The Camgirl Part LIV: Worth It [Lots of Plot and Fluff] [Long]

**LIV: Blake and Liam**


Blake checked her phone for the fifth time as she waited outside the music building. Liam wasn’t late—he was hopefully just getting out of class—Blake had just left too early. Her anxiety was definitely Liam’s fault though.

*Who the fuck sends a text like that, anyway?* Blake thought, growling to herself.

“Hey, can you meet me after class? I want to talk,” was all he had said. Even when she’d asked which class and where to meet him—though she had already memorized Liam’s schedule at this point—he hadn’t given her anything else to go on.

She knew it was about them. Her ultimatum.

*It better be,* Blake thought, *Only two days left until he leaves for Thanksgiving and I’m busy both days.*

Though she’d tried to play it off whenever she was with Liam, the longer he went without bringing this up, the more nervous Blake grew. Especially since he hadn’t said *anything* about the show she’d watched or three other snippets he’d watched since then.

Blake pulled out her phone again. Maybe she’d text him.

*If he doesn’t bring it up, I might just scream.*

“Hey, Blake.”

Blake jumped, then spun around to glare at Liam.

“Ass,” she grumbled, trying to keep a straight face. It was hard. More and more often, whenever Blake looked at him, her brain got all mushy and gross and all she could think about was wrapping her arms and legs around him and kissing him.

Liam just grinned at her, “Jumpy?”

“Only when people sneak up on me.”

Liam rolled his eyes, “Because you would never do the same to me?”

Blake sniffed, “Of course not.”

“Sure,” Liam said dryly. He motioned toward the east end of campus, “Come on, you mind walking a bit?”

Blake eyed Liam but nodded and fell into step next to him.

“So, you said you wanted to talk?” She asked.

He nodded, smiling, “And maybe grab something to eat if you’re hungry.”

Blake’s mouth drew to a thin line, “That sounds good, what did you want to talk about?”

“I think most of the talking will be on you,” Liam said, “I’m fine with it, by the way.”

Blake was growing *quite* irritated, “Fine with what?”

Liam stopped and Blake saw his eyes dart around them before he looked down at her.

“I can deal it,” he said, meeting her gaze, voice soft, “With you—” he paused glancing around again, “—doing what you do. I think I’m pretty much okay with everything, and if anything comes up, I’ll make myself okay with it.” He smiled down at her, “You’re worth it.”

Blake blinked up at Liam, “What?”

He raised an eyebrow, expression falling a bit, “You alright? I thought you’d be happy.”

“I—” Blake started, but words failed her. Her mouth was suddenly very dry. Everything felt tight. Her throat, her jaw, her chest.

*You’re worth it.*

Those few, simple words shouldn’t have this kind of effect on her. She knew she was worth it. She was smart, disciplined, funny, kick-ass in video games, hot as fuck…

But no matter how many times Blake told herself that…No matter how many self-affirmations she did in the mirror every morning, how much money she made, how great her grades were or how much progress she made in the gym, she still had to reinforce that belief daily to make herself believe it. Her family loved her, but they didn’t know what she did, not really. She and Chloe understood each other and had such a great friendship mostly due to their similarities. But Liam…

*You’re worth it.*

The words echoed again in Blake’s head, and she was pretty sure the reason every muscle in her body had tensed was because it knew she would melt into a puddle otherwise.


Liam’s hand came to rest on her shoulder, pulling Blake back out of her head. Even through layers of thick winter clothing, that simple touch felt so wonderful.

“Is everything okay?”

Blake had to get ahold of herself as she looked up into those eyes. The concern in his gaze and his voice only increased the danger of her melting into a babbling, incoherent puddle right here on the sidewalk.

“Yeah,” she said, forcing a smile. *Relax, you idiot. He’s definitely going to run if you just start bawling here on the sidewalk after he said three fucking words to you.*

“Yeah,” she repeated, forcing herself to relax, “I’m fine. Just…”

For a moment, Blake didn’t know what to say. Then she met Liam’s eyes again and found herself smiling, “Relieved.”

*You don’t have to play any games with Liam,* she reminded herself, *He’s your friend. He told you you’re worth it. Worth breaking up with Marie for, worth dealing with all the shit you deal with, worth dealing with you dealing with all that shit. Just tell him the truth.*

“I’m really happy you feel that way,” she said, barely keeping from stumbling over the words as she smiled up at him.

He returned the smile, “So am I.”

