The Camgirl Part LV: Stupid Fucking Rules [Mostly-Plot] [Fsolo] [Masturbation] [slight voy]

**LV: Liam and Blake**


Liam grinned as he watched Blake play videogames with his roommates. He was sitting out this round, as he’d gotten the lowest score last time. Blake had given him as much shit for that as his roommates had, which oddly, he liked. He also liked that she seemed to feel comfortable here, with him and his roommates. He hadn’t missed the way that she’d pulled off her beanie, letting her hair fall free, the moment Liam had closed the door behind them. Looking Blake up and down, Liam leaned back in his chair–Blake was standing at the moment, knees bent, ass out. He wasn’t sure if that was on purpose or not. He wouldn’t put it past Blake, but she seemed pretty focused on the game.

*We’re really together now.*

That still didn’t entirely seem real. Liam hadn’t even kissed Blake yet, but every time she looked at him…

Liam shivered, remembering even the look she’d given him when he handed her the controller. He knew she wanted him. He couldn’t remember being so confident in that with any other girl. They hadn’t given each other any labels yet, but…

*You’re mine.*

Liam shook his head. She expected *him* to be the one with self-control after telling him that?

He was a little disappointed at Blake’s request for a date before they had sex, but he would happily undertake it. He’d gone out on dates with Marie, but they’d already been hooking up for a while, and most of their dates before the summer had just been to the movies or grabbing a bite to eat.

Liam couldn’t remember Blake ever mentioning a previous boyfriend, so he imagined she hadn’t had a date like she’d asked him for either.

Thankfully, he’d found just the thing to fit Blake’s requirements for a date. He knew she would like the restaurant, but he was a little nervous about what he had planned after that. It was definitely more his kind of thing, but he hoped it was something he could share with her.

“Ha!” Blake cheered, jumping as she pumped a fist in the air. Liam shook himself back to reality, hiding a smile as Blake glanced over at his roommates, hands on hips, “I thought you guys said you were supposed to be good.”

“This is bullshit,” Eli said, “Liam, your girl hustled us.”

Liam snorted, “You’re just saying that because you lost.”

“Maybe,” Eli said, “But I’m pretty sure we deserve a rematch. Right, Swar?”

Swar nodded, “Yep, now that we know what we’re up against, we need a chance to prove ourselves.”

Blake raised an eyebrow, looking between the two, “So you guys were just going easy on me?”

Liam laughed as Swar went red in the face, sure that Eli looked the same.

“We weren’t going *super* easy on you,” Swar said, “Just as easy as we go on Liam.”

“Yeah,” Eli chimed in, “Liam kind of sucks, so can you really blame us for thinking you’d be much better?”

Blake grinned, glancing over at Liam. He would be the one to switch with Eli if they didn’t do a rematch.

Liam just rolled his eyes, pushing himself up from the chair, “Just play your rematch. I’m gonna take a shower. You guys mind if Blake stays over, by the way?”

“Dude,” Swar said, “If you’re gonna sexile us, you should at least give us a bit more warning.”

“Nope,” Blake said, shaking her head, “There will be no sexiling, as there will be no sex. I came over here instead of bringing Liam back to my place specifically so that there would be no funny business.”

“And because Marie is at your place,” Liam pointed out.

“Also, yes,” Blake said without missing a beat.

“Shit,” Eli said, “Liam, what did you do?”

“I told him he’s gotta take me out on a date first,” Blake said, grinning at Liam, “One where he has to wear a button-up shirt, maybe even a jacket.”

Liam stiffened, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat as Blake eyed him up and down. He swore he could *feel* her imagining him in that clothing, then imagining tearing it off.

“Damn, Liam,” Swar said, “It hasn’t even been a week yet, and you’re already whipped?”

“Now c’mon, man,” Eli said, “Let’s be fair. They’ve basically been dating for like two months now. He’s been whipped pretty much that entire time.”

Liam just rolled his eyes, “Blake, please make sure to tea-bag them after you kill them. I’m going to go take a shower.”

“Will do,” Blake cackled, putting them in the queue for the next round, “No jerking off in the shower, though—I want some hot water, too.”

