Dark Knights – Page 1 -2 Should I post more?

Dark Nights

Jack sat in a high-backed leather chair reading a novel and facing the roaring open fire as the wind and rain outside lashed at the windows, it was getting late in the evening and he had already glanced at the clock twice and noted the lateness of the hour.

A loud rap on the old wooden door startled him from his reading, at first he ignored it assuming it to be something blown by the strengthening winds but when it came again, this time louder and more frantic. Jack tried his best to ignore it but he knew he couldn’t. Frustrated at the late hour and the fact that his book had just reached a critical chapter he stood up, slapped the novel down onto the seat of the chair and headed for the door across the stone floor and ornate oriental rugs.

Jack swung open the heavy oak door and looked out into the cold black night, from the shadows the figure of a woman with her arms wrapped across her front stepped into the porch light. She looked very much like the clichéd drowned rat; her hair was soaked and lank. Her make up streaked down her face and as Jack looked at her from head to toe it was obvious that she was literally soaked to the sink.

She spoke, but Jack heard very little of what she said mainly due to her whole body trembling with cold and the blustery wind blowing her words sky-wards. Much against his better judgement Jack beckoned her forwards and under the porch. She spoke louder and was able to convey her predicament; she had been driving home from a conference and had hit something which had taken out her front tyre, she had tried calling for help on her mobile but the signal in the area was notoriously weak at times. After an hour of sitting in her car she had summoned up the courage to venture out in the hope that she would find some shelter. Jack’s house had been the only place in the cold wet evening she could find.

Without being asked she stepped through the doorway and into the hall causing Jack to step aside, “I’m so sorry” she said, “I hope you don’t mind?”
Jack thought he had no choice in the matter so her apology was worthless. As she stepped into the hall way the light caught her face and Jack thought he recognised her for a half a second but dispelled the thought immediately.

Her shoes squelched as she stepped inside and rain literally dripped from the hem of her light rain coat and started to puddle on the stone floor. “Please would you help me?” she begged, “I’ve broken down and my phone doesn’t work, may I use your phone?” “Err yes, come in, please” Jack muttered thinking, that’s a stupid thing to say seeing as she’s already in my hallway.

Having now had the time to take stock of the situation Jack realised that this woman did indeed need help, she was dripping wet, cold and there was a hint of fear in her eyes. Concern and a mild amount of pity took over and he thought of some comforting words to say, “Yes, yes you poor thing, you’re soaked you must be freezing, do come in” her repeated needlessly.
“You’re lucky you caught me” he said, “I was just about to lock up and head up to bed” The woman thanked him and nodded in agreement of her condition. “I won’t keep you I promise” she shivered, “Just a quick phone call home if you don’t mind, I’ll pay you for the call” she said.

“No, no that’s fine, please it’s the least I can do, but look at you you’re absolutely soaked, you will catch your death if you don’t get warm soon. Look, come and sit by the fire and get warm at least.” She thanked him again and moved through the hall way towards the open fire. Jack watched as rain still dripped from her coat as she walked. He couldn’t help but notice her figure under her rain soaked coat that clung to her back. Her shoulders were quite broad for a woman, her waist trim and her legs seemed quite long with well defined calves. Being a ‘bum man’ Jack also took stock of that part of her and concluded that she obviously kept her body in shape.

As she sat in the chair Jack mentioned that she might also benefit from a towel, which was partly selfish as he really didn’t want too much water staining his leather chair. She agreed that a towel would be useful and Jack made his way to the airing cupboard to fetch one. When he returned to the lounge she had removed her coat and placed it on the floor and was sat forwards in the chair trying to warm her hands. He handed her the large bath towel and wondered what to do about her soaked coat. She wrapped the towel around her shoulders and once again thanked him for helping her.

Thinking one thing and saying it without further thought Jack said “You might want to get out of those wet clothes”, which was more of a statement than a request born out of concern for his chair, but as soon as he said it he realised the implications. “No it’s ok honestly; if I could just make that call I’ll be out of your house and on my way.”

“Very well, if you want, I’ll get the phone.” Jack went back to the hallway and picked up the walkie-talkie phone. Being polite he pressed the call button and handed it to the woman. Within a second she handed it back to him and said “It’s dead.” Jack shrugged his shoulders and muttered something about the lines being down. “Well I guess that’s that then” Jack said, “What now?”

“Well I suppose you are right, I really should do something about these wet clothes, could I possibly borrow something else to wear? I’ll pay you for them of course.” “Yes of course, will joggers and a t shirt be ok?” enquires Jack.

Jack headed up stairs and quickly grabbed a clean pair of jogging bottoms, an old, but clean t shirt, and an old baggy jumper. As he headed back into the lounge he caught sight of the woman wrapping the towel around her and her dress in a wet heap on the floor, he stopped short in the doorway as he was sure she had not heard him come back downstairs. Has he watched from the shadows the woman slipped off her shoes and put one leg up on the seat of the chair, parted the towel and to his total surprise unclipped a suspender from her stockings. Jack had noticed when she was sat in the chair before he went upstairs that she was wearing hose, but had naturally assumed she had tights on, which was something that had registered with him as he had a distinct dislike of them on women. The woman peeled the damp stocking down her leg and then removed the other one in the same way.

Stockings and suspenders on women had always been a favourite item of underwear for him and when he was married they had always been something that his then wife would never ever consider wearing, “Far too fiddly!” was always her protest.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dxom76/dark_knights_page_1_2_should_i_post_more

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