Liam gestured as if to ask if she wanted to keep walking.

Blake hesitated, then reached out and took his hand as she fell in step with him. She shivered at the contact, then felt a comforting warmth spread through her as his hand closed around her own. Something bubbled up inside Blake, and she found herself grinning widely as she walked. This—just holding hands—wasn’t something she’d ever really done or thought about. Not even when thinking about Liam.

*That’s because you’ve never felt this way about someone before.*

Blake thought she had. Once. But she’d been wrong, and learned from that. The part of her mind that sought to protect her from that kind of pain hoped she wasn’t making that mistake again.

*How can I be when something so simple as holding hands feels so wonderful?*

Despite the warm, cozy feeling that enveloped her as she walked with Liam, sneaking glances at him and sharing smiles, despite Liam’s words to her and all the affirmations she’d just made to herself, Blake felt tendrils of worry creep into her thoughts. Sex, flirting, teasing—that she could do. Same with just hanging out and talking or working out together or playing video games. Stuff like this, though? Holding hands? Doing sweet little things that couples were supposed to do? Blake didn’t know anything about that. Would he expect things like that of her? Was that a question she could ask him? Or would that just give her away?

*You told him you wanted him when he was dating Marie. You can tell him this.*

But she couldn’t. She was too scared. She didn’t want to ruin this wonderful feeling.

“You’re really okay with everything?” She asked, both trying to reassure and distract herself. She tried to quash the skepticism she felt. Liam was amazing, but he had to have some issue with it, right?

Liam shrugged, “Mostly. How much of your lingerie comes from people buying it for you?”

Blake felt her cheeks heat a bit, but laughed, “I’m not going to answer that, and I don’t think you should worry about it. Most girls have things that past boyfriends have bought them. Mine are just anonymous gifts associated with a handle. And technically, none of them buy it directly for me, since they would be able to see my shipping address. Just gift cards.”

Liam glanced down at her, studying her for a moment, then nodded, “Fair enough.”

“Plus, I don’t think that will come up much anyway,” Blake said, “I usually only wear stuff like that as something people will pay me to take off. Otherwise I—”

Blake cut off as they stopped for the crosswalk over the bridge, realizing what she’d been about to say and how many people were around. Her hand tightened around Liam’s reflexively.

“Otherwise you what?” Liam asked, voice soft. Blake peered up to find him leaning down toward her, a bit hunched. Their height difference was a very annoying problem. It made private conversations much more difficult when they were standing, and Blake had yet to experience the benefits of Liam’s larger size outside of her imagination.

*Hehe, larger size.*

Blake hid her smile at the stupid mental joke, rising up on her tiptoes a bit and lowering her own voice, “Otherwise, I don’t usually wear any underwear.”

She *preferred* not to, at least. Her boobs were perky and small enough that bras were little more than nipple-covers, which were usually unnecessary with her fondness for hoodies and her dislike of being out and about among people. Her pussy—even when she walked around all day with something in her ass—was usually pretty considerate. She got wet—sometimes just because rather than anything to do with sex or arousal—but her lips generally remained closed, keeping it all inside.

The way her body reacted to Liam was a thing of cruel irony. Her nipples got very hard much more often to the point that Blake had started wearing pasties to class when she hadn’t bothered to wear layers under her winter coat. Her pussy was even worse. Not counting all the twitching and clenching that teasing Liam and looking at Liam and even *thinking* about Liam caused down there, Blake’s pussy was hungry for his cock, and it very rarely liked to stay closed anymore. She’d bought a six-pack of cheap thongs a week ago and had already done some serious damage to them. Today, she’d worn a butt-plug out of habit, and she’d gotten all the way to the stairs of her building before turning back around to go get some panties and a bra.

All this ran through Blake’s mind in the time it took for Liam’s cheeks to turn red, and for the walk signal to beep. Blake tugged him forward, smiling to herself that even after all the teasing she’d sent his way, she could still make him blush. She hoped he didn’t ever grow out of that.

“You don’t?’ Liam asked, clearing his throat.

Blake shrugged, “It’s more comfortable sometimes. When I’m at my apartment, I usually just wear some long socks and a big cozy sweater.”

When Liam was silent, Blake glanced up at her friend to find him still red-faced and cackled under her breath. Then she reminded herself why Liam had asked to meet up. She didn’t want to ask about any problems he had with what she did, but she knew that she needed to.

