The Temp [hotwife] [FM] [interracial] [fiction]

*Featuring the wife of -Bornstellar-117 as Nikki Calimeris.*


A trio of male college interns ogled the sexy brunette as she stepped out of the red Honda Accord and crossed the car park of the Sony complex in Silicon Valley, California. She was dressed in an alluring, tight-fitting, primarily green, elf costume.

“Hey, gorgeous,” said one of the more forthcoming young men.

“Hi there, handsome,” replied Nikki Calimeris. “Would you kindly point me to the console coding section?”

They gave her directions, she thanked them and walked into the complex.

Her phone rang as she entered the reception area. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her new Sony *Xperia 5*. It was a gift she had received two days ago from the same person who had helped her get a job – a temporary one – at Sony. The job was to decorate eleven Christmas trees placed in various offices at the Sony complex with her own custom-made festive baubles.

“Hi, honey,” said Nikki.

Her husband Dan was on the other end of the line. He had been away for several days on a business trip and had told Nikki he would be home that morning. “Hey, babe. Didn’t catch you. I’m assuming that potential job you mentioned the other day came through?”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, honey. I should have told you. I just got the notice this morning.”

“It’s okay, babe. I’m helping myself to a glass of milk and a muesli bar. Good luck with the job. Happy for you. Don’t overwork yourself.”

“Thanks, hun. Love you.”

Nikki’s acquaintance came to meet her. He was a black guy named Gavin, who she had met on Reddit. She had posted a number of pics of her artwork and had decided to focus more on baubles for Christmas decorations. Since October, she had been making as many baubles as she could, taking time to be creative and original as well. She had received many up votes and comments. Most importantly, several people had placed orders for her baubles, which she had made and delivered.

Gavin had been the first to ask if she would offer her time to decorate Christmas trees herself if she was offered a fee for labor. She suspected his motives weren’t all about the baubles. He had also commented lustfully on several pics she and Dan had posted in bikini and wife subreddits. Getting comments from horny men wasn’t anything new for Nikki, but getting a job to do something she was enthusiastic about, especially for a big company like Sony, was a first, and she was hoping, not the last.

“Hi, Nikki,” said Gavin. “You look so beautiful in your outfit.” He came in for a hug, even though it was the first time they were meeting in person. Nikki decided to give in to him rather than stand back and offer a handshake. He really pressed her body against his and she felt his hand surreptitiously brush down her ample ass.

Nikki knew she had a desirable figure that included an amazing bubble butt. She knew Gavin’s touching her this way wasn’t an accident, but she didn’t want to complain. This job was very important. It could be the beginning of more jobs, bigger ones as well.

“Thank you, Gavin. Wow, this place is so big,” she said, looking around the reception area and out the glass walls at the rest of the complex.

Gavin gave her a quick description of the Sony complex.

“It’s a great place to work,” Nikki said. “Would you help me get the baubles from my car? They’re in two big suitcases.”

“Sure, lead the way, ma’am.”

On the way to her Honda, Gavin slowed down several times as if he were receiving and sending urgent texts, but Nikki caught him taking snapshots of her from the back. She pretended not to notice.

As they reached her car and pulled out the suitcases, Nikki said, “I just want to thank you again for the new phone. It’s fantastic. I was going to get a secondary phone for business contacts since things were getting a little crowded on my Google *Pixel 4*, but never got around to it, so I’m really grateful for the *Xperia 5*.”

“Hey, no problem. I got a friend in the marketing department. He usually has a couple of freebies to give away.”

“Gotta love those freebies,” said Nikki with a smile that had Gavin rock hard.

They headed back to the reception area and Gavin sent a map to Nikki’s *Xperia 5* of the entire Sony complex with the locations of the Christmas trees marked with large red dots.

“Don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything. And most importantly, wear this at all times,” he handed her an ID that stated her name and her position as a temporary employee (temp) of the Sony Corporation.

Gavin left her to attend to his duties and Nikki set to work. She started on the Christmas tree in the reception area. She had no problem acquiring help when she needed it because there always seemed to be some eager male Sony employee nearby, checking out her amazing figure in the elf costume.

She knew exactly how many baubles she would need for the trees, but had brought extras in case. Those extras came in useful. To thank her many helpers, for each one, she wrote her Redditor name on a bauble and gave it to him as a parting gift when he had to regretfully leave to resume work. All her helpers were grateful and she wondered how many girlfriends and wives would have a slightly ashamed boyfriend or husband adding her bauble to the Christmas tree at home. The thought made her smile.

Besides thanks, she also knew that Sony, like many other corporations, hired many temps. She wasn’t the only one here. A good number of her helpers would remember her by the baubles, which would open up the possibility of being hired by another company or getting another job with Sony. This was business and friendliness entwined and she was playing that game as everyone else was.

At 11:50 AM she got a message on Reddit from Gavin, asking her out to lunch at the food court. She accepted the invitation.

