Getting Over Samantha [MM] [M/Fdom] [pegging] [bisexual] [transgender] [fiction]


###Chapter 1 of 6


Secrets don’t stay hidden. And secret habits are revealed more quickly. Why? Because they’re habits. You do them over and over again. The more you do them, the more chances there are of your getting caught.

Russell got caught. Worst of all, it was his best friend, confidante and secret crush, Samantha, who found the proverbial smoking gun.

They were at a young adults meeting at church when she needed to make a call, but realized she had left her phone at home, so she borrowed Russell’s phone. He had given it to her without hesitation, not realizing that this was one of those rare times when he had not, as a precaution, logged out of his Reddit account via which he browsed for porn and commented on all manner of sexual imagery and smut. He also posted a few of his own dick pics and link-shared porn videos and photos to several subreddits.

He initially thought she had gone snooping around on his phone, but saw to his dismay that it had been a Reddit notification that had tipped her off to his hidden playground. A notification that had popped up just when she had taken his phone to make the call. Heck, even if he had logged out, he knew, as long as the data connection was turned on, a Reddit notification could get through. She must have used WhatsApp to make the call, which would involve switching on the data.

“I found out your ugly little secret, Russell,” said Samantha, walking up to him with his phone clutched in her hand. “Why didn’t you tell me? I thought you trusted me. But maybe it was because you wanted to continue your sick fantasies. You thought you’d let me believe everything was okay so you could continue jerking off to imaginary scenarios involving me, right? It had to have been me. You blow off all the other girls for all sorts of reasons, but I get it now. It’s because you’re a black guy who’s only attracted to white girls and I’m the only white girl who goes to this church. That’s why you’ve been bff’ing me all this time. Why didn’t you tell me you were a porn addict, Russell?! Do you know how filthy and used I feel right now?”

She shoved Russell’s phone at his chest, turned around and walked away from him. Friendship over.

Russell was distraught. Surprisingly, he wasn’t worried about whether Samantha would tell others about this porn addiction or not. The fact that she was no longer his friend struck him hard and deep, overwhelming all other concerns. He lost weight drastically in the following days, not finding much pleasure in food. He stopped socializing. The only socializing he had done in the past few years had been with Samantha. He wasn’t a people person himself.

But he did have other friends and they noticed his downward slide.


###Chapter 2 of 6


Stan and Charles were a black, gay couple Russell had known for a little over a year. They had met online in an adult chat room and had hit it off. Russell wasn’t gay or bisexual, but he found the comedic romance between the two men quite pleasant and refreshing. They were very witty and made fun of everything, eliciting many LOLs, ROFLs, and LMFAOs from Russell in the chat room. When all three found out they lived in the same city, they decided to set up a meet at a popular food court. Whatever nervousness Russell had felt about the meeting evaporated into thin air in seconds as two good-looking guys plunked themselves into the chairs he had saved for them and started talking like they had known each other for years.

Nine days after Samantha ended their friendship, Stan called Russell.

“Hey, buddy. I was driving by yesterday and I saw you. Honked at you, but you didn’t seem to notice. Well, I noticed that you looked pretty thin, like, literally. You okay?”

“No… I, uh… My best friend stopped being my best friend. I kinda’ had a crush on her too, so not doing so hot right now. Sorry I didn’t wave at you yesterday.”

“Nah, it’s all good, bro. Charles and I are having an anniversary celebration at our house. Very private, but you’re invited.”

“Thanks a lot, Stan, but I just don’t think I’ll be a good enough guest in my current state.”

“It’s not about whether you’re good enough, Russell. It’s about simply being with friends.”

“Well, okay then.”

“Awesome! Five o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Don’t bring a gift. Your showing up *is* a gift.”


###Chapter 3 of 6


Russell got to Stan and Charles’ house on time. He hollered as he let himself in. It appeared no one was home, but he knew they wouldn’t have left the door unlocked if they had gone out.

The place had been decorated, not so lavishly, but enough to tip someone off that there was a special occasion going on. He also saw a cake that had been cut and was missing several slices; light snacks and beverages; and finally, a box that he only casually glanced at, but wished later on that he had taken a proper look at.

