The Camgirl Part LI: About Ready to Kill Someone [Fsolo] [Str8] [Mast] [Voy] [Exh] [fsub]

**LI: Blake and Liam**

*Challenge, accepted, Blake.*


Blake brought the vibrator back to her pussy, shuddering.

“Oh, thank god, fuck,” She moaned, “Oh, seven was the most in one day, not one hour.”

She only got a few seconds into using the vibrator this time.

“Oh my god! Are you serious? You little–” Blake cut off, biting her lip as she glared at the screen, then continued in a sing-song voice, “I don’t like you.”

Blake knew that her regulars liked making her lose it a bit and get all sassy, and she knew she would feel the same in their position—she’d gone onto Chloe’s shows more than a few times just to fuck with her—but in the moment she was just getting frustrated, “I don’t like you, Ken, we’re not friends anymore.”

A moment later, the same user tipped again, letting her use the wand once more.

Ah! Thank you!” Blake said, smiling “We’re friend’s again, Trev. I love you.”

The show seemed to go on like that for hours. Blake would get soooo close, twitching uncontrollably, moaning so loud she knew Marie and Sophie could hear. She let loose increasingly long streams of expletives every time they made her stop. She was just edging over and over again, making it feel like it had been years since she’d had any release.

But the tips kept rolling in, and–from her regulars, at least–they got bigger and bigger every time.

At one point, Blake’s body just started twitching uncontrollably. The lightest brush of her hair over her nipple would make her hiss with pleasure. Her blood pounded in her ears as she played with herself, head fuzzing as she surrendered more and more control over her body to the sensations radiating out from her pussy.

Every time Blake stopped, she found herself out of breath, body tingling with the vibrations of pleasure that flowed out through the vibrator. More than a few times Blake had gotten so close just for someone to tip a massive amount and make her stop.

About twenty minutes into the game, wand pressed firmly against her pussy, legs twitching as her pleasure spiked higher and higher with every passing second, a massive tip came in with a “Yee-haw.”

Blake felt her eyes turn to saucers as she flicked off the vibrator.

“No, no,” she half-panted, half-whined in a pitiful voice as she threw her head back onto the pillows, letting the wand fall to the bed, “no, no, no, Noooo! Ah!” she shrieked in frustration, teeth clenched to keep a smile on her face.

*I need to fucking cum!*

“Why?” she demanded, bringing a hand to her face to help hide her annoyance, using the other to stroke her poor puffy pussy, “Why? Why, why, why, why, whyyyy? Ugh, why, why, whyyy? Oh my god, John!”

She threw her head back again, legs falling open as she used two fingers to rub circles over her soaked lips, “Ugh.”

Blake hooked her leg back under her leg, spreading her pussy for the camera with both hands. She shivered at the sensations that ran through her body–her pussy was so sensitive that even touching its edges threatened to make her gasp, “You guys hate me, don’t you? Jesus! I’m gonna start a Little-Fuck Club made up of everyone who keeps me from cumming.”

Blake took another swig from her giant water bottle, then started rubbing her clit in small circles, taking a deep breath at the pleasure it sent through her.

“Oh, my god,” she said, adjusting her hair.

*Liam wouldn’t be that mean to me, would he?*

Blake almost laughed at the thought. Of course, he would. She’d make sure of it, and then she’d be just as mean. Both of them would love it and both of them would want to kill each other while they were doing it.

*Is he enjoying watching this?* He hadn’t tipped–not that she expected him to–so he wasn’t controlling her pleasure in any way. She wanted him to, though.

*Sooooo fucking bad.*

Blake smiled as another tip came in, returning the wand to her pussy and turning it on as she thanked the tipper.

The vibrations coursed through her, pleasure spiking immediately as Blake’s mouth dropped open with a low moan, “Oh. Cheezus! Oh, my god.”

Blake started shaking again, biting her lip, “Oh my god.”

She tensed, trying to will her approaching orgasm to crash over her faster.

Another tip came in.

“Shit,” Blake hissed, flopping back onto the pillows as she let her grip on the wand go slack. After letting herself flop for a moment, she straightened, glaring at the camera as a half-growl, half-shriek escaped from her throat.

“Oh my god!” She stared at the camera for a bit, trying to find words, “I just—ugh!. I just wanna cum so bad.”

Blake let go of the wand completely, hugging her left leg to her chest. She spread her pussy lips wide open, “I think I’ve hit the point of no return, dudes.”

