The Godkiller Chronicles – Part 1 – Beginnings & Endings [Fantasy][Anal][Deepthroat]

One – Beginnings & Endings

The light burned a scorching path through the rock next to Jorn who threw himself sideways to avoid it. The heat made his skin blister. But he had had worse.

“I’m going to rip your head off and then I am going to put it on a pike and fuck your wife in the ass in front of it,” Jorn growled and reached out for his dropped sword.

“You will do no such thing!” the Lord of Light bellowed loud enough that Jorn’s eardrums almost burst.

“Fucking cunt,” Jorn said under his breath and rolled to one side avoiding another ray of light.

“Well. To be honest husband,” the Queen of Darkness said from over on her throne. “If he bests you, he can probably do anything he pleases with me.”

Jorn shot a glance over at the ivory-skinned woman with the ebony hair sitting on her throne of skulls. She smiled back at him. His skin tingled and he threw himself to the side once again. Damn. The old bitch had almost distracted him enough for the ray to take his leg off.

“Stay still so I can burn you from the multiverse!” the Lord of Light boomed.

“No can do, you old giant-fucker.”

Jorn was getting tired. It must have been an hour since he reached the peak of the cloud-top castle and the light farting dick of a god was still just standing there as if Jorn’s sword was nothing. Three times Jorn had contacted the god’s skin but not a scratch. He looked around and then he saw it. He ran sideways avoiding another three blasts of the Lord of Light’s power.

“You want me standing still? I’m right here dragon-fucker,” Jorn said slowly standing up.

The Lord of Light pointed his magnificent staff at Jorn. Bright light stared emanating from the tip. Jorn breathed slowly looking at the pattern that he had seen so many times before this last hour. Then he dove. The blast singed the hair at the back of his head. The reflected beam hit the god straight in the chest. The Lord of Light gurgled and then toppled over.

“Quality shit that,” Jorn said standing up and giving the mirror behind him a nod.

“The Mirror of Ages,” the Queen of Darkness said from over on her throne. “How did you know that my husband’s powers would not shatter it?”

“Just lucky, I guess,” Jorn said and headed over to the dead god. “Now. Let’s see if I can’t get this fucker’s head off.”

“Say nothing else about me but I am a man of my word,” Jorn said as he slowly slid into the Queen of Darkness’ surprisingly tight asshole. “Have you never had cock up your ass before?” he asked and grabbed the Queen’s long black hair and pulled her head towards him.

“Not in a few millennia. My husband … that is, my former husband did not enjoy having me that way,” she said nodding to the severed head on a pike.

“Too bad for him,” Jorn said and pounded the Queen’s ass harder. “You have a butthole made for fucking.”

“Thank you, warrior,” the Queen of Darkness said and then let out a long sigh.

Jorn pulled her hair harder and pounded her with powerful thrusts that made her shift forward on the hard marble floor.

“Can I ask you a favor, warrior?”

Jorn let go of her hair and grabbed her hips thrusting hard into her ass.

“I don’t see why not,” Jorn said looking down at the Queens’ ass that rippled every time he bottomed out in her.

“Can you gift me your seed in my quim?”

Jorn thrust a few more times before answering. Jorn was not the brightest man that had come out of the warrior clans of Westrend, but he was not entirely stupid although he mostly lived on instinct.

“You want me to come in your cunt?”

“Yes, warrior,” the Queen of Darkness said smiling over her shoulder.

Jorn shrugged. He pulled out of the Queen’s ass and grabbed her hair.

“You’d better clean it off first then,” he said placing the tip of his erect cock at her black lips.

She smiled up at him and then took him into her mouth. Jorn sighed in relief as the ancient goddess knelt before him and took his cock deep into her throat.

“If you want it in your pussy then now’s the time,” he said feeling the first tickling feeling below his balls.

The Queen of Darkness quickly got onto her back on the warm marble floor and guided him into her. Jorn looked down into her eternal eyes and then he filled her up with a roar, as was her wish. He rolled off her and lay on the marble floor.

“Thank you, warrior,” the Queen of Darkness said looking over at him and caressing his cheek with one long-fingered hand. “Jorn. The Killer of Gods,” the Queen of Darkness mused and went up on one elbow.

“Gods? I didn’t know that I had killed more than the one. Unless you also have a death wish?”

The goddess next to him chuckled and stood up in all her naked glory. Jorn nodded in appreciation.

“Fair enough. Jorn the Godkiller. Does that sound better, hm?”

