Kissing a Stranger Pt 2 [FF]

*This is part two of Ariella’s story. Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy. Also, I have edited the first part and will post it later for those interested.*

Ariella’s hair whipped around her head, blown about in the wind from the convertible top on the Italian sports car that Ilara drove in and out of traffic, expertly avoiding collisions at high speeds. Ariella realized that apprehension, even fear, should be pulling at her mind, but in its place was anticipation and curiosity. She could not peel her eyes off of Ilara. Something had happened back at the club, and not just her embarrassing display in front of hundreds of people. The crowd had been feral, animalistic in their desire for her. Ariella felt that Ilara knew what had happened, or even caused it some how.

“What was that? Back at the club?” asked Ariella.

“That was you,” replied Ilara, never taking her focus off the road in front of her.

“What do you mean? What did I do? Besides get off in front of a bunch of strangers. And, you, who are you? How did you do that to me?” the questions poured out of her without her control.

“I will explain later. That is, if you can follow my directions. Without question. Is that understood?” her voice was firm but lacked harshness.

“Yes.” Ariella was suddenly aware of her partial state of undress and tried to pull the loose bits of fabric over the bare skin of her belly and thighs.

“Two things: One, call me Mistress. Two, stop trying to cover yourself up,” Ilara said.

“Uh… yes, mistress,” embarrassment flushed heavily on Ariella’s cheeks. She wasn’t sure that she liked how Ilara was talking to her. “Why do I have to call you mistress?”

“That is strike number one. Two more and I put you out,” Ilara said, taking an exit off the interstate at twice the posted speed limit. Brake lights flooded the windshield from the cars stopped at the intersection. Ilara slowed, but did not stop. She drove onto the shoulder and pulled the car into a drift through the red light. Ariella screamed as headlights and the loud blaring of a horn passed them by inches.

“Are you trying to kill us?” Ariella screamed.

“While that is technically not directly questioning what I say, that is close to being strike two. As a matter of fact, I liked you better when you didn’t talk. Take you panties off and stuff them in your mouth. Do not speak another word until I give you permission.” Her order can out much harsher this time. If Ariella wanted answers, she would have to play this game. Who knows, she might even enjoy being dominated by a woman.

Ariella lifted her hips and slid her black thong down her legs and off her feet. She balled it up and with a look of defiance, thrown in for good measure, she stuffed them into her mouth. The taste of her own juices released after her orgasm lit her tongue on fire. She tasted a little of sweat, but it was a good sensation. She could feel herself getting wet again, dripping onto the expensive leather seat.

“Now, that is a good girl. I will reward you for your obedience and punish you for disobedience,” Ilara said. “At the club, you are what caused the dancers to frenzy. They would have killed you to fuck you. Every one of them. Raw power such as you used could easily burn you out, or worse. You will learn control. Or not. You must pass the tests first.” Ilara winked.

Having the answer to her question did not make her understand what had happened any better. In fact, she was even more confused now than she had been before. Power? What was Ilara talking about? Surely she was just playing a game. Ariella was not new to role playing or being submissive, but it was generally something people discussed before diving off into the world of kink. She would go with if for now. Curiosity or not, if it got out of hand, she would walk away. Maybe.

Ariella shifted in her seat and looked at her surroundings. The streetlights were few and far between and the road had turned into a two lane street that was cutting through heavy woods. Ariella had lived in New Orleans since coming to college eight years before, but she had never ventured out into the bayou. She sucked in a breath to ask where they were going, but her string thong slipped down her throat and chocked her. She coughed and gagged until it was no longer blocking her from breathing.

Ariella had fallen in love with the mystery and legends surrounding New Orleans and when she had graduated from Tulane with her degree in accounting, it was easy to justify staying in the city permanently. She loved the night life and culture and being in the heart of Mardi Gras every year was worth the high rent.

