Witness protection – Finale [ WG, fiction ]

First two parts were posted to r/stuffers, but now they are not accepting. Links to first two parts here:



**4. Settling in**

Seth was upset at himself. He was driving back from picking up a family meal at KFC for him and his two girlfriends, and already into his second drumstick. He looked down at his gut spilling out of his unbuttoned pants and was disgusted with how much he had let himself go. He loved helping his two girlfriends gain weight, and didn’t mind when he gained 30 lbs during the quarantine. He was always a skinny nerd, so when he went from 160 lbs at 6’ to 190 lbs, it wasn’t a big deal. He had just a little pudge, and he still felt comfortable working out at the gym. But now, a month into their new lives, Seth had lost all control. He gained another 15 lbs and was now 205 lbs.

The three of them had been resettled into a Phoenix suburb in a modest ranch with a small back yard and a pool. The FBI had gotten Cheryl a new identity, fittingly Candice or Candy, and arranged for Seth and Candy to work for an IT consulting firm coding from home. Both Candy and Seth enjoyed their job. Candy was now a full-fledged BBW model in her spare time and getting quite a following. She purchased a nice camera and they filmed nightly, either orgies with the three of them or simple modeling sessions.

Jessica got a job at a local bakery and was getting rave reviews in the community. She also brought the leftovers home every night for the three to binge on.

Seth probably would have fallen into the gluttonous lifestyle in this situation anyway, but what made it worse was that the FBI told Candy not to gain more than 20 lbs over the next 6 months, so that no one could suspect that she was 80 pounds lighter a few months ago.

It was a struggle. Candy was miserable as she had become accustomed to overeating. Back during the quarantine period she was eating enough food to sustain a 600 lb woman, so she had to cut way back just to keep herself under 220 lbs. It was a constant battle. Candy would try and sneak food at night and when Seth wasn’t looking. And with Jessica bringing back leftover sweets every night, Seth and Jessica had to eat more than their fair share so Candy didn’t eat too much.

Jessica enjoyed it. She had become exhausted feeding the old Cheryl and now that the new Candy didn’t need so much food and cooking, she could continue her own gaining journey in earnest.

Jessica was chubby even before she got the job feeding Cheryl. Years of working in restaurants and bakeries, had caused her to become a BBW. When she got the job cooking for Cheryl, she was around 180 lbs on her 5’ 4” frame, so when she moved to Phoenix, she was around 230 lbs. She now had two rolls going on her tummy and both Seth and Candy loved playing with her soft body. Candy was of course jealous because she wanted to be fatter than Jessica, but that would have to wait at least 6 months.

In the meantime it was like Jessica was anticipating a gaining contest once Candy was set loose, so she dove into her new lifestyle with gusto. The bakery encouraged their chefs to sample and experiment so that they could keep improving her recipes, but Jessica’s samples, were normal servings for most folks. She would start at 4 a.m. baking donuts and pastries for the morning crowd and usually sampled 2 or 3 donuts and pastries by 7 a.m. Then she would start on the cookies, brownies and cakes sampling several slices before lunch. The bakery also served paninis for lunch, so she would usually have 3 or 4 paninis for lunch before leaving for home at 1 p.m. She would grab all the leftover donuts and pastries from the morning and any day old brownies and cookies to bring back to the house. On the way home, she would usually eat a couple of donuts as her greedy tummy couldn’t even wait until she got home. She was now up to 245 lbs after a month of this lifestyle, and she loved that Candy and Seth couldn’t keep their hands off of her growing body.

Typically she would get home and take a nap while Candy and Seth were working, because when they got off of work, they would want to have dinner and have the normal evening of sexual adventure.

Jessica was woken up as Seth returned from the KFC announcing that dinner had arrived. She waddled over from her bedroom and Candy came out of the office with a famished look on her face.

“Thank God you are here,” Candy exclaimed, “I haven’t eaten for two hours!”

Seth put the 20 piece bucket on the table (which now had only 18 pieces), along with the sides of mashed potatoes, biscuits and macaroni and cheese.

Candy and Jessica immediately attacked the food. Each quickly had two drumsticks and two biscuits even before they put the rest of the food on the oversized platters that they used to eat all their meals. They filled their plates with mounds of mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. They were so obsessed with their food, it took them a few moments to realize that Seth hadn’t even started eating.

“What’s the matter, Seth?” Candy asked between bites as some gravy from her mashed potatoes escaped from her mouth dribbling down the side of her mouth.

“I don’t want to gain any more weight, I am becoming a fat pig and I am starting to really struggle through my workouts at the gym. My clothes barely fit as well!”

