An Ode to Uncertainty – Chapter 10 [MF][FF][MFF][Fantasy]

Please read chapters 1 – 9 first if you have not done so. This is not a stand-alone story. Link to other chapters in comments.


## Ten

Sigrid lay looking up at the lightly lit roof with Mirja’s naked body nestled up to her own. She could not help but to think of Torun. Not even with her had she felt like this. Mirja had worshipped her entire body for the last five bells and there was not a single point of her flesh that Mirja’s tongue had not explored.

The bells struck two in the morning and most of the sounds from the College had ceased. She had almost fallen asleep when she heard shouting from outside. She untangled herself from Mirja and went up to the window. Between two buildings she saw shapes carrying lamps. She squinted and thought she saw more people behind carrying a large container.

*Probably heading for the Animancy building*, she thought to herself.

The shouting stopped and the figures disappeared. Sigrid turned around and looked over at Mirja. She was sprawled out naked on the soft silken sheets, her long dark hair had fallen over her face. Sigrid walked back to the bed and lay down next to her. Watching. She was beautiful. Not a single scar anywhere on her body. Not like Sigrid’s own that was scarred all over. Sigrid pulled the hair off Mirja’s face and crawled closer putting her nose in her hair and drawing deep on her scent. Mirja stirred slightly and moved closer. Sigrid put her arm around the other woman and then she fell asleep for the first time in a long while.

“Wake up sleepy-head,” Mirja said kissing her lightly.

Sigrid opened her eyes and was blinded by the light.

“What … what time is it?” she said in a rough voice.

“Just enough so that I can enjoy you one more time before Jarl gets back,” Mirja said with a smirk.


“By the Gods I’m tired!” Jarl exclaimed as he barged through the door and fell onto on one of the long chairs.

“Rough night?” Mirja said handing him a cup of broth that she had prepared. “Drink.”

Sigrid had watched her going through the motions over by one of the tables. The broth was steaming hot even though there had not been a flame anywhere near the cup. It felt so strange knowing that they both had powers she could not even perceive.

“You could say that,” Jarl said sipping from the cup. “Hm. This is good,” he said taking another sip.

“It will restore your strength.”

“Mhm,” Jarl said and took another sip.

Mirja took a few quick steps towards him and caught the cup before it fell out of his hands. From Jarl’s mouth came a loud snore. Sigrid raised an eyebrow at Mirja who was putting the cup back on the table where she had prepared it.

“What was in there?”

Mirja looked at her.

“Just something to make him sleep. It is a long day and I need him fresh by this evening. He will be ready to go by ten bells, just in time for first class,” she said as she walked over to Sigrid and gave her a kiss. “Now. Let’s go up and have a look at that door,” she continued and headed towards the door.

They left the snoring Jarl behind and headed upstairs. The halls of the Lost Princes were as always empty. Sigrid assumed that someone had to clean them sometime, but she had never seen a living soul there. As long as they stayed far away from any windows they would not be seen from the outside. As they neared the ebony door Sigrid could feel Tora more clearly. She was always at the back of her mind when she was downstairs in Jarl’s quarters but now she could feel her, it was like a tugging feeling, but light.

“Hmm,” Mirja said and walked up to the door.

The dark-haired woman studied it for a long moment pulling strands of her long hair that were straying into her face back behind her ears. Sigrid fingered her remaining nine throwing daggers and then both striking daggers and finally the long dagger.

“Very strange,” Mirja said running her fingers over the fine patterns that were inlaid in the door.

Sigrid had not noticed it in the gloom of the other night. There were whole stories told over the surface of the door. And still no handle.

“Step back,” Mirja said and put all ten fingers on the ebony surface.

Sigrid did as the Kelivese woman demanded and watched in silence as Mirja seemed to try to push her fingers through the door. Without success. She moved her hands in circular patterns and then reapplied them to the door. Still nothing.

“Hm,” Mirja said shaking her head. “There has to be a sequence. I can feel the filaments extending but they do not want to connect with me.”

Sigrid raised her eyebrows but did not say anything. What would she say? She had barely understood a word Mirja had said. The Kelivese woman tried a few more times but the door was still silent as the Northern Wastes at midwinter. Mirja sighed.

“Well then. I clearly need to do some homework,” she said shaking her head.

They headed downstairs again and once the door was closed behind them, she spoke.

“Do you think you will be able to open it?”

Mirja turned around and closed the distance between them.

“Do you trust me?”

Sigrid could feel Mirja’s breath on her lips. She nodded.

“Good. I think I know what I need to do. And we have time,” she said and then she leaned in and kissed Sigrid.

Sigrid looked over at Jarl. The man was sound asleep and likely would not wake even if the earth shifted. She kissed Mirja back. Mirja put a finger over Sigrid’s lips.

“We’ve had our fun for the night. But I promise it’s not the last time. But now I have some things to prepare before class.”

Sigrid nodded. She did not want to admit she felt flustered at the rejection.

“Jarl’s next session with the Mistresses is next Trialday. That is the night we will break into the room above,” Mirja said pointing towards the ceiling. “It will give me enough time to prepare.”

