True Love

(This is my first. Written as part of processing some childhood trauma, emotional neglect, and desire for a nurturing relationship. Feedback welcome).

I slammed the door violently behind me, threw my bag down, and headed for the stairs. How? How could this have happened, after two years? How could — my thoughts were interrupted by Mom, who was using her slightly amused, slightly miffed tone.

“What’s with the attitude, first thing in the door?”

I paused to think. What could I tell her? If I was really being honest with myself, I knew that Sarah and I had broken up because of my own insecurities. We’d been dating since our Senior year of high school. Two full years. I was in love with this girl…she was my reason for getting up in the morning. The feelings in my heart were matched only by the feelings in my body. Our relationship had progressed from simply making out, to letting our hands wander over each other’s bodies. It was just… hot. The anticipation. The feel of her tits separated by a thin piece of fabric. That warm, moist feeling, whenever my hands would rest on her jeans over her pussy. That last was my favorite part.

And it didn’t stop there. Lately Sarah was allowing me to actually get my hands INTO her pants. I wasn’t sure I had ever been great at it. It seemed like there was a little more to it than ‘Insert fingers here’. I knew it tasted incredible; I would suck on my fingers for minutes after we were done. Sarah seemed to like it enough, because she had a habit of grinding hard against my busy fingers after a couple of minutes. I didn’t think I had ever made her cum. Maybe I was overthinking it, but I’d been preoccupied by the notion that, maybe, I just was not very good at making her feel good.

The next thing I know, she told me that she wanted to start fucking. Full stop. I felt like I had taken a cold shower. Sarah was the only girl I had seriously dated. I’d never even had ‘actual’ sex. I didn’t know a THING about what would constitute a ‘good fuck’ (much less a great one). This was something I couldn’t screw up. My future with Sarah would be depending on it. When I thoughtlessly blurted out that I wasn’t ready, she didn’t wait for me to elaborate. Instead, she told me that she didn’t want to waste any more time with a ‘boy’.

Snap back to reality. Cue slamming door and motherly inquisition.

“Well?” Mom said, a little more insistently.

I burst into tears, overwhelmed with the prospect of recounting any of this to her. I’d always had an amazingly close relationship with mom. Being a single mother, she’d had her work cut out for her, especially where I’d been concerned. She had always encouraged me to explore and express my feelings, insisting that real men had a healthy balance of the masculine and the emotional. And we’d always been able to talk about more ’embarrassing’ stuff without me feeling put off. That was backfiring now, though.

“I… can’t… right… now!” I yelled, each word offset by a particularly violent sob.

I bolted up the stairs and immediately stripped off my school clothes, got into a pair of fuzzy pajamas, pulled on a nightshirt, and climbed into my bed. I pulled the covers over my head. I tended to hide here whenever I felt overwhelmed, and it had been happening a lot lately. It seemed to be my go-to. When things got really tough, I broke down, then isolated myself.

There was a light knock at the door. “Hon? Can I come in?”

I sniffled heavily. “Y-Yeah. Okay.” I stuttered, through my diminishing sobs.

“Are you okay?” She asked, as she walked in and sat at the edge of my bed.

“I don’t know. I think Sarah and I broke up. Like…for real. And it’s because of me being an idiot!”

“Aaron… I’m sure that’s not true. You’re anything but an idiot. I’ve seen you two together. You’re wonderful with Sarah, and I’ve never seen you treat her with anything but respect and love. Do you want to tell me exactly what happened?”

I felt my sobs subside a little more. Man. I love my mom. So freaking much.

“Okay… here goes. She said she wanted to start having sex.” I paused to gauge mom’s reaction. A curious expression came over her face. I hadn’t seen it before and couldn’t read it.

“Go on…” she said slowly.

“Damn. I mean, I’m a freaking eighteen year old! I should be like ‘hell yeah!’, but I just froze. This is huge. This isn’t some chick off of a hookup app… it’s Sarah, Mom! And now she doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

Tears started leaking from my eyes again, as I waited for some kind of response.

