My Confusion Part 3 [Full Chapter] [MM] [MF] [Oral] [Anal] [BDSM]

As soon as I climaxed the coach brought his hand out from under me.
Holding his cupped hand in front of me I saw a massive amount of cum held in the cup of his hand.
I found it incredible that I had cum so much in one shot.
On the other hand I have never been fucked and fisted at the same time.
In the light of the sauna my cum had a pearl like appearance that just shimmered in the dim light.

As I stared at my cum the coach raised his hand bringing it up to my face.
Closer it came, closer to my face until he placed his hand in front of my mouth.
“Open”, was all he said.
I now understood what was required of me.
Opening my mouth the coach brought his hand the final inches towards my mouth.
My tongue leapt outward as I lapped up my cum from the coaches cupped hand.
I had never before tasted my cum, it had always ended up in a towel or an old pair of shorts.
The taste was sharp and salty not objectionable just new and different and I loved it!

“Coach, use me, use my body for your own pleasure.
Take away from me choice.
Whatever the coach needs take it from me, I’m yours, use me.” I pleaded.
“All in good time my boy, all in good time.” He replied.

As the coach shifted his weight his cock still embedded inside my bottom began to regain it’s hardness.
I needed him to fuck me again and again, I was ready.
Slowly he withdrew his cock from my bottom.
My bottom was left with a gaping hole, empty and needing to be filled.

The coach walked over to a shelf by the door took a damp towel and cleaned his cock.
Returning to where I lay coach pulled me to a sitting position and held my jaw with one hand as he positioned his cock in front of my lips.
Oh my God, now I know what I was feeling.
It was a hunger, a hunger that had been buried deep within for years.
A hunger that had never been satiated because I was never able to name it.
It was up to me to feed this hunger, no one else would do it for me.

I had no volition my mouth opened on it’s own accord.
The coach moved forward and this object of my desire was before me.
It was Moving my head forward the last few inches I fed that hunger.
Never in my life had I been so sure of anything like I was sure of this, here is where I belonged.
Subject to the will of another.
This is what I had been unknowingly kept hidden from myself.

The coach withdrew his cock from my mouth after a few moments.
Denying me my proper place.
“Tomorrow you will be at the door of my home at 6pm sharp.” He said.

The entire next day I was totally useless in class.
My mind kept flashing to last night.
I have never been dominated before and I liked it.
There was no thought, no decisions to be made they were made for me.
My mind flashed back to the first day I met the coach.
I remember the feeling of being overwhelmed by the shear presence of this man.
As if some aura surrounded him that said “Pay attention I will own you”.
All day long all I could think of was 6pm tonight.
There was no way I wouldn’t be there, no way would I disappoint him.

5:55pm and I was standing in front of the door that held me captive.
I knew inside that I must wait until 6 sharp before I grabbed the brass knocker adorning the door.
With the slowness of a moving glacier the second hand on my watch clicked up to the 6pm position.
Grasping the knocker I pulled back and allowed the monstrous brass hand to fall against the door.
Just one single rap, nothing more dare I commit.
Did he hear it?
Dare I chance a second knock?
My thoughts most have been heard, for a second later the latch from the inside could be heard slipping back.
As the door began to swing inward my knees began to weaken.
I must have looked like a frightened rabbit.
Ever so gently the coach reached out, placed a hand upon my shoulder and drew me inward to that place I must go.

Not a word was spoken nor was there a need to make useless sounds.
As the door swung closed behind me I had a moment of dread.
What was I doing here, why was I compelled to be here?
These and a million other thoughts ran through my head at this moment.
If you asked me later what those thoughts were I couldn’t give you an answer.

With a hand upon my back I was led away from the main hall and ushered into an alcove near the stairs.
Still not a word was uttered by either.
From a side board table a blindfold was removed.
Stepping behind me the coach slipped it over my head and eyes.
Finally words were spoken as the coach said “Trust me”.
Trust him I did.

With a hand upon my shoulder I was led to another doorway.
This one on the opposite side from the stairs leading to the basement.
“Twenty five steps downward” was all he said.
With his hand still on my shoulder I counted each step as I mounted them.
At my count of twenty five I took my foot and swept it around making certain that I was indeed on a level floor and hadn’t miscounted.
Leading me forward I heard a heavy door being unlatched and with a creak swinging open.
Led into the room I was left for a moment as the coach moved back to swing shut the door with a thud that felt like finality.