He got startled by a loud slap that came from the corridor leading to the bedroom. A voice that wasn’t Stan’s or Charles’ said in an icy tone, “This will teach you never to mess with the Chinese Triad.” Followed by rapid Mandarin and Stan’s voice crying out, “No, don’t hurt me – ah! Oh, oh!”

Russell hurtled down the corridor and burst into the bedroom to see Stan hunched forward, clutching a bed post while he got rammed from behind by an Asian woman in tight, black, PVC clothing with a strap-on. She was holding on to a leash linked to a collar worn by Stan, who was wincing as a pink dildo attached to the strap-on was being driven back and forth into his rear by the dominatrix.

Russell swiveled his head, an expression of shock on his face, to see Charles in a chair, in the corner, stroking his cock while lustfully goading the two copulants before him.

The Asian woman looked at Russell briefly, never pausing her thrusts into Stan, who turned to see Russell standing in the doorway.

“Hey, Russell. We’ll be done in a sec – uhnng! Fuck!”

Charles rose and zipped himself up. “Russell! So sorry you had to see this. It’s my anniversary gift to Stan and myself. Nora here is a good friend of ours and obviously quite dominant. Let’s you and I go out to the living room and I’ll serve you some cake, huh?” He walked toward Russell, but the younger man held up a hand to decline.

“No, I’m sorry. I came at the wrong time. You guys enjoy yourselves, okay? You seem to be having a great time. I’ll see myself out. And, er, nice to meet you, Nora.”

He winked, gave them two thumbs up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

A second, closer look at the box on the dining table revealed that it was the packaging for the strap-on and not a sci-fi, toy headpiece he had initially thought it was. Russell groaned at his stupidity and exited the house.


###Chapter 4 of 6


He had only gone two blocks when out of nowhere an arm wrapped itself around his neck and pulled him into an alleyway. Russell smelled cheap, women’s perfume. The offending arm was also quite strong and muscular. He tried to tell his assailant to just take his money, but he couldn’t even talk properly with his windpipe being squeezed between a thickly veined forearm and biceps.

Dying from strangulation was not on his list of things to do for today, so he pulled his arm away and drove it back in hard into the attacker’s abdomen.

“Ow, you’re hurting me,” said a girly voice that was obviously male.

The grip on him relaxed. Russell twisted out of the grasp and put some distance between himself and his assailant before looking to see who it was.

“Danton? What the fuck are you trying to kill me for?!”

“Wasn’t trying to kill you,” said a tall, muscular, black guy in his early thirties dressed like a private school skank in a white, button shirt that showed his abs and a plaid, short skirt. He sported a blonde wig and black, steel-capped boots. “Was taking you out on a date!”

“Newsflash, Danton, I’m not gay. And I don’t think your way of asking people out on a date is something you should try doing again. You will definitely end up in jail, not lying. Maybe get to know people better first in more subtle ways?”

“Oh, come one, Russ. You know you and me is cool.”

“No, we ain’t.”

“I say we are.”

“Then we disagree.” Russell turned and headed for the sidewalk he had been dragged away from.

Danton called out, “I know you got dumped by your white girlfriend.”

Russell stopped. “She was never my girlfriend.”

“So you was just friends then, but I don’t think your mind was thinking like that. I know your type. You all about getting that white pussy. Too bad she found you out. You no better than me, Russ.”

Russell laughed. “No better than a tranny dressed like a schoolgirl half his age? I don’t think so.”

“Yo, sin is sin. No big ones or small ones. All the same, man.”

“I’m no freak of nature. Lots of people are into porn. More and more every day.”

“More and more freaks like me popping up every day too.”

“Good for you.”

“Just come with me, Russy. It will be *good for you*. I promise.”

“Where are you going?”


###Chapter 5 of 6


They hit the club at around 7 pm. Danton was high and in a special state of mind. He told Russell he had taken something extra to party hard that night. Russell asked him what it was and Danton pointed at his skirt. It was raised by an erection. His cock was huge! The head was showing past the hem of the skirt. It could not be contained under it.

People in the club backed away from his cock as if it was a dangerous object. Those who didn’t were either acquaintances of Danton, wanted to suck his cock, or both.