Weirdly, a line from a song from *The Phantom of the Opera* floated through her head as she said that. Blake caught herself before she could start singing it.

*A side-effect of hanging out with Liam, I guess.*

She smiled at that.

“I just want to ignore you fuck-faces,” Blake said, grinning at the camera as she lightly stroked her pussy. *Fuck,* it was puffy now, the area around it a deep pink. At least her plug still gave her the nice full feeling that she enjoyed, “I just want a fucking orgasm. Just one.”

Taunts came through the chat, threatening to make her wait even longer. Blake pouted as she continued to touch herself. Her fingers felt good, but they weren’t what she needed.

*What I need is Liam’s big fucking cock inside me.*

“Because these guys are telling me to,” Blake said when one of the people in her room asked why she didn’t just ignore everyone, “and I decided that today, I would be a good little Cherry and actually listen to you guys, and do start and stop, and let you guys fucking torture me.”

Blake glared pointedly at the camera, “Chip, fuckin’ Trevor.”

Blake felt her face light up as a big tip came in, “Ah, T-Sugg! Thank you!”

She brought the wand to her pussy again, and her mouth opened in a silent moan as sparks of pleasure burst from her swollen lips. A few seconds later, she let out a low moan as she bit her lip. Her legs were already starting to shake.

“T-Sugg has left the Little-Fuck Club,” she announced, then moaned as the vibrator hit her clit just right for a second, “Ohh, fuck.”

Another comment on the chat caught her eye, “Trevor is like the fuckin’ ring-leader of Little-Fuck Club. Jess, you’re definitely in–”

Blake cut off with a gasp, biting her lip as the sensations from her pussy sent shivers all over her body. A strangled moan escaped from her throat at the waves of pleasure that followed. A moment later her mouth opened wide as she sucked in air, then gasped, leg starting to twitch. Her head was growing way too fuzzy.

“Ah, fuck, fuck,” she gasped, “I can’t even finish sentences.”

For a long moment, Blake was simply able to enjoy the sensations radiating out from her pussy. That break had been annoyingly long, but she was starting to get close again.

*I better see some fucking stars when I come after all this edging.*

Blake forced herself to remember that she was performing and looked at the chat again.

“There’s the little-fuck club,” she said, “And…what’s the good-people club?”

She smirked at one of the responses, teasing her pussy with the vibrator, “The Big-Fuck Club?”

For a moment, Blake just laughed to herself, then her eyes widened, “Wait, no! It’s the Little-Fuck, and the Fuckers Club.”

She brought a hand up to smooth some of her hair to the side, letting her leg fall to the bed and open a bit wider.

“Cuz you guys are still a bunch of fuckers,” she continued, still messing with her hair.

Blake started to say something else, but the words died on her tongue as a new wave of pleasure coursed through her. She gritted her teeth for a moment, clutching at her hair as the pleasure spiked, then moaned, “Ah!”

A few more silent moans and “Oh, fuck”s slipped out as Blake somehow found a full half-minute with no one distracting her or telling her to stop, still holding her hair in a tight grip. With the amount of times she had edged tonight, that…did things to her brain.

*Fuck, I want Liam to pull my hair like this. He doesn’t even have to be fucking me. He can hold it while I suck his dick or just to tilt my head back while he kisses my neck.*

For some reason, that last one made Blake’s pussy and ass clench harder than the other two had.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped as she ass tightened around the plug’s shaft. Her breathing was growing heavier now, and Blake let her tongue hand out of her mouth as she panted for breath, heart starting to pound in her chest again.

“You guys are the shit,” she breathed, thankful for the lapse in commands to stop.

Blake stretched, tilting her head back as she lowered the wand a bit, letting it touch both her clit and her lips, “Ah, fuck.”

She straightened a bit, hooking the hand that had been in her hair back underneath her leg, hugging it to her as she pressed the wand’s tip more firmly into her pussy.

“Oh my god,” Blake breathed, eyes fixed to her pussy, closing and opening her legs as the pleasure began to overwhelm her.

Another tip came in. Not as bit as the others, but big enough to count for the game.

“No!” she shrieked, pulling the wand off her pussy and hugging her knee to her chest, “Ah!”

Blake hid her face behind her knee for a bit, dropping the wand as she tried to un-fuzz her head and recover a bit.

“I’m about ready to fuckin’–” she paused, letting the wand fall before smoothing her hair back as she thought of something, “throw this wand at the screen.”