Ilara slowed the car to a reasonable speed as the road became rougher, breaking Ariella out of her reverie. She looked at Ilara and noticed that Ilara’s focus was on her now. Ilara placed her hand on Ariella’s knee and began to rub her leg. She almost pulled back, but stopped herself. Ilara’s hand traced its way up her thigh, hiking her dress tatters up, exposing her shaved sex. Ariella, sensing that she was waiting on something, shifted down in the seat and spread her legs wider, opening herself up for Ilara. She obliged by rubbing her hand up and down on Ariella’s clitoris. Ilara slipped her middle finger into her and wagged her finger back and forth.

Ariella grabbed the car door and console as her whole body tensed with the upcoming release of another orgasm. Her eyes pinched closed, breath coming fast and hard. She braced for the release, but it did not come. The hand that was pleasing her withdrew.

“You are not allowed to orgasm again until I give you permission. Consider this your first test,” Ilara said, turning down a gravel drive way that was all but hidden by the trees. The scrub quickly opened up to a manicured drive that was flanked by massive oak trees covered in Spanish moss, drooping almost all the way to the ground. The drive way terminated in a round about, circling a large, fountain. The white marble was overgrown with vegetation and no water sprouted from it numerous heads.

The headlights illuminated the entrance to a grand plantation style house. It stood two stories tall with a balcony running the length of the entire face. Unlike the fountain, it was pristine white, seemingly newly painted. There was light emanating from the house, candles in some of the windows. In the quick glance Ariella got, she could see shadows moving around inside.

She was scared now. This didn’t seem like a game anymore. Ariella spit out her thong and looked to Ilara.

“Where the hell are we?” Ariella asked.

“That is strike number two. Now, get out and walk around to the front of the car,” Ilara said, opening the driver’s door and exiting. Ariella did not follow immediately, but carefully weighed her options. Which were, really, none. She was God knows where in the middle of the swamp at some abandoned plantation that was probably the home of a cult or other nefarious group of deviant individuals that would be as likely to kill her as to keep her safe. The only choice she had at this point was to go along with it. “Put your thong back in your mouth.”

She obliged the order before exiting the car. Ilara was lit up by the head lights, even more stunning in the contrasted background of darkness. Her pale skin seemed to emanate a subtle glow. Ariella noticed that her dress straps were hanging off her shoulders, and it was unzipped halfway down. She lifted her hand and made a come here gesture with her finger. As Ariella approached, Ilara shimmied out of her dress and let it fall to the ground. Ilara had not worn anything under her dress. She stepped out of it and toward Ariella. She stopped reflexively.

In a flash, Ilara closed the short distance and wrapped Ariella around the waist with both arms. She torqued at the waist and sent Ariella flailing toward the hood of the car. With the impact, Ariella’s thong flew out of her mouth and landed near the car door. Ilara quickly pinned her face down with her legs failing to find purchase in the gravel. Ariella outweighed Ilara by at least twenty pounds, but without legs under her, she was unable to squirm out from under her. Ilara moved her right hand down Ariella’s back and roughly yanked at the torn dress, making the rips bigger, exposing more of her flesh. Her hand dove between Ariella’s legs and plunged into her still dripping wet pussy. Almost instantly, she quite fighting as two of Ilara’s fingers worked quickly in and out of her. Breathing was becoming difficult as she got closer to climax. She was riding the waves of pleasure when they broke suddenly at the sound of Ilara’s voice.

“Remember, you lose if you get off without my permission. No more answers,” Ilara said while relaxing her hold on Ariella slightly. Her breath caught as Ariella rolled away from her, down the hood and onto the gravel drive. She jumped up, looking like a wild animal caught in the headlights. In that instant, lust and desire overcame the rational side of Ariella’s mind. Instead of running for her life, she rushed at Ilara, tackled her onto the hood of the car and smothered her mouth in a kiss. Their tongues danced together, in and out. Ilara bit Ariella’s lips hard and Ariella returned the favor by pinching and twisting Ilara’s nipples. Ilara arched her back against Ariella’s hands, pushing her breasts further into her grasp. Her head rolled back and a moan escaped her lips.

Ilara propped one leg up on the bumper of the car and rolled her hips forward, exposing herself. She had a few days of hair growth, but it was shaved into a patch that followed the natural curve of her legs and pelvis. Ariella kissed down her neck, biting her once, hard, leaving teeth marks, that elicited another moan. She kept kissing down her body, over her flat belly, and took Ilara by the back of the knees with both her hands and lifted her onto the hood further. Ariella knelt between her legs and hesitated for just a moment. She took in the naked form of this beautiful woman and was truly captivated by the experience so far. She was unsure of the outcome, but she was willing to see where it went.