Jessica replied, “Nonsense, to be honest, I really wasn’t too turned on by you at the beginning. No meat on the bones and a skinny ass. Now you finally got some fat. I love watching that belly hang over you and I love how tight your swim shorts have gotten on you. In fact, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, but I got you a tight pair of speedos for your birthday, so that I could see that sexy belly grow until it gets so big that it looks like you are naked when you wear the speedo. Plus, you have to eat your share, or Candy will eat too much and she’ll start gaining weight like crazy”

“I wouldn’t mind that,” Candy interjected. “Four pieces of KFC and a platter of sides is a starvation ration”

Jessica laughed, “Remember when you worried that wouldn’t be able to keep 200 lbs on you after the quarantine?”

Candy blushed, “Wow, I totally forgot about that. God, I was so skinny and ugly then. Why would any guy want those pancake breasts and flat ass when they can have this!” Candy pulled her shirt up to show her breasts and lowered her yoga pants to let her belly spill out.”

Jessica then did the same. “Well, only if they want this!” as her even larger tits and belly spilled out.

“Oh my God, you two are going to make me cum right here!” Seth exclaimed.

Candy then gave an ultimatum. “Well, Seth, both of us like fat guys, so if you go on a diet, you get none of this. You need to be committed to this lifestyle. Forget about the gym. I want you to gain enough so that you rip out of those silly jeans you insist on wearing. In fact, why do we wear anything around here? We only need to pop a shirt on when we are in video conferences. We should just get you a bunch of speedos and some oversized dress shirts for the video conferences. I’ll just get some sun dresses for my video conferences. I don’t even know why I wear underwear.”

Jessica loved the idea. “Yeah, look at how sexy you are now. She pulled his shirt off. Look at these manboobs”

Jessica leaned over and started sucking on his nipples, and Candy got under the table and pulled his pants off. She started to give him a blow job but just as he got ready to cum, both of them stopped.

“No more until you finish your dinner. Let us feed you or you don’t get any more” Jessica said.

Seth’s universe was turned upside down. He always thought he would never date or keep a girl unless he was ripped, but as he thought it through, he realized that he loved being fat and out of control. He loved growing out of his clothes and that feeling of being full to the brim.

“Well, if you are going to feed me, let’s do this right. I have been a bad boy, so I need to be tied down and fed!”

They then brought the feast into the bedroom and tied Seth to the bedpost. Candy knew that this would be a special session, so she set up her camera and let it run. Jessica began feeding him the chicken and Candy resumed her blow job. Then Jessica began forcing giant spoonfuls of macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes into his mouth. He couldn’t keep up as some started running down his chin and on to his breasts. Between bites, Jessica would suck on his breasts.

Every time Seth would come close to cumming, Candy would stop and say, “not yet, not until you finish your dinner, and desert”

For a full hour they filled Seth up with the meal that was supposed to be for the three of them. He ate most of it.

“Okay, I’m done, please let me cum!” Seth begged.

“Not yet,” Jessica replied, “we still have desert!”

Jessica then opened the boxes she brought from work. 6 donuts and 4 slices of decadent chocolate cheesecake. She started spooning mouthfuls of cheesecake down Seth’s throat while Candy continued to pleasure him. Finally, Candy figured Seth had enough and let her explode into her mouth. Candy then kissed Jessica as they shared Seth’s huge load.

This session was the beginning of a beautiful thing. They started doing stuffing sessions with Seth every dinner. Candy and Seth got into the habit of lounging around the house wearing barely anything and slipping on clothes only for their video conferences. Seth barely noticed his weight gain because he only wore pants to go out for take out, and then only loose sweat pants. Candy was distracted with her new hobby of fattening Seth up, so didn’t miss her own gluttonous sessions too much.

Seth and Jessica begun gaining weight at an astonishing rate as Candy took on the role of feeder. After a couple of months, Jessica gained 15 lbs was now up to 260 lbs, and because he could only get sex once he gorged himself to the limit, Seth gained even more. He was now catching up to Jessica, gaining 35 pounds to 240 lbs. Candy had managed to keep her weight more or less in control, only gaining 10 lbs in two months to reach 210 lbs.

Seth’s clothes no longer fit. Even the largest sweatpants he had were too tight. His gut spilled everywhere. Like Jessica, his stomach had now expanded to the point where he would wake up starving in the middle of the night. Jessica and Seth started to have full meals at 3 a.m. and basically clean the refrigerator out of leftovers.

Candy’s BBW site was doing great. She was getting a lot of paid subscribers and all three were getting quite a following on social media. Candy was really enjoying the sex and as she became hornier and hornier, she started to push the envelope with Jessica and Seth. They enjoyed this, but it became obvious that they could not satisfy her. Besides, they needed to push the envelope to keep drawing in subscribers.

