Am I Crazy, or am I Caught Up in a Beautiful Mind Fuck.. (Based on a true story, part 1, intro) D/s: f/f, f/m, f/f/m

(The following story is a work in progress documenting the excitement and tension of a reunion of two kinky friends.. Details changed to keep it anonymous, but inspired by a true story. Actual sexual contact will come in part 2 onward.)

"..I used to feel like.. I was made of steel. I felt like nothing in the world could catch me off guard anymore, after .." I trailed off, looking into my glass of now quite watered down whiskey on the rocks. Krystal was my ear tonight, a lifelong friend visiting from a few towns over. A light chuckle prompted a knowing nod from Krystal, who was leaning in on one arm. I rest my head on her shoulder, cradled by her long, fruit smelling red hair, and glanced up at her, feeling an excited grin curl up in the corners of my mouth.

"Surely you'll LOVE this, knowing you. Sex is always on your lips, now adays." I thought, rather admiringly. "How best to continue.." The look on my face seemed to perk up her interest. "What happened? Don't tell me, you finally caved and went back to cock, didn't you?" She giggled, with a sideways glance. "God, how can she be so naturally seductive?" I thought, recalling the years of boys teasing her for her constant "Fuck me" expression.

I looked around nervously, before realizing there was no one else within earshot of her patio. Her friends had all left and we'd already dusted off a few drinks (in her case, four)

"Well… no.. it's not exactly that." I said, quickly stealing a glance of the crest of exposed cleavage as she leaned in closer. I continued. "You know Victor? As in, used to be my best friend Victor." Krystal sat up. "The Victor who suddenly decided to disappear on you when he broke up with his girlfriend?"

"It wasn't like that.." I said, somberly. "I think I may have freaked him out." I noticed how close Krystal was leaning in and couldn't help but take advantage. "..You know how lovey-dovey I get when I drink too much!" I said through another sideways grin, and playfully pulled her in next to me. Her enormous breasts had nowhere else to go but up against me. Mission complete.

Krystal and I had always had a somewhat complicated friendship, especially since we've come of age. Somehow, nearly all of my friendships ended up becoming a hot stew of desire, friendship, love, dependence and kink. But Krystal was special. I persued her for years and like to think it was I who turned her from a shy, religious girl whom had never been kissed, (through many years and many failures) into a deliciously corrupt little succubus. (this however, is a story for another time) She was my first girl, and lately she's the only person I know as horny as me.

I continued, "Well, we met up again, Victor and me. I was so happy, even though I knew I should have resented him. I didn't show him, of course I played it cool." I said, bringing a finger to rest on my chin, eyes toward the sky. "Well.." I paused. "And you won't believe this, he is seeing this new girl, and she says shes polyamorous…" "Let me guess, he's poly too." Krystal said, with a chuckle. " Oh, Maddie! Did you fuck him?" She always was a frank one. "Let me finish!" I said, slapping her on the arm playfully. "He told me he was playing with the idea of being Poly too. Why do you think he would bring that up, just like that?" "He obviously wants to fuck you, Maddie" she said, matter of factly. "No no, there's just no way. We were just friends, for years! He never said anything about wanting to do me, or anything. But, you know, he did have this look.. " I smiled. Wait, why am I smiling? "Well anyway" I said, trying not to get hung up on it, " I'm seeing him again tomorrow. I'm going to meet his girlfriend so I'm sure that'll clear things up.

We dusted off our drinks, and continued our evening before receiving some sort of phone call that left her rushing out the door, and me feeling hot and frustrated, as usual. Oh god how I had missed her, that little tease. What a Bummer.

As I lay in bed, I begin to remember all these little things from my reunion with Victor. He had told me about his girlfriend, and how they've been experimenting with a dominant/submissive relationship. Surely he remembered that I've been into that sort of thing since we watched Secretary together years ago, but I couldn't recall any noteworthy reaction on his part.

I'll admit, the idea of him being Dominant was rather exciting to think about. He was perfect for it: Clever, intuitive, detail oriented, reserved.. "If I had someone like that.." I caught my fingers clasping my mound firmly as I lay in twisted covers.

"Don't be ridiculous Maddie" I said to myself, and tried to sleep. No more than 5 minutes later I receive a text from Victor. My stomach lit up as I put on my glasses to read it.

It read, "So I have a fetlife account, you should add me! My username is.. You seemed to know a lot about this stuff before, maybe you can give me advice. :D"

Fetlife?! the forwardness of the gesture hit me in the back of my head and sent me reeling. I took a deep breath, and held it. "Surely nothing… why all of a sudden.." I thought, giving into my curiosity and booting up my pc.

When I first met Victor, he and I very quickly clicked. He seemed to understand me in a way no one else had. We both had committed relationships at the time, but our attraction was too great, and after the adulterous deed was done, we both decided to try and be friends. After that, for many years, no other word was spoken of it. Not to Krystal. Not to Victor. No one.

After a short struggle to remember my (very old) pass to fetlife, finally, I was in. I take a deep breath, and click his username.

