An Ode to Uncertainty – Chapter 12 [MF][FF][MFF][Fantasy]

Please read chapters 1 – 11 first if you have not done so. This is not a stand-alone story. Link to other chapters in comments.


## Twelve

The pain ran like molten iron over Mirja’s skull. She tried opening her eyes, but her eyelids didn’t seem to be working.

“What happened?”

Whose voice was that? It rang heavy like cathedral bells.

“Here. Let me get her.”

Someone lifted her up. She was being carried. Trying to ignore the pain and open her eyes, but to no use. She reached out for the power of her Nexus. But there was nothing left. It was all drained and her own link to the leylines seemed broken. Just like her.

“I got it. Put her down here.”

Soft fabric touched her face and she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Light. There was light. She was sure of it now.

“I think she’s waking up.”

The female voice was familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

“Let me take a look,” said a rough male voice.

She felt fingers touching her brow. Warm light flowed through her and soothed her aching nerves.

“She’s coming to,” the same male voice said again.

Mirja was able to slowly open her eyes. She looked up at an elderly man. She knew that face. She was sure of it, but her brain didn’t allow for the connection.

“Mirja. Thank the Gods. I was so afraid I had lost you,” said another voice and fingers ran over her cheek.

She shifted her gaze to the female voice. It was a redheaded young woman with a stern look only somewhat softened by compassion. Sigrid. She remembered Sigrid. She knew Sigrid.

“What happened?” the words came out like a croak.

“Ssch. You need to rest. Go back to sleep. I’ll be here.”

Mirja tried nodding but sleep took her before she could move.

The morning light struck the windows and multicolored rays played over Mirja’s face. She opened her eyes. The pain had subsided somewhat. She looked around. Jarl lay sleeping on a couch and Sigrid sat in a chair, her head nodding off into sleep.

“You had us real scared there miss,” said a man walking up to her.

Mirja tried to place the lanky old man. She blinked. He smiled a smile that seemed only to touch his lips.

“Master Olgric,” Mirja said trying to push herself up.

“Oh. Don’t get up for me. I’m more than happy if you stay in bed. Makes my job easier.”

“Mirja!” Sigrid’s voice had an urgency to it and soon Mirja felt a hand on her cheek.

“What happened?” Mirja asked and as she said it, she was sure that she had asked it before.

“You hit your head. Quite badly,” said Master Olgric and put his fingertips on her brow.

Mirja could feel the energy penetrating her skin and sending small tendrils deep into her. She clenched her hands forcing herself still. She had always hated animancy. Especially animancy that affected her.

“It’s looking better,” the Master said finally and Mirja exhaled as his fingers left her skin. “I’ll be back in a little while. Try to drink something.”

Mirja nodded and watched as the Master left. They were in a room with white walls and everything seemed excessively clean. This must be the hospital wing of the animancy building. Mirja had never set her foot here and had wished that she wouldn’t have had to.

“What happened?” she asked Sigrid in a low voice looking over at the still sleeping Jarl.

“You don’t remember? Behind the ebony door. In the Lost Princes,” Sigrid said in almost a whisper.

Mirja nodded slowly. She did remember the door. She remembered finally breaking the puzzle and passing through. She remembered … no she did not remember anything more. Shaking her head, she looked at Sigrid.

“I remember opening the door. Then. Nothing.”

The Sister sighed and smiled at her.

“The wraith. It was there. It struck you in the head. Hard.”

Mirja nodded. It made sense. During the following half bell Sigrid recounted in detail what had happened after they had passed through the door. She pointed out every detail about the wraith that she could remember. The blood. The black blood. That she mentioned at least ten times. Mirja nodded along and tried to remember, but there was just a big blank spot in her memory. She got frustrated as Sigrid told her how she had tried raising a shield but that she had been too slow. Too slow? She had been practicing raising a shield a thousand times. She could do it in her sleep. She could do it in the blink of an eye. Not fast enough? By the seventh.

“I’m so glad you made it,” Sigrid said kissing her hand.

Mirja smiled weakly and then fell back to sleep.