She put her hand on mine. “Look… the only way to learn these things is by doing. Sarah has always struck me as bright, so I’m surprised she reacted so suddenly.”

“I think she was ragging, honestly.” I said as the corner of Mom’s mouth turned up bemusedly. “What should I do?”

Mom looked at me in a way I’d never seen her do before. She seemed to be trying to decide something.

“Well,” She said, finally “we’ve always shared everything, even about sex. I mean, we had the talk about how babies are made super early. We’ve discussed acceptable use of porn and how it’s different from real life. It seems to me that this situation might just be a continuation of that.” She shifted uncomfortably.

“How so?” My mind started reeling, thinking about where this seemed to be going. She couldn’t be about to suggest what I thought she was. Still…this was mom. I hadn’t ever fantasized about her, but I couldn’t imagine ever using the word ‘gross’ to describe her in any way.

She moved a bit closer and rested her hand on the blanket over my thigh. “As I said… we’ve shared everything. I know how much Sarah means to you. You know her better than anyone, and you’re very adept at getting a read on people. If you think that good sex is going to be important to her, then it probably will be.” She slid her hand up my thigh slowly. “I love you, Aaron. If you’d like, I can help you with that.”

I couldn’t believe this. I felt my heart beating a little faster, and felt my cock beginning to stir under my blanket. “Is that going to be okay? There are like…laws and things.” I repositioned myself in my bed…moving myself a little closer to where her hand was resting, hoping she didn’t notice.

She chuckled. “Son. We would obviously not want to proclaim to the world that we’re having sex. Otherwise, it will be fine. I have to confess… we’re so close. I’ve been wanting to share this experience with you. There has been many a night that I’ve made myself cum thinking about what sharing that with you would be like.”

My cheeks flushed. I loved my mom, and knew she loved me. The idea that that love would extend to something so intimate had never occurred to me before. But now that we were discussing it, I found that I had an ache in my body that I’d never felt before.

I bit my lip and gave a last sniffle. “Okay. How do we begin?”

Mom smiled warmly at me. “I know that you’ve watched enough porn to know that there’s generally a progression to sex. Porn isn’t overly realistic, but they’ve got at least that much right. Tell me. Have you ever eaten Sarah’s pussy?”

“MOM!” I exclaimed, and laughed nervously. “No. I’ve wanted to try, but I never got the chance. Fingering her is as much as I’ve ever done.”

Mom smiled bemusedly at my outburst. “Okay, let’s start there. Trade places with me.”

I got out of the bed, feeling incredibly self-conscious on account of my cock standing up in my pajamas. As mom moved to lay where I had been, she paused, eyeing my not-so-subtle bulge.

“Wait. I do want to teach you something, but I also want you to enjoy this.”

Without further pause or asking for permission, she pulled down my pajamas and wasted no time. She gently wrapped her fingers around my aching shaft and used it to pull me close to where she was sitting on the bed. She looked into my eyes and I felt a rush of warmth envelop me. I’d never felt more loved ever in my life.

She tightened her grip just a little bit and begin to pump my cock, slowly, squeezing her fingers a bit tighter as her hand rose and relaxing her grip as it descended. With her other hand, she cupped my balls, squeezing slightly, and pulled downward as her other hand pumped upwards. I shuddered involuntarily and heard a moan escape my lips.

“I’d better slow down, but just one more thing…” She said. She lowered her gaze, formed a tight ring around my cock with her index finger and thumb, squeezed me forcefully and slowly pumped upwards. “…there it is.” She cooed.

She released my cock and squeezed the head lightly with her thumb and index finger. She ran her other index finger along the opening at the head, pulling the finger away with a smear of precum resting on her fingernail. She looked up into my eyes again, put the precum-tipped finger into her mouth, sucked on it, and moaned audibly.

She smiled. “I lost myself there for a minute, hon. Where were we… oh, that’s right. Eating pussy.” She stood up and pulled her blouse up over her head. She then unbuttoned her blue jeans and slid them off of her shapely hips. “Help me get my bra?”

“Okay.”, I said, as I eagerly moved to unhook her bra.

