Heavy rain [MF] [First person] [Special force] [Part 1]

I’m surprised my boss didn’t call this off. But I guess no matter how much rain falls from the sky, even if it could drown us, are not a reason for stopping this operation. Operation Nightsky have been carefully planned under almost a month and being a part of the special force in DEA my time has come to shine. Me, and a couple of other colleagues are in charge of moving in, and we all got clear orders – only shoot to kill.

It’s cold and dark, I am glad i’m not the one who drives the car, as my nerves are on edge. The adrenaline is running like wildfire through my blood. I lick my lower lip nervously as the car stops.

“Everybody out”. My boss commands and we, all the 5 of us, step out. The rain hits hard. Even if I wear waterproof gear I can feel the hardness of the drops. Luckily I wear a black cap, which helps keeping the ice cold water from my eyes. With the heartbeat rushing in my ears I have to concentrate hard when my boss hands out the orders. I’m to follow with another colleague on the north side of the main building.

“They will be moving fast, they probably have an escape route and if we are right, they will change vehicles if they get out of here. You need, and I stress this, you NEED to take them out. Don’t give them any chance to run. We don’t want this to slip out of our hands, is that clear?” We nod simultaneously – this is what we have been planning and training for. Only the thought of this makes my adrenaline raise higher.


My colleague moves first, the rain is even heavier now. My right hand grips the glock 22 tighter. I can hear his deep breath and then his deep voice when he contacts our boss over the intercom. I raise my left hand to press the earbud tighter into my ear.

“We are ready on the north side”. He looks back at me to clarify and I nod. That’s when the first shot cuts through the rain. I hear my colleagues stressed voice in my earbud.

“Shots fired!” He yells into the intercom.

That sets of an immediate responding fire. I can hear the violent clicking sound of a machine gun from the south side of the building. It echoes wildly and the roaring sound of the rain is nothing but a mild murmur in comparison. I move sideways trying to cover my colleague and to get better sight. I hear the stressed voices in my earbud and that’s when I see them. The other team which came from the other side must have set off some kind of alarm system and the yard is swarming with men in black masks.

They are carrying heavy weaponry and they don’t hesitate to kill anyone who poses a problem or threat. I aim and fire. My bullet hits one of them, who falls to his knees holding his hands over his chest. No safety vest. I aim once again and hit my next target with precision. That’s when my colleague gets hit. I can hear my own panting, everything slows down. I try not to panic as I rush towards him, not thinking about myself and that I’ve become an easy prey. I press down my intercom screaming. “Officer down! I repeat officer down!”

But I never reach him. The first bullet hits me in the solar plexus and I lose my breath. The second hits me on the right side. Both bullets bury themselves deep in my safety vest. It hurts so bad that little black dots dance in front of my eyes. I’m going to faint, I stumble and fall forward, dropping my gun and I hear it slide over the pavement. I try to get some air down, worried I’ve broken a rib I try to turn around to my back. I try yet another time to take a breath but fail and the last thing I see are two masked men moving towards me before the world goes dark.


I shake when I wake up, it’s cold and the light is dim. A sharp smack over my cheek makes me wide awake. There’s two men, both still wearing masks. I try to defend myself and I scream rustling around, and that’s when i notice my hands are chained over my head. Another smack and I accidentally bite my lip. I can taste the blood and I move again to escape the beating.

“Hey! I told you not to touch her!” The voice is sharp, deep and angry. I keep my eyes shut, waiting for another blow, which never come. “Get out!” The harsh tone make me flinch and the chain rattles.

I hear them leaving, a door closes and I slowly open my eyes. Another man stands with his back against me, I hear him lock the door before he turn around to face me. Even in the dim light I can see his cautious eyes. He move slowly, like he’s afraid to scare me. I push myself up sitting with me back against the wall, even though it’s freezing cold. It’s now that I notice I dont have my vest on. Only my black cargo pants and my t-shirt. Every move I make hurts even if I’m on a mattress. I inhale sharply when I pull my knees against my chest. The fucking pain.

“Don’t come near me!” I try to sound threatening.

“Please baby”. You stopped at the edge of the mattress and I look up at you in disbelief. I know that voice a little to well. You remove the mask and I stare at you. It’s been 6 months since we broke up, and at that time I knew you were involved with some kind of shady business, but nothing like this.

“What. The. Hell?” I can’t contain my emotions running wild. My eyes are wide waiting for any kind of explanation. You move yourself closer to me and sit down on your knees on the mattress. By pure reflex I move away and whine between clenched teeth when the pain explodes in my torso.

You reach out your hand and touch my knee.

“You shouldn’t move around like that baby, the second bullet hit your rib cage pretty bad”. I growl at you.

“Don’t you even dare. It’s because of you and your fucking gang out there that most of my force is dead. It’s because of you I’m in this mess!” Your eyes stare into mine, and you grind your teeth.

“If your force didn’t plan that stupid Operation Nightsky nothing of this would have happened”. You hold back, but I hear the anger in your voice. I pull my chains in frustration and try to kick you. The effort makes me inhale sharply again as the pain runs through my body. Sadly, I miss, and you raise one eyebrow looking at me with disbelief. “I told you to hold still baby, you are going to hurt yourself”.

