Hotel Getaway

I pick you up from your class. It has been a long day for you with your test and hours of classes, and I feel you need a relief. You get into my car and I kiss you and then whisper in your ear that I know you did a great job. You ask where we are going. I say nothing, but I hand you a blindfold. You smile, half annoyed half charmed, and put it on. I drive around, circling blocks, turning on and off the high way for no reason so that you get lost as to where we are.
We stop. I lead you out of the car, though a room where you hear pinging, echoes, and a lot of other people. You look confused, and probably worry what these people must be thinking. You keep walking and hear a “ding ding.” The sound is familiar, but you can’t place it. You hold onto me, pleading to for me to tell you where we are what we are doing. I you to trust me. We take a few step forwards. You hear doors closing, and then you body shifts up. You know the feeling and ask me if are we in an elevator. I kiss your cheek. It hushes. You. The doors slide open and we walk down a quite hall. The smell of flowers and bleach piercing the hallway.
You hear a card slide, a chirp, a door click, and I lead you into a room that smells clean and fresh. As the door clicks shut behind us, I kiss you, hard. Running my fingers through your hair, yet keep the blindfold on. I kiss you cheek, down your neck and back to your mouth. I kiss you again, soft, then I bite your lip and begin to undress you. I pull off your burgundy shirt, run my hands over your back, and then over the rest of your body. I tell you to slide off your shoes. You step out of them dropping a few inches and try to peek at your strange surroundings. I stop you. I unbutton your jeans, and pull them down along with your pink lace panties. On my way back up I kiss up your legs, past your knees, on top of your thigh, then in and hover hover your slit, letting my warm breath tease you. I let my tongue penetrated your slit and slide my tongue over your clit. I hear you shutter, and I get up to take off your lace bra. With that off I up your breast and bite the curve of your neck. I guide you over to what feels like a big soft bed to your knees. You still ask me what are we doing…I chuckle but say nothing. I strip, quickly, and push you onto the bed. I come up next to you and whisper in your ear, my breath heavy, are you ready. I pull off your blindfold.
You see us in our big room with 4 post bed big white sheets. I ask you again. You ready? You smile, roll over and bit me on the lip to provide your answer. I kiss back, massaging your lips with mine. I break away, get up and move towards a single bag that was already in the room. I unzip it as you lay there, half wrapped in white sheets, on your side, looking at me with hungry and excited eyes. I tell you to close your eyes before I turn around and come to you. Reluctant, you comply you indulging me, perhaps likeing the loss of control. I tell you not to peak…. I come over to you. You hear what sounds like an airsoft can spraying, and feel a light, cool, soft, fluffy substance on your chest. You are started by the sensations at first, the cold substance on your chest sends a slight tingle down your spine, but smile because your nose provides the final clue that its whipped cream. I tell you to keep your eyes close; I bend down and lick the whipped cream off your chest, slowly taking my time as I run my tongue over your body. You shiver slightly and hold onto the pillow behind you and dig your head into it with pleasure and excitement, as you are force to anticipate my next fluffy attack.
It squirts aging and this time you feel the sensation on your nose, you crinkle it in surprise, and smile at my playful gesture, I eat that too off the tip of your nose, and move down to kiss you passionately on the lips, biting as I release my grasp. I tell you to keep your eyes closed for as long as you can, and let the surprise take you over. You follow my command and feel the cool sensation along the curve of your neck. Here I bite. I press my tongue against your skin, licking and biting the cream off of your smooth skin. I bit from your shoulder all the way close to your ear just to make the feeling last. Again you bury you head back into the pillow, arching your back and clenching your fists with each and every bite I make.
You next feel it between your breasts and I lick it up sliding my tongue up towards your chin. I then spray each nipple, the coldness sends chills though your body as I can see by the newly formed goose bumps all over you body. We can’t have you be cold.. so I lick of each one, slowly, using the full length of my tongue as I press it to your nipple, rolling my tongue around the tip of them as I press, nibbling as I release. I hear you let out a deep moan of pleasure, chills still present on your body, but in a different way.
I tell you to open your eyes for where I wish you spray next I don’t want to surprise you… too much. It takes a fair amount of trust to be going where I want to go… You bite your lip, and nod your head in agreement as I hint to you want I want to do with my eyes. I spray first along your bikini line, licking from the bottom up, close to your pelvis but not quite. I then go for your inner leg and you moan with anticipation. I am so close to, you, but not. I then spray it on your pelvis just above your lips. However, this time when I go to lick it off I start slow and start at your opening, and I can tell how wet you are. I like all the way up you slit, my tongue pressing flat against your clit doubling back pointed then flat again.
