Intimate Weekend (MF) Chapter 3

Chapter 3
You guide my hand low and finally release it to allow me to feel your body on my own. I run my middle finger up and down the middle of your panties, barely pushing on the sexy crease I feel. In my mind, I visualize what’s underneath. Smooth and sexy…warm and wet. Perfect in every way. I whisper to you, “Your body wants me. You’re so fucking sexy.” You say to me, “Don’t stop. It feels so good.”, and you pull my face back into yours. I let out a, “Mmmhmm”, in reply as I taste your tongue on mine. Both of our hearts are racing in anticipation. We can feel each other’s hearts pounding in our chests. I run my middle finger down the edge of your panties and into them. Now, it’s two fingers into your underwear and then into you. Just as smooth, warm and wet as I imagined. Once again, your hips push forward and your back slightly arches, pulling your lips from mine. I begin to rub and caress you more aggressively and you close your eyes and let me take over your body. “Let’s just get these out of my way?”, I say lowly as I use my free hand to begin to pull your jeans down. Not wanting me to lose focus on you, you say, “I’m soaked. I’m taking it all off and you’re going to pleasure me until I say to stop!”. You use both hands and in a quick motion, both your jeans and panties are shimmied down to the shoes and socks you’re still wearing. You start using one foot to kick off the shoe on the other, but I push myself onto you. With no panties in my way, I use that hand to push you back against the door. I lean in and grab a hold of your neck with my mouth, just below your jawline. Kissing your neck and shoulders aggressively, I let my middle finger slide down you and into you. I push my palm down to give pressure on your clit and soon you feel my ring finger with my middle finger, inside you, moving in and out. Slowly, I explore inside your body. I listen to your breathing and look for signs of pleasure. “Right there”, you tell me, “Baby, yes! Ohhhhhh yes!”. Now, you’ve somehow managed to kick both shoes off. And to your pants are around your ankles. “I won’t stop,” I say, “But that means you’ll have to take your shirt off for me.”. With a confident grin, I slide my left hand up under your shirt and onto your breast, while my right hand continues to make you squirm. Without hesitation, you rip your shirt off and toss it to the ground. Feeling my two fingers inside you, you let out an unexpected moan when I do it just right. Your arms are back wrapped around me, fighting the temptation of digging your nails into my exposed back. I move my kissing and sucking from your neck down to your breasts, burying my face into your cleavage. “The socks can stay on, but this is gone!”, I playfully say as I use my left hand to unclasp your bra and free you from it. I pull your body into me again, so we can feel each other’s warm bodies, skin on skin. I pause from playing with your vagina and slide both hands up your unbelievable body and around each breast. “You’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen”, I say, looking into your eyes. Without breaking eye contact, you grab my hand and slowly move the fingers that were just inside you into your mouth, licking and sucking on them briefly, like it’s my hard penis that’s still about to bust out of my underwear. “Mmm. That is sooo hot!”, I say and lean in to kiss your lips, hoping to taste YOU on your lips. “I want you. I want you right now, Johnny.”, you beg as you grab my boxer briefs with both hands, bend over and pull them to the floor, exposing me completely – right in your face. You run your hand up my inner thigh and a finger across my balls and up my shaft. You give me a light kiss on the tip of my penis and say, “Take me to the bed, Baby…”.
