What Happens in Vegas, Stays In…Mom, No!

My mother had just suffered through a very testy divorce.  Apparently, after twenty-five years of blissful wedlock, daddy decided he didn’t want his wife to be married to a womanizing asshole any longer.  He’s considerate like that.  

            Since then, dear mater had embarked on an intense regimen of Xanax, booze and late night calls (almost exclusively to me).  Hey, I really love my mom but a girl needs her beauty sleep.  

            After a few months of this relentless whining, wining and wallowing, I suggested that we should both forget about our dull, dreary lives and go spend a week in Vegas disgracing the very name of womanhood.  It seemed like the perfect solution.  I’d just turned 21 and was in real need of a break from studying and my mother would have loads of people to talk to when she was drunk at 4 o’clock in the morning. 

            The first few days were a blast.  I got her into the spa and back to the gym and she really seemed to be turning a corner.  There’s nothing like having a big hunky guy massaging your nakedness to a bright pink glow to make you feel like a sexy woman again instead of a container for alcohol (Not that we were teetotalers, or anything).  The restaurants were great and we even had a small number of attractive gentlemen hit on us at the tables.  Unfortunately, for my own nether needs, mom wasn’t really ready to get back into the penis pleasing business just yet.  Still, I could see that she was flattered by the attention.  

            She must have been really flattered because I woke up in the middle of the night and heard some rather startling noises coming from her side of the bed.  Gadzooks!  My mother was having a wank!  It was rather inconvenient because I had a couple of Singapore Slings banging on my bladder wall and demanding to be let out but I couldn’t possible move at that moment.  She would have been mortified.  Having your daughter catch you masturbating is definitely not the way to regain your mojo.  So, I just lay there as still as possible while she got on with business.  Thank God she had the covers up but down about twat-level, her little hand lump was bobbing up and down like a madman.  Mom was trying to be quiet but a few moans and sighs leaked out of her as she got closer to her goal.  At some point, her breast popped out from under the sheet and she started to pinch and caress her nipple.  Oh great, now I was watching my mother feel herself up while desperately trying not to wet the bed.  This was turning into one of those old British comedies where all people ever talk about is sex and needing to pee.  Suddenly, she became a lot less concerned about waking me up and flung her legs apart and groaned.  I could hear her making that frenzied splashy sound between her legs as she furiously whapped away at her soaking vaginal lips and clit.  The mattress began to quake as big orgasmic waves started to rip through her torso.  Spasm after spasm made it look like she was being eaten out by a walrus under the sheets.  Mom obviously had obviously been neglecting her pud pounding for quite some time. 

            When she quieted down, I had a decision to make.  How long should I wait before I got up to take that blessed, wonderful, life-affirming whizz?  Too soon and she was going to know that I witnessed her jack her stack but if I didn’t go soon, I was going to explode.  38 seconds was the time frame I finally settled upon. 

            While it was a little bizarre sharing a bed with your mother while she’s having her way with herself, I was actually very pleased that she was getting back into the sexual swing of things.  My, don’t I sound all adult?

            For the rest of the vactation, both of us confined our “whapping it” to the bathroom.  Well, at least I know I did. 

            The whole week flew by, as fun times frequently do.  On our last afternoon, we were coming back from some giant casino or other and we passed a sign at a small hotel announcing that Tony Mascino was appearing there.  My mother couldn’t believe it.  She had a few of his albums (she’s a great mom…but she has lousy taste in music).  They mostly consisted of covers of boring old standards and one or two covers of Oasis or Soundgarden that made your skin crawl.  He was kind of like Frank Sinatra with a second rate voice and third rate charisma. 

            “Let’s go!” she suddeny screams, almost causing our cabbie to run over an ancient Egyptian cocktail waitress (we’d had a couple of glasses of wine at lunch).

            “Sure,” I say, once I pull my tits out of my throat. 

            Mom was like a little girl the rest of the day, just giddy at the prospect of seeing this exceedingly minor celebrity live.  At least it was a good excuse to buy brand new outfits and have ourselves done up to the nines.  I mean, we were smokin’ hot.  By the time the evening rolled around, I thought I was going to have to have her committed.  A couple of margaritas with dinner managed to calm her hysteria to an almost acceptable level but I had no idea how she was going to act once this idiot started singing. 

            Tony came on around nine (We’d both imbibed a substantial amount then.) and I’ll admit it; he wasn’t that bad.  He possessed a certain charisma live that didn’t come across on record and mom was eating it up.  I noticed several shameless “come hither” smiles aimed stage-ward as we sipped our gin-spiked concoctions.  By the third or fourth song, I noticed that he was returning some of those flirtatious looks.  And then he started looking at me!  The more I drank, the cuter he became and I actually found myself shooting a few smiley glances in his direction. 

