Intimate Weekend (MF) Chapter 7

Chapter 7
You slowly open your eyes and realize it’s now daylight. “Baby,”, you say to me, “I guess this means you’re skipping work today?”. I was lost in lust and had completely forgotten that I was getting ready for work before you arrived. I reply back, “Well, your hair is still wet from your shower before you got here. Why don’t we jump in mine real quick? I can still make it to work for a few hours today, but we’d have to head toward the bedroom now.” I help you down off of the table as my eyes look you over, up and down. “You’re truly amazing. Perfect in every way.” You give me a sly smile back and say, “Yeah, yeah! You tell me that all the time! Oh, you might want to clean that table later!”. Proud of the mess we made, you grab me by the hand and start to lead me through the house, toward the bedroom, leaving our clothes piled next to the kitchen table. I think we’re heading back to the bedroom so I can get ready for work. You have other plans. As we cross the threshold of the bedroom, I shut the door behind us and flip on the light. Instantly, you turn around and flip the wall switch back to off, still holding my hand, and pushing me back into the bedroom door. Your free hand grips my bare butt and you pull yourself into me. I lean towards your lips, but you turn away, denying me, as your mouth goes to my ear instead. You grab a hold of me lightly and say through your teeth, “Just the sun coming up, peaking through the windows is all the light we need for what I’m about to do to you.” You let go of my ear and your hand lets go of mine. Then you slide it down my chest, across my stomach and lower. You very gently massage my balls and I instantly begin to get hard again, so you rub my penis moving your finger and thumb just lightly on the skin around the tip of me that was earlier used to massage your vagina. “So, no work at all today then?”, I ask, already knowing the answer. You move my arms around you so my hands naturally grab both sides of your butt, then run one hand back up my chest as you lean in and unexpectedly nibble on my nipple. I let out a short gasp as I was caught off guard by the sensitive mix of pleasure and light pain. You look up at me and say, “No more questions. I’m in charge now.” With an anxious and surprised look, I start a rebuttal, “Babe, you can always be in char…”, but I’m stopped abruptly when you swiftly take your hand from my genitals and cover my mouth with it. I can smell the sweet scent of your juices that are now on your fingers after you had your hand on my penis. It’s so intoxicating. Shocked and impressed, I bite my lip as you remove your hand. I fully submit to your lead, excited to not be in control.