“Oral and cum only tonight, bitches,” yelled Danton above the sound of hard music booming in every part of the establishment.

Russell saw a man in his early twenties go down on his knees and start sucking Danton like a champ. People around them watched. A woman was next, kneeling before Danton and jerking her head back and forth along his monstrous cock. She tried to grab his cock, but Danton stopped her.

“None of that tonight, lady. Mouth only. There’s only one guy who’s gonna be handling this tool. You want cum, he’ll work it for you.” Danton pointed at Russell.

“Cum on me please,” said the woman. She was a fiery hot redhead dressed in a red top and black short skirt.

Russell got alongside Danton, grabbed his cock and started jerking it. It was powerful and strong, throbbing in his hand like it had a life of its own. After a minute and few seconds of jerking, he felt the monster swell in his grasp and made a surprised sound in unison with the woman as a vicious blast of cum struck her square in the face and blossomed in white, liquid glory, coating her nose, eyes, cheeks, and chin. More spurts erupted from Danton’s cock, drenching her. She screamed in happiness as she was being hit by the cum. Getting up she danced away, disappearing into the crowd of people moving to the music.

A young couple came toward Danton. Both the guy and girl took turns sucking Danton’s cock. At one point, they had his dick sandwiched between their mouths, running their lips back and forth along its considerable length as it throbbed between them. Danton placed his hands on their heads and pushed them together until their lips were touching around his cock. He roared and shot a load on the floor before them. The couple were ecstatic. They licked and sucked off the remaining cum oozing out of his cock.

Russell followed Danton to a table where a group of college boys had signaled him over. They took photos with Danton and his big, black cock. Two of them sucked him off and had their friends make a video. Russell watched Danton face-fuck the two boys and cum in their mouths, one after the other. They thanked him and high-fived before he left.

Danton became the centerpiece again for a cluster of women at the far corner table. They wanted to hold his cock and he told them it would be alright if they didn’t make a big fuss over it. Phones came out and all of them held and played with it, some of them jacked Danton off, and several took him into their mouths for some cock-in-face time.

The rest of the night was the same. No one else apart from the women at that table to got to hold Danton’s monster cock. Only Russell. He was amazed how Danton’s ropes of cum kept shooting out of his cock with the same strength and volume every time he jacked him off for some lucky cum recipient. Whatever Danton had taken before stepping into that club was super effective.

Russell dropped like a sack of potatoes on his bed when he got home at 2:40 in the morning. He woke up at 8 am and went back to sleep.


###Chapter 6 of 6


Mid-day was lovely. The sun shone brightly, reflecting off the surface of almost everything. It hurt his eyes, but he was happy. The previous night and early morning had been beyond wild and now Russell just wanted to be boring and normal.

He stumbled into the food court where he regularly ate. He was looking for a good place to sit when he caught a vision of the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes upon.


Sitting at a table with an empty chair across, she had been looking at her phone, but then put down it down on the table, backing her chair out.

She had her blonde hair in a ponytail and wore a white, button shirt and light, blue jeans that were modest, but at the same time, couldn’t hide her trim, athletic figure. Every curve on her was perfect and her face was that of an angel.

She got up from her chair as he walked towards her. Her smile was from heaven. She truly belonged there. He knew she was only here on Earth for some down time before going back up. Maybe if he was good and stopped being such a porn addict, she’d take him with her.

She reached out her arms to embrace and Russell reached out his as well…

Nine yards away, Russell stood there watching Samantha embrace and kiss another guy, the same age as her and also Caucasian. He put his arm around her waist, his hand resting just above her butt and she did the same. They walked to one of the food outlets.

Russell wondered why it had never occurred to him that Samantha would already have a boyfriend. He had never thought to ask her. He had always assumed she was single, maybe because he had wanted it to be that way. Why had she never invited him to church? Was he a non-believer or with different denomination?

Then came a series of sensations that surprised him by how they ended up making him feel.

Relief and closure.

She was never mine, he told himself, backing away, taking one last look at the two beautiful Caucasians unaware of him watching them as they discussed what to order.

She was never mine.

And now…

I’m over her.