“Wait.” she said. “Would you do something for me? Would you call me Mommy, when you answer me?”

I chuckled and looked away, embarrassed.

“What is it?” She said.

I bashfully looked up at her. “If I call you Mommy, will you tell me I’m a good boy when I do something that you like… Mommy?”

She shifted and muttered, “Fuck”, breathily. “Yes, baby. Calling me Mommy, like a good boy.”. My cock twitched at hearing these words. I’ve never understood that particular phrase’s effect on me. “Now,” she said, “take my bra off.”

“Yes, Mommy.” I said. I moved around behind her to unhook the strap of her bra. She backed up against me, pressing her ass against my throbbing cock. My fingers fumbled with the hook for a few seconds, finally releasing it, then slid the straps off of her shoulders.

She walked forward, propped up both of my pillows, and laid down on the bed. “Climb up and put your head close to Mommy’s pussy.”

“Yes, Mommy.” I replied. I moved up onto the bed and brought my face down to her still-bepantied pussy. I could feel that same moist heat rising out of her. And that smell! My head started spinning as I breathed her in. She noticed my deep inhalation.

“Good boy…” she purred. “Before you remove a girl’s panties, you can tease them a little. You can kiss or lick them through their panties. You can also try breathing heavily against them. Some girls especially like it when you put your hand down inside their panties.”

I pressed my mouth hard against the soaked fabric over her pussy, kissing it, then flattened my tongue against her and breathed out heavily. For good measure, I nipped on her lips through the fabric and gave them a playful tug.

She squirmed in delight and laughed, “Oh, you’re such a good boy, baby.”

“Thank you, Mommy. May I remove your panties?”

“Yes, baby.” She said.

I gently tugged the sticky fabric away from her body, and slipped her panties off over her legs. I proceeded to return my head to her waiting pussy.

“Okay. There’s no exact method to eating a pussy. Each girl’s body is different and their pussies will be different shapes and sizes. Do you know what the clit is?” She smiled down at me adoringly.

“Yes, Mommy. Sarah showed me the first time I fingered her.”

“Good boy!” She said, as she absently stroked the hair on my head. “So. All pussies are a little different. Some girls like different things. Variety in how you use your mouth, lips, and fingers is important, but you have to pay attention to how the girl reacts. Her body language will tell you if she likes what you’re doing or if you might want to try something else. And of course, you want to give plenty of attention to her clit. Start by putting your tongue inside of my cunt, baby, and go from there. I’ll help you to start.”

She reached down with both hands and spread her lips wide, revealing the glistening flesh within. I could feel my cock growing harder still at the sight of it. I brought my head down to the little hole and slowly pressed my tongue against her. “Like this, Mommy?” I said, my tongue still inside her.

She laughed and said “Yes, very good. Now play around a little bit.”

Eager to please my Mommy, I put one arm under each of her thighs and pulled her body tight against my mouth. I pressed my mouth against her pussy, flattening my bottom lip, grinding it against her clit. I relaxed and repeated this motion several times, feeling her body begin to tremble.

“Oh fuck!” she screamed. I felt a small gush of fluid and began to lap eagerly at her cunt, not wanting to waste a drop, savoring the complex flavor and heady aroma coming from within her body.

I pulled her even tighter against my eager mouth. I found her clit with my tongue and licked at it for a few seconds. I gingerly grasped her swollen clit between my lips, careful not to bite, and began to gently tug on it, causing her to arch her back and moan louder still. I felt another spurt of hot liquid on my lips and sucked eagerly as something thicker, almost creamy, seeped from her. I had never tasted anything like it!

“Fuccccckkk… you’re such a good boy!” She gently pulled away from me and sat up a little, still quivering. “I… think… you’ve got… the…basics…down!” she managed, panting. “If you tongue fuck Sarah like that, I suspect you’ll alleviate any of her prior objections. Now… you can’t be expected to do all the work, baby – ex is about giving as well as receiving. Besides… you have one more thing that I want, Aaron.”

“You can have whatever you want, Mommy,” I said. My head was spinning.

“That’s my sweet boy. Mommy happens to be ovulating…. do you remember me telling you about that?”