“I only took my eyes of it for half a heartbeat, but then it was gone. I ran out after it but then I remembered you and came running back. I had to make certain you were all right.”

Mirja smiled. She felt her heart flutter at the stern woman’s words. She couldn’t remember the last time that someone had honestly cared about her like that. If it had ever happened.

“It was like mist. I even felt the air chill around my hand as I struck it.”

Mirja saw how Sigrid’s mind went back to the struggle with the wraith. She had taken to calling it by the same name as Sigrid did, although she knew that it was certainly not a real wraith. If it had been, they would both be dead. But she did not tell Sigrid that.

“Did you save any of the blood?” Mirja asked weakly.

Sigrid nodded and rummaged through her pockets bringing out a small vial with a black liquid inside.

“Good. I’ll have it looked at once I can go back to the laboratory,” Mirja said trying to sit up.

“You’re not going anywhere right now. Master Olgric said you should spend at least another day here for observation. Then another one in bed. Understood?”

Mirja looked up at the redheaded woman. Her face reminded her of the look her mother gave her when she found her outside after curfew. She nodded slowly trying not to make her head fall apart.


“Welcome back Mirja,” Mistress Lorelee said as Mirja sat down at her bench.

Mirja nodded to the Mistress and took up her notebook. She saw at least a dozen of the other students looking at her. She had been gone for over a week. Her head hurt like the fires of the underworld, but she could not spend another bell in that bed knowing that the classes at the College continued without her. No. She had dragged herself out of bed. She had prepared a slight sedative on her own and taken about three times as much as the books recommended. But now she was here. And she would not miss anything.

“Let’s pick up where we left off,” echoed Mistress Lorelee’s voice up from the podium. “Flicka’s Law. The maximum available amount of power from an ejaculation is proportional to the square of the pleasure experienced by the man,” Lorelee said her chalk hitting the blackboard in a staccato that exacerbated Mirja’s already painful headache. “Therefore. Always, always try to deduce a man’s fetish. It is the best way of obtaining the highest amount of power. Let’s look at this example.”

Lorelee’s arm moved rapidly as she drew out the equations that explained the relationship between power extraction and extraction method.

“Now. What is the most efficient way of extracting a given amount of power from a man?”

Lorelee looked around the room. Her gaze stopped at Mirja for a second. Normally she would be happy to answer but as she had missed the last week and had not had time to visit the Library yet, she wasn’t absolutely sure about the answer. And it galled her.


Mirja looked over at the dark-skinned girl whose pen still was scraping out notes. She looked up.


Lorelee sighed and shook her head.

“Although you may think that your mouth is good for everything, that is not the case. You should be careful about opening it without thinking.”

There were a few giggles that the Mistress ignored. She looked around the room once more. All faces were turned down onto their notebooks.

“It depends on the subject,” Mirja said finally.

“Thank you,” Lorelee said with a wide smile. “Did you all hear that? It depends on the subject. The most efficient way of extracting power depends on the subject. Never forget that. Even if you are a master at Fellatio, Anneli, it may not be the optimal solution for every subject. Understood?”

The dark-skinned girl nodded and then as Lorelee turned her back towards the class she glared at Mirja. Mirja just shook her head and continued taking notes. Lorelee went through the details of Flicka’s Law and then lightly touched upon the channeling of generated power before the class ended.

“Mirja,” Lorelee said beckoning her with well-manicured fingers as the rest of the class noisily exited the auditorium.

Mirja slowly headed down to the podium. Her body was far from recovered but she did her best to not let it show.

“Are you ready to get back to work? I have a client for you. A very important client.”

Mirja hesitated for a heartbeat before she nodded.

“Excellent. I rely on you far too much you know,” Lorelee said with a wide smile.


“How are you doing?” Sigrid said as she entered the room.

Mirja smiled weakly at the Sister. If she was being completely honest, she was exhausted, but she had not wanted to show it to the other students, or to Lorelee. But those simple words from the stern redheaded woman made all the aches come back.

“Tired,” she said looking over at Jarl who was studying diligently over by the table.

If you had asked her at the beginning of the year how many hours the spoiled nobleman would spend head bent over a book, she would have said less than ten. Now he spent at least five hours a day like that. It was amazing. She had heard from the other students that were majoring in Elemancy that Jarl was by far the most proficient of them. Another surprise.

