Dark Knights – Page 3/4

Stockings and suspenders on women had always been a favourite item of underwear for him and when he was married they had always been something that his then wife would never ever consider wearing, “Far too fiddly!” was always her protest.

Now wrapped in a towel that barely cover her rear Jack could see that the woman’s body was slim and her legs long. The towel pulled tight above her breasts told him that she was certainly not flat-chested; in fact she was quite the opposite. He faked a cough and waited two seconds before re-entering the lounge. He stretched out an armful or clothes and tried not to look too directly at her. “I hope these fit” he said, realising that he had probably just insinuated that she was too big for them. “Oh right, thank you, excuse me but I really was getting cold in my wet clothes, I’m sorry.”

He told her not to be sorry and it was just fine, he then offered to get a coat hanger for her dress and suggested that it might dry well in front of the large open fire. She agreed and Jack went to the utility room to fetch a coat hanger for her. He handed her the hanger, she bent over to pick up her dress and Jack saw the ends of her suspenders hanging down the back of her thighs. In his mind Jack tried to will her to bend over more in the hope of a more of a glimpse of her suspenders, sadly he was disappointed.

“Should I hang those up as well?” Jack asked pointing to the stockings on the floor, half blushing as he said it. “Erm, OK, yes thank you, sorr…” she halted.
Regretting it before he said it Jack blurted out “You don’t see many women wearing those these days.” Jack now blushed fully as he picked up the damp stockings. He hung them from the mantle piece holding them with two glass ornaments, they hung down and the woman stretched them out.

“I prefer them” she said with her back to him “they feel much nicer and I hate tights, they feel so restrictive.” “Oh yes I agree with you there….” Jack’s mind working overtime wondering if she thought he wore them. All embarrassed he asked if she would like a hot drink to give him an excuse to leave the room.

When he returned from the kitchen with a mug of steaming hot tea the woman was again sat close to the fire trying to keep warm. Hanging from the mantle piece alongside the dress and stockings was now a black and red bra, matching suspender belt and the smallest, most sheer thong he had ever seen. His former wife had some nice underwear, which he had bought for her and only ever wore on his insistence, but the items hanging above the fire wear of the highest quality and far more pretty than the ones he bought his wife. “I hope you don’t mind me drying my…erm things?” she asked “No of course not, I hate to be responsible for you catching the flu!”

“By the way, my name is Jack” he said as he extended his hand towards her, “Emma” she replied “nice to meet you” Emma thrust her hand forward to meet his but as she did it dislodged the towel slightly and she had to recover her hand to ensure it didn’t fall to the ground. As Emma re-wrapped the towel around her Jack couldn’t help but catch a tiny glimpse of her naked body.

Jack felt more embarrassed than Emma probably did so he turned away and looked at the fire. His gaze landed on the tiny thong that hung down, he couldn’t help wondering what use such a small piece of material would be to any one. It was a true G string and was literally a small triangle of very sheer gossamer held together by three bits of black string. Sensing his embarrassment Emma said “I sell them”, “I’m sorry?” replied Jack “I don’t want to buy them” he said half joking.

“No I mean that’s my job” Emma explained, “I sell ladies underwear to retailers”. “Oh right I see” stumbled Jack “that’s good, this stuff is very pretty, if not a bit small” said Jack trying to make light of what was becoming a difficult exchange.
“Oh you mean the knickers, yes there isn’t much too them is there? Still they cover the necessary bits” Emma joked. “But I don’t normally wear any to be honest” she continued, “cant see the point sometimes. The bra on the other hand…….well that’s a must I suppose, all us ladies need some support in that department.” Emma smiled.

Jack nodded in agreement wondering just exactly what she thought he knew about the subject. Jack looked at Emma again and a flash of recognition raced through his mind, he was sure that he knew her face from somewhere but couldn’t recall where from.

Then it hit him square in the face; a party, months back, memorable only because he was invited as a single male by the friend of a friend. He was never sure what the purpose of the party had been but in the two hours he was there he observed a few strange things. Couples, male and female, laughing and joking and then when he thought he had worked out who was whose partner it seemed to change. Arms around waists changed, positions changed, couples who at some point had been stood across from each other were now side by side, and stood close at that. At the time Jack thought nothing of it and to be honest he was glad to be able to find an excuse to get away.

Now it came back to him, the woman in the towel whose underwear now hung above his fire was one of the women at the party. Their eyes did meet; twice, but only for a instant and after the first time he did as he always did when he saw a pretty woman, he ‘checked her out’, which to Jack meant looking at her bum and looking for lines underneath her dress. The game he played was always thong or no thong, suspenders or tights and he remembered playing this game then. His conclusion had been unusual; definitely no thong, but then no other tell-tale lines either, but definitely a hint of suspenders and the give-away change in line where her stocking tops where.

At the party the women he now knew as Emma had been wearing the tightest skirt he had ever seen and that made it easy for him to guess what she wore underneath. When he had spoken to his friend about the party the following week he had been surprised to learn that it was a swinger’s party. Unknown to him, and not long after he left, it livened up considerably; the hot tub was put to good use and some women in just their underwear had been enticed in. Couples had exchanged partners and had disappeared upstairs, other people had stayed longer and a few left in groups of three or four.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dxtes5/dark_knights_page_34