The blindfold covering my vision was solid and complete. Nothing was to be seen, no light seeped around the edges to tease me.
I knew when the coach stood before me, all my senses were attuned to his presence.
His finger were deft as he began to unbutton my shirt.
That done he lifted it from my shoulders and moved onto my belt.
Belt opened and the button on my jeans was popped open followed by the zipper.
As my pants were lowered to my ankles the coach placed one of my hands upon his shoulder as he lifted first one leg and then the other freeing me from the pants and underwear entangled around my feet.
Acutely aware of my nakedness I began to shiver.
What was it fear, the cool air in the room or was it my submission that had me so frightened?

Walking me forward my knees bumped into a table before me.
Turning me round he sat me down atop the table.
With a light press he lowered me onto my back.
Taking first one arm, stretching it outward he wrapped a leather cuff around my wrist.
Followed by a repeat with my other arm.
As he shook the straps assuring himself that the job was well done he moved on to my legs.
Once again the process was repeated.
As my legs were pulled further down the table and secured leaving no slack.

“Are you OK Frank?
I am going to give you two safe words.
If you say “Yellow” it means I need a rest.
If you say “Red” everything will stop and I will release your bonds.
Are you OK with this?”
“Yes Sir” was my response.
“Good” He said.
With a few pats upon my leg he stepped away for a moment.
When he returned a hissing sound was heard and a moment later the feeling of something cold and slippery being applied around my cock, balls and pubes.
Suddenly I knew what it was as I felt a razor being dragged through my pubic hair.
“I like my boys smooth.” Was all he said.
In just a short time I could feel the air moving across my groin.
A feeling I had all but forgotten about since I began to grow hair down there.

Releasing my arms and legs the coach turned me over when this was done I discovered that there was a padded hole that allowed my cock and balls fall through.
Reattaching the cuffs he spread shaving cream on my bottom and between my cheeks.
As the razor made its trip across and around my bottom I was treated to a new set of sensations.
First and foremost it tickled.
Second, I felt more vulnerable than I had ever felt before.
Third, I discovered I loved having my bottom played with.

A warm damp towel cleaned the remnants of the shaving cream.
Clean and dry the coach laid his hand on my bottom with gentle strokes he played there for a moment.
Removing his gentle hand there followed a hard smack with the palm of his hand.
“Count for me.” Was all he said.
“Oomph” was all I could say as blow after blow landed upon my bottom.
No spot was spared.
Each hit stung, each hit energized the nerves that were awoken by the previous hit.
“Ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen…” I said.
At twenty five he halted. “Good boy.” He said to me.
After a moments respite there was a whistling sound followed by the sting of a belt landing across my bottom.
“One I said two, three and four…” again he halted at twenty five.
By now my bottom was aflame.
It felt like the time I had fallen into a stinging nettle plant.

Moments later I felt he coach rubbing a lotion into my sore stinging bottom.
Again he asked me “Are you OK”.
”Yes” I said.
While he was applying the lotion he began to toy with the little ring on my bottom.
First one finger worked its way inward soon followed by a second.
The feeling was electric, I wanted to scream with joy.
In place of the scream I began grunting.
His fingers worked all around my bottom, rubbing and teasing my little ring.
While doing this he would occasionally stop and give my bottom another smack.

As his lubed fingers played around something new was happening.
There was something being pressed against my little ring forcing it’s way inward.
Wider and wider the stretching continued.
Stretch and relax stretch and relax, over and over again.
With a final push I felt my bottom open wider than I thought could happen.
Whatever the coach was using had forced it’s way inward and bottomed out then tapered down locking it into place.
“That’s a good boy.
You took that butt plug all the way without any problem.” He declared.
He plug he put in place held my bottom open.
Leaving me feeling like I had a cock embedded in my bottom.
When I tried to close my bottom there was the resistance of the plug.
This left me totally conscience of the object in my rear.

“Now Frank, this little thing in your bottom has a little trick up its sleeve.
Feel what happens when I squeeze this bulb.” He said.
That being said I heard him pumping a bulb and almost instantly there was a pressure inside my bottom.
Along with the pressure was an incredible feeling of fullness that I have never before experienced.
As the plug inflated further and further I was ready to call out my “Yellow” safe word.
Just as I was about to give in the coach halted the inflation.
For whatever reason the object in my rear had my cock harder then ever before.