Blake brought her hand back to her pussy, massaging the poor thing as she wiggled the toes of her foot that was up in the air.

“Thanks, ya little fucks,” she said in a dry voice, glaring at the camera, as she started rubbing a single finger back and forth down her glistening, open slit, “Trevor.”

Blake watched the screen as she played with her pussy, alternating between stroking up and down and spreading it with two fingers, putting pressure on her clit with the heel of her hand.

“You guys are just always going to be in the Little-Fuck Club.”

Blake continued to play with her pussy, using both hands now to spread and stroke the lips. It felt nice, placating her pussy, but not giving her what she needed.

“Hey, does somebody want to just start for me?” Blake suggested, continuing to play with her pussy, “Like just give me one quick start? Like tip twenty-five cherrycoins or like any of you hundreds of fanclub members? If any of you guys want to use your ‘start,’ that would be pretty epic.”

Blake smiled as a few tips came in, bringing the wand back to her pussy, “Wooo!”

She was so on edge now that she couldn’t even close her mouth, the pleasure was so overwhelming, “Ahhhh, fuck.”

Blake started rubbing little circles over her clit with the wand, moaning.

Then another tip came in.

“Oh my god, I just want to fucking cum,” she said, dropping the wand and returning the other hand to her poor pussy, “I *just* want to fucking cum. Is that fucking okay with you people? I would really like to get at least one of those in today…that would really be great.”

Another tip came in and Blake smiled, shrieking in delight as she placed the wand back on her pussy, “Thank you–oh.”

She immediately felt her eyes start to flutter.

“Ah. Fuck, fuck. Oh fuck.”

The pleasure was almost too much, but Blake wanted to cum soooo bad.

*Fuck, I just want Liam’s cock in me so bad. I just want him to break my door down and fuck me until I scream and not stop.*

“Oh god,” Blake whimpered at the combined sensations of the wand and her ass clenching around her plug, “Ohhhh fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Another tip came in, and Blake bit her lip, letting out a pathetic sob as she lowered the wand.

*Fuuuuuuuuck!* Blake shrieked in her mind, clenching her jaw, *Just let me fucking cum!*

Collecting herself, Blake took a deep breath, then smiled at the camera.

“Fucking cheezus,” she murmured under her breath, adjusting her hair she started playing with her pussy again, “My head is so fucking fuz–”

Blake cut off, eyes wide and mouth open as a huge tip came in with a “Yee-haw.”

“Oh. My. Fucking. God!” She shrieked, picking up the wand again, “Holy fucking shit, I love you, Jake. Jake is the fucking king of the Fucker Club, guys. He is the *literal* fucker! I don’t care if that doesn’t make sense. Jake has the crown of being the shi–ah, fuck! Oh god.”

Blake’s entire body spasmed as the waves of pleasure from the wand ramped up her arousal again.

“This isn’t gonna take long now, guys. I’m so close, so fucking close. Just don’t make me stop. Just do–ah.”

Blake cut off with another moan, her head once more too fuzzy to even form complete sentences. Her body started twitching and shaking.

Another huge tip came in.

Blake dropped the wand immediately, staring daggers at the camera.

“Never mind. Jake, you little fuck. You’re banished to the Little-Fuck Club, and you’re gonna fucking stay there. I’m so disappointed in you, you little fucking fuck. You were the fucking king!” Blake pounded a fist against her thigh, trying to stay more light-hearted than bitchy, “And then you go and do that? What the fuck, dude? No more trust. I have no more trust left in you fucks.”

Blake stretched out her arms, flexing her fingers as she looked away from the camera for a moment, collecting herself.

*If Liam ever does that to me, I’ll fucking murder him.*

“Guys,” she said, picking up the vibrator,” I’m just gonna fucking cum now. I’m not even gonna look at the screen anymore. Fuck it. My pussy needs to come, or I’m gonna go insane.”

Blake looked over at her door, keeping her mouth in a thin line as she pressed the wand’s tip against her clit, creating more sparks of pleasure. For added effect, she flipped off the camera even as a moan slipped out, lips parting in a string of silent moans.

Eventually, though still flipping off the camera, Blake looked back to the camera, just to check.

After a full minute of no one stopping her, Blake went into overdrive. Her head fuzzed over, focused only on cumming. She held the wand hard against her clit, her body twitching and shaking as she brought herself closer and closer to orgasm. Her nipples were so fucking tight and hard.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped, “Oh fuck, guys. Holy shit. This is insane. This is the worst edging of my fucking life. No! This is the worst fucking edging of existence itself!”