“Whatever you like,” Jorn said getting up. “Now. How the fuck do I get out of here? I am not climbing all that way down again. You’ve better have a quicker descent otherwise I am going to do some more ravaging before I leave,” Jorn said putting his pants on.

“I can help you if you wish. Just say the word.”

Jorn went over and picked up his old sword then he looked over at the goddess.

“I wish for you to get me the fuck out of here.”

A cold wind hit Jorn’s face. He stumbled and could feel uneven rock under his bare feet. Fuck. The goddess had sent him away with nothing more than his pants and sword.

“By the Frost King’s balls. That’s cold,” Jorn grumbled and looked around.

All around him tiny snowflakes swirled in the air but none of them seemed to be able to stick to the ground in the strong wind. He must be on a mountain. He sighed. He shouldn’t have expected any less from the old bitch. She was the goddess of mischief and betrayal after all. A familiar sound reached his ears. He stood still trying to pick out the direction. Yes. That was battle for sure. He looked around. If he stayed here for too long, he would freeze to death, Godkiller or not. At least where there was battle there was people. And hopefully fire.

The screaming and sound of metal on metal got louder the further he walked. No. That was not metal on metal. It was metal on … something else. Jorn drew a couple of short breaths and rounded the corner. In the middle of a flat part of the mountain that ended in a sharp drop he saw a dozen heavily armored bodies lying on the hard, cold ground. Only two of the knights still stood. They were facing a huge reptile-like monster. If Jorn didn’t know better, he would have said it was one of the Scaled Folk. But they had died out millennia ago. The only thing they had left behind were large ruins with artefacts. Artefacts that people would wage wars over.

“Aaaah!” one of the knights yelled and threw herself at the reptile her sword raised high.

It didn’t do much good. The reptile punched one clawed hand right through her chest the sharp pike jutting out of the knight’s back. With a gurgling sound the knight slid of the pike and fell still. Blood was spreading in a large puddle and already freezing at the edges. The remaining knight took two steps backwards. Jorn could see that she was a woman as well. Looking at the ground he was surprised to see they all were.

“You in some kind of trouble?” Jorn said.

Both the reptile warrior and the knight looked his way. The reptile hissed something at him.

“Warrior. Aid me,” the female knight said taking a few more steps backwards raising her shield.

Jorn raised his eyebrows.

“Now why on the seven realms would I do that? That thing looks absolutely brutal.”

The reptile and the knight both looked at him. Jorn got the feeling that the reptile understood more than it let on. It lowered its claws and took a step back. The knight looked at him.

“If you help me best this creature and help me get back to the Citadel of Revelations, I pledge myself to you for the rest of my life. I will guard you and follow your every command. By the fourteen goddesses, I so swear.”

Jorn looked at the woman. He could not see much of her face under the full helmet and her body was covered in full chain and plate. But to carry all of that she had to be strong. And Jorn approved of strong women.

“Deal,” he said swinging his sword.

The reptile let out a sound that was probably supposed to be a laugh. Jorn didn’t care. It was easier to kill people, or things, who laughed at him.

“Come on then. Let’s get this fucker.”

The three combatants started circling each other. The knight was the first to move. She charged in with her sword-point aimed at the beast. Not a bad move but considering that the beast was five times her weight, it should not have been able to move as fast as it did. But it didn’t care about that and sidestepped as if it weighed less than a feather. Jorn stood back and watched the other two exchange a few blows. The thing was immensely strong, and the knight was lucky that she was able to block a savage blow with her shield and only got thrown twenty paces right into a cliffside. She hit the ground unconscious.

“Well then. I guess it’s only you and me,” Jorn told the reptile warrior.

The thing made a screeching sound and lunged for him. But it performed exactly the same lunge it had done twice already and Jorn had no trouble stepping aside and cutting its hamstring. The thing screamed and fell over. Jorn did not hesitate. He stepped in behind the it and thrust his sword in beneath the scull where he had seen a few misshapen scales. The scream ended and the only sound left was the howling of the wind.

“Got ya, fucker,” Jorn said withdrawing his sword.

The fire crackled and Jorn had pulled one of the furs he had taken off a dead knight tighter around his shoulders. He put his hands out and felt the warmth slowly penetrate through his rough skin.

“Uuuhhh,” came a groan from the figure lying next to him.

He looked down at the knight. He hadn’t bothered removing her helmet. He wasn’t any good at first aid anyway. If she lived, she lived. You had to give the gods something to do, the lazy fuckers.