“Is that the thing that bugged you the most?” She asked, “I feel like you’ve gotta at least have some questions.”

Liam was silent for a bit.

“Alright,” he said as the central part of the campus, “What happens in private chats? You said you do that, right?”

Blake nodded, “Yeah. I usually try to stay away from one-on-one, cuz it can get creepy. Usually I just do smaller ‘private’ groups, where it’s just more request based. I have some rules that I send to someone when they request a private chat, emphasizing what I will and won’t do. It’s honestly not too different from what I normally do, just a lot more talking. Lots of lonely people out there who just want to talk sometimes.”

“And if they are creeps?” Liam asked, “If you start to feel weirded out or uncomfortable?”

Blake shrugged again, “That thankfully has only happened twice. I don’t usually agree to a full private unless they’re regulars in my shows.

Blake paused, reaching up to smooth some hair behind her ear, but it was all contained in her beanie. She sighed, “Another thing you should probably know is that I have a notebook that I use to keep track of my regulars. I make an effort to get to know who they are and what they like, and in my shows, I make sure to reward them by greeting them and putting their name on my high-tipper board and stuff. I try to see them as humans looking to get entertained, instead of just faceless bags of money.” Blake paused again, biting her lip before she went on, “But back to what you asked, if I’m in a private chat and I don’t feel good about it, I refund what they paid for private, make a record of it and leave. I haven’t done a one-on-one in a while though—I’ve honestly been thinking about changing my policy to just cut that out altogether, since I make enough money from my regular shows to make that unnecessary.”

Liam nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips.

“Don’t think that you had anything to do with that,” Blake added, “I was already thinking about it before you came along, and I still might not do it. Some of the dudes—and girls—really just want someone to talk or ‘hang out’ with for a bit. Lonely people need some love, too. I also do custom videos sometimes. Those are a little harder to do with the dorm situation sometimes, but they bring in good money, so I’m not stopping those any time soon.”

Liam just nodded again, “How long do you plan on doing it for? I know you want to work in programming, but are you going to do them both at once? Or stop once you get a high-paying job?”

Blake blinked at the question, wondering at the possible implications of it for a moment, then shook herself.

*This is Liam. He thinks ahead—that’s just how his mind works.*

Blake wasn’t always so good at thinking long-term. This, she had thought about, however.

“Probably until I’m twenty-five,” she said, “Hopefully I’ll have made enough money by then to just have some debt instead of crushing debt. I think that’s also as long as I can trust myself to go without deciding I need lip injections or a boob-job or something like that.”

Liam seemed both satisfied and troubled by that.

“Doesn’t it get old?” He asked.

Blake shrugged, “At first, I thought it would. But now that I can basically get away with just a 3-4 hour show most days, it’s not too bad. Gives me an extra reason to work out and eat right, and I’m pretty sure an office job would get old far more quickly, even with programming.”

Liam snorted, “Can’t argue with that.”

“Anything else?” Blake asked as they came to the next crosswalk after the long block of central campus buildings. She glanced across the main street at her—and Liam’s, apparently—old dorm. The prison-like towers made her thankful for her apartment. She looked back to Liam, “C’mon, fire ’em off so I don’t have to keep dragging these out of you.”

Liam grinned, then grew a bit more serious as he thought.

“What’s—” he started, then cut off, thinking for another moment, “What’s the…farthest you plan to go on your shows? And how do you feel about me watching them? Or watching your shows versus other porn, at least?”

Blake giggled at the way Liam’s cheeks colored as he asked the question.

“As far as the second part goes,” Blake said, “I don’t care if you look at porn, dude. With my shows—ideally you would be…” Blake had to clear her own throat as she found her cheeks growing hot, “Ideally you’d just be watching from somewhere off-camera in the same room if we were hanging out and I had a show scheduled. Otherwise, I wouldn’t. While the thought of—knowing that you’re watching me…” Blake trailed off as shivers spider-webbed through her, pussy twitching at the memory of that last show. When she continued, she found her voice thick, “When I know you’re watching me, it definitely…does nice things to me, but I have a feeling that might just get weird. What did you mean about the first part, though?”

Liam shrugged, “Well, I know some camgirls do shows with other girls sometimes, or their boyfriends, or they’ll post things on social media of them just going about their day.”