“Take this fucking chain off me and I will show you hurt!” I bark at you. You smirk when you lean forward and take a hard grip over the chain and pull. My wrists stretches further over my head. You lean in and I can feel your warm breath against my lips. Your eyes stare into mine.

“You are so fucking sexy when you’re angry”. Your voice is just a whisper, meant for only my ears. “I always dreamed about having you tied up like this when we were together but you had such a strong integrity”.

You know exactly what you are doing to me. My body responds on command, and not by my own may I add. You did this when we were together. Always sharing your fantasies, making mine run wild. When you left me, because I didn’t get to make that choice, my body missed you. My mind missed you. I took months for me to gather myself together again after you closed the door to our relationship and now… here you are. My savior? Or my captor?

“Fuck you”. My voice is weak. I try to move once again but you keep me right where you want. Your fingers push a strand of hair behind my ear before you let your hand cup my cheek. You slide your thumb over my lower lip, making me clench my teeth when you move over the wound that one of your gang members caused.

“Maybe this is my only chance to have you like this, all to myself”. Your voice is drenched with longing, and something deeper, darker. Your eyes wander down my body, and you lick your lower lip absentmindedly.

“I will never let you in my mind again”. I move fast as I open my mouth and bite down hard over your thumb. You growl and pull my chains harder making me let go and cry out. The pain rushes wildly through my wrists and my core and I can feel a couple of tears run down my cheeks.

You let go of the chain and catch me in your arms. The pain is nearly unbearable and I pant forcefully against your collarbone.

“I’m sorry baby”. Your voice is full of remorse and you dig into your pocket. I hear the metallic clank of keys and when you release me from my restraints my hands automatically grips your soft sweatshirt. I’m not fit for fight and you are the only normal thing in this dark frightening situation. Your hands move over my shoulders, down over my back in a comforting gesture. I sob into your shoulder.

“Let me go”. My voice shake, and I move. Battling myself over wanting to stay in your arms and my need to flee. Your grip tightens and I push my palms against your chest, a weak try to get away.

“You need to calm down. You can have a fractured rib”. Your moves are skillful as you lift me and push me down onto my back on the mattress. I cry out once more as the pain reminds itself. You manage to keep your full body over mine without putting any weight over my damaged body. Yet again you are so unbearably close, your eyes meet mine and you smile. And there it is, your tender boyish side, which I loved when we were together.

“Don’t try to charm your way out of this. You are in deep trouble, and kidnapping a special agent will just add on to the shit you and your gang have caused tonight”.

“Trust me baby, I don’t need to charm my way out of this. The only thing I’m guilty of is being at the wrong place at the wrong time. We need to get one thing straight from the beginning – I’m your only lifeline in here. And I’m high enough in the hierarchy to take what I want, including any hostage”.

“You realise you just admitted being in some kind of hierarchy, and high up none the matter”. My tone is challenging, I know, but I want to shock you. I want to sound cold. I don’t want to show you how much you are affecting me.

“You forget that you and I have been lovers. You know what you are doing to me, and I know exactly what I’m doing to you”.

You press your lips against mine. It stings a little when your tongue move over my split lip, but the urge to respond is stronger. The kiss is deep and I moan, both in pleasure and pain as your body weight press me down. You move back, breaking the kiss.

“I need to have a look at how bad that bullet got you. Can you be a good girl for me and behave?”

“Or else?” I’m compelled to ask, my mind hazy, and you smirk.

“I can always chain you if you prefer that?” Your eyes glimmer teasingly. “But I wouldn’t want to hurt you”. You move, sitting yourself up on your knees and pull my t-shirt over my stomach up under my breasts. The cold air makes me shake and you let your hands move over my core. “You are badly bruised, you are lucky you had a vest on”.

That’s when I make my first strike. My knee hits your side and this throws you of balance. You grip my t-shirt and I raise myself into sitting position and hit you with a closed fist over your ribs. The pain runs through my veins making me clench my teeth. Focus! My mind yells at me. You are much stronger and bigger than me, my only advantage is that I’m fast, but my injuries slows me down.

“Fuck!” You growl, your eyes blazing with rage. I move, hitting you again in the ribs. This makes you release your grip from my t-shirt and I throw myself away from you. My body screams of exhaustion and the pain makes it nearly unbearable. The concrete is even colder against my palms. I only get up on my knees before you yank me down on my stomach again by gripping my ankle.

You are stronger than I remembered and the fall, even though it’s not far to the ground being I was on my knees, makes me cry out. You pull hard, and my body is dragged over the cold rough floor up onto the mattress again. I roll over and try to kick you, but you avoid it with ease. You push one of your hands over my sore torso and I scream. I close my eyes hard as the pain overflows me and the black dots drown the world around me once again.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ecrp8n/heavy_rain_mf_first_person_special_force_part_1


  1. I up voted because the writing is very good, and unlike some other authors, who only post scenes, you took the time to write an actual **story**. I really appreciate stories. This is a good one with great imagery and details.

    However, I would like to correct the error of tagging this story as first person when it is actually *second person*. The beginning may be first person, but when ‘you’ enters the frame, the entire story becomes second person. First person involves *I, he, she, they*. Second person involves *I, you, he, she, they*. Third person involves *he, she, they*.

    Thanks for posting. Keep up the good writing.

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