At the reminder Sigrid reached out and felt Tora up there. She nodded.


Three days passed and the weekend came. As she and Jarl headed back to East Side on Sacreday evening Jarl was in deep thought. Sigrid felt the urge to ask him what was wrong but resisted. It was likely something to do with the princess. She had to focus on keeping an eye out for the wraith. Mirja had given her a few exercises that she had been practicing and she was going to put them to good use. The Kelivese woman had not been around the last few days, and had said that she needed to spend time at the parlor.

She had noticed Aelric looking at her several times during class, but she had resisted that urge as well. It was good that he felt that she would only use him when she wanted to, he had no say in the matter.

They arrived at the mansion and Sigrid left Jarl in the hands of the princess and headed up to her room. As the sun began to set over the palace, she headed out on the roof to begin her vigil. A short while after the bells had struck eleven, she heard a sound from below. The rest of the mansion was silent, and she could see two of the incompetent guards standing watch down by the main gate. Well to be fair, they probably kept some unwanted people out, even if they did nothing against the actual threats to Jarl’s life. She walked silently across the roof and hung off the edge and climbed down, so that she ended up at one side of a window. She looked in and saw Jarl’s naked back. One of the maids was bent over forward, hands on a dresser. He was taking her from behind. Nothing unusual in that. Jarl claimed most of the maids when he felt like it and Sigrid had watched him numerous times with the different young women. She watched him finish and slap the girl on her bare ass and throw her out of the room. He turned around and almost caught sight of her. Sigrid quickly drew back. He walked towards the window and stood naked not more than two feet away from her. After a little while he sighed and walked away.

She was about to climb back up on the roof when she heard shouting. She quickly identified the princess’ voice, even though she could not hear what she was saying. Jarl’s voice shouted back. Well, nothing unusual in that either. The two were usually at it for an hour a night and then ended up in bed together. She climbed back up and settled on the ridge.

When the bells struck one and the shouting still had not stopped Sigrid came out of her trance. This was unusual. She climbed down the southern wall to get closer to the master bedroom where the shouting was taking place.

“You can take your seventh damned ass and head back up to the north,” Jarl said as Sigrid settled outside the window. “I don’t want you here. Don’t you understand that?”

She was just in time to see the princess hurl a large vase at Jarl who narrowly avoided it and it shattered against the wall.

“You ungrateful little prick!” the princess shouted and reached for another vase. “Without me you would still be staying in that horrible room up at that horrible College.”

“Maybe I want to be there all the time instead of here with you. And stop throwing those! They cost money. My money!”

Another vase crashed into the wall.

“I’ve had it!” Jarl said throwing his hands up in the air. “You can’t even give me an heir, can you? What use are you really?”

Sigrid saw the princess freeze. Her face went white and then it went completely red.

“Out! Out!” she shouted at the top of her lungs.

Jarl threw his arms in the air and left the room. After the door closed the princess’ body went limp and she sat down on one of the chairs. Sigrid saw as the tears started trickling down her face and soon, she was shaking. If she hadn’t known what a horrible person the princess was, she would almost feel sorry for her. Almost.


Sigrid cursed. Her feet struck the pavement under her feet in rapid succession. She had spent another five drops studying the princess before she headed up on the roof. By the time her subconscious had caught up with her and reminded her of what she had heard, another twenty drops had passed. That meant that Jarl had a twenty-five-drop head start, almost half a bell. Her feet continued pounding on the hard stones of the road leading through Merchant Hill. If he had headed in any other direction, she had no chance of finding him. This was the first time where, she was not certain where he was. Every time he had been with the Mistresses she had known where he was and it had been safe, or at least no more dangerous, to leave him. But not now. It made her angry as a caged rock flyer. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. If anyone from the Citadel found out they would have her hanging off the Cliff of Searing for a month.

When she finally caught up with him at the eastern end of Merchant Hill the relief was palpable. She strode up next to him just as he was passing the bridge over to College Hill. He was holding something in one hand and as she got closer, she recognized it as one of the princess’ ridiculous dresses.

“Where are you heading?” she said in a quiet voice and did her best not to let it show how out of breath she was.

Jarl twitched as she spoke and stared at her. She could see the anger like embers in his eyes.

“Where did you come from?”

She just stared at him and he let it go, some of the anger cooling off.

“I’m heading to Irese. I have to … I have to let off some steam,” he said shaking his head.

Sigrid nodded and they walked in silence through the empty streets of College Hill. It had been a while since Sigrid had been to visit Irese, there just had not been enough time and it would be good to see her again. As they entered Parchent the streets started to fill with late night revelers. And when they arrived at the Sinner’s Delight the street outside was packed with a group of shouting middle-aged men that looked like merchants. Sigrid pushed her way through them and got a few curious looks as she entered the establishment. The Madam recognized Jarl and smiled widely.

“The lady Irese can be with you in just a little moment,” she said and brought over a large glass of wine.

Jarl nodded and sat down in one of the plush chairs and started sipping the wine. Sigrid put herself against the wall to the right of him looking out over the mass of inebriated men being accosted by women wearing little more than underwear. They waited for less than fifteen drops before the Madam came back with outstretched arms and led them up to Irese’s room.

