Sara’s Self Discovery [Part 3] [Oral] [Anal] [Spanking] [BDSM]

Sara spent the next couple of months being a good mother to a beautiful little girl named Sasha.
During this time we talked every day, yet Sara was not quite ready to fully resume our sexual play.

Oh we teased each other and did talk about our sexual histories, yet I felt that there was something that Sara was holding back, something that she was reluctant to talk about.
However I hinted that whatever she told me in confidence would be kept strictly between the two of us.

Sara had hired a nanny to assist her in caring for Sasha due to her and her husbands hectic life and work schedule.
This was a blessing for her, allowing her to be less frantic and care for her daughter with less worry.
It was in the third month that Sara’s libido returned and returned with a vengeance.

Sara was over at my place taking break from motherhood for a few hours.
While talking about nothing in particular Sara knocked over her glass, spilling milk across the kitchen table.
She began to grab for the roll of paper towels to clean up her mess.
Walking over to the sink to gather more towels I turned back to the table, coming up behind her with the towels, I playfully told her she was a bad girl and needed to be punished for making such a mess.

As I said this I gave her bottom a solid yet playful swat to her bottom.
The reaction I received to this was unexpected, she leaned over the table with her bottom in the air and said “Please sir, don’t punish me, I’ll try to be more careful in the future.”
Well, this was different I thought, lets see how how far she wishes to take this.

“Young lady, I will decide whether or not you will be punished and what that punishment will consist of, do you understand!”
To emphasize this I gave her bottom three swift smacks.
With each swat she let out a moan and moved her bottom to meet may hand as it descended.
Taking this as a sign that she had an interest in more than vanilla play I decided to see how far she was willing to take this.

As she began to stand up I gently pushed her back down across the table and told her that she
was not to move until I told her to.
As I stood behind her I began running my palm across her bottom and I asked her,
“Are you going to behave and be a good little girl?”
As I was saying this I pulled her yoga pants down to her knees, exposing a cute pair of “Betty Boop”

Very slowly I lowered those down to join her pants around her knees.
Followed by three more smacks to her bottom, as each one fell across her bottom she let out a moan and each moan grew in intensity.

“Please sir, I don’t know if I can behave but I want to be a good girl!”
Hearing this I lifted her up from the table and pulled her across my knees.
She let out a small sniffle as she began to understand what was to follow.

“From here on you will use the following words, “Yellow means please slow down, Red means stop, I need to rest and if you say halt”, all will stop and that you’ve had enough.
Is that clear, do you understand?”
“Yes sir, I understand.”
“Good girl, lets see what your really made of.”

As I said this my hand began to paddle her bottom, slowly and with increasing vigor I turned her bottom red, a red that lent most remarkable contrast to her milky white skin.
“How many should I give you for your behavior, 10, 20, or 30 or should I just keep going until you are in tears?” I asked.
“Sir, whatever you think is needed!”
“Good girl, that’s the right answer, and for that I will be generous, only 30 spanks will be your punishment, this time.”
As I concluded my little speech she let out a sigh that left me encouraged, and began to enlighten me as to where this was going.

Beginning her spanking, I took great pains to spread out the blows in a way that never touched the same spot as the blow prior.
By the tenth blow, she began squirming on my lap, to keep her still I locked her legs under one of mine.
By twenty she was really struggling, yet never once used any of her safe words
Her bottom was turning bright red and I was seeing the outline of my hand left behind on her behind.
Before I reached thirty she was beginning to cry.
Sensing I was going to far, I halted and was preparing to let her up.

“Suddenly she said, “Sir, why did you stop, your only at twenty four, please finish my punishment.”
So feeling a bit better about this whole new direction in our relationship I finished my task with six very strong and solid blows.
Very gently I lifted her from my knees and cradled her in my arm and wiped away her tears, followed by a long kiss filed with admiration and tenderness.
The kiss she returned was filled with an intense passion that left me surprised.

We spent the next thirty minutes on the couch with her cradled in my arms as I soothed her tears and fears.
As we lay together we began to talk about what just happened.
I had never been in a situation were one person was clearly dominant over another.

I admitted to her that while I had seen porn that involved BDSM and that to some degree it had aspects that turned me on.
However I had to make an admission that I had always watched those films with the idea of myself as the Sub, never as the Dom.
This surprised her and she remarked that maybe because of my nature I made a better Dom,
by knowing what the other wanted or needed.