“You don’t have to worry about any of that,” Blake said, stopping for a moment to meet Liam’s gaze. She didn’t let go of his hand, “Have you ever seen me taking selfies or any of that shit? I use twitter to post about my shows and do a basic level of self-promotion, but that’s it. I did a show with Chloe once so she could help me get started, and we hooked up a few times before that and once after. I wouldn’t even consider doing that with someone I didn’t know as well as I know her, and if we’re together, that would be a decision that both of us would have to be in on. As for doing stuff with you on cam? Not going to happen. You’re—” Blake cut off so quickly her teeth clacked together.

“I’m what?” Liam asked.

“You’re tall,” Blake said, looking away and tugging on his arm, “And hungry, and so am I. Come on, the dining hall’s just down there.”

“I wasn’t in the mood for dining-hall food,” Liam said, “I was thinking about some Bertucci’s. I haven’t had any decent pizza in a while.”

Liam went silent, standing still despite Blake’s tugging on his hand. *Stupid giant.* Finally, she looked up at him, “What?”

He grinned, “I’m not letting you distract me this time. What were you about to say?”

Blake glared at him. Liam just arched an eyebrow, blue eyes unflinching and *far* too smug.

“You’re mine,” Blake grumbled, turning down the street toward Kenmore. Liam didn’t resist her tug this time.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I didn’t hear that.”

“I said, ‘you’re *mine,’* asshole,” Blake said, glaring up at him as he fell in beside her, “If you and I are together, that’s between you and me, and no one else. No one gets to see that for money or any other reason, just you, and just me.”

Blake turned her gaze forward after that. A moment later, she stumbled as Liam stopped moving. He caught her, however, pulling her to him, and suddenly Blake found herself pressed up against him. One of his hands still held hers, the other was on her hip, his arm wrapped around her. Something halfway between an “eep” and a moan slipped from Blake’s throat as she looked up at Liam, and she swore she heard her pussy growl in anticipation at the contact.

*Fuck, I need him inside me,* Blake thought. She knew that couldn’t happen just yet. She needed to look out for her own needs before those of her pussy. As she looked up into Liam’s eyes, however, her resolve weakened.

“I like it when you say things like that,” he said, smiling down at her. His voice felt like silk against Blake’s ears.

“I know we still need to iron some stuff out,” he continued, “But I’m glad you feel that way.”

Blake swallowed hard, trying to think of ways to keep herself from knocking Liam to the ground and making out with him in the middle of the street. They were already attracting more attention than she preferred as it was.

“You already know I feel that way,” Blake said, extricating herself from his embrace without letting go of his hand.

Liam grinned as they started toward the restaurant again, “I know. That doesn’t make it any less nice to hear. Especially when you growl a bit in saying it.”

Blake felt her face grow bright red. She no longer had any confidence that she could even get through a meal without trying to jump Liam, much less talk about anything serious.

*But I have to. I fucking have to do it to make sure I don’t get all fucked up again.*

Blake doubted Liam would ever hurt her intentionally, but they could both hurt each other easily if they didn’t get certain ground rules set before anything physical happened.



Liam smiled and thanked the hostess as she left their table. She’d seated them off to one side of the restaurant in a cozy, corner booth. Opening up the menu, Liam glanced to the side where Blake sat, blue eyes darting back and forth across the menu. Her black peacoat sat folded atop his navy one in the empty part of their booth, scarves bunched up on top of them. Blake still wore her light grey beanie, hiding all but a few thin locks of hair she let fall out. Her cheeks were still a bit rosy from the cold, despite the very cozy-looking knit sweater she’d worn beneath her coat along with jeans that would have matched her hair had she taken off the beanie. Liam wondered if that was just a coincidence.

*She’s beautiful.*

Liam wondered if she believed she was. Given what little he knew about Blake’s own insecurities, along with what he’d learned from Marie, he doubted it. She definitely knew that she was good-looking, and how to play up her looks, but Liam wondered if she saw herself the way he did. He hoped she could.

The look on Blake’s face when he’d told her he was fine with what she did still puzzled him. She’d seemed about to cry even after he’d clarified that he didn’t have a problem with her being a camgirl, and Liam knew he hadn’t mistaken the shock in her eyes. Were her feelings for him that strong? Or had she just been afraid of rejection? The latter seemed ridiculous to Liam, but he wasn’t Blake. He was good at guessing at what was in her head and hoped to get better, but he knew he’d never be able to really know for certain what she was thinking at any given time.


Liam blinked, gaze snapping to Blake’s, “What?”

She arched an eyebrow, “You alright, dude?”