A grainy picture of a familiar long limbed man in a fedora caught my eye for a moment before I shamefully rushed to the bottom of the page where the fetishes were listed. My breathing picked up steadily as I read the impressively long list. I studied each one carefully, seeing which ones I might have guessed about him and which ones were surprises. Oral fixation.. swallowing.. " That's about right, he did seem pretty keen on blow jobs.." I thought back. But knowing that it runs that deep..

I read on. Spanking, bondage… Jesus, could this get any hotter? Each detail sticks out in my head like a beacon as I fall asleep.

The next day he picks me up, alone. "I assume we are headed to your new place?" I said, smiling a bit too warmly, as I climbed into his car. "Yeah, I thought we'd grab some coffee first."

I wait in the car, and after a few moments he brings me an iced coffee. As i bring the straw to my mouth, I suddenly remember, with a pang of guilty desire, the oral fixation fetish I had just read about the night before. I laugh nervously when I realize how it must look, me sucking the end of a straw.. I see him hold a long glance in my direction, and I hope desperately he realizes how aware I am of his little kinks..

I run my mouth up the straw once, playfully, and continue on about whatever inane small talk we were having. I didn't care about the conversation at that point. I was on red alert, looking for any small thing to confirm the situation slowly steeping between us. If he had noticed my mini straw fellatio, he hadn't reacted it in any way I couldn't write off as coincidence.

"He's always been pretty hard to read, but… You know, I'm probably just projecting my own desires or something." I managed to talk myself down to near calm just as we arrived at his house.

His girlfriend was much friendlier than I would have expected, and honestly quite beautiful. I scolded myself as the thought that she slightly resembled me in manner and appearance began to creep up. "I need to watch that ego, there's no way that'd mean anything." I decided.

I found it hard to look at her at first. I felt that if she had looked me in the eye, she might see my perverse desire. I feel like she could see right through me. I feel.. vulnerable.

She was everything I wished I could be. Beautiful, intelligent, just a little goth, with neon blue hair. Sweet little tattoo's covered seemingly every inch of visible skin. She has that certain type of intensity that has tended to end up with me being in a state of heightened arousal. I make a concerted effort to keep my mind out of the gutter.. for now. Sometime in the evening I begin to notice .. strange occurrences. Or at least, they seem to be. "I'm so mixed up today." I thought to myself with a hint of concern.

After I fail to catch myself smiling ear to ear at him (and there is no way he didn't see it) I notice his energy pick up. He jumps up from his seat on the floor and turned to me. "Hey, Maddie.. let me see that." Gesturing to a bracelet on my wrist that his girlfriend Violet had just spent 20 minutes stringing for me. Without even a thought I bared my wrist for him. His hands gently maneuvered around my outstretch palm, across my wrist, and flipped it over to see both sides. His touch feels so electric, so intentional. I realize in that moment how seldomly I had touched him.

I try not to think too hard about it. "Maddie, you are going to get carried away and scare him off again if you keep thinking like this!" my inner pep squad tells me. "I would rather eat a rock.."

But then as the evening caries on, getting dangerously close to time to leave, he appears (to my eyes that have been sharply watching for him to show me his intentions) to be finding any excuse to be near me, to touch me. I'm beginning to get a bit frantic.

A bit later, he retreats to the kitchen for a moment and offers us something from the freezer. My stomach does a flip as I realize what they are.. "Popsicles!" He said with a corny grin. Violet and I are quiet for a moment, and my thoughts are a mile a minute. "He couldn't possibly… really? Maddie, its December! This is intentional! Does Violet know? Oh god, what should I say?" I manage a "Oh, Popsicles…Thank you", as I can not possibly express how hot his little game is making me. And the best part? I have no idea If I'm losing my mind, or if its real. It's pissing me off. And the more it pisses me off, the more primal lust builds in me. "He knows.. He's got to know."

I have to find a way to test the waters. I need to show him I'm aware of his game, and that I am a willing player. "I've got to react somehow!" I think, with a chaotic urgency. I grin, I chuckle, I shake my head with intention. He casually takes his seat nearby. Maybe he'll see I've caught him being less than subtle. Does he want me to notice? Or maybe..

I feel myself getting wet as the excitement inside my stomach spreads across my body at the thought, "Maybe he's not trying to convey a message.. and he's just doing all this, for him. Maybe all he wants is to secretly fantasize about his cock in my mouth.. in our mouths, I bet he is about to explode, for him to be so reckless with passion as to do such a silly thing! His primal desire to ravage me is slowly consuming him, and I would so gladly take all of him inside me, if only.." I catch myself zoning out, and decide to look over at Violet, who is casually sucking her popsicle with no change in demeanor. Sigh. "I'm losing my mind."

I excuse myself to the bathroom. As I sit, trying to gather my thoughts, I end up checking his Fetlife on my phone. I think this is becoming an obsession.. and I like it.

As I had hoped, A new post! "Oh my god" I think, trying so hard to stay calm that I'm biting down on my thumb.

It was a picture he had liked. Two girls, sharing their masters' cock between two beautiful, wet sets of lips.."

(more coming part 2)
