Kissing a Stranger [FF]

*I write erotica for my wife and she thinks I have a decent talent. Tell me what you think. If you guys and gals like it, I will continue the series. This is the first time I have let anyone other than my wife to read any of the erotica that I write, so critique and constructive comments welcome! Thanks and I hope you enjoy.*

The music drowned out everything but shouting, the beat thumping through Ariella’s body and into the booth. It didn’t matter if she couldn’t hear anyone talking, because there was no one to talk to her. Jonathan, her date for the evening, had stood her up again. They had been out several times over the last three weeks, but the last two dates they planned, he was a no show.

Ariella scanned the crowd again, first at the bar, in the middle of the seating area, and then down onto the dance floor. Bodies writhed together to the beat of the music and people shouted their orders at the bartender, but she did not spot her date. Frustration was the least of what she was feeling. Humiliation was burning her face, turning it red with shame. Why had she given him another chance? If someone had done her like that in college, she would have been on to the next guy before the old one could call with a lame excuse as to why he stood her up. Not that she prone to jumping into bed with random guys for revenge, but she was not one to wait on someone who showed no interest.

She was older now, twenty six, and what she wanted out of life had changed. She no longer wanted one night stands or a flavor of the week. Ariella craved connection, a deep, meaningful interaction with another person. That is the reason she had given Jonathan another chance. He was a gentle, kind man. Ariella thought she had sensed a hardness to him, but that probably came from his military service. He had been nothing but a gentleman to her and she had started to develop real feelings for him. Not to mention, his sculpted muscles and short cropped, blonde hair had been a bonus. She had thought that he was the whole package. Looking around the club, she couldn’t help but think that she had been wrong.

She drained the beer in her glass and decided to have a good time and deal with him later. If there was a later for him. Ariella eased out of the booth, her dress clinging to the leather, and smoothed down the wrinkles with her hands. Her dress was red, a deep crimson that, according to her girlfriends, showed off just the right amount of cleavage and ass. It ended just above her mid thigh, and her bust was accentuated by strapless, tight clinging top. In her opinion, it was almost too tight to breath in. She only wore it when she wanted her date’s attention on her body.

Ariella went to the bar and shouted her order of two shots to the bartender. A few moments later her drinks appeared in front of her. She picked them up in both hands and downed one quickly, the burning sensation spreading out from her throat and filling her with liquid fire. She grimaced at the pain for a moment and slammed the shot glass back down on the bar. Ariella threw her head back and shot the second one. For a moment, she was breathing fire from deep in her belly. The shot glass rang loudly on the bar when she slammed it. The bartender was eyeing her when she looked up. She could already fill the buzzing sensation and knew they would do their intended job. She wanted to forget her terrible date night and just dance with someone, drunk and having fun, like reliving her college years.

The sensation of being filled with fire continued deep inside her, giving her liquid courage and dragging her toward the music. The beat no longer moved through her and out, but into her, causing her to dance. She had always had rhythm and had had no problem on the dance floor, but the music tonight was moving her of its own will. Soon, a small circle had opened around her as the people dancing nearest her turned to watch.

She suddenly became aware of a lot of eyes on her and stopped dancing. Ariella blushed in embarrassment. What had she been doing to draw everyone’s eyes to her like that? Just before she started to leave, a short red head emerged from the crowd, into her circle. Her hair fell down to her shoulder, brushing the tops of her thin, black dress straps. Ariella’s eyes followed her curves down her body, her breast squeezed together and brought up to create deep, pale cleavage that had drawn more than just Ariella’s attention. Her waist swept out into hips that were stretching the dress to its limits. Her black, nearly shear dress ended just below the curve of her hips and the swell of her ass.

Ariella looked into the woman’s eyes, a deep green that she felt herself be drawn into. The woman walked up to her and began running her hands up Ariella’s sides, across her chest and back down her arms. She laced their fingers together and began dancing as she pulled Ariella toward her. Ariella stepped in closer to her and felt the woman’s hips and thighs grinding on hers. Without thinking, she began to dance against the woman, laying her arms on her shoulders. The new comer was now dancing with her hands behind her head, gripping Ariella’s hands tight so she couldn’t let go. Their faces were just inches from one another. Ariella could feel the other woman’s breath on her neck, could almost imagine her lips, the softness of her kiss and the caress that would follow.

Ariella closed her eyes and imagine what it would be like to be with a woman. She had never done anything more than kiss another woman. In her wild college days she had concentrated on men and had never had the opportunity or want to experiment. She felt now like she had missed out on the softer sex. The woman’s hand were soft but firm in hers, their bodies rubbing together exciting in the way only something forbidden could be.

Ariella’s eyes shot open as she felt the lips touch her skin, first on her chest, then moving up to her neck. She realized that no one had continued to dance, now most of the club was staring as her and her new friend. Ariella felt her arousal building, causing her to drip wetness into her panties. Then the lips found hers, and her world melted. She no longer cared about the people in the club or what anyone would think. Hesitating at first, almost pulling back on instinct, the longer the embrace lasted, the deeper into the embrace she fell. Her hands found release from their captors and buried themselves into the silky red hair that fell onto her arms. Ariella caressed the other woman’s scalp, tangling her fingertips in her hair as she came to the edge of orgasm. She felt hands exploring her curves, running over her hips, grabbing her ass to the cheers of the crowd. One had began slipping its way up her thighs, to the bottom hem of her dress, raising it ever so slightly. Fingertips brushed her panties and she exploded in an orgasm. Out of reflex, she bit her dance partners lip, stifling a scream. Her knees buckled and the only thing to keep her from falling to the floor was the support of the other woman. Ariella’s breath caught in her throat, and she was unable to move for long moments as the waves of pleasure washed over her, broke on her like the surf on a beach. She jerked every time her pussy clenched.

She could hear cheering and clapping, but they were coming from far off, a distance that she didn’t understand. Her head began to clear and it became apparent that the sound was coming from all around her. With a suddenly clarity, not even the alcohol clouding her mind anymore, her eyes snapped open. The crowd was yelling, in a frenzy almost. The people around her looked feral, like they didn’t belong to society but had been raised by animals.

“I didn’t even touch you yet, and you came for me,” the woman whispered with her lips brushing Ariella’s ear. Her knees became weak again and she felt another wave of pleasure threaten to take over her body. Ariella could feel the smile through the lips grazing her ear. “You are coming home with me.”

The woman took her by the hand and began to lead her off the dance floor. The crowd realized all at once what was happening and began to boo with the same fervor they had just been cheering with. Ariella was afraid that someone might try to grab her and make her or her friend stay. The other woman mounted the stairs and looked back at the crowd. They fell silent at once, sensing the threat coming from her. For a moment Ariella glimpsed a predatory presence in the woman, but it vanished with a smile down at her. She bent and kissed Ariella again, pushing her tongue into her mouth, bending over her, forcing Ariella to lean her head back. She broke the kiss and saliva trailed from the end of her tongue to Ariella’s lips. The crowd yelled so suddenly that Ariella jumped. Her friend turned and gently tugged on her hand.

“I don’t even know your name,” Ariella said, when they exited the club and could hear each other speak at normal volume.

“You may call me Ilara.”



  1. Oh man… that was hot! I’m so glad the story took the route it did. I was kind of afraid some jerk guy was going to show up and become a thing due to the alcohol.

    And that shoes how invested I was in your character, almost right off the bat. Every woman can sympathize with the stood up date.

    I hope there will be more? You’ve got me sold this mysterious Ilara!

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