Candy decided to start inviting fans to pay to play with her in the videos. Fans would submit pictures and profiles and if Candy chose them, they would have to pay a fee and go to a clinic of Candy’s choice to prove they had no STDs.

After a while, she found 5 guys and 5 girls that she liked and trusted, and started filming gangbangs. As Jessica was actively gaining, her specialty was force feeding videos. These became so popular that every dinner she had at home became a force feeding video. Seth did a few too, but the demand was less.

Candy became obsessed with creampie videos. Her 5 buds would fill her and then Seth would finish off fucking her in a sea of 5 guys cum. He would use the cum to lube her up for anal as well. She made five figures on one two hour video session where each guy wound up cumming twice during the marathon orgy.

By the end of the first 6 months, Candy had managed to keep herself under 220 lbs. The videos were so successful that she was able to quit the computer job and dedicate all her time to the website.

Seth had become a total glutton. He was now 280 lbs of flab. He constantly was eating, and lounging around the house and the pool in his speedos or naked (which from the front, you couldn’t tell whether the speedos were on anyway). Jessica was thrilled at his giant manboobs that she played with endlessly.

Jessica became one of the most celebrated bakers in the Phoenix area, and her weight showed it. She too always was eating as her stomach had become insatiable. At the end of the six months, she broke 300 lbs and celebrated her milestone with one of the most popular stuffing videos ever launched on the internet. Candy’s cast of starts fed her nonstop for 6 hours in turns. Half were feeding her while the other half pleasured her. Her belly now hung down between her legs as she sat and her ass measured over 60”.

Candy’s weight gain did the trick. The FBI was monitoring the gang’s internet activity and nearly all of them were paying customers on the site. In fact, the FBI saw that they used Candy’s site for mutual jerk off sessions, and not a word was mentioned of the possible resemblance with the witness that put their boss in prison.

**5. Candy blossoms**

Once the 6 months was over, Candy was able to eat to her heart’s content. She didn’t like that she had lost 6 months of pigging out and she was now 90 lbs. lighter than Jessica, so she resolved to catch up. Now that she could dedicate herself to the website and eating full time, she made some changes. First, she hired on her fans that were doing videos with her full time. She could afford to pay them and have them not only act, but feed her and serve her, Seth, and Jessica.

She started right away. The first morning, she summoned them and got them on a schedule. Each morning, one of them would prepare a gluttonous breakfast of pancakes, sausages, bacon to go along with the leftover pastries and donuts from the prior night. They would bring it to her in bed where she would eat the whole morning. Sometimes they would do a video, other times she would just shove food down her throat. In the beginning she had to take breaks, and they might film a sex video, but after a couple of months she was able to go non-stop until breakfast started to blend right into lunch.

Seth continued his IT work, but he too would snack nonstop during the morning, and then would join Candy for lunch. Lunch was usually a giant serving of pasta with cream sauce or if it wasn’t too hot, steaks or ribs on the barbecue by the pool.

Candy and Seth barely wore clothes. If they were outside, she would wear a bikini that she still had from when she was skinny that barely covered anything. Seth’s speedo was now down a bare thread in his mounds of flesh.

In the afternoon, Seth would finish work while Candy would film a few stuffing or sex videos. If Seth got done early he would participate as well.

Jessica would get home at about 2 pm, and the three would binge on whatever food she brought home. While Seth finished up, Jessica and Candy would usually shoot some lesbian or mutual feeding videos before having the big meal of the day.

The models or servants would usually prepare a three course meal usually consisting of a giant cheese and cold cut tray to start followed by a rich meal. Finally in the evening they would shoot the final video of the day before going to bed. Finally, at 3 am, the three would wake up and have another meal of leftovers.

After about a year, Candy had finally caught up to Jessica. Both weighed around 350 lbs, and pretty much leveled off there. They ate constantly when they weren’t shooting the videos, but they enjoyed the sex videos so much, and Jessica wanted to keep working at the Bakery, so they agreed not to try to gain any more.

Seth chose a different path, he wanted to keep gaining. He was over 400 lbs at the end of the first year, and Candy agreed to pay him to gain full time. He quit his job, and Candy dedicated two women full time to feed him. He was a hit on the site, as he managed to get up to 700 lbs over the next couple of years before leveling off. At this point he was pretty much bed bound, but the models would ride him daily and make videos on his mountainous body.

They continue to live together until today in a polyamorous relationship making millions of dollars a year on their website.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ea9cr0/witness_protection_finale_wg_fiction