“Come,” Sigrid said and took her hand.

Mirja let herself be led to the bed and soon she was tucked in and before she knew it, she was asleep.

She slept fitfully, her dreams filled with dark figures chasing her and she woke with a headache that was threatening to split her head in half.

“You look like shit.”

Mirja looked through narrow eyes up at Jarl.

“Thank you for that,” she said trying to roll over on one side, without much success.

She fell back and opened her eyes a little further.

“Sigrid told me what happened.”

Mirja startled. She had not expected the Sister to tell Jarl, but she must have had her reasons.

“Next time you plan to do something stupid. I want to come along.”

Mirja shook her head causing the headache to intensify. She sucked in air through gritted teeth.

“I won’t have it any other way. You hear that?”

His voice sounded surprisingly protective. A trait that she had not seen in the prince before.

“All right,” she said trying to minimize the movement of her jaws as she spoke.

“Good. Now, you stay there. I have something for you from Mistress Varja.”

Jarl disappeared out to the other room but was soon back with a small cup. Mirja knew the smell. She laughed on the inside. Then she let Jarl hold her head up and pour the liquid down her throat. Sleep took her quickly.

The next time she woke the sun was rising. Sigrid stood by the window and next to her she heard Jarl snoring loudly. She felt better. Not fully recuperated, but definitely better. As she sat up Sigrid shifted and closed the distance between them.

“Feeling better?”

Mirja nodded. The headache was still there but less head-splitting than before.

“I was out looking last night.”

Mirja studied the redhead. She did not have to say what she had been looking for. Mirja knew.

“Find anything?”

Sigrid shook her head. Mirja nodded.

“Are you sure it is wise to go looking for it alone?”

“It doesn’t scare me,” Sigrid said crossing her arms.

“That’s not what I meant. I asked if it was wise. Not if it scared you.”

*I don’t think anything scares you*, Mirja thought looking up at the Sister.

Sigrid frowned and turned away. Mirja looked over her shoulder at Jarl. The prince was slowly waking up. She tried drawing on her bonds to him, but they were not there anymore. She knew that bonds could snap when you lost consciousness. And given how long she had been out it should come as no surprise.

“Have you seen my Nexus?” she asked Sigrid.

The Sister turned around and looked at her.

“The medallion?”

Mirja nodded. Sigrid went out of the room and soon came back carrying the Nexus. She handed it to Mirja who lovingly ran her fingers along the patterns. It had taken her weeks to craft the thing. It was something that you were not supposed to be able to do until you reached the fifth tier in Scriptomancy but Mirja had not understood what was so difficult. She had just followed the instructions and it seemed to work fine.

“You have a Nexus?” Jarl said in a rough voice from behind her. “How did you get that? I thought you had to make them on your own for them to work.”

Mirja turned over towards him.

“I did make it. For myself.”

Jarl raised and eyebrow and then he laughed.

“There’s no end to the surprises with you.”

Mirja smiled at him.

“Can you please take me. Gently. I need a refill.”

Jarl looked at her with concern in his face.

“Are you sure that is wise?”

Mirja nodded.

“Just as long as you are gentle.”

She turned her back towards him pushing her bottom towards him. A shiver ran through her body as his hand caressed her back. She did not have to draw power to get ready for him. Soon she felt his tip against her opening, and she sighed with content as his flesh entered her. He truly was gentle. His lips kissed her neck and his hand ran over her stomach as he slowly thrust into her. It wasn’t long before she was whimpering involuntarily. He increased his pace and as she could sense him reaching his climax, she wove the pattern of collection and channeling to the Nexus at the same time as she wove the new bond. Jarl erupted inside her. She did not know if her memory failed her, but this was one of his most intense ejaculations. Receiving Jarl’s seed was like standing in the middle of a roaring river trying to catch all the power of the water that went past. The Nexus caught most of what she missed but she still felt a significant amount that just drained into the surrounding leylines.

“Thank you,” she said already feeling stronger.

“You’re welcome,” he whispered into her ear.

