The view from the Moon [part 2]


The restaurant offered the embarassment of the choice – from weird to sexy, everything was on the menu.
A full table of college kids had just come in, the guys wearing the flashy, super bright clothes in fashion this year – still nothing that could in any way capture capture Johna’s attention as much as the girls, five of them in a mix of skin and hair colors, heights and shapes. Johna felt pure envy for these kids.

“If I think of the amount of effort it took me to get even a glimpse of a tit back home…”

By their side a tall, blonde woman in her fourties twitched her nose at the ruckus made by the students.
She was wearing a headdress that looked twice as expensive as all the clothes Johna was wearing put together.
The two younger men sharing her table wore
tailored suits and the deferent expression of someone talking to his boss – ah, a buisness dinner.

Could he get used to all of this?

The nudity, while still striking, wasn’t what was capturing his attention: it was the attitude the natives showed towards it that mesmerized him.
Men were incredibly casual about it: sure, there was the occasional glance, but it was all very casual and relaxed, to an almost irritating degrees.
Women, who Johna would have imagined to feel vulnerable, exposed how they were, seemed completely at ease with it. The confidence with which they “wore the sky” made them even more beautiful, but in a distant, confusing way – he felt some guilt over his lusting after someone who was acting in such a natural, innocent way.
Ironically, he was the one feeling vulnerable.
The women here seemed to realize the effect they had on foreigners – while access to the sector was heavily restricted it always hosted at least a small contingent of personnel from the outside. Especially here, near to the only landing point of the colony and the embassies, embarassed faces were most likely a common sight.

The sound of his fork hitting against his empty plate woke him up from his musings – raptured as he had been from the scenario around him he had barely registered eating his meal.

He looked around him for a waitress – there was one who seemed free but he esitated to call her. He reluctantly admitted to himself that he didn’t want to waste the chance to admire the redheaded girl again.

Maybe it was a bad idea. That was probably too much, nothing like a casual glace at her bum. Maybe she would have thought he was a pervert but she had said…

“Oh, what the hell. I’ll wait five minutes. There is nothing weird about it. I just want to sit for a while after eating, that’s it.”

After the five minutes turned into fifteen, Johna gave up. “It doesn’t matter if these people would see this as acceptable or not, this is ridiculous. If I am going to stay here I better calm down about all this and avoid attracting attention.”

With a forced smile he made a gesture to the closest waitress, a tall brunette with voluptuous breasts and braces he only noticed because he was using every drop of his willpower to look only at her face.

He managed to pay and to get to the exit without any further surprise or embarassment, although he had to walk with a bit of a hunch. “Thank god for baggy clothes or I would have bever gotten out of there without looking like a walking coat hanger”.