They had a simple lunch and talked mostly about each other. Nikki made sure Gavin knew she was married, but that didn’t stop him from trying to woo her. He was single and wasn’t that bad-looking, but she also wasn’t interested in him, until he asked her about her other skills and interests. She told him everything about her business ideas and her talents. He did a great job of listening and she noticed that, as he did more listening, he ogled her less and seemed to see her as a person rather than just eye candy.

Gavin told her he would be pulling strings to get her a couple more jobs for January next year that would be right down her alley. Nikki was ecstatic. She liked men who took interest in her other traits that were apart from her physical features. She had a sharp mind and loved being appreciated for that. Gavin had clearly been listening and the jobs he mentioned were definitely ones Nikki would love doing. It seemed getting her this job wasn’t a one-off effort for Gavin. He was well-connected in the corporate organizational structure and the first several hours Nikki had spent working for Sony were simply wonderful with the amicable workplace environment and top of the line designs seen all over the complex.

Gavin said, “Oh, and we had another Christmas tree decorator temped to decorate most of the other trees in the complex, but for some unexplained reason, he didn’t show up. I suggested to Human Resources that we should simply give his job to you. They agreed, and on their behalf, I’m asking if you would be interested. You’d be our sole Christmas tree decorator for 2019, and if we like what you do, which I’m a hundred percent sure we will, we would have you locked in for New Year and all the successive holidays and special days of next year. You’ll be our go-to person when it comes to decorating.”

He took a sip of his drink and winked at Nikki. Now he was totally sexy, she thought. Jobs lined up all the way into the unforeseen future! The Sony complex would be more of a workplace rather than a single excursion for her.

Nikki got up, went to Gavin’s side of the table and hugged him, really meaning it this time, even pressing his head against her boobs and pretending not to notice the sensuality of it. His strong arms wrapped around her waist and he allowed himself a quick grab of her ass before letting his hand slide down her thighs and back to himself.

“Thank you so much,” she said breathily.

“You’re welcome,” he said as they broke the embrace and she went back to her chair. “You seem to have a great, positive effect on our already happy workplace. We would love for that to continue. I’ve also mentioned this to the higher ups. They’ve responded with approval.”

Nikki blushed. “I don’t know what to say, Gavin. You’ve helped me out in such a huge way.”

“Quality work is hard to find. You’re high quality. That cancels out my efforts. Everyone’s happy.”

“No, it doesn’t,” said Nikki. “I wouldn’t have this job if it wasn’t for you. And now, further thanks to you, I’ve pretty much got a long line of jobs queued up with a big corporation like Sony!”

“Right place, right time, right person. And that’s you,” Gavin said.

“Don’t make it look like I don’t owe you anything. I do,” insisted Nikki.

“Uh… Is this leading up to something?” Gavin asked.

Nikki gave him a sexy smile. “No. Are you thinking of something?”

“No…” he said, a look of uncertainty on his face.

Leaning forward, Nikki said, “I’m psychic when it comes to men. You’re thinking of something. Tell me what it is.”

Gavin said, “Fine. I’ll come clean. I just wish you could respond to people who appreciate your photos.”

“Which ones?”

“The ones on Reddit.”

“Which ones on Reddit?”

“The really hot ones.”

She knew which photos he was referring to. Her bikini photos. She said nothing for a while, letting Gavin stew in discomfort at coming out with his feelings.

Finally she let him off the hook and said, “I’ll try and fix that.”


“Of course. I’m an elf, aren’t I? The least I could do is grant a simple wish.”

They finished lunch and went back to their respective work.

With the help of eager, male, Sony employees, Nikki used up all the baubles in both suitcases, completing the task of decorating eleven Christmas trees. However, with the news from Gavin, she would be doing up the rest of the trees at the complex.

Nikki co-opted five of her friends, who were between jobs. With them she made a Kik group and organized them to make baubles for the remaining Christmas trees in the Sony complex. After that, Nikki tasked three more of her friends with logging into her Reddit account and responding positively to all the comments on her bikini photos, except for Gavin’s. She responded to Gavin’s comments herself with sexy hints.

She got a Reddit message from Gavin: *Wow! Thanks for the amazing responses! Can’t believe you responded to all those comments in the space of two hours.*

She messaged back with a lie, *I only responded to your comments. I got a bot to deal with all the rest.*

Gavin messaged, *Nice! I’m blushing from this special treatment. Your hubby might be concerned though.*

After loading her empty suitcases into her Honda Accord, Nikki messaged Gavin her Kik username and created a Kik chat group. Gavin connected with her on Kik and joined the group as did Dan, who she invited. Soon she and Gavin were chatting, Dan supplying the occasional emoji to show he was following the conversation. The chat got hot as Nikki steered them toward the topic of sex.

Getting back to her and Dan’s was a three-hour drive from the Sony complex. She asked Gavin on Kik what his address was. He told her his apartment address, which was en route to her suburb. Dan suggested Nikki spend the night with Gavin, since she was tired from working most of the day and had driven three hours before that. She could complete the journey back tomorrow morning. Gavin readily agreed. Nikki got a bite to eat at a Chick-fil-A, and after that, drove to Gavin’s apartment.

Answering the bell, Gavin ogled the sexy woman now dressed in a tight red, Santa’s helper outfit standing outside his doorway.