Liam grinned, “Yeah, just spaced out for a second. What’s up?”

“I asked if you wanted to split the veggies as a starter and then get some pizzas to share.”

“Multiple pizzas?”

Blake rolled her eyes, “Dude, you’ve seen me eat, don’t act surprised. Plus, here I can take home the leftovers.”

“Right, ” Liam said, scrubbing a hand through his hair as he glanced over the pizza section, “Veggies sound good. You want the regular Bertucci and then a fig and prosciutto pizza?”

Blake gave him a skeptic look, “Fig and prosciutto?”

“It’s good,” Liam assured her, “and if you don’t like it, you can just have most of the other pizza to yourself.”

Blake studied him for a moment, then nodded, folding up her menu and setting it to the side, “Fine, I’m trusting you on this.”

Liam grinned, “It’s a little weird, but in a good way. If you like it, I’ll make my own version some time.”

Blake returned the grin, eyes lighting up, then bit her lip. A moment later she tilted her head back, “Ugh, that reminds me.” She sighed, then met his gaze, “Any ideas yet for dealing with Marie? I can stay at Chloe’s if things get bad, but I’d rather not get to that point. For now, I’m just kinda feeling it out as I go.”

Liam didn’t know what to say to that. Though she still popped into his head every so often, Liam had tried not to think much about Marie since he’d broken up with her. Now…would Blake be hurt if he asked about her? Would she think he was a jerk if he didn’t?

“Liam?” Blake asked.

He sighed, raking fingers though his hair, then glanced over at Blake, “How is she?”

Blake frowned, “Not at her best. I’ve been trying to just keep busy and limit my interaction with her just in case I mention you or she wants to ask. She’s doing a lot of stuff with her sorority sisters lately, though, so I think that’s helping. Other than that, she seems to be keeping busy.”

She glanced up at Liam, resting a pale, slender hand on his arm, “You alright?”

Liam smiled. Blake’s hands were still a bit cold, but a comfortable warmth spread up Liam’s arm at the touch, “Yeah, I’m good.”

Blake smiled at that. Liam thought her cheeks might have grown a bit redder for a moment. Her smile was…distracting.

Thankfully the waiter came back at that moment, pulling Liam back to reality before he embarrassed himself. They ordered waters and the food they had discussed and kept one menu for dessert. Blake raised an eyebrow as the waiter walked away. Liam laughed, “I know your sweet tooth is almost as bad as mine.”

“Yeah,” Blake said, “That’s why I don’t order deserts. I’m gonna be all gross and bloated until I go to the gym and run a fucking marathon.”

“Fine,” Liam said, shrugging, “I’ll just order one all for myself then.”

Blake gasped, eyes narrowing, “You wouldn’t dare.”

Liam laughed, giving Blake his most mischievous smile. Then he sobered his expression a bit, “You want to talk about it?”

Blake raised an eyebrow, “About what?”

“Well we kind of touched on it earlier, I guess,” Liam said, “But I’m guessing the whole reason you wanted me to make sure I’m okay with you being a camgirl is to establish some boundaries, right?”

Blake nodded slowly, eyes pointed down at her lap, “Yeah.” She sighed, seeming to draw in on herself. Liam wanted to hug her, but something about his friend’s posture made him hold back.

“I want you to think of what I do just as my work,” she said, meeting his eyes. Hers were nervous, “Sometimes I’ll have a great day and want to tell you about it, sometimes I’ll have a blah day where maybe someone said something funny that I think of and tell you about later, and other times I’ll have a really shitty day and I’ll either want to vent, or I’ll be in a bad mood and I won’t want to talk, and I might just need—” She paused, clearing her throat, “Need you to hold me and not let go.”

Liam nodded, “I can do that.”

“You’re also not allowed to follow any of my social media accounts,” she said, “I use them just for my shows. That’s it. If you follow them, you’ll just end up reading all the comments and seeing all the shit people say. You don’t follow any of them, and I’ll try to make sure I don’t post or look at it when I’m with you.”

“Sounds reasonable,” Liam said, “I don’t really use social media much anyway.”

Blake held his gaze for a moment, then nodded, “Sometimes…” She trailed off, then sighed.

“My head goes to dark places sometimes,” she said, looking away, “Like when we talked in the bathroom that one night. Sometimes it’s from my shows or something that happened, and sometimes I just wake up with a cloud over me and I can’t shake it. I might want to talk about it, or I might want to act like everything is normal. I’ll need you to get used to figuring that out.” She glanced at him, then looked away again. Her hand rose as though to run through her hair but stopped when it touched the beanie. Blake sighed.