“What happened?”

“You blocked. Not a good idea considering,” Jorn said reaching out and turning the make-shift skewer over.

Jorn had eaten snakes many times before and he had guessed that a reptile was a reptile. And he was right. The dead reptile warrior’s lower arm hung on the spear over the fire and the smell was starting to make his mouth water. A little while later it was done.

“You want some?” he asked the knight who was now sitting up.

She had removed her helmet and exposed a long flow of blonde hair around a quite beautiful face. She looked at him in disgust. He shrugged and bit into the meat. It tasted wonderful. He ate in silence for a while and then sat back sighing in delight. The heat from the fire had finally penetrated through to his bones. He looked over at the knight. She was sitting up now looking at him with suspicion.

“What?” he said reaching over for another piece of the grilled reptile.

“Who are you?” the woman said.

“Jorn,” Jorn answered through a full mouth.

“Just Jorn?”

Jorn nodded. The knight studied him a while longer before chuckling.

“So, I pledged myself to *Just Jorn*. Well. The goddess of mischief certainly knows how to play with us mortals,” she said and shook her head.

Jorn froze mid-bite. He looked upwards. Was it as the knight said? Was it the Queen of Darkness that had sent him to this godforsaken place to meet this strange woman?

*Damn you goddess. I should’ve killed you while I had the chance.*

He continued chewing and looked at the woman-knight. He had heard of the Sisters of Divinity before, but he had never met one. She did look quite good.

“What’s this pledge thing you keep talking about?” he said discarding one chewed up finger.

The knight sighed.

“The Sisters of Divinity, the protectors of the realm and defenders of the true faith, will pledge themselves to whomever they believe will serve the realm best. And follow that person to the end of their days,” she said as if reciting an ancient text.

Which she probably was, Jorn decided. He nodded.

“And you chose me?”

The woman sighed.

“I chose you, given that you killed that beast that had killed all my friends.”

“Which I did.”

“Which you did,” she said nodding.

“So. Now what?”

“I follow you. And do whatever you command. And given that you bring me back to the Citadel of Revelations to give my report, I will continue to do so, until the end of my days.”

“Whatever I command?” Jorn said incredulously.

She nodded.

“What’s your name?”

“Celia,” the woman-knight said nodding slightly.

“Well then, Celia of the Sisters of Divinity. I think you’re full of shit. And that’s that. No way you would do whatever I tell you to.”

The knight squared her jaw and nodded.

“You are wrong, sir. A Sister never breaks her pledge.”

Jorn laughed.

“You’re lying.”

Celia shook her head.

“Then you’re insane. Worse than a certain goddess I know.”

Celia frowned. Jorn shook his head.

“I am not insane. And I do not lie.”

“All right, then. Come here. Suck my cock until I cum in your mouth and then swallow it,” he said spreading his legs and pulling up his loincloth exposing his limp dick.

Celia’s jaw fell. Jorn laughed again.

“What did I tell you. You’re full of shit. Liar.”

Celia sighed. Then she got up and to Jorn’s great surprise she knelt in front of him and before he knew it the female knight had taken his now rapidly growing cock into her mouth.

“Ah. Fuck, yes,” he sighed as she started working his cock with her mouth.

He grabbed the back of her head and thrust his now fully erect cock into her mouth. She gagged but did not pull back. Jorn continued using her mouth and pushed further and further down her throat until he finally had her nose pressed up against his stomach. Tears had started running down her cheeks, but he did not let her come up for air just yet. He got up on his knees and started facefucking her in earnest.

“Look up at me,” he commanded, and she did as he told her to. “So. I guess I have my own fucktoy to use whenever I want now.”

He saw the anger in her eyes as he thrust the final few thrust before he grunted and pumped her throat and mouth full of cum. He sighed in relief as he squirted the last few droplets on her tongue.


Celia did as she was told.

“Good girl,” he said slapping her cheek with his cock wiping the last of the cum off on her brow.

She sat back and just stared at him.

“All right,” Jorn said drawing his furs around him. “I guess you’re not a liar then.”

She glowered at him. He just smiled back.

“So. Where’s this Citadel of yours then?”


This was the first part of The Godkiller Chronicles.

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1 comment

  1. Fabulous fantasy! Jorn is a character to follow. I highly approve of the combination of combat and sex. You make it look so easy, but I’m guessing it took some time and effort to write this. Very much enjoyed reading. Thanks for posting!

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