Liam turned, mostly to hide the redness in his cheeks—he really did need to get better about that—then went wide-eyed as he felt a hand smack his ass.

He whirled around to find Blake pointing at Swar, eyes focused on the TV screen.

“He did it,” she said, though she couldn’t keep back the amusement in her voice.

With a sigh, Liam turned back toward the bathroom, grabbing his PJ pants as he strode toward the door, “The fuck did I get myself into?”

He’d intentionally said that loud enough for Blake to hear, and grinned when she yelled, “Hey!”

Liam closed the door quickly behind him.


Blake sighed as she wrapped the fluffy towel around her. Liam had ever-so-sweetly offered her one of his spare towels since his was still damp, and she’d made a mental note to thank him for it later.

*Ugh. Why did I make up these stupid rules?*

Even as Blake asked herself the question, she rolled her eyes, knowing exactly why.

*I need to feel like I’m worth it, for once.* Despite Liam telling her so—Blake’s heart beat faster at the memory of that, cheeks growing red—Blake needed to feel what it was like for someone else to show her she was worth it. She knew Liam wasn’t the type to just want sex from someone, and she could see the way he felt in the way he looked at her…

*Ugh, stop trying to make excuses and just deal with it,* Blake told herself, drying off her hair. She imagined that Liam would have a date set for them the day he got back from Thanksgiving break, so she wouldn’t have to even go a full week before sleeping with him. Now that she knew it would happen, she could handle a week. Right?

Her pussy disagreed. Despite what she had said to Liam about not jerking off in the shower, Blake hadn’t been able to resist rubbing one out herself. It hadn’t taken much effort, either. Maybe it was because she was in Liam’s dorm, in his shower, because he’d given her a towel that smelled like him. It could have been any of those things. Most likely, it was that Liam had walked out of the shower in *just* his PJ pants. Hair all messed up and goofy, bare chest and shoulders still damp, muscles glistening…

Blake’s eyes widened as a growl rose in her throat and her pussy twitched. She immediately shook the thought from her head. She’d just dealt with that and didn’t have time to do so again.

Once Blake finished drying off her few wet strands of hair, she wiped some of the fog off the mirror and peered at herself. Her waterproof eyeliner and mascara had survived the shower, thankfully, though that was about it. Blake used her hands and some toilet paper to wipe off the rest of her makeup.

*Maybe I should start carrying a little makeup bag.*

Once her face was clean, Blake looked at herself and sighed, running her fingers through her hair so that it fell over her shoulders toward her chest.

*At least I’m not all sweaty.*
Blake fussed with her hair for a moment, trying to position it so that it distracted from her face, then sighed. She turned, reaching for the door, then stopped, remembering that she was not in her apartment, and that she was very naked. She glanced down at her pile of clothes on the floor and frowned. Those wouldn’t be too comfortable for sleeping, and she didn’t want to put them back on right after getting all nice and clean.

*I’m in Liam’s dorm.* Blake felt a wide grin split her face as she realized what that meant.

“Uh, Liam?” Blake said, sticking her head out the bathroom door, towel wrapped around her middle, “Could you bring me my purse? And could I maybe borrow a shirt?”

Blake saw Liam grin as he came into view, handing her a folded up blue T-shirt and her purse she’d thankfully brought with her. She stuck her tongue out at him, taking the shirt and bag, then closed the door once his hand was out of the way.

*That was close.*

Blake had wanted to either unwrap the towel and flash Liam, or just grab his arm and yank him into the bathroom with her. She was pretty sure her indecision in the matter was the only thing that prevented her from doing so.

With a sigh, Blake unwrapped the towel, hanging it up on the back of the door, then unfolded the shirt. She chuckled when she read the text, “Jasmine Dragon Tea House,” then threw it on.

Despite the bathroom’s humid air, thick with the scents of soap and shampoo, Blake caught Liam’s scent off the shirt as she breathed in deep. She smiled, pulling the collar up to her nose as she took in another breath. Her pussy twitched, and she could feel herself growing wetter. Blake frowned, still unsure how she felt about that. On the one hand, she loved that even just Liam’s scent could turn her on that much. On the other, she didn’t necessarily always want to be uber turned on around Liam. Like when they were in class. Or for situations like this.