“Yes, Mommy. That means you can have a baby if you get cum inside of you.” That gave me pause…but only for an instant. At that moment, I felt closer to her than I had ever felt to any human. She had all of my trust, and I knew I would obey her without question.

“Very good. I want to reward you for being such a good boy, too. Come here.” She motioned me over to her. Before switching spots, she pulled my mouth towards hers, kissing me, eagerly sucking at my tongue. “Mmmm.” She said. “I can taste my cum on your lips, baby. Did you like it?”

“Yes Mommy. You tasted so good.”

“Thank you, baby.” She stood up, and pushed me into the same seated position she was in. “I want you to just relax baby… and let Mommy milk all of that cum out of you, into my fertile pussy. You’re going to put a baby inside me.”

“Oh Mommy…” I moaned. Fuck. Was this happening?

“Watch closely, baby.” She faced away from me, swinging one leg over my opposite leg. Reaching down, she gently grabbed my cock, and began to move it back and forth. I could feel my head pressing against something solid… her swollen clit. She moaned loudly and my hips bucked involuntarily at the intensity.

She pressed the head of my cock against the opening to her pussy and descended, agonizingly slow. My head swam, overcome by a thousand different sensations. I watched, transfixed, as my cock was swallowed hungrily by Mommy’s now creamy pussy.

She paused, looked back at me, and said “Be a good boy and just sit there. When I tell you to thrust, I expect you to obey.”

“Of course, Mommy.” I said, my voice quavering.

“Good.” She turned away from me again. To my surprise, she lay back against me, my cock still fully inside her. “Kiss my neck, and play with my tits, baby.” She began to rock her hips, rising off of my cock all the way to the head, but never granting it full release from her pussy. Obligingly, I gently pressed my hands against her tits, pulling her back tight against me, and began to kiss her shoulder and neck.

She managed to turn her head far enough in my direction to press her mouth over mine, once again eagerly sucking at my mouth, her tongue dancing over my own. On a whim, I cupped her left breast a bit more forcefully, pinching the nipple between my fingers, while I slid my right hand down past her belly to begin fingering the exposed clit as she bounced on my cock.

She moaned hungrily into my mouth, biting down rather forcefully on my bottom lip, pulling at me. She pulled her head away, moaning almost ferociously. “Thrust your fucking cock into me. Fuck Mommy, baby. Fuck her like you PAID to fuck this cunt! Now!”

I tightened my grip on her left tit and bit down on her shoulder, desperate to get as much leverage as possible. My right hand worked furiously, palpating her now throbbing clit. I began thrusting my hips in time, opposite of hers.

“Fuck yes!” She moaned “Good boy! Good boy!”

I slowed my thrusting slightly and began slamming into her cunt as she came down, bringing down all the force of my hips to bear.

“Good boy! Harder, Aaron. Fuck… me… harder… put your fucking baby inside me!”

I wrapped my arms around her waist and rolled her forward, thrusting all the while. I pushed head forward and pulled her hips back against me, throwing out all pretense. I could feel an intense pressure building inside of me…

“Oh fuck, baby! I’m going to cum! Cum with me! Cum inside me! Give me that fucking seed!”

I dug my nails forcefully into her hips, rocking her in time with me, slamming with every ounce of strength I had left… “Oh Mommy! I’m going to fill you up! I want to give it to you! Please Mommy, may I cum inside you?”

“Yes! Fill your Mommy’s cunt! Be my good boy!”

Every muscle in my body tensing with the strain, I arched my back in a final slam, pulling her tight against me and holding her there, as I felt my cock start to explode inside of her. She yelled unintelligibly as I moaned wildly, feeling my cock fill her.

I panted, and collapsed down over her prone form. We stayed in that position for what seemed like an eternity, panting, trying to catch our breath. Finally, I eased myself out of her. She collapsed sideways on the bed and I laid next to her, snuggling close.

She kissed me deeply, but gently on the mouth. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me adoringly. “That’s my good boy.” she said serenely.

I closed my eyes, drifting away in her warm embrace.


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