“I know it’s unfair of me to ask that, but I snap at people and get really bitchy when I’m like that if they keep pestering me. I don’t want to snap at you like that. I’ll try to let you know when I’m in moods like that, and if you did something that pissed me off or annoyed me, I’ll let you know, but…”

Liam reached out and took her hand, smiling at her.

She gave him a curious, slightly annoyed look, “What?”

“You do realize you just described how most people should act toward most other people, whether or not they’re dating, right?”

Blake frowned at him but didn’t pull her hand away.

“Is now one of those times where I’m the reason you’re annoyed?” Liam asked, continuing to smile at her.

“A little,” Blake said, though she couldn’t keep the smile from her voice entirely.

“On that note,” Liam said, “I think we should just agree right now that we need to be honest and open with each other. If I have a problem with anything, I’ll tell you about it, and you do the same with me. Does that sound good?”

Blake nodded, “Of course.” She bit her lip, “Liam, you know that I’m really sorry about that, right?”

Liam raised an eyebrow, “About what?”

“About Marie,” she said, “It was really an accident—just me being stupid, I mean. I didn’t do it to try and come between you—”

She cut off as Liam held up a hand.

“You don’t need to apologize, Blake,” he said. Liam had never thought that Blake might have done that on purpose, even after she’d told him how she felt. Regardless of how stupid of a plan that would have been, Liam knew that Blake wasn’t that kind of person.

“It happened, and I’ve moved past it. I was mad at you, but that’s because I had stronger feelings for you than I did for Marie. I just hadn’t realized it or put it in those terms, at least. I didn’t think of the open and honest thing because of that—not your part in it, at least. I thought Marie was being kind of sneaky about bringing other girls into things with us, or at the very least was a bit too into it, but I should have told her that I felt that way.”

Blake shrank back into herself again, and Liam sighed. *That definitely was the wrong thing to say,* “Blake, I—”

“Do you still have feelings for her?”

Liam blinked. Not at the question, but the edge to Blake’s voice. She almost sounded afraid. He sighed, “Of course I do.”

Blake’s eyes went wide, snapping to him. He tried to give her a reassuring look.

“It’s only been a few weeks, Blake,” he said, “And I’m not the type of person that can just cut off feelings. Will I still think Marie is attractive if I see her? Physically, yes. Am I still *attracted* to her? No. I still care about her and feel bad knowing that she went home and cried after I broke up with her, but I broke up with her. I wouldn’t have done that if I thought there was any chance I would want to be with her again.”

He reached over and took her hand, “I can promise you that I don’t want Marie anymore, and that if the two of us are in the same room again, I will be so overwhelmed by awkwardness that I won’t be able to function. Is that good enough?”

Blake’s lips twitched in a smile. She nodded, “Yeah.”

Liam smiled back.



Blake leaned back in her chair as she licked her licked her spoon completely clean of the last bits of chocolate and ice cream.

“Mmm,” she moaned, “I’m gonna pay for that, but that was so good.”

Liam chuckled. He’d taken a few bites, then said he was too full to eat any more, leaving her with at least two thirds of the cookie sundae. She didn’t know if he’d done it on purpose to let her have more. Blake’s brain was a little annoyed at him for that, still, but her belly had overruled on the matter, and was now very happy.

“You ready to go?” Liam asked.

Blake nodded, “And we’re walking. I need to start working that off, now.”

Grinning at her, Liam extricated himself from the booth and shrugged into his navy peacoat. Blake eyed him as he did up the buttons before handing her own coat to her. It was unfair how good he looked in winter clothing. It suited him. Blake knew she looked cute in her own clothing, but she didn’t think anyone would do a doubletake at her when she was all bundled up the way she did at Liam. She preferred it that way, of course, but it was still unfair.

Once she was all bundled up in coat and scarf, Liam grabbed their to-go box with the leftover pizza slices—Liam hadn’t lied about the fig pizza, and Blake had made sure to save two slices for leftovers—and started toward the door with her.

“I’m still annoyed with you for being sneaky about the bill,” she said, shivering at the sudden chill as they walked out of the restaurant and back into the cold. Thankfully it was still just the wind.

“Not my fault you weren’t paying attention,” Liam said.

“You paid it when I went to the bathroom!” Blake said, exasperated.