Blake scrubbed both hands through her hair.

*How am I supposed to be all cuddled up with Liam and not even kiss him? Stupid fucking rules.*

Blowing out a long puff of air, Blake raked her fingers through her hair again, then opened up her purse and took out the spare pair of panties she’d started carrying around due to Liam’s effect on her. Well…and her own sexual frustration, but that was mostly Liam’s fault. She slipped them on, then checked in the mirror to make sure Liam’s shirt hung low enough to hide her ass. Her panties mostly covered her ass, but still…she didn’t want to accidentally flash Liam’s roommates her first night over.

After one more quick glance in the mirror to see if she could find any way to make herself look a bit cuter, Blake grabbed her purse and clothes in one hand, and opened the door with the other.

She walked back into the room to find Liam under his lofted bed looking at his laptop, Eli still up in his lofted bed, and Swar at his computer.

When Liam noticed her, looking up, his eyes went wide for a moment as he took her in. Blake smiled at that. When Liam’s mouth opened a bit, but no words came out, Blake held up her clothes.

“Where should I put these for now?” She asked, “Normally I’d put them in my bag, but…”

She held up her purse, “Did not plan well enough.”

Blake cackled inside her head as Liam shook himself. Then he took the clothes and placed them neatly on one of the shelves under his desk.

“That work?” he asked, looking back at her.

Blake nodded, smiling.

For a moment, she just gazed at Liam, then, realizing how stupid they would look if one of Liam’s roommates glanced over, she took her phone from Liam’s desk and pointed up.

“I’ll be up there,” she said, shivering a bit.

Liam nodded, and Blake took hold of the ladder. It was not as sturdy as she would have liked.

“Uh…can you hold this still?” she asked, turning back to Liam, “I do not trust this thing.”

Liam nodded, grinning as he got up from his chair, “Probably not the worst idea. I didn’t have it secured one time, so it just fell when I put a little weight on it. Thankfully I caught myself.”

Blake eyed Liam, stepping back from the ladder, “And you still use it?”

Liam shrugged, “It only happened once. And just to me.”

Blake glanced at the ladder, then back to Liam.

She narrowed her eyes, “If I die climbing up this thing, I will haunt you.”

Liam just laughed, gripping the ladder in both hands, then glancing up at the bed. She handed him her phone, “Toss that up to me once I’m safe.”

With a sigh, Blake climbed up the ladder and onto Liam’s bed. Her eyes went wide when she felt a bit of a breeze on her upper thighs, and she quickly dove under Liam’s blankets.

Blake breathed in deep as she bundled herself up, trying to get warm again, and almost shuddered as she let out a long sigh.

*I’m in Liam’s bed. I’m in his fucking bed.*

She was surrounded by his scent. Fuck, he smelled so fucking good! And she was warm now. Though Blake could still feel the goosebumps on her legs.

*Ugh, I’m going to need to just start carrying around a whole fucking backpack.* Her socks were cute, but they were also very practical for someone like her who liked walking around with no pants on.

Blake squeaked, flinching when something hard hit the covers next to her.

*Oh right, my phone.*

Blake poked her head out over the side of the bed, taking her phone, “Thank you.”

Liam smiled up at her, and Blake’s pussy growled.

*Shut up!*

“I’ll be up in a bit,” Liam said, “Just need to finish up a bit of work.”

Blake just smiled at him in response before retreating back into Liam’s blankets and pressing her head against his pillow. For a while, she just lay there, enjoying simply being cuddled up in Liam’s bed.


Blake woke up to something hard pressed between her legs.

Fuck, did I pass out while fucking myself again?

Her pussy was already a little wet from the stimulation, and despite how tired she was, Blake couldn’t help but wiggle her ass against it as she reached down to move the dildo, eyes still closed. When she touched it, she froze, eyes shooting open.

She had panties on. And that wasn’t a dildo.