“I like the outfit,” he said, closing the door after her. Nikki was so incredibly sexy. Her dressed like that, standing in his apartment gave him an instant erection.

“Just like it?” she asked.

Gavin corrected himself. “I mean, I love it. A lot.”

“Better.” Nikki brought out her Sony *Xperia 5* and asked, “Is it okay if I take some pics and vids?”

“You’re my guest, so, please, be my guest,” said Gavin.

Nikki took in the living room with her camera and then turned the camera back on herself. She went to stand beside Gavin, who put an arm around her. They both waved at the camera. She saved and posted the short video on their Kik group chat. After posting, she messaged, *Safe and sound at Gavin’s place. Such a nice place!*

Dan responded with: *That’s a handsome fellow there. Nice to finally see you, Gav. Love the place and thanks for having Nikki over.*

Gavin replied, *Thanks and my pleasure, Dan. I think I have to turn down the thermostat. It got hotter in here the second your wife stepped into my apartment.*

Dan responded with a winking emoji and thumbs up.

Gavin invited Nikki to sit down on the sofa while he went to the kitchen to get some wine. He brought back a bottle and two glasses. They continued their Kik conversation face to face and let Dan in on some of it with messages. Nikki sent pics of her and Gavin sitting together side by side on the sofa, sipping wine.

The next visual Dan received on their Kik group chat was a short video of Gavin pushing up Nikki’s tight red skirt as she laid back on the sofa, revealing her delectable pussy. Dan typed, *Oh no… please continue!*

Nikki replied, *LOL! Love you, honey*

She took several photos and short videos of Gavin kissing her pussy and eating it, licking her clit and sucking on it, also slipping his tongue deep into her vagina for deeper licking.

Dan typed, *Love hearing you moan. He’s licking you really good.*

She replied, *Mmmm he is!*

Their clothes came off and Dan was treated to a photo and video of his wife stroking a rather large black cock with her left hand, wedding ring and all.

Gavin typed, *She’s amazing. Sucking my cock now*

Nikki sucked and stroked Gavin’s cock, while looking up into the lens of her *Xperia 5*’s camera he was aiming down at her. She licked the underside of his shaft and mentioned how big and hard it was.

While working on Gavin’s cock with her hand and mouth, she didn’t have time to keep up with the group chat. He showed her what was being said. She saw Dan’s message, *Baby, you’ve always been great at giving head. Show him what you got*.

She smiled and sucked Gavin harder and faster, fondling his balls and looking at the camera for the photos and videos Gavin was taking and sending straight to their Kik group chat.

Gavin recorded on video him grabbing the back of Nikki’s head and pushing her further along his cock. She gagged with watery eyes for a moment before he released her. After sucking on his balls, she pushed herself to go deep throat again on Gavin’s big cock, staying longer on his cock with the tip hitting the back of her throat multiple times. Gavin groaned into the video, stopped recording and sent it to Dan, who responded with, *Fuck yeah!*, all the while Gavin fucked Nikki’s throat.

They took it to bedroom where they kissed and rolled around the bed for a while before Gavin slipped his cock into Nikki’s pussy and started pounding her. They made a video of themselves in missionary position with Nikki on her back, legs opened and Gavin thrusting steadily inside her, balls smacking against her. Dan pumped his cock, watching this video and accompanying photos.

Then Nikki got on top of Gavin and rode his cock for fifteen minutes. Gavin grabbed her ass and spanked it, telling her how hot she was while she maneuvered her hips over him, getting his cock to hit her in all the right places. He pulled her down on top of him and grabbed her ass for two minutes of hard upward thrusting. Nikki screamed when she climaxed all over his cock.

Gavin said he wanted to take her ass. She smiled in a naughty way and laid on her front, clutching a pillow as he covered her and pushed his cock into her ass.

“Ohhh fuck,” said Nikki.

Gavin groaned as her sphincter closed tightly around his dick. He pushed himself in deep and started a good rhythm, basking in Nikki’s moans of pleasure. They got to spooning with him still in her ass. It was during a long passionate kiss that he released his sperm load in her ass. He took a photo of her cum-filled ass with some of his jizz running out, posted it on the group chat.

Dan typed, *You need to join us for dinner at our place soon*, followed by a thumbs up.

Gavin responded, *I would love to*

They slept together that night, bodies intertwined in the same bed. In the morning, Nikki drove on to her home, where she organized more baubles made.

Gavin had not been lying. She was locked in for New Year and all the following events that required decorations at the Sony complex. Gavin eventually got to meet Dan and fuck Nikki in front of her husband while he (Dan) recorded all the action. They all agreed to post the videos and photos on various relevant subreddits such as r/ hotwife and r/ wifesharing.

It was a week after posting the new photos and videos of Nikki being a hotwife that Nikki received an official job offer from Nintendo via an Asian guy she had given a bauble to while he was at Sony. He was also a huge fan of her hotwife photos and videos on Reddit. The job was to decorate Nintendo offices for Valentines Day, 2020.

Nikki accepted the job with a smile on her face. She loved being a temp.



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