I make little circles around your clit with the point of my tongue, and you begin to breathe deeply again, eyes closed, grasping the pillow, head thrown back, back arched and legs bend and spread. Your no longer fearful of my touch, but deeply enthralled in it. You bite your lip as I slide my tongue up and down, teasing you, finally getting the whipped cream. I come back up to your lips, kissing up your body as I go. I slide my hard self between your legs so I am resting between your lips but not inside of you. I lock eyes with you, asking for permission. As I look deeply into your beautiful eyes, and as you node with permission to enter. I watch as your eyes brighten with pleaser at my motion, and you bit me as you kiss. I give you a few more thrusts as you berry your head in my neck and I pull at your hair. I beak our embrace and tell you its your turn…. you smile with excitement hop up and take the can from me…
I lay on my back, close my eyes and wait for you to return the favor. Like me you toy with me. You spray the whipped cream on my neck, biting it off. You spray my chest and drag your tongue up much longer then you need. You then spray a line from the bottom of my ribs to just above my pubic line, your own little happy trail. You look into my eyes as you slide your tongue up and back down the line you just created. In them I see playfulness, passion, and a deep primal desire to go further, but you want to make me wait… You finally make your way down to the…base.
You manage to spray the cream down the base of my shaft and put an extra spot on the top. You put the can down and with one hand grab the base of me and slowly lick me from the bottom up, all the while staring into my eyes tell me you like what you are doing to me, as you see me bite my lip and roll my eyes, my breathing ragged. You then make it to the top and take me fully into your mouth, one hand at the base of my shaft the other on my sack and begin to move your head up and down. I exhale hard, trying not to squirm. I run my fingers through your hair and my breathing begins to increase. The sight of you head moving up and down on me, with the combination of the flickering and motions you are making with your tongue, drive me wild an I begin to pant you name each time you move down my shaft.
You look up every so often to see what you are doing to me, grin and keep going. I tell you I am close and plead for you not to stop. You do. Jerk. You get on top of me, kiss me, then get up backing away. I sit up for my hungry eyes to meet yours and try to bring you back down to me. But before I can you startle me, wrapping your legs behind my back, sitting just in front of my erect self. I pull you close to me, again placing myself just between you lips and begin to rub again, pressing myself against your clit. You shutter, bit me, dig your nails into my back and stop, signaling me to do the same.
You take the whipped cream can and spray the last bit of it onto your finger, staring into my eyes you slowly swipe it along your neck so it transfers the cream over, and you slowly lick the rest of the cream off your finger. Staring me in the eyes, you smile and whisper, come and get it…….I bite my lip with excitement, take a deep breath, smile, then attack the cream on your neck while I lift you up and insert myself deep into you. You moan with pleasure and tighten the grip you have around my back with your legs. I bit your neck licking up the last of the cream while I thrust into you, and you grind atop of me. I whisper into your ear this is incredible. We continue in this position for a couple of minutes, kissing patiently, massaging your lip with my tongue, biting each-others lips, and run my fingers through your hair, pulling it in a direction when want to bite. You do a similar thing to me, digging your nails into my back, every time I pick up the pace or thrust deeply. I whisper sweet, breathy nothings in your ear as we press closely in our lovemaking.
I break up our position for a new one. I roll you onto your stomach. I get on top of you from behind and spread your legs just enough to enter deep inside you from behind, you moaning and I trust every inch in. I pin your legs between mine and place your arms above your head hold them down as I begin to trust into you, hard, quickly and repeatedly, my heavy breaths in your ear as I thrust. I am able to bite your neck in this position, hold a play with a breast and even, with my other hand play with your clit with my fingers as I repeatedly, steadily, trust in and out of you. Your breathing increases and goes from pants to moans, I continue to whisper your name into your ear with staggered breaths of pleasure, telling you how amazing you were and how happy I am, and how great this is to be able to be here deep inside of you, you kissing you, feeling you touching your worm body. You tell me your close…
I flip you back onto your back because I want to see your eyes as you reach your peak. I renter you, and begin to pump away, your legs warped around my back and nails dig deep. You break our kiss and roll your eyes back, pulling me closer, and you begin to cry out as you hit your peak. I kiss and bite your neck as you call out my name and finish. Your ecstasy has pushed me over the edge, feeling your body move in orgasm causes me to pump harder and faster till I come myself. I whisper out your name as I stare into your eyes as long as I can.
Hot, sweaty, and out of breath we fall apart again and you lay your head on my chest. I kiss you on top of your head and hold you tight in my arms. You look up at me with your big deep eyes, smile and kiss me softly. I break apart, after regaining my breath, and tell you, “Shouldn’t we clean up, we have a nice shower…..Round 2?”