*I’m in Liam’s bed.*

Trying to stay as still as possible, Blake looked around the room. Morning light came in through the tall, thin window, though it was still relatively dark in the room. She didn’t see or hear Liam’s roommates moving around, though her line of sight was limited.

*Fuck, I’m in Liam’s bed. That means–*

Blake’s thoughts cut off as Liam shifted behind her, pressing what could only be his cock–his big, wonderful fucking cock–a bit firmer against Blake’s increasingly wet pussy.

*Oh, fuck.*

Blake felt as though that touch had flipped a switch in her body. She immediately became *very* aware of Liam. His warm, muscular, shirtless body pressed up behind her, his arm around her middle, knuckles brushing against her breast. His cock, pressed right up against her pussy.

Blake had known she was pushing it when she told Liam to strip down to his boxers after getting in bed fully clothed, but she’d forgotten that boxers weren’t necessarily that confining. She’d also forgotten about morning wood. Blake swallowed hard. She could feel her pulse racing, pussy getting wetter and more needy with every passing second.

It didn’t help that she was touching Liam’s cock, which had somehow fallen out of his boxers.

*I’m finally holding his cock, and I said I’m not allowed to do anything about it.*

Biting her lip in frustration, Blake forced herself to release Liam’s cock and withdraw her hand. She accomplished the first part, at least. As Blake pulled her hand back, her finger’s brushed against her panty-clad pussy. She had to bite down hard, almost drawing blood, to muffle the moan that tried to slip out. Her pussy throbbed. Blake could almost hear it growling, “Gimme that dick.”

Blake took a deep breath, trying to calm her mind and her pussy. She tried some meditation tricks that usually worked if she started feeling overwhelmed.

None of that worked.

Blake was horny, and she was far too close to Liam’s cock to quiet her pussy. Even as she tried to blank her thoughts, her mind began to grow fuzzy with arousal, unwanted ones trickled in, making her wetter and wetter.

She thought of when she’d be able to sleep with Liam with zero clothes on. How if she woke up like this with no panties and no boxers between them, she’d be able to just slip Liam’s cock between her lips and grind against his hips to wake him up. Or just milk his cock with her pussy. Or just start fucking him.

*Oh fuck, what if he wakes up first and wakes me up like that?*

Blake thought of her eyes fluttering open in the morning, pleasure coursing through her, with Liam’s head between her legs as the first thing she saw, his blue eyes gazing up at her with desire as he at her out.

Another barely muffled moan slipped out as Blake’s pussy clamped down on itself, desperate to have something inside it. Her head had grown far too hazy for her to resist her body’s needs any longer. Carefully, Blake slipped a hand beneath the waistband of her panties, shuddering as her fingers brushed against her outer lips. She pet them gently, trying to warm herself up and keep herself quiet rather than diving right in and letting an unexpected gasp slip out.

*Oh fuck, I needed this.*

Blake moved to her clit after her outer lips, rubbing small, gentle circles over the pulsing nub as her thoughts ran wild. It didn’t help that Liam’s roommates were also in the room. That made her heart race even faster, her pussy even more desperate for Liam’s cock. It wasn’t that she wanted Liam’s roommates to watch her, but the idea that she might get caught…

Blake shivered, barely suppressing a moan at the idea of getting herself off on Liam’s cock while his roommates went about their morning routines, thinking she was asleep.

If that weren’t enough, more thoughts of what she and Liam could finally do once they got the chance passed through her thoughts.

Waking up to Liam eating her out would be wonderful, but what if he just started fucking her?

Blake shivered again, pussy twitching at the phantom sensations that idea sent through her. Biting her lip again, Blake slid her fingers down further and slipped her middle finger between her lips. This time, she couldn’t help the squeak that rose from her throat and froze with a finger knuckle-deep in her pussy.

*Oh fuck, I needed that.*

Her pussy still demanded Liam’s cock, but for now it seemed mostly satisfied having something inside it at the very least.

When no one stirred in the room, Blake started working her pussy again, alternating between slipping her finger as deep inside of her as she could without moving too much, and playing with her lips.

She squeezed her eyes and mouth shut as waves of pleasure started to radiate out from between her legs, afraid that the slightest noise would give her away.