Blake’s hips started moving of their own accord, grinding against the wand as she held it steady, “Ugh, guys this is just making my pussy feel like it hasn’t cum in years!”

Blake threw back her head, pressing the wand *hard* into her pussy.

“Fuck!” she yelped.

Blake brought her other hand to her mouth. She needed something to bite but knew she would bite way too fucking hard.

*I want to bite Liam so hard he has a mark for weeks. One that all the other bitches will see and know he’s fucking mine!*

Blake’s pleasure spiked to a new level, and for a moment she felt like her eyes were going to roll back into her head, “Oh, fuck!”

She grabbed the wand with both hands, pressing it into her clit as hard as she could as her body spasmed and shook. Tips of all size continued to flow in, but none telling her to stop.

“If you guys fucking tell me to stop, I’ll fucking die,” she breathed, surprised she was still able to form words, much less complete sentences.

Blake worked the wand furiously, free hand clutching at the bed sheets, toes curling as she tried to get some traction.


Her body tensed, shaking uncontrollably. It was all Blake could do keep the wand’s tip firm against her clit as the waves of pleasure rose higher and higher, threatening to overwhelm her.

Two massive tips came in right after another. Blake should have stopped, but she was too far gone now. Instead she flipped off the camera, then grasped the wand in both hands, turning a bit for leverage as she pressed it down hard against her pussy.

“Gah!” she cried, twisting back so that her pussy was still visible. She used one hand to clutch at the sheet, adjusting her grip on the wand. Blake couldn’t even see the screen anymore. Her eyes were squeezed shut.

*I just need to fucking cum!*

Blake worked the wand furiously, body shaking, moans slipping out of her in a constant stream, fingers clutching at the sheets, “Oh, my god, fuck!”

Finally, the wave crashed down over Blake. She was vaguely aware of whimpers and moans and all sorts of noises escaping her lips as she again grabbed the wand in both hands, pressing it down hard on her pussy as her orgasm washed over her. She couldn’t stop shaking. Her ass was clenching around the plug so tight it felt bigger than her fist.

Finally, it was too much.

Blake had to toss the wand to the side as her entire body lit up with sparks, pussy and ass clenching non-stop as her gasps rose higher and higher in volume and pitch.

Desperate, Blake brought her hands to her pussy, slipping one finger inside as she worked her clit with the other walking herself down. It took her a full two minutes to come down from her orgasm, opening and closing her legs, shifting about on the bed. She couldn’t seem to stop running her hands over her body or through her hair. Or moaning, “Oh my god.”

Her brain was at least half-much by this point. Her heart was pounding. Eventually, Blake brought herself upright. Slowly. Then she made the mistake of touching her pussy again. She had to go back down on her elbows for a bit before sitting back up, aftershocks still coursing through her at random.

“Oh shit,” she said, adjusting the camera so that it focused on her face, “I think that’s the hardest I’ve ever cum on cam. I love you guys, but fuck you little fucks.”



Liam watched wide-eyed and spellbound as Blake continued to come down from her orgasm, closing her eyes as she ran her fingers through her hair, holding her head for a bit as little tremors wracked her body.


Liam thought about the earlier challenge he had issued himself, shaking his head.

*Fuck making her cum six or seven times. If I can make feel good enough that something like that happens…*

Liam was almost painfully hard after watching that, hands clutching his chair tight.

The way Blake shook, the noises she made…seeing her naked and playing with herself was one thing, but those noises, seeing her so overwhelmed by pleasure…

*I want to make her feel like that.*

Blake looked dazed as she stroked her hair, trying to collect herself.

“Shit,” she muttered, leaning toward the camera, “Holy shit, dudes. I have something else planned for now, cuz you guys blew the goal out of the fucking water, but I–”

Blake cut off shuddering, then laughed, “Obviously I need a second. If I put anything else near my pussy, I think I’m just gonna pass out.”

Liam watched as Blake leaned down, resting her elbows on her knees and she stroked her hair again. Another shudder ran through her, and her mouth opened in a smile as she let out a short laugh. A moment later, she picked up her phone, and Liam grinned as she twitched a few more times while typing.

A few seconds after she stopped, a message appeared at the corner of Liam’s screen.

*”Did you enjoy that?”*

Liam’s grin widened as he typed his reply.