Liam chucked, “Still not my fault.”

Blake punched him lightly in the ribs, sticking out her tongue. She took his hand after that, though, as they continued to walk. When they got to the crosswalk at Deerfield Street, however, Blake stopped, holding Liam’s hand tight when he started to walk across. Blake glanced up to find him peering down at her.

“Um, can we walk for a bit before you go back?” she asked.

Liam smiled, nodding.

Blake felt like she was melting.

*Fuck, I want him so bad. But I need to do this.*

Instead of crossing, they took a right, walking down toward Baystate and the brownstones that looked out over the esplanade.

“I need something else from you,” Blake said after they’d been walking for a bit.

“What do you need?”

Blake stopped and bit her lip, looking down at the sidewalk.

*You can do this. It’s Liam. He’s not going to reject you just for something like this.*

Letting out a sigh, Blake looked up at Liam. The way he looked at her made her melt, but it gave her confidence.

“I want you to take me out on a date,” she forced out, “Before we do anything physical.”

Liam studied her silently for a moment, and Blake looked down again, “I want to feel chased after and know what it’s like to get asked out. I’ve never had that before and I–”


Blake cut off, looking up at Liam as he took his hand from hers to put it on her shoulder. She looked to his other hand and started at what he held. A small white flower with long, yellow-tipped stalks rising from the middle.

Blake’s eyes darted back and forth between the flower and Liam’s smile. Her mouth had fallen open, she realized, but she couldn’t figure out how to close it.

*Where did he get…*

Blake turned a bit and saw the bushes on the opposite side of Liam dotted with those same right flowers. She looked back up at Liam.

“Wanna go out with me?” He asked, holding the flower out to her.

Blake’s throat tightened. Her eyes immediately felt hot and misty.

*Fuck, why am I such a mess lately? I can’t let Liam see me like this* now!

Blake attacked Liam with a hug, wrapping his arms around him and squeezing him tight. His coat was a little scratchy against her face, but she didn’t care.

Liam’s arms wrapped around her and Blake almost collapsed into a puddle right there.

“I’ll take that as a yes?” he asked.

Collecting herself, Blake took a deep breath and pulled back enough to look up at him.

“You know it’s a ‘yes,’ cocky asshole.”

Liam laughed and Blake shivered. She liked that she was close enough to feel how his chest rumbled when he did that.

“You’re annoyingly sweet sometimes,” she said, pulling back and taking his hand in hers.

“I can also be cheesy,” he said, grinning, “Would you prefer that instead of sweet?”

Blake just stuck her tongue out at him and tugged on his hand a bit, pulling him forward along the street.

“Just wondering, though,” Liam said after a bit, “What exactly counts as a date? Because I did just take you to dinner at a decently nice restaurant.”

Blake stopped in her tracks, mouth falling open as she realized he had done *exactly* that.

“It’s fuckin’ Bertucci’s, dude,” she finally thought of. She realized her voice had sounded a bit exasperated, so she softened her tone, smiling at Liam, “I really enjoyed it, but I’m dressing in a hoodie and yoga pants under this coat. A date should be something I need to spend at least an hour getting ready for, and somewhere I would get kicked out of if I went in wearing this,” she gestured to her clothing, then glanced back at Liam and frowned, “Why are you grinning like that?”

“No reason,” he said, continuing to grin in the same way.

She glared at him.

He shrugged, “I just think you’re cute.”

It was infuriating how those words somehow came across as equal parts patronizing and endearing. Blake wanted to giggle and hide her bright red cheeks like some girl in an old cartoon. She also wanted to bite Liam.

Liam seemed to sense part of her emotions.

“Amused?” he asked, hopeful.

Blake shook her head.

Liam rolled his eyes, “I just like that you know exactly what you want.”

*You have no idea, Liam.*

“I also think it’s funny that you were so nervous about asking that,” he continued.

“Oh?” Blake said, raising an eyebrow and folding her arms over her chest in her best indignant expression, “So you get amusement out of my distress, then?”

The fucker just kept grinning.

“Depends on the type of distress,” he said, stepping closer to her, “Though I mostly just found it funny because me saying yes to something like that isn’t something you’d ever need to worry about.”

Blake tried to come up with a witty retort to that. Then she realized how close Liam was. Her eyes fixed on his lips and she felt her tongue dart out to wet her own. Blake glanced up at Liam’s eyes, and found her gaze locked with his.