            When the performance ended, Tony shot straight over to our table.  Mom was practically diddling herself under the table by this time.  Lordy, he sure had his patter down.  Compliments and complimentary drinks flowed freely.  The former were nice, the latter were staggering. 

            “When I saw you two, I thought, ‘Now there are a couple of gorgeous sisters.’”

            My mother laughed and spilled her cocktail in lieu of a correction. 

            “Say, they’re going to be closing this place down in a few minutes, why don’t you both come up to my suite?  It overlooks the whole city.”

            My sensible brain would have said, “STOP!”  Even Paris Hilton could intuit where this was headed.  Alas,that brain had been tragically drowned in a sea of alcohol.  I told myself that I was just going up to make sure mom was safe but who the fuck knows what I was really thinking. 

            Tony had the champagne out and the mood music on before we’d even got our four feet through his door.  His suite was quite luxurious and did boast a terrific view.  We were handed flutes of bubbly and then pulled towards him by our asses (My what a fresh fellow his was!).  “You two are so goddamn hot, I can’t control myself,” he leered and stuck his tongue in my mother’s mouth. 

            “I’m Alisha, by the way and she’s Carissa.”  I thought he should at least know our names before proceeding any further down this highly questionable road. 

            That’s as much information as I managed to impart before Tony’s tongue found its way into my mouth.  And (Blush) I’m afraid to say that my own tongue eagerly returned fire.  Things were starting to get pretty steamy.  Our three bodies were rubbing up against each other in most inappropriate ways.  I could feel his boner pushing out at us through his Italian slacks.  My little twat becoming ever more moist and demanding.  This was not a good sign.  I rubbed the heart of my pelvis up and down against his hip bone while we snogged.  Tony pulled back and turned my face towards my mother.  I should have protested heartily but I didn’t.  I just looked hornily into her eyes and opened my lips for the incestuous kiss that I knew was on its way.  And what a corker of a smooch it was!  Sensuous, wet and tender.   Her lips were so soft and plump, I didn’t want to stop kissing her.  The absolute wrongness of the act only made the moment all the more sizzling.   I reach around and grabbed her ass.  Mom headed for higher ground.  As she was feverishly feeling up my tits in the front, I felt my bra pop open in the back.  This guy was smooth!

            Skirts fell to the ground, blouses were removed and pants were jettisoned.  It was becoming a sexual free-for-all.  Before I knew it, I was down on my knees watching my mother enthusiastically suck cock.  It was a little surreal.  She liberally basted his knob with her tongue and slowly slid the shaft into her mouth right up to the hilt.  Mom was giving major head!  I stopped gawking at her fab fellatio and started licking his scrotum and ball sack.  This guy was one lucky son of a bitch.  Tony had his hands on both our heads as we plied our feminine wares upon his man parts.  Mom took hold of his penis and dragged it around the perimeter of my mouth like it was a tube of lipstick.  I could feel the bulbous head, wet with my mother’s saliva, as it slid across my cheek. 

            “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, baby” she softly requested.  I complied.  She teased and abused me with its meaty heft as I gazed into her eyes.  Eventually, she grabbed the back of my head and made me swallow the entire length of his schlong.  Don’t get me wrong, I like blowing a guy as much as the next girl but this was a little weird.  Mom was giving me instructions and encouragement as his dick bashed against the back of my throat.

            “Suck that cock, baby.  Tickle his balls.”  Then she rubbed her hand up and down between my legs.  “My, you are wet.”


            She took me over to the bed and lowered her naked flesh down on top of mine.  Our tongues entwined as our tits squished together.  Blush.  I spread my legs wide to allow my mother’s pud access to my completely gooey mound.  Feeling them grind back and forth on one another had me absolutely creaming.  I took her ass-cheeks in my hands and pulled her into me to increase the friction.  There were already pre-cum spasms flitting up my abdomen and engorging my tits. 

Tony grabbed my mother’s hips and pulled her backwards towards him.  Mom’s face slid down my stomach and came to rest on my pulsating quim as Mr. Song Man guided his cock inside her, from the rear.  So, now I’m watching my mother eat me out as she’s being fucked doggie style by a stranger. **remaining on** [My mother and me](https://thebestsexstories101.blogspot.com/2019/11/what-happens-in-vegas-stays-inmom-no.html)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/e048wy/what_happens_in_vegas_stays_inmom_no

1 comment

  1. I really liked this one….

    Your store telling skills are very good and smooth.
    I appreciate your work. Thanks for this.

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