I found my sister’s Reddit account part 4 [FF] [inc] [mast]

[The rest of the parts are here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sister_hannah/comments/4j3laa/i_found_my_sisters_reddit_account_story_index/)

I didn’t go to bed that night, until much, much later. I had put my plan together. I’d been handed a golden opportunity here, and I didn’t want to mess it up. I wanted to milk Rori for everything I could get out of her (metaphorically, of course). As eager as Rori was to make a little slut out of herself, I didn’t want to push things too fast and scare her off. First, I was going to nurture her need for exhibitionism. Then maybe I could get something even better out of her.

When Rori woke up in the morning, she would have a message waiting for her; a homework assignment from her “teacher”. She had to spend a day wearing the shortest skirt she owns with nothing underneath it. Now, I happened to know that she owned one very short skirt. It was a pleated, plaid, wannabe Catholic schoolgirl number. She didn’t wear it much, because it barely covered her underwear. On more than one occasion, I’ve gotten an eyeful of her ass as she bent over for something or walked up stairs, and she didn’t even wear them that often.

I went to sleep with thoughts of Rori being humiliated as a stray breeze would send her skirt up tomorrow, showing her dirty pussy to the whole world. Rori, the goody two-shoes secret slut that she is, is very much an early-to-bed, early-to-rise kind of person. I’m more of a “10:00 is too early” kind of person if I don’t have anywhere to be. So the next morning, I didn’t see her before she set off on her day. So I didn’t see her until later that evening. When she walked in the door, though, I saw that she was wearing that skirt.

“Hi, Rori,” I said as she walked by, trying not to be too obvious about staring at the hem of her skirt. Was her pussy just bare to the wind under there? Did she follow my directions and go out with no panties like I had told her to? I had to find out. She had sent a reddit message to my fake account that morning, saying she would “try”, but I had to see if she actually went through with it.

I waited around until I would have a chance. We were both hanging out downstairs, but Rori said she was going to go upstairs to get something from her room. I acted like I needed to go upstairs too, and got right behind her. I think it must have made her self-conscious, because she put her hands behind her to hold the skirt against her butt. It was futile, though. Like I said, the skirt was very short. And there, right in front of my eyes, was Rori’s butt, and peaking out from between her cheeks a bright, pink piece of cloth. That bitch.

When she made it about two thirds up the stairs, she let go of her skirt, and it fluttered back a little bit. I could clearly see that she was wearing a tiny, pink thong over her skinny, pale ass. And while it was daring, she didn’t finish her homework. She at least owned up to it, though. when I got on my Reddit account later that night to chat with her and asked how hew homework went, she admitted that she was too afraid. She said that, instead of going without underwear, she wore her shortest skirt and her skimpiest panties. She was worried that a lot of people would see her and she would get caught.

I think she sensed that her fake online boyfriend would be disappointed in her, so she decided to tell him something else to make up for her failure. She wrote that, when she was at home, and walking up the stairs, that her little sister was walking right up behind her and could have seen up her skirt.

“Really?” I wrote back. “What did you do?”

“At first, I tried to pull my skirt close so she couldn’t see. But then I thought I kind of wanted her to see so I let go so she could see up my skirt.”

“Did she say anything?”

“No, I don’t think so. I don’t even know if she saw anything.” I did. I saw everything that was on display. “But it was hot to think she might have seen.” I know she had talked about getting caught by me before, but it still shocked me to hear her mention me again. The fact that she would think about me with her perversions. It made me feel weird, but also got my heart beating really fast. Like something scary was getting all to close to being real. But I reminded myself that it could help me get what I wanted from her.

“You mentioned your sister before. Do you want to get caught be her?”

She took awhile to reply. “I don’t know. It’s really hot to think about, but i feel like it would be too weird if it actually happened.”

I asked what her sister’s name was, but Rori said she didn’t want to answer that. Not like I needed her to anyways.

“Do you get wet when you think about her catching you?”

“mmm, so wet.”

“What if you hadn’t been wearing panties today when you walked up the stairs?”

“She would have seen my pussy. My little sister would have seen my bare, wet, dripping pussy.” I could hear her through the wall again. She was not exaggerating at all about how wet she was.

I kept talking dirty to her while she got herself off. To be honest, I did a little playing myself. She was being loud enough I was sure she couldn’t hear me over he own juicy slaps. And then, she started to moan. But not just moan, she was moaning a name. My name. My real name, not the character I was using to talk to her online. It was quiet, little more than a whisper, but it was definitely my name. I had my ear against the wall and could hear her well. Now, I could have stopped playing with myself there. I could have, but I didn’t. I’d already come this far. This would have seemed too weird at the beginning, but since I’d already messed with her so much, and since I was so wet already, I just continued. I heard Rori finish, and brought myself to orgasm several seconds after. Because she wasn’t moaning any more, I had to practically bite my tongue and hold my breath so she couldn’t hear me as I rubbed my clit into orgasm.

After coming down and licking my fingers clean, I went back to the computer and saw that Rori was still talking to me.

“I came so hard,” she had sent to me. “thinking bout her catching me or even watching me. it was so hot.”

“Are you ready for another homework assignment?” I asked her. She said she was. “And you wont fail it again this time?” She swore she wouldn’t.

“Sometime, in the next couple days, I want you to ‘accidentally’ get your sister to see your pussy.”

There were several minutes before her reply. “I’ll do my best.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4np28k/i_found_my_sisters_reddit_account_part_4_ff_inc