The Camgirl Part XLIX: I had an idea… [Plot] [Sexual Tension]

**XLIX: Blake and Liam**


Blake tried not to make too much noise as she slipped into the lecture hall. She was only a little late, but this room was on the smaller side, and she had to walk in front of the whole class no matter where she decided to sit.

Normally, Blake would just slip into the closest seat and draw as little attention to herself as possible, but as she looked up at the seats, she saw Liam sitting in the back, an empty seat next him. Blake could feel everyone else looking at her as she made her way to her way up the short flight of stairs between the sections of seating. She started to shrink down, but then her eyes caught Liam’s. Those eyes made her forget about everyone else looking at her, and Blake gave him a warm smile as she slipped into the seat next to him.

“Thanks,” she said, shrugging off her coat and getting her laptop out of her bag. She didn’t want to look away from his eyes, but had to given their setting. Ever since her over the top masturbation session Thursday night, Blake’s pussy had been a bit overactive whenever it came to Liam. Well, her mind had, too, which definitely didn’t help, but still. Though Blake was doing well in this class, she preferred to pay attention during lectures. That usually meant little or sometimes no studying later. Being horny in class would not help that.

*If you really cared that much, you wouldn’t have sometime in your ass right now, would you?*

That also didn’t help her current situation.

“Did I miss anything?” She whispered, opening up her laptop to her notes for this class as she eyed Liam. Why was he grinning like that?

He shook his head, “Just answering a few homework questions.”

Blake smiled at him in thanks.


Blake raised an eyebrow, “You’d know if I overslept. As much as I would love to roll out of bed at the last minute like you apparently do, I make up too many excuses not to stretch and work out if I don’t get it out of the way first thing.”

Liam blinked, “Wait, you came from the gym?”

“No,” Blake said, typing up what their professor threw up on the slides, “I have a morning routine that I do pretty much every day just to stay in shape. I go to the gym for keeping up my strength and bulking or cutting. My appearance is kind of important.”

Liam nodded, but Blake could see the curiosity still in his eyes.

“Then why were you late?” Liam asked.

Blake felt her cheeks heat a little bit, and she sighed, leaning closer to Liam and keeping her voice as low as she could with him still able to hear, “If you must know, I was almost out the door this morning when I remembered that I wanted to…wear a butt plug today, and I got a little distracted after putting it in.”

Blake straightened, glancing at Liam. Laughter threatened to bubble forth at his expression. Her friend’s face could almost compete with a tomato and his eyes were wide as saucers. Blake stole a glance at the crotch of his pants and grinned as she saw some movement there.

Her pussy twitched at the thought of what might be running through Liam’s head with this new information, and Blake squirmed, making sure he would notice.

The Blake made the mistake of meeting his eyes.


Those blue eyes gazed at her with such intensity, such desire. Blake shivered, though this time she had no control over the movement.

*How the fuck am I supposed to last an entire week or more without throwing myself at him? Stupid rules.*

The fact that Blake had set those rules herself only made them stupider.

*I should make Liam punish me for doing something so idiotic.*

As soon as the idea floated through her mind, Blake felt her cheeks go bright red as a fresh wave of arousal washed through her, pussy clenching in anticipation of such a “punishment.”

Blake immediately turned her attention back to her laptop and the slide up on the board—she thought she might have missed a few—trying to think of *anything* other than that.

*Fucking fuck.*

Her brain had started to fuzz a bit. That wasn’t helping with pushing the thoughts away or paying attention. Oh, fuck, she hoped Liam hadn’t noticed anything.

Blake almost jumped when her friend cleared his throat, but he still looked just as embarrassed as he had before she’d looked away.

“Uh,” he began quietly, scratching at his head, “Why exactly did you want to wear a, um—you know…?”

Liam’s embarrassment gave Blake a bit more confidence, though her brain was still fuzzy. She would have to find a way to deal with that given how often it happened when Liam was involved.

*Do I even want to, though?*

That was a question for future Blake.

“Because I like how it feels,” Blake whispered, giving Liam a sidelong glance, “I thought I made that pretty clear with the whole ‘getting distracted’ part.”

Blake smirked as Liam’s cheeks somehow became even redder.

“Well, yeah,” he said once he recovered, “but, in class?”

Blake averted her eyes, knowing she would give too much away, but shrugged, “I just like it. Part of it is the actual feeling of it, and the other part is just the kinky part, I guess—that no one knows I have it in.”

After a few moments of silence from Liam, Blake dared a glance in his direction and found his eyes blank as he looked somewhere far off, thinking.