In Blake’s mind, she and Liam slept in her bed, completely naked. First, she woke to kisses on her neck and chest, then her stomach, all the way down to where her legs met. She gripped Liam’s head as he ate her out, the waves of pleasure doing strange and wonderful things to her semi-conscious brain. Then she woke to the sensation of gently rocking waves, and something inside her. She was on her side at first, Liam’s arm tight around her middle or behind her, running his fingers down her back as he fucked her at a deliciously slow pace. Then she was on her back with Liam on his elbows above her, his chest and shoulders shading her from the early morning light as he thrust his hard cock in and out of her dripping pussy.

Blake slipped another finger into her pussy, contorting herself a bit so that she could get at the sensitive knot of nerves just beyond her lips. She shuddered, holding in the breath that wanted to slip out as her fingers hit just the right spot. One finger hadn’t been cutting it.

*Two fingers aren’t really either. I wish I had something in my ass.*

That probably would have been too much the previous night, however. She’d wanted to kiss Liam so bad. She’d felt so safe and secure in his arms. She still did. Blake couldn’t remember if she’d dreamed at all while she slept, but she hadn’t woken up once. Liam’s arm around her middle radiated warmth, making her feel wanted and secure.

Blake hissed as Liam’s hand brushed against her breast again, eyes shooting open. For a moment, she was afraid she’d woken Liam, but then Blake realized that Liam hadn’t moved. She had. And still was.

At some point, she’d begun grinding her hips against Liam, legs squeezed tight around his still hard cock. She tried to stop, but just couldn’t. She was too far gone.

*What if I do wake him up?*

Blake didn’t know if she would be able to stop. The risk factor made her hot enough, but if Liam actually caught her grinding on his cock while she brought herself to orgasm, that would just send her pussy into overdrive. She didn’t know if a single orgasm would be enough at that point.

Squeezing her eyes shut again, Blake redoubled her efforts with her fingers, summoning up more images to help spur her toward orgasm.

She thought of what it would be like waking Liam up with a blowjob. If she could get herself off without waking him up, maybe she could do the same to him? She could scrunch down and take his cock into her throat, coaxing a big mouthful of Liam’s cum from him while he slept. She would ask him about it beforehand, of course, otherwise she’d just feel like a creep. But fuck, she wanted to wake Liam up with sex. She wanted to fall asleep in his arms every night, but with no clothes between them. Just her naked body against his. That way, there would be nothing between them in the morning.

Blake could feel her orgasm approaching now.

*Fuck, I want him so bad. I want Liam to make me cum.*

That was off-limits for now. In the way she wanted it, at least.

Blake squeezed her thighs tighter around Liam’s cock, speeding up her pace as her orgasm grew nearer. She clenched her jaw so hard she thought she heard her teeth crack, and still her moans were louder than she would have liked. Blake clapped a hand over her mouth in an attempt to further quiet herself.

Oh fuck. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.*

A wave of fire rolled through Blake’s entire body as she came. It wasn’t earthshattering—which Blake was thankful for, as she was able to keep her body’s twitching and convulsing under control—but it was just what she’d needed.

Still shuddering from the aftershocks of her orgasm, Blake brought her fingers to her lips, unclenching her jaw, and licked them clean before cuddling back against Liam.



Liam kept very still as Blake snuggled back into him. He focused on keeping his breathing steady.

He’d woken up to something squeezing his cock and grinding against him. Loose boxers had probably been the wrong choice.

Or the right one?*

At first, he’d thought he was dreaming. Then he realized Blake was squirming against him. He’d frozen when he realized exactly what she was doing. His cock twitched, but Blake didn’t seem to notice or think anything of it. After squashing the impulse to let her know he was awake, Liam feigned sleep. He didn’t know if she would be more embarrassed or more turned on if he let her know he was awake and aware of her activities, but neither result seemed ideal at the moment.

Blake didn’t exactly make it easy on him, however. She kept mostly quiet, but every twitch and muffled moan set Liam’s pulse racing, making his cock throb. As she continued to grind her hips back into his, squeezing his cock between her soft thighs, Liam felt his own orgasm starting to build, and tensed. That could get awkward. And messy.

