Checking on Liam. [bdsm][Fdom][Msub][Fsub]

She woke suddenly, lifting her head to look around the dark bedroom. Jessie stirred slightly next to her, pulling at the blanket to cover her naked body. Her chestnut hair lay spread out over the pillow, contrasting with the white fabric. Gently she touched her face, and her eyes opened.

"Kim?" Her voice was raspy from misuse. "What's the matter?"

She smiled. "Nothing, my love." She brushed her hand against her cheek. "Go back to sleep."

Carefully, she slid her legs out from between the warm sheets, and placed her feet on the cool wooden floor. On the night stand, she pressed the button of her phone to show the time. 3:35 AM. In her mind she worked through the math, It's only been two hours or so since Jessie and I went to sleep. The light on the phone began to dim. It's been just over five hours since we left Liam alone. Her mind lingered on that fact. Too long, maybe.

She stood and quietly made her way through the room, doing her best to avoid the pitfalls left from earlier in the evening. Light poured into the room as she opened the door and slipped through, doing her best not to bother Jessie. Softly she closed the door and turned to see Liam, sitting alone in the center of the room.

He was just how they had left him: tied to a chair and wearing a rubber mask that covered his entire head. She could tell that he was asleep by the way his head fell to one side – resting on his shoulder.

She watched as his naked chest rose and fell with his breath. Her eyes followed the lines of his body, and pooled in his lap. The cage that secured his cock sat against his thigh, and again she wondered about the key. She had given it to Jessie to keep safe, but something told her that it had been lost long ago. It doesn't matter. She thought, and the thought caused her to swoon slightly in her stomach – and between her legs.

Gently she touched the mask, running her finger down the cheek. The mask had been molded to look like a face – "A doll's face." She had told Jessie. "Dolls can't hear or speak." Jessie had replied, so they plugged his ears and gagged him before buckling the mask on.

She listened to his soft breath passing through he nose holes – the only holes the mask provided – until the sound of the bedroom door opening filled the room.

"Everything alright?" Jessie glided across the room and pressed her naked body against Kim's.

"I think so." Kim's eyes remained fixed on Liam's sleeping body. "I was just worried about Liam."

Jessie's right hand swam around her body and found her nipple. She played with it, squeezing it softly. "We've left him all night before." Her voice was warm against her neck. Her mouth tasted her skin. "He'll be fine here. See, he still has the buzzer attached to his hand."

Her eyes flashed to Liam's hand. Sure enough, the buzzer was still there. Nothing too bad could have happened without either of them knowing. "I know." She was still unsure. "We've left him alone before – yes, but not gagged like this. His mouth is going to be really sore in the morning."

Kim felt Jessie's left hand slide across her hip, and slowly dive between her legs. "It'll be OK, Kim." Her voice was seductive, her fingers convincing. "Come back to bed with me."

She took a hold of her wrist and pulled her around in front. The light of the room revealed the play of the previous hours. Jessie's body was bruised around her wrists and ankles. Her cunt slightly swollen. Her breasts were heavily marked with beautiful lines of red, purple and black. Her eyes were two bottomless pools of blue. "I like you better in the light."

Kim smiled, looking down at her body. "I like that you've done this to me."

"I liked doing it to you." Again her body called, but this time it was for Kim. She took her face into her hands and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Now be a good girl." She said as her fingers dove into her hair, taking hold.

Kim's red lips parted and she let out a short breath, "Yes, Jessie. Always."

She pulled her down and positioned her head between her legs. Kim's tongue greedily found her wet and ready. She closed her eyes until she heard Liam stirring.

Opening her eyes, she saw that Liam had awoke and was now sitting straight up and alert. She wondered how he had known they were there; but then she saw it: Kim had backed herself up against his leg, and Liam had answered her touch. It was this expression of tenderness between them that made her heart melt.

She looked down to see Kim's eyes smiling at her as her mouth and tongue continued obediently. "Good girl." She heard herself say as her body took control. "That's my good girl."