Liam’s hand came up to cup her cheek and Blake shuddered.

“So, when you said nothing physical,” Liam said, face even closer to her own. His voice seemed a little rough, “Did that include kissing you? Because I’d really like to do that, right now.”

Blake barely registered what he said. His eyes had her in a trance, pulling her in. When had she leaned up on her toes? Blake’s gaze finally unlocked from Liam’s and her eyes darted to his lips. They were so close, so bitable…

*Too close! Too close! Stop it! Stop it, right now!*

“Blaahh!” Blake yelped, jumping back almost a full foot from a wide-eyed Liam. He seemed completely frozen by shock.

Blake shook her head, trying to recover and find the right words as she held her hands out between her and Liam.

“No kissing,” she breathed. Her heart was pounding. When had that happened?

“Bad idea,” she managed, dropping her hands as she tried to catch her breath, “And yes, I do realize that I sound like an insane person right now.”

“Uh, it’s fine,” Liam said, cheeks red as he scrubbed a hand through his hair. The disappointment was evident in his voice, “You said nothing physical, and I–”

“Stop,” Blake said, approaching him. She took his hands in hers, grinning as a warmth spread through her at the contact, “That’s not the reason why I did…whatever I just did.”

Blake frowned, “Well, it is, but it isn’t. Also, I expect you to forget my weird shriek-thing that just happened.”

Liam just grinned.

Blake rolled her eyes, then looked up and met Liam’s, “I *want* to kiss you, Liam. It’s just really not a good idea. I want to go on our date before we have sex, and if you kiss me–” Blake cut off, swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat, “If you kiss me, I honestly think I’ll just push you down onto the sidewalk and fuck you right here.”

Liam snorted, “Blake, you–”

Blake stopped him with a look, “I’m serious, Liam.”

Liam raised an eyebrow, studying her for a moment, then his eyes went wide. His cheeks colored, and he scrubbed a hand through his hair, “Oh. Really? Uh…why?”

Blake bit her lip, squirming under Liam’s gaze, “You just…” she sighed, meeting his eyes, “I’ve wanted you for a *long* time, my sex drive is way higher than most people’s, and pretty much anything you do just makes it even more intense. I’m running out of self-control and kissing you might just be the thing that pushes me over the edge.”

Liam continued to stare at her for a bit, then cleared his throat, nodding, “Okay. I think I can kind of understand that.”

Tentatively, Liam reached out to take Blake’s hand. She met him halfway, smiling.

“I like that,” she said.

Liam raised an eyebrow as they started walking again, “Like what?”

Blake shrugged, “Just being able to hold your hand.” She paused, cheeks coloring a bit, “I wanted to for a while, but didn’t want to seem pushy or anything.”

Liam laughed, “I think you’re forgetting how oblivious I am. Until you told me how you felt, I’m pretty sure I would have just gone along with it and not really thought anything of it.”

Blake rolled her eyes, “I know exactly how oblivious you are, Liam. I’m pretty sure you would have noticed something was up.”

“I guess we’ll never know,” Liam said, prompting another eyeroll.

Eventually, they came to Liam’s dorm, pausing out back.

Blake looked up at Liam frowning, “I don’t want you to leave.”

Liam glanced toward his dorm and sighed, “Me neither.”

“I don’t trust myself alone with you, though,” she said, “And bringing you back to my place wouldn’t be fair to Marie and would just be begging for trouble.”

Liam frowned. She was right. He didn’t want to have to part way yet, though. He pulled Blake into a hug, smiling at how she clutched at his chest. As he held her, Liam’s gaze traveled back over to the building before them.

Smiling, he pulled back from Blake enough to look down at her.

“I think I might have a solution to that.”



  1. Hey everyone! The next few parts will have some more sexy bits, but for at least two parts after the next one, there’s mostly going to be some sweet stuff along with a *lot* of sexual tension. I’ll do my best to try and find ways to keep things hot, though.

    Hope you enjoy it!

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIV](

  2. Communication is **key**. Very fitting title. Devoting this chapter to Blake and Liam talking things out was totally *worth it*. It gave further voice to their feelings about each other, allowing them to clarify many thoughts that had been unspoken up to this point. It enhanced both characters as well as the entire story.

    I thought this chapter was so good, it could even serve as an optional starting point for any new readers. It referenced much of what came before, explained the current situation, and set a course for the future.

    Super happy about Liam and Blake officially becoming an item! Excellently done, TS. ?

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