to remember those eyes. Disgust, contempt, rejection.

Will he accept this? Would he find me an abomination if he saw something like this? Will he love me? The thought “*I can’t possibly be loved by anyone…*” intrudes her mind for the umpteenth time… Tears come to her eyes…but NO! She’s arriving, she’s there, he’s there waiting for her. Joy fills her heart once again. She smells her armpits… oh boy, she sweat a little bit. She remembers that she forgot the deodorant back home. DAMN. Well… she can just casually avoid to get near him too much until she can buy one anyway.

As if it would have been possible.

The plane lands. She gets out of it quickly, gets her bags. Her heart is in her throat. “*He’s just a few meters away*” she thinks… and there he is, holding a big paper reciting “And the **Becca** rides on!”. Their eyes are locked on one another. He’s smiling like a baby, she looks serious, but there’s a slight smirk on her face. It seems like hours are passing as they walk towards one another. Oh God, “*he looks so cute*”. He looks so different in person… first of all, he’s a few centimeters shorter… but that’s not an issue for her. He does have a peculiar glow.

-Oh my God… Becca, it really is you…-

-Yes, eh…uhm…-

They pause for a couple of seconds, and they hug. An embrace so sweet and tender that it makes her palpitation stop. She feels like she is home, or back to her mother’s womb… or whatever, heaven or something. He takes a big sniff on her neck, and she does the same. He has a musky smell to him, a pleasant perfume… “*oh god, I must be smelling very bad*”.

Becca gasps -Ehehe sorry, I did shower before getting to the plane… but…”-

-But no! Actually… oh man, it’s so good to see you-

“*Actually what… ‘actually’ what, you dipshit!*” she thinks to herself.

All of a sudden all the nervousness comes back. She suddenly feels the need to go to the bathroom.

-Hey… I need to pee… where’s the…–Don’t worry, I’ll take you there-

He grabs her hand, and guides her to the toilet. He just can’t stop smiling as he looks at her. She also can’t stop taking her eyes off of him. “*Oh my god… we’re holding hands…*” She finds his hands quite beautiful. A little veiny, with long fingers and perfect nails. They look as if they came from a much older man, but in a good way. She notices that he’s being quite formal with her, very respectful. That’s cute.

They finally arrive at the bathroom. She enters the toilet. As she takes her pants off she notices that she’s dripping wet. She hadn’t been thinking anything sexual up until that point, but now she can’t help wanting him inside her. She imagines those hands on her neck, on her pussy… she feels quite bothered now. She comes out of the bathroom. He’s waiting for her with his back on the wall. He’s skinny and a little goofy, but he has this thing… like, he poses like Iron Bull from Dragon Age Origins or something. She can’t stop herself… she Kabedons him.

He’s quite dumbfounded as she passionately starts kissing him, and doesn’t know very well how to respond. She pushes her belly against his belly. The kiss is wet, wild, passionate, long… it felt like they had months of kissing to recover, and it looked like they wanted to recover them all in a few seconds. Sense comes back, as they notice that the cleaning staff is sort of working but sort of spying on them as well.

-Hey…- she gasps -let’s go to my B&B now… ok? Eheheehe…-…oook!- He looks so nervous… so cute, she finds.

The one who can’t stop instincts is now him… as she’s walking away, his hand reaches her ass and goes down to grab her thigh. he stops immediately… but she did definitely take notice of that. She turns around, grabs his bottom and pushes him towards her for another kiss. This time they’re truly making out at the airport, and in front of everyone.

A man shouts -You two, get a fucking room! AHAHAHAHAH-

Now they running away to get the train. They both imagined and fantasized that they would talk about so many things… share many ideas, plans, thoughts… but they can’t say a word. It’s all silent. They feel so safe but so awkward at the same time. They want to be close, but it feels like… I mean, they want to fuck each other badly, that’s quite clear. She sits on his lap… well, he still doesn’t know very well what to think, but he grabs her waist and the two share another kiss. A couple of old ladies look at their direction and chuckle a little.

The train arrives, and the two take a seat. She puts her head on his shoulder, and he caresses her thigh. That musky smell … she finds it so good on him. It combines with his energy very well. They finally start talking about various things… about the trip, the plane food, and other things. They start listening to music together. Of course, the first album they put on is “Adore”. Ava Adore starts… as the line “You will always be my whore” reaches their ear, he gazes at her in a different way. He isn’t smiling now. Something clicks in her. Now she’s the one smiling… a very, very nasty smile. She looks around, and it appears like there isn’t anyone close. She puts her hand over his crotch, and starts caressing it. She reaches out to him with her mouth… he expects a kiss, but she starts licking his neck. She gives him a love bite. He shivers. He can feel down his spine. She kisses, and licks, and bites his neck, as her hand becomes more insistent above his genitals. She finally feels a bulge forming up, and she inserts her hand inside his pants. She reaches out to that warm, throbbing cock, and starts caressing it up and down, up and down, up and down, steadfastly and at moderate speed.

-…I want to see it now…- she wispers in his ear. She slowly unbuttons him while playfully biting his hear. Finally, his love-rod is out in the air. She grabs it with her left hand, and with her right hand she grabs the back of his head to kiss him. She goes up and down slowly, but damn… she’s grabbing hard, real hard. She’s almost choking it.

He loves that.

He grabs her head with both hands, pushes it away from his face. Looks straight into her eyes and states -I want to fuck you- with a somber firmness that should belong to a war general. -I will fuck you with my mouth now- she replies back, and so she does. Her plump lips take his cock on a warm moist embrace, as her tongue explores his glans. They’re trying not to make too much noise. He can barely contain his moaning, and tries to hide it by coughing, but if anyone else hadn’t been either sleeping or listening to music, her slurping his dick would be quite evident to everyone. She isn’t trying to be discrete by any means after all. And she keeps going, with ever increasing intensity and thirst. She deepthroats him slowly… she caresses his belly, his chest… he lovingly grabs her hand and the back of her head, respectfully pushing her head downward. She goes faster.

He isn’t taking it anymore… and whispers -Ah… Becca… BE… cca… mmmmhhghhh… I’m, I’m…”-

-No- she says, smiling at him -… you will come directly down my throat.- She winks.

She comes back down, and now she’s going even faster, harder. She is sucking it slightly and massaging his balls with her hand… he comes. It’s a big fat load, and she takes it all. She opens her eyes wide while looking at him through the train’s window… and that only increases his orgasmic bliss. She raises her head, and starts laughing in a sightly embarrassed way, wiping the wet from her mouth with the back of her hand.

He is blown away. You can give this last sentence all the meanings you want.

*wait for pt.2.*