*Fuck, I hope she cums soon.*

He also hoped she didn’t. Liam wanted to give Blake the date and romance she deserved, but fuck, he wanted her so badly. If she made him cum like this…would her rules matter anymore? Technically, he wouldn’t be the one breaking the rules…

*Stop that. You can go a little bit longer without sex. Blake deserves better than that kind of thinking.*

Still, that was easier said than done. Liam’s orgasm grew closer and closer as Blake’s grinding became more insistent, thighs squeezing his cock like a wonderfully soft vice.

Then Blake shuddered, a strangled squeak slipping out. He could tell she was trying to keep herself under control, but she could only do so much. The bed only shook a little bit.

Liam cracked an eye open to see if either of his roommates were awake. Thankfully, they weren’t. He couldn’t resist glancing down at Blake however. Liam swallowed hard at the sight of Blake bringing two fingers glistening with her own juices to her lips before snuggling back into him with a sigh.

Liam closed his eyes immediately, making sure he stayed absolutely still. He had no idea how Blake hadn’t felt the throbbing of his cock, situated as it was between her legs. His impending orgasm had retreated due to a lack of movement, but Blake’s thighs still felt amazing around his cock.

After a few minutes of waiting, Liam decided it would be better to move around a bit rather than just “wake up” while Blake still had his cock sandwiched between her legs.

Liam shifted, cuddling up to Blake a bit more and moving his arm so that it crossed her chest, pulling her closer. He had to resist laughing as Blake froze, thighs finally loosening a bit around his cock. Though Liam thought it better for their situation that his cock was finally free, it throbbed at the sudden lack of sensation.

As Liam waited a bit longer, Blake relaxed again, snuggling herself up against his chest and wrapping her fingers around the arm that lay across her chest. Liam smiled at that. He imagined what it would be like to wake up next to her when they had no rules or roommates to keep them from enjoying one another. He could wake her by kissing her neck from behind, or maybe even by eating her out if she slept on her back.

Thoughts of Marie slipped into Liam’s mind as he thought of the possibilities. He banished the thoughts as they arose, feeling bad for a moment, but knowing it *would* happen from time to time considering his only reference for such things were his experiences with Marie.

Liam almost let out a sigh at that, but held it in.

He had everything figured out for now regarding Blake. Everything except Marie. He’d told her the truth. He hadn’t broken things off with her just to be with Blake, but he knew that wasn’t how she or anyone else would see it. He and Blake could maybe sleep here a few times, but they would have to work around Eli and Swar, and Liam wouldn’t feel right about asking them to clear out as often as he planned on spending some alone time with Blake.

*Marie leaves for break a day early, and you know her schedule, so you don’t have to think about anything just yet.*

Not until he took Blake out and they started sleeping together, at least.

As though Blake had sensed his thoughts, she stirred. Liam couldn’t be certain with his eyes closed, but he thought she was turning toward him. When she stopped moving, Liam found himself wanting to open his eyes. A moment later, he felt Blake’s finger brushing against his jaw. Somehow, he resisted shivering or flinching at the sudden caress, simply letting himself enjoy Blake’s soft touch. A moment later, he felt her fingertips against his chest. She pushed against his chest, then curled her fingers inward, gently squeezing the flesh there.

“Fuck,” she hissed.

Liam’s eyes almost shot open at that. His cock, which now pressed against Blake’s thigh, twitched. He could feel Blake’s desire in her touch. The pressure from her fingers as she moved the hand at his chest down to his stomach, the sluggishness with which the fingers at his face traced his jawline before moving down to his neck.

Covertly, he tried flexing the arm beneath the pillow to make his erection subside. It didn’t work. Though Liam guessed that made sense, given it likely wasn’t entirely due to morning wood at this point.

With his attention distracted, Liam shivered as Blake ran her hands down his stomach. She immediately withdrew both hands, and Liam supposed it was best to just “wake up.”

He did his best to affect sleepiness, fluttering his eyes open and scrubbing the sleep from them as he smiled at Blake, “Good morning.”

