Looking for suggestions for Lechomancer Succubbus

I’ve been posting my Lechomancer stories here for a while, and I’m hoping reddit can help me out.

I’m looking for scenarios or ideas for the Succubus collection. I’m not happy with all the chapters I have planned, so I’m looking for ideas for what can happen to Ashlynn as she travels through the Otherside. (For anyone reading this, and unfamiliar, it’s a college girl travelling through a sexually charged section of hell, populated by lust driven demons)

I would appreciate any help you all could offer. The stories will keep coming either way, but I’d like them to be better. Leave a comment, send me a DM, or an email at erostopholes@gmail.com.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4r32au/looking_for_suggestions_for_lechomancer_succubbus


  1. There’s a reason I read erotica instead of writing it, and it’s because I have the creativity of a spoon. But upvoted for visibility!

  2. I have been reading your Lechomancer stories for a while now and I like the presentation and characters. You have, in fact, inspired me to try my hand at writing erotica. I love the combination of fantasy and erotica and I think you blend them well.

    My suggestion is this: you need a clearly defined antagonist. With Ashlynn becoming the Lechomancer (I have only read part 1 of her story) you begin to draw a battle line between her and Lisa. That’s a great conflict, but demons are antagonized by angels. Lisa/Ashlynn could have someone they try to seduce but is immune to their powers and is tipped off to their nature. I’m not entirely sure how a non-sexualized main-ish antagonist would be good for your story, but it could be a start.

    Then again, Erostopholes is not the only Incubus. Lisa could have attracted the attention of another incubus or even a succubus with her power and that could start a “war” between followers or slaves, whichever they are. Another thing I thought about would be, can Lisa gain her own power base. By that I mean, could a more powerful demon, or Satan himself, offer her the chance to become a succubus for some seemingly cheap price? If she could, then you could explore the dynamic of her learning her new powers, trying to seduce Ashlynn away from Erostopholes, and a direct conflict with him.

    If you wanted to focus more on Ashlynn, then you could have her become as powerful as Lisa and start to build her own cabal, so to speak, to combat Lisa. They could get into a situation where they have both cursed each other and will eventually work out their differences. They could then turn their focus on Erostopholes.

    I hope this helps. If you are interested, take a look at my post Kissing a Stranger and give me some feed back. I would love to snowball some more ideas of anything I said sparks your interest.

    Edit: I re-read your post and realized that I went totally off the rails with suggestions. I will reign it in a bit.

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