*”Don’t ask stupid questions :P”*

He hesitated for a moment, then added,

*”I want to make you feel like that.”*

Liam looked up at the screen as he sent the messages and saw Blake’s lips curl in a smile as her eyes darted back and forth, reading the text. Another little tremor hit her, and she bit her lip. Liam swallowed hard at that. He knew aftershocks were a thing for women, but he’d never really looked for them with Marie. Watching Blake experience them made his blood run hot.

Another message from Blake popped up.

*”That’s a dangerous idea. I was about ready to kill someone near the end.”*

Liam just grinned and looked at the screen as he sent his reply:


Liam watched as Blake grinned at her phone. Then she looked at the camera. Liam shivered. Even through the screen, he could see the hunger in Blake’s eyes. He knew she was looking at him. That she wanted him.

His cock twitched, and Liam glanced down. Still rock-hard, his cock continued to produce pre-cum at a steady rate. Liam returned his hands to his seat, not trusting himself. After stroking himself with a single finger had started to feel too good, Liam had tried to distract himself by looking at the comments and Blake’s–or, Cherry’s, really–social media. Most of her posts were what he expected: random posts about whatever, and then announcements for her show-times or warnings that she might be a bit late or start early depending on the situation. A lot of the comments bothered him, but Liam had prepared for that. He knew he wanted Blake, Cherry-persona and all–now he was just preparing himself for dealing with everything else that came along with it.

For a short while when Blake’s fans had started talking with her a lot and tipping for her to start and stop, Liam had found himself growing a bit annoyed that everyone could see what should have just been for him. Thankfully, he’d realized right away how stupid and misogynistic that was. He and Blake weren’t even together yet, and what everyone in the chatroom saw was Cherry, not Blake. Sure, they saw her naked, but only Liam knew how amazing she really was.

Once Blake had started shaking every time she so much as touched the vibrator to her pussy, however, Liam hadn’t been able to distract himself any longer. Watching Blake lose it like that had just been so enthralling. He’d known immediately that if he’d been touching himself when she started doing that, he wouldn’t have been able to make himself stop.

“Woo! Alright guys, I’ve had enough of a breather for what I have planned next.”

Blake’s voice brought Liam back to the present. He fixed his eyes to the screen as Blake pulled her “Lieutenant Dan” torso into view and set it down before her on the bed. She leaned forward and adjusted the camera a few times until it had a close-up of the fake dick sticking up from the torso, then crawled backward and knelt over it so that her face was in the screen. Liam grinned when Blake ran her fingers through her hair before adjusting the camera again. This time, she smiled, seeming satisfied, then picked up her phone again. Liam blinked when another message from her came through.

*”How hard are you right now?”*

A lump formed in Liam’s throat at that. He swallowed hard as he typed his response:

*”I don’t trust myself to touch it. It’s hard and dripping wet with precum.”*

Liam watched as another shudder ran through Blake.

*Was that another aftershock? Or was that just…did my message do that?*

Another message came through from Blake.

*”I wish I could lick it clean for you. Don’t worry though, you can jerk off soon. I just don’t want you to miss the best part. I’ll tell you when after the blowjob.”*

Liam wondered at that, looking at the screen just as Blake spoke.

“Okay dudes,” Blake said, situating herself on elbows and knees just behind the fake dick. As he looked at the screen, Liam did a double take. It was probably just the angle, but Lieutenant Dan’s dick seemed almost as big as his, if not a little bigger.

“I’m going to give Lieutenant Dan a nice wet blowjob,” Blake continued, looking into the camera, “Then let him fuck my face a bit before I fuck his brains out.”



  1. Part 2 of the multiple-part camshow scene. This is like *the* camshow for this part, so it’s going to be long, and hopefully very satisfying.

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!


    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/u_taylorstorms] [The Camgirl Part LI: About Ready to Kill Someone [Fsolo] [Str8] [Mast] [Voy] [Exh] [fsub]](

     *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don’t vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*

  3. Despite the fact that I’m not a fan of the solo theme in smut (it often turns me off), I very much enjoyed this part that continues the scene from the previous part (also highly enjoyable). Your writing is so good, so well put together, and your characters, situations and dialogue are so realistic. The “action scenes” are wowsers. How you were able to stretch out Blake’s solo session with the wand just blew me away. The next part with the fake dick will probably kill me (in a good way). She really knows how to serve her tippers. Thank you, TS!

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