Panic surged in Blake, and for a moment, she worried she’d gone too far. She knew that some people would find an admission like that offensive at the least.

“Do you do that often?”

Blake blinked at the question, glancing back over at Liam. He seemed to have completely forgotten about the lecture. Those intense eyes were on her again. Desire filled them, but there was also something Blake couldn’t place.

Blake swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, “Define often.”

“How many times have you…worn one…when we were talking or hanging out?”

Blake bit her lip for a moment. She wanted to shrink back into her chair and die. She didn’t know why. Her habit had never embarrassed her before, though only Chloe and Marie had kind-of known about it, and even they didn’t know exactly how much she wore plugs. The thought of admitting it…

*But this is Liam.*

Blake had thought that in an attempt to reassure herself, but as much as it did that, it terrified her. Liam was Liam. He was her friend. He hadn’t judged her for anything else she’d told him, and this was far less fucked-up of an admission than she’d made that time in the bath. But then he hadn’t held the power of rejection. She’d wanted him, but he’d still just been a friend. He’d been taken. Off limits.

Everything was different now.

“Blake?” Liam asked.

Blake blinked. It took her a moment to remember Liam’s question.

“A lot,” she had to force the words out.

“Like when?”

Blake swallowed again, not meeting Liam’s eyes, “The first time I met you, for one.”

As she waited for Liam’s response, Blake thought back to that day. So much had changed since then—it seemed like years ago rather than just a few months. In some ways, Blake’s life was far more terrifying right now than it had been before she met Liam. Before him, she’d been able to take care of herself and manage her emotions and all her personal failings with only occasional help from Chloe. She hadn’t needed anyone or felt like there was anything or anyone missing in her life. Yet now…Blake knew that if Liam rejected her, it would leave her hollow. Did that mean that she’d been lying to herself before she met him? Or would she truly be content still if she’d never met him.

Blake sighed, slumping back into her chair. Then she glanced at Liam, eyes far-off and gaze unfocused. She straightened.

*Liam needs to make sure that he can deal with being my boyfriend with what I do. Or at the very least, he needs to care about me enough to push past that.*

Blake had teased him quite a bit since they had talked in the practice room, but she knew she could do more to actually work toward her goal.

“Speaking of that,” Blake said, forcing confidence back into her voice, “You haven’t watched any of my shows yet. You realize that the weekend is kinda the best time to do that, right?”

Blake glanced over at Liam in time to see her words have an effect. He stiffened, and Blake felt her own tension subside a bit.

“Eli and Swar were home a lot,” he said, voice thick. He paused to clear his throat, “I don’t think I’d be comfortable watching you—your shows while they were in the room.”

Blake felt a smile curling the corners of her mouth and had to squeeze her legs together to deal with her dripping pussy, “And why is that? You could just sit up on your bed with your back to the wall.”

Blake leaned in closer, feeling her confidence bolster at Liam’s implication.

“Unless, of course, you planned on jerking off while you watch me,” she whispered.

Blake saw the lump in Liam’s throat as he swallowed, and had to rein in an impulse to cackle at his discomfort. He shifted in his seat and Blake glanced at his jeans.

*Fuck, I want that in me so bad.*

“Are they home later tonight?” She asked, knowing the answer. After Liam had been a no-show for her most recent camshow, Blake had texted his roommates and told them both to make themselves scarce.

Liam raised an eyebrow, “No, they said they’ll be out for a while. Why?”

Blake grinned, about to respond, then caught sight of the time on Liam’s laptop. Her eyes went wide.

“I’ll tell you later,” she whispered, turning her attention back to her laptop and the slides up on the board, “At lunch. Now leave me alone so I can get at least some of the material down. I don’t want to have rushed to class for nothing.”

Blake caught Liam blinking at her a few times before he turned back to his own laptop, and she smiled, stealing a glance at him. Even if she didn’t learn anything this lecture, rushing to class would have been worth it just to sit with him.


“So, spill,” Liam said, setting down the two plates of roasted chicken he’d fetched for them, “What were you hinting at earlier?”

Blake arched an eyebrow at her friend as he sat down.

“Oh, you’re still thinking about that?” She asked innocently, helping him rearrange the various plates of food they’re gathered from throughout the dining hall to bring to their table. This building had the best food of the three dining halls, but the longest lines. The trick to getting enough of the good food was to come with at least one other person that could as for an extra plate or two for their friends. Thought Blake sometimes did that when she was alone if she was hungry and the food smelled delicious enough.

“Don’t give me that look,” Liam chided, “You know very well what you were doing.”

Blake stuck out her tongue at him, then started digging into the food.