She looked up and saw Sigrid looking down at them. Mirja stretched her hand out and Sigrid grabbed it and squeezed it tight.


“You cannot join me inside. It is strictly for second tiers and above.”

Sigrid looked at her in frustration, but Jarl took it with ease.

“We’ll wait for you here.”

“It may take a while,” Mirja said looking up at the massive door that led into the College Library.

She walked through the large reception area. The smell of the stacks barely penetrated out here. Looking up at the signs above the tall oaken doors. How she had missed this place. Missing out on classes was one thing but the feeling of being surrounded by almost infinite knowledge was unbearable to live without.

“Hello Mirja. Where have you been?”

Mirja smiled at the elderly librarian sitting behind his ornate table.

“Hi Yakob. I’ve been feeling a little ill. But I’m back now,” she said with a smile.

“Good to have you back miss. What are you looking for today?”

Mirja hesitated. She trusted Yakob but she was still not sure that she should tell him. But without his help it would take ten times as long, and she was not sure that they had the time.

“I have a conundrum.”

“You know I do love a challenge,” Yakob said with a smile that showed off all of his gums.

Mirja nodded. She knew that he would not be able to resist what she was about to give him.

“I encountered a strange being a while back. And I was able to obtain some of its blood. I’m looking for a method of analyzing it properly. To deduce what kind of creature it was.”

Yakob raised a bushy eyebrow.

“And how come you do not enlist the help of the Animancers? Surely Master Olgric would be most interested.”

Mirja pressed her lips together. She knew that question would come. But she also knew that Yakob never left the Library and Master Olgric very seldom came here.

“I did try that. But unfortunately, Master Olgric is fully occupied by his current experiments. There are apparently some issues.”

Yakob nodded. It was a badly kept secret that Master Olgric performed a number of experiments that were not sanctioned by the council. And it was a plausible explanation. She just hoped that her lie did not ring false.

“I understand. Well. There are several volumes that covers the analysis of bodily fluids from all types of creatures. Follow me.”

Mirja smiled and followed the hobbling old librarian into the stacks.

She ran her finger under the last line.

*The color of the blood can also be an indicative of the use of certain substances that alter the physical properties of the body. See An Analysis of Physioactive Substances and their Effects, by Waard, 867, PR.*

Mirja sighed. That was the fourth reference to the same book. A book that she had not yet found. Yakob had promised to look for it later but he was currently off helping Mistress Varja with an urgent request. The bells started ringing. Mirja absentmindedly counted the tolls. Seven. She had been here for over eight hours. She sincerely hoped that Jarl and Sigrid were not still waiting outside. Seven bells. Mirja blinked. Seven bells! She was to meet her new client at the parlor at eight bells. She looked down at the dozens of volumes that were spread all over the desk. No. There was no time. She stood up and ran towards the exit.

“I’ll be back tomorrow,” she said as she passed Yakob who was halfway up a ladder in the Matrimancy section of the stacks. “I’ll tidy up then. Promise!”

She felt her body protest as she ran out of the Library. She had been convalescent for almost a week and it was only thanks to the power she could draw from the bond with Jarl that she was standing upright. She drew a little deeper and the bond responded filling her body with power. Power that she quickly diverted to her exhausted muscles.

Sigrid and Jarl were nowhere to be seen.

Good for them, Mirja thought. And good for me, I need to hurry. She ran down the path towards the Matrimancy building. She passed through the front door and hurried up to the third floor. Looking around she made sure that there was no one else around. She stepped up to the onyx door with the silver linings and put her hand on the seal. Pushing gently, she murmured the words needed to unlock the door. On the other side there was darkness. She dared not turn the lights on but instead fumbled her way to the fourth notch in the wall and stepped in. Pulling gently on the bond to Jarl she fed the power into the device. She knew it was not allowed. A normal person would not survive the surge, but she knew Jarl could handle it. She had done it before. Closing her eyes, she put her fingertips on the markings in the wall and pushed the combination. There was a flash of light. And she was gone.


This was chapter 12 of our book An Ode to Uncertainty.

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1 comment

  1. Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6-7


    Chapter 8-9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


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