“Frank, are you OK?” Once again I said yes.
Thankful that the coach was taking time to make sure that I was OK.
This very act alone reassured me that he had no intention of causing me harm.
This in turn allowed me to relax a bit and stop worrying and just go with it.
Still blindfolded I jumped a bit when the coach reached under the table and stroked my cock.
His attention to my cock lasted only a moment before he stood up and smacked my bottom five more times.
With all the sensations I was subject to if he touched me any more that what he was now doing I would explode.

“Frank, I’m going away for a bit, why don’t you just hang around down here for a little while.”
I heard him walk away and moments later the thud of the heavy wooden echoed throughout the room.
“Hello, are you there?
Coach how long how long are you going to be gone?
Hello coach, hello can you hear me?
OK I am fairly certain the coach wouldn’t cause me any harm.
He must be doing this to heighten my senses and tweak the fear factor.
I’m on to you coach, I thought to myself.
I’ll just stay here and see who blinks first.

I tried counting the time in my head but that failed every time my thoughts turned aside I lost track of time.
In the darkness imposed on me by the blindfold my imagination began to run wild.
The smallest sound became magnified out of proportion.
The sound of a mouse scurrying around became the sound of a great creature roaming among the room.
I began to notice little things, like the padded texture of the covering on the table I was secured to.
I could feel the tufting that textured the top and the buttons spaced some inches apart creating little pillows in the material.
The movement of air as it lightly blew across my hanging cock.
I began to feel the plug in my bottom and the pressure it exerted on my insides.
When the hell is he coming back?
It had to have been thirty minutes by now.
There is no way he just left me here for the duration.

Wait, a sound from beyond the door.
OK he’s back, thank you.
“Did you miss me Frank.
I’ve only been gone for fifteen minutes, I hope you weren’t lonely.”
Fifteen minutes, I swear it was a lot longer, I thought.
I could feel the coach’s hands running around my bottom.
That felt so good his strong hands rubbing my cheeks and playing around my little ring as he tugged on the plug seated inside.
When he released the air inflating the plug my bottom collapsed inward sending a rush of sensations throughout my body all of them amazing.

Undoing my bonds the coach flipped me over onto my back and re bound my arms and legs.
My cock straining for release as it waved and bobbed in the air.
Running his fingers across the very tip of my cock brought me agony.
I wanted to cum, I needed to cum or I felt my balls would explode if I wasn’t granted release.
Oh shit I thought here it comes!
When my hips began to buck the coach took the base of my cock between two fingers and squeezed hard at it’s base causing my rush to climax to halt in mid march.

NOOOOO I screamed, please I need to cum!!!
I begged to be allowed to cum!!
Please coach, please let me cum!!
As my mind wavered I felt the table shift as the coach climbed onto it.
I sensed him hovering over my head and then his cock was pressed onto my lips.
My mouth opened and took in this object of beauty.
As soon as it touched the back of my throat my lips closed around it like a Venus fly trap capturing my prey.
Holding his cock still I nursed at the spigot of life.
The attack I launched upon his cock should have made any ordinary man blow in seconds.
Ripping his cock away from my lips I cried out in desperation.
My frustration was palatable.

Climbing down off the table the coach undid the straps holding my legs to the table.
Lifting both my legs into the air the straps were attached to something overhead.
There had to be some pulley overhead because he pulled on something and my legs were yanked straight up in the air and spread as wide as they would go.
Leaving me hanging nearly upside down.
Only my head and upper back were in contact with the table.
Mounting the table again the coach removed the plug from my bottom that he had deflated moments before.

As his body moved against mine his cock started pressing inward through my now not so little ring.
As the head passed through the ring the coach started pumping his hips.
Driving his cock deeper with each thrust until he bottomed out.
The pounding he delivered was relentless.
There was a jackhammer delivering blows to my bottom.
The wet sound of his hips slapping into my cheeks.
The squish of his cock slipping in and out of my bottom became a mantra to my soul.
The rhythm became my only reason to live.

Suddenly his fingers wrapped around my cock and began stroking me in time to his thrusts.
“Cum for me my boy, cum for me!” He kept repeating.
His pounding took on a ferocity that forced the cum in my balls to boil to the surface.
As I felt the coach drive forward and halt as he poured his seed into my bottom my cock
erupted, covering his hand and my chest with the pent up cum I had been holding in my entire life.



  1. To my readers,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
    If you have any ideas for future
    stories please let me know.

    Thank you.

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