She looked up at him with a sheepish grin, “Hey.”

Liam felt like he should say something else–something witty or charming–but Blake’s eyes made him unable to call up any words.

Now that there was no longer a need for pretense, Liam wrapped his arm around Blake’s middle, pulling her closer, then ran his nails gently down her back. Blake shivered, cuddling closer to him.

“I could get used to this,” she murmured.

Liam felt his smile deepen, “Me, too.”

“I don’t think we should do this again until we’ve gone out on our date, though,” Blake said, gaze flickering between his eyes and his lips, “Because the only thing holding me back right now is the idea of waking up your roommates.”

She moved the leg that his cock was pressed against, smirking at him. Liam could see the hunger in her eyes as she spoke, “That isn’t helping much either.”

Liam just cleared his throat at that, and Blake giggled softly.

“Uh, want to use the bathroom before Eli or Swar wake up and steal it?” he offered.

Blake bit her lip, causing Liam’s cock to throb against her leg. Blake’s eyes widened for a moment before her lips curled into an evil grin.

“I’ll remember that,” she whispered, then scooted back a bit, “But that’s probably a good idea. I’ll be right back.”



Blake frowned as she wrapped Liam in a tight hug. They stood on the sidewalk outside his dorm.

“This sucks,” she grumbled into his chest.

For a moment, Blake just held onto Liam, breathing in his scent and reveling in the feel of him against her. Then she pulled back and gazed up at him, “You’re sure I won’t be able to see you again before break? Just us, I mean.”

Liam frowned down at her, “I’ll try, but I don’t want to make any promises. I don’t trust myself to get anything done over break, and somehow I think I’ll be less inclined to make time for work when I get back–”

Blake smiled at that

“–but I’ll let you know if I think I’ll have any time. Just let me know what your schedule is, alright?”

Blake sighed, but nodded, hugging Liam again. So far, she’d just been worrying about controlling herself around Liam and how horny she’d get without him there to help her out. She hadn’t even thought about how much she would miss him. He’d be gone for less than a week, but Liam was more than just someone she wanted. He was her friend. Probably her best friend at this point if she was truly honest with herself.

“Just let me know what your schedule is?” Blake asked, looking up at him again, “I have a few more shows than usual scheduled since some professors either cancelled classes or have basically said they aren’t doing anything too important.”

Liam nodded, “Of course. And I’ll still see you for lunch on Tuesday.”

Blake smiled at that.

“You want me to walk you back?” he asked, “Or most of the way back, at least.”

*Of course, I want you to. I don’t want to let go of you until you leave.*

“No,” Blake said, “I want you to go back up to your room and get all your work done so you have more free time before break.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Blake bit her lip, cheeks turning red.

“Fuck,” she breathed after a moment, looking up at Liam, “That sounded a little clingy, didn’t it?”

Liam shrugged, grinning, “I mean, it’s what I was going to do. It’s nice to hear that you feel the same way.”

Blake’s cheeks turned even redder at that, but she smiled up at Liam. She couldn’t seem to stop.

“I’ll text you later,” he said, pulling into another hug. Blake felt something soft brush against her head as she wrapped her arms around him. Her pussy twitched when she realized Liam had given her a kiss on the forehead.

*Ugh, why do even his cute little romantic gestures have to turn me on this much?*

Blake smiled up at him as she pulled back, and it took everything she had not to pull his face down to hers.

With a frustrated squeak, Blake gave Liam another quick hug, then whipped around and started off at a brisk pace.

She swore she could hear Liam chuckling behind her.



  1. Hey everyone!
    I have finally caught up with myself, meaning that I don’t have anything else just sitting and waiting to be reviewed and published, so the next few parts might be a bit shorter than the past bunch have been. I will make sure to keep up the quality though.


    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

  2. Never has a story made me feel so connected to its characters! I’m constantly checking your profile every Wednesday and Saturday waiting for the new part! I just wish you posted the parts more frequently!?

  3. Are you going to post on christmas? Because tbh that would be a great gift to everyone who’s following your story!

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