“Mmm,” Blake said through a full mouth as she took her first bite, “Fuck, that’s good.”

Liam cleared his throat, giving her a pointed look.

Frowning, Blake swallowed her food, then stuck her tongue out at him again, “Party pooper.”

“I thought you didn’t like drawing attention to yourself,” he said, taking a bite of sautéed green beans.

“I don’t,” Blake said, nomming a stack of three raviolis, “And I’m not.”

Liam gave her a flat look, “You were making sex noises.”

“Was not. Those were food noises. The next time you make me steak, *those* will be sex noises.”

“I’ve heard your food noises,” Liam said, “They don’t sound that way, and they aren’t usually that loud.”

“I was not being that loud,” Blake said.

“I counted six people that stopped to look at you when you did that,” he said.

Blake stiffened, cheeks heating up. She reached up to tug at her beanie and scarf, making sure they completely obscured her hair. Suddenly, Blake didn’t feel as confident any more, or hungry. All she wanted to do was shrink back into her chair and hide. They’d chosen one of the more out of the way tables to sit at, but still…


Blake looked up as Liam set down his fork. He switched to the empty chair that sat on Blake’s left and took her hand in his. Blake met Liam’s eyes and the concern in them made her so warm she thought she would melt.

*Fuck, I want to kiss him so bad.*

She knew that would be a bad idea, though. Not only would that draw more attention, but Blake didn’t think she would be able to hold herself back if she kissed Liam. Her fantasy from Thursday night flashed through her mind, and Blake knew that if she kissed this wonderful boy, she would manage to convince him that they both needed to skip class and fuck for the next few days. She’d probably even try to convince him not to go home for Thanksgiving.

Blake blinked, realizing Liam had said something.

“Sorry,” she said, shaking herself a bit, “What was that?”

“I said that it didn’t look like any of them recognized you,” he said, voice gentle, warm, “I think you’ll be fine.”

“Thank you,” she said, giving him a tight smile.

He returned it, hand squeezing hers.

“Can I ask you something?”

Blake raised an eyebrow.

Liam’s eyes darted away for a moment. Blake knew him well enough to know that meant he was thinking.

“Why do you keep trying so hard?” Liam asked, looking back to her, “With the teasing and the sex stuff, I mean. You know I’m—that you don’t need to like, keep me hooked or anything, right?”

Blake gazed at him for a moment.

“I hope I don’t,” she said, finally, “But you haven’t watched any of my shows since we talked.”

Liam sighed, “I—”

“I know what you said,” Blake said, placing a hand on his. She couldn’t help but shiver at the contact, “I asked earlier about your roommates being home tonight because I wanted to move a show to tonight at 6:00. Will that work? Usually they run about an hour, maybe an hour and a half.”

Liam blinked, cheeks going red, but he didn’t pull his hand away.

“Yeah,” he said, voice thick. He cleared his throat, “Yeah, that should work.”

Blake grinned, “Liam?”

He swallowed, “Yeah?”

“I know that how turned on I can get you isn’t going to be what gets you to make the decision I hope you make with—with us,” Blake said, voice a hair away from wavering. She had to force out that last part, “I don’t tease you or anything like that because I think I need to keep you hooked. I do it because I like teasing you, and as far as I can tell, you like it, too.”

Liam colored at that and Blake smiled.

“You said we shouldn’t do anything like that, though,” Liam protested after a moment.

Blake raised an eyebrow, “I said we shouldn’t do anything physical. I didn’t say I wouldn’t flirt with you or tease you.”

Gaining back a bit more of her confidence, Blake leaned toward Liam and whispered in his ear with a breathy voice, “I need to make sure that if we do get together, you’ll be able to have some self-control and actually go to class and do your work instead of just fucking me every chance you get, because I don’t know I’ll be able to do the same without you there to stop me.”

Liam’s eyes went almost as wide as they had this morning when she had told him about her plug—still comfortably in her ass—and his face was just as red. He swallowed, and Blake erupted into a fit of giggles at the strangled noise that came from his throat.

“You’re…evil!” He finally managed.

Blake just grinned from behind her hands as she tried to quell her giggle-fit. She tried to respond a few times, but any words she tried to form just devolved into more giggles. Liam just rolled his eyes and went back to eating, very pointedly trying to ignore her.

Finally, Blake’s giggles subsided enough for her speak clearly, “You make it too easy, dude.”