So began a new chapter and adventure in our friendship.
The next evening we were resting on the couch watching TV when I brought up the subject of our last evenings play.
Sara said that she had been incredibly turned on by what I did and that she would be interested in exploring this aspect of her sexuality in more detail.
“What would you like to do, how far are you willing to go to explore ?”
I asked her.

“Frank, I have come to trust you and find in you an incredibly sensitive and sexually adventurous lover, that being said I want you to take me where you will, together we will learn about each.
Two days later we had the chance to be together again.
Her husband had the baby and was taking her to see his parents for two days.

I told her to get in my car and that we were going exploring.
Asking where we were going, I told her not to worry you’ll love it.
After driving for a while I pull into a nondescript strip mall.
In this mall was a storefront with no name.
Entering her eyes went wide in surprise, I had taken her to a very high end adult toy store.
I had found this place on the internet and it was listed as one of the best in the area.

On display was every conceivable adult toy and displays covering every kink and fetish one could imagine.
As we looked around a sales girl came up and greeted us.
This girl was very petite and had a “waif” look about her, thin and small breasted with dark hair that was cut short, she introduced herself as Mary.
I explained to her that I was looking for any items that my Sub would like.
As I said this Sara’s face had a shocked look of embarrassment.

Mary wasn’t phased in the least and said to Sara, “Don’t worry dear, this is a safe place to explore your desires.”
This had it’s desired effect upon Sara and I could see her visibly relax after a moment.
Mary took Sara aside and told me to look around as two of them talked.

As I wandered, checking out each area, I could see them talking and Sara not only relaxing but beginning to laugh as Mary talked and showed her around.
They were standing in front of a wall that had every conceivable dildo and plug in the known universe.

Mary was pulling item off the rack and the two of them began laughing at something as they inspected the toy, every once in awhile they would look in my direction as they handled the toy.

Soon enough they had exhausted their laugh fest and came back over to me.
Sara hadn’t picked out anything , so I asked her why not.
“I didn’t know how much I could spend.” she said.
“Sara take that basket by the front door and place anything you want in it, I’m buying these as my gift to you and for you.”
So Sara went on a mini shopping spree, filling it with an assortment of items.

As she returned to Mary and I, the three of us started chatting.
Now I have always had a habit of joking around and today was no exception.
While the three of us were talking I asked Mary if she ever made house calls to demonstrate the products she sells.
Sara and Mary both laughed at my suggestion, Sara said “Dream on, that will happen when pigs fly.”

After returning to my place I unpacked the bag of items that Sara picked out.
This was the first time I saw what she had bought.
She had picked out three different dildos, some oils, a small vibrator that fits on the end of ones finger.

“Well, what do you think, did you have fun?” I asked.
“To tell the truth, I was angry when I found out where you had taken me, however after I met Mary and looked around, I realized that this was a respectable shop and not some shit hole you brought me to.
And Mary was so nice and a lot of fun to talk to.

When I told her why we were here she was wonderfully supportive and made me feel like my desires and urges were normal and nothing to be ashamed of as long as everyone was on the same page.
“What were the two of you laughing about?” I asked.
“Nothing special, mostly we were joking about men.

“What did you buy, can I see them?” she asked.
“Just a few assorted items, and no you can’t see them yet, you will see them in due time, later after dinner.” I said.
After this I took my bag and hid it away in my bedroom until later.
When I returned I went in the kitchen and fixed dinner for us.
After dinner we retired to the bedroom.

Before she could do or say anything I said “Sara, are you serious about exploring this aspect of your sexuality, if so we can begin tonight.”
With a nervous laugh she said yes.
Reaching under my bed I opened the bag of items I had purchased.
The first thing I took out was a black leather collar.

“Sara, turn around, face away from me, when I place this collar upon your neck you become my property to use as I see fit, but only when this collar is on.
With her back to me I placed the collar around her neck and fastened the clasp with an audible clicking sound.

When you are not wearing it you belong to yourself and no one else, is that clear.”
“Yes.” She said.
“Yes, Sir or Yes Daddy” is how you are to address me but only when this collar is on, understood?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl, now take your clothes off.