As they entered Irese’s room the blonde woman was sitting over at her mirror touching up her face. Then she turned around and stood up smiling widely

“My sweet Jarl,” she said walking over towards him. “What can I do for you this evening?”

Jarl threw the princess’ dress down on the bed.

“I want to do things to you that Else would never allow me to do to her,” he said with a surprisingly calm voice, but Sigrid could still sense the anger seething close to the surface.

Irese put on a wicked smile.

“My sweet prince,” she said and gave Jarl a light kiss. “You can do whatever you want to me. You never have to ask permission. I am free for you to use as you please.”

Jarl grunted and nodded and some of his anger seemed to disappear.

“It’s good that you have brought her dress. I will wear it all night,” Irese said picking it up from the bed and headed over behind the dressing screen. “You’re lucky you caught me. I was just planning to head out for the night,” Irese said from behind the screen and her red dress was thrown over the edge.

A drop later she stepped out. Irese was roughly the same size as the princess but her bosom was significantly larger which made the dress the princess normally wore look amazingly vulgar. Sigrid could see a smile on Jarl’s face.

“I have one condition,” Irese said raising a finger. “You let me keep the dress on all night and keep it after. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” Jarl growled and started unbuttoning his pants. “Sigrid. Hold her for me.”

Sigrid nodded and stepped behind Irese and grabbed both her arms. Irese gasped as Sigrid pulled her arms up behind her and forced her down on her knees. She let off a little, Irese apparently couldn’t handle as much pain as Mirja. Jarl brought out his hard member and slowly pushed himself all the way down Irese’s throat. Sigrid put her head cheek to cheek with Irese and could feel her straining against her grip and against Jarl’s cock. The sound of Jarl using Irese’s throat as he pleased made Sigrid’s body tingle.

“Put her on the bed and pull her head over the edge,” Jarl said after a while as he pulled out of Irese.

Sigrid pulled the blonde woman up from her knees, put her down on the bed and dragged her head over the edge.

“Further,” Jarl said and grabbed Irese by the hair and dragged her further out.

Irese drew in a sharp breath but Sigrid could see a smile on Irese’s lips. At least that was a pain that she enjoyed. Jarl placed the tip of his cock at Irese’s lips and she willingly let him into her mouth. Sigrid could feel herself getting ever wetter by watching Jarl use Irese’s throat, the shape of his member visible in her throat. She looked closely at Jarl’s engorged member and could not help but wish it was her throat that he was using like that.


Sigrid looked up at Jarl. Had he said something that she had missed? She honestly did not know, she had been so focused on what he was doing to Irese’s mouth. Jarl looked her straight in the eye.

“I am going to claim Irese’s ass tonight. And I want you to prepare her for me.”

Sigrid felt a rush of blood run through her body lighting it on fire. She remembered a night so many years ago when Torun had used her tongue and fingers on Sigrid’s tight hole and then brought her to a shaking orgasm. Sigrid blinked.

“Do you know how to do that?” Jarl said as he continued to slowly thrust into Irese’s mouth.

Sigrid hesitated. Then she shook her head. Jarl smiled.

“You use your tongue and fingers to make her wet and open. Ready for me to enter. Can you do that for me?”

Sigrid’s whole body was burning with desire and she had to focus very hard not to let it show. The she nodded. Jarl smiled widely.

“Well. Get on with it then.”

Sigrid nodded again and got up on the bed and got between Irese’s legs. She lifted the wide pink dress, Irese was wearing nothing underneath and her beautiful womanhood lay exposed for Sigrid to claim. She put the dress over her head and could not resist putting her tongue in Irese’s wetness. Jarl would not see. She licked the other woman for a while enjoying her taste before she started moving down to her rear. After slowly licking the outside of Irese’s rear opening she put one finger in her mouth and made it wet and then slowly pushed it into Irese’s tight hole. Sigrid could feel how wet she was getting from treating the other woman this way.

“Make sure you can get three fingers in her. Then she’s ready,” came Jarl’s voice from above.

Sigrid obliged and soon had two fingers inside Irese. And then three. She still had her mouth on Irese’s wet lips as she was massaging her rear. Irese was thrusting her pelvis against Sigrid’s mouth with every lick of her tongue.

“Is she ready?”

“Yes,” Sigrid said hoarsely.

Suddenly Irese’s body was yanked away and she was turned around so that her face was under Sigrid’s. Sigrid looked down so as not to show Jarl her glistening wet lips that had just been on Irese’s womanhood. As Sigrid looked down into the blonde woman’s eyes Jarl entered her rear. Irese’s mouth widened.

“How does it feel?” Sigrid whispered into Irese’s ear as Jarl started thrusting into her.

“Wonderful,” Irese whispered back. “Admit that you wish it was you.”

Sigrid felt herself almost climaxing from Irese’s words.

“Yes,” she whispered back.


This was chapter 10 of our book An Ode to Uncertainty.

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1 comment

  1. Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6-7


    Chapter 8-9


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