In that moment, movement at the house caught her attention. There were faces in the window and when she looked directly at the house, they disappeared behind curtains and back into the darkness.

“Forget about them, you have a test to pass,” Ilara said.

Ilara’s hips and ass were held up in the air, put on display for Ariella. She had never been with a woman, but she didn’t hesitate any longer. She plunged her tongue onto Ilara’s swollen clit, circling it and gently sucking on it intermittently. Ilara dug her hands into Ariella’s hair, pulling her face harder into her wet, slippery sex. She pushed her legs further up in the air and wider, exposing Ilara’s tiny asshole. Ariella dove her tongue between her ass cheeks and licked hard at her rear entrance.

“Ooh, you’re not afraid…I see…” her breath was coming in gasps. Ariella knew how she liked to be pleased as a woman and had no hesitation when exploring all of Ilara’s body. She penetrated her asshole with her tongue, running it around in circles. Ariella ran her right hand down her thigh and pushed her first two fingers into Ilara’s throbbing pussy. It was swollen and dripping juices every time her fingers went in and out. She quickly swapped to lapping at her clit again, leaving only one finger in while making a come here gesture. Her efforts were rewarded by a loud moan and the gush of arousal juice onto her hand. Ilara was close to climax.

Her asshole was lubricated with saliva and the wetness dripping out of her pussy. Ariella pushed her pinky finger against her tight hole and it slipped in slightly. She began to work her finger in and out of both holes while sucking on Ilara’s clit. Her ass began to loosen and she was able to plunge all the way in. Ariella licked faster, changing her pace to match the speed of her fingering. Ilara’s head was thrown back, and every breath out was almost a scream. In the background, Ariella noted with that subconscious part of her brain that the normal sounds that come with being in the deep wilderness were a loud cacophony, a symphony of cricket chirps and guttural animal growls.

Ilara’s climax was so hard and sudden that Ariella was surprised by the gush of ejaculate that covered her hand, face, and arm. Ilara screamed in pure pleasure and every muscle in her body contracted and relaxed as the waves of her orgasm washed over her. The sounds of the swamp reached a crescendo and began to fade as Ilara came down.

Ariella rocked back and sat on her heels, letting go of Ilara’s leg. She slid down the hood, unable to hold her weight up with her legs. She landed in front of Ariella, spread eagle, sweat covering her pale nakedness. A smile crossed her face as her eyes opened and she took in Ariella’s form.

“You have been a very good girl. You will be rewarded for that performance,” Ilara panted out. “Ariella, you have passed your first test. But you have to know that this is your last chance to leave. If you walk into that house with me, failure from here on out means a fate worse than death. Are you willing to accept your fate, either way?”

“Yes, mistress,” Ariella said with no hesitation. She didn’t know what to believe about the things that had happened that night, but she knew where the answers lied.

“Good. I hope you survive, I’m starting to like you. Follow me,” Ilara said as she rose, on shaky legs at first. She grabbed her dress from the ground and turned to Ariella. “You won’t be needing those rags, anymore.” She held her hand out expectantly. Ariella stripped her dress off and piled it in Ilara’s arms. Next came her bra, a black number to match her thong.

Ilara turned to the house and started walking. Ariella’s attention was caught by the shadowed faces in the windows, but they didn’t retreat this time. She counted seven of them, both men and women. She was suddenly aware that she was not only naked in front of strangers, but that a strange woman’s scent was all over her and likely those seven people had watched it happen. It was an uncomfortable experience, slightly degrading at the same time as it was arousing. Her sex was throbbing still from the build up with no release.

In that moment, she decided to follow this path and see where it lead. Ariella didn’t believe that she would die or suffer a fate worse than death, but there was something mystical happening to her and curiosity got the better of her judgment. Ariella followed Ilara up the grand front entrance and through the door that opened as they approached, into the mystery of what lay ahead.


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