Liam just grunted, shoving another bite of food into his mouth. Blake reached over to flick him. They ate in silence for a bit after that, hunger winning out over any need for conversation. As she ate, however, Blake found her eyes drawn to Liam, and her mind going back that intense, other-worldly fantasy she’d had about her friend. Not her most recent one, but the one where they’d been young best friends exploring themselves together. Her fantastical version of Liam hadn’t been much changed from the real version that sat next to her—he hadn’t moved to his original position across the table from her, that made her smile—but as Blake dwelled on that fantasy and what might have happened after, she started to long for something like that. For Liam to try and woo her and work his charms on her rather than simply accepting her own pursuit of him and jumping into bed with her.

As much as Blake wanted to finally be that intimate with him, to feel him inside her, strong arms wrapped around her, cradling her against him as they made love, as desperate as waiting less than a week had already made her for his lips and his perfect fucking cock, Blake found herself wanting all the stupid girly thing’s she hadn’t cared for even in her last relationship. She wanted Liam to surprise her with flowers and ask her out on a date. To get all dressed up for her and ask her to get all dressed up and made up for him.

Blake wanted to ask him about that now, but stopped herself, instead continuing to eat in silence.

*First he has to accept what I do,* she reminded herself, *I have to make sure that there* is *an us before I can worry about anything else.*



“So, are you going home for Thanksgiving?” Liam probed, eyeing Blake as she walked with him toward her apartment and his next class. It had been hard to keep his mind from wandering since she’d rushed into class this morning. Did she still have a butt plug inside her? She had to, right? He didn’t think she would have had enough time between classes to go back home and take it out. The thought of watching her show tonight didn’t help either. Especially knowing that she’d been late to class due to being “distracted,” as she put it. Had she been thinking about him? She’d obviously done it before, but Liam still found it hard to wrap his head around that. He wasn’t even technically with her, yet already things were so much different than they had been with Marie. So much better. It was weird, but Liam knew it was a good kind of weird. Blake was his friend. He could joke around with her, study, talk about serious things, whether personal or more existential, all with ease. Yet the thought of her doing anything sexual, especially when she managed to associate it with him…He didn’t think any girl had been able to affect him so much by doing so little.

“No,” Blake said, “A trip back home is too long of a flight and too expensive for me for just a few days.”

Liam raised an eyebrow, realizing he didn’t really know much about Blake’s home or where she was from. It just hadn’t ever come up, as they’d had enough in common to skip the usual college small talk, “How far?”

Blake shrugged. She seemed about to say something, then paused for a moment, “Most plane rides are too long for me. Airports aren’t my favorite either. I’m going home for Christmas though.”

Blake glanced at him as they came to wait for the crossing signal, “What about you?”

Liam eyed his friend for a moment. There had been something in her voice…a stiffness? He decided not to prod. Normally that would have been a red flag to him–something he needed to find out about sooner than later someone he wanted to date. But he already knew Blake had some baggage. He couldn’t blame her for that. She didn’t know about all of his yet, either.

“Yeah,” Liam said, “I usually schedule the flight back as early as possible so that it’s cheap.”

“When do you leave?” Blake asked.

Liam caught the hopefulness in her voice and sighed, “Same day as Marie, I think.”

“Oh, okay.”

Blake’s tone told Liam he’d been right.

As the continued their walk, Liam probed lightly about Blake’s plans and any hints he could get about her home or family. When it looked like he wouldn’t get any unless he was more direct, which he was pretty sure Blake wouldn’t want, Liam gave up. For now.

Once they finally came to the music building, they hugged before parting ways, though Blake surprised him by slapping his ass before running off. He rolled his eyes, but grinned as he gazed after her.

*Fair’s fair.*

Liam didn’t enter the building right away, however. Instead he took out his phone and sat down on the brick planter as his phone dialed the number.

“Hey, Liam!” his Auntie’s voice asked, “How are you, dear? Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”

Liam laughed, “Hey, Auntie, I’m good, and I still have a few minutes before I have to go in.”

“Go in? You mean you’re outside? Isn’t it freezing over there?”

Liam grinned, “It’s not too bad once you get used to it. But, um–you know how we’re not *super* big on Thanksgiving?”


“And you know my friend Blake I told you about?”

“You expect me to believe you two are still just ‘friends,’ Liam?”

“We are,” Liam protested, “For now, at least. But anyway, she isn’t going home for the holiday, and I haven’t done anything yet, but I had an idea I was hoping you’d be okay with.”



  1. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

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    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/u_taylorstorms] [The Camgirl Part XLIX: I had an idea… [Plot] [Sexual Tension]](

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  3. Even when there is no sex, it’s always sexy in Camgirl Land. Thanks for continuing this epic sex saga in the best way possible. ??☺️

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