The second time I shared Brandi with my friends (conclusion)

This is a true story.

After the first time I brought Brandi around word started spreading about this amazing cocksucker in our midst. So a few weeks had passed since the last party and my friends were throwing another get together at a friends house. This friend was pretty rich and his house was like a mini mansion. His parents were out of town so he invited a select few and made sure to ask if I was bringing Brandi and yes, yes I definitely was. Brandi was a sweet girl, always smiling with such a bubbly personality. She was smart as hell too, she was majoring in Biomedical Engineering and she always had a book on her. Since she spent most of her time studying, on the days she got to go out she really partied hard. Almost every moment of free time she had, she used it to hang out with me because at this point she was pretty much addicted to sucking on me and very dependent on my cum for sustenance. Sometimes she wouldn’t even want to fuck, she just wanted to suck on me and swallow me and I never complained. She talked about how sucking cock made her relax more than anything ever has. It calmed her. It soothed her. She even compared it to the same way you give a crying baby a pacifier to calm down, that’s what a cock was for her stressful daily life, a nice thick cock for her to suckle on and soothe herself. So after she swallowed me one night, I told her about the party coming up this weekend and her eyes lit up. She was going to have her last final that Thursday and she really wanted to have fun this weekend so it was perfect timing.

The night of the party arrived and I made sure to tell her to wear a little black dress with no panties and no bra. I told her how popular she’s become among my friends and how they’re all dying to meet this amazing cocksucker of a unicorn. And she was pretty damn happy to meet them as well. I told her there was going to be about 15 to 20 guys and she was gitty and all smiles. So much so that she couldn’t wait and asked to suck on me on the way to party. I happily obliged. We got to the house and parked, she was still sucking me while I smoked a joint. She would occasionally come up from sucking and asked for a hit, I put the joint to her mouth and she took a big hit then went back to sucking. Smoke drifted off of my cock and glistened on the moonlight from her saliva. After a few minutes of fucking her throat I exploded in her mouth. Brandi loved to swallow but never right away. She always kept it in her mouth and swirled it around, tasting it, savoring it, she loved the taste of my cum, she said it tasted like Creme Brulee`. After about a minute of savoring it she swallowed like a good girl. Then we made out for a little while while I fingered her pussy and ass just warming her up for the guys.

We finished smoking and then decided to go inside. As soon as we walked in all eyes were on Brandi. Mostly everyone knew who she was and what she did at the last party. Some guys were there with their girlfriends and they all looked at Brandi with a smug face because nobody was looking at them anymore. Soon as we got there, I am greeted by Chains, he hands me a drink and a joint. He offers her the same, to which she takes it with a smile. At first everyone is just chillin, having fun, talking shit, drinking, smoking, some guys are playing VR in the huge TV in the living room. Some guys are making out with their girlfriends in some corner. And me and Brandi gravitated towards the room with a pool table in it. Me and a few friends start a game. The pool room also has its own bathroom. After a few minutes of playing my friend Randy comes in and he looks troubled. I ask him whats wrong and he said his girl got mad at him for some dumb shit and left the party. Randy has always been a good guy, stand up guy who always treated his girlfriends really good. But his current girlfriend was kind of a bitch and nobody liked her but we put up with her out of respect for him. I walk over to Brandi and whisper in her ear…”Hey, my friend is having kind of a bad night, you mind taking care of him?” to which she replied, “Say no more baby.” Then Brandi sat up from her chair, and grabbed Randy by the hand and took him to the bathroom, he gave me a smile as he walked by. So we continued our game, every now and then we would hear a moan, sometimes from Randy, and other times from Brandi. About 10 minutes later, Randy comes out of the bathroom with this stupid look on his face and a huge dumb smile, he can barely walk lol… we were all laughing at him, he gave me the biggest hug and sat down so relaxed and in a state of pure bliss. Then Brandi comes into view standing at the threshold of the door and with her sweet voice asks, “So who’s next?” smiling at all the guys in the room.

My friend that I was playing pool with Lou decided to take her up on her offer. He gives the pool cue to someone else and we continue the game. Brandi smiles and Lou walks up to her starts kissing her and grabbing her ass, Lou asks Brandi “Can I fuck you?” to which she replied, “You have to ask Daddy for permission first.” , then Lou asks me if he can fuck her. I’ve known Lou for a long time and he’s a close friend so I say yeah, sure go ahead, have fun. It continues like this for the rest of the night, after Lou, it was Derek, then Jimmy, then Joe, then Rudy, then Vic. Some only used her mouth and others used her pussy and ass. I had gone in to check on her every now and then to make sure she was okay. And she was. Happy as a pig in shit or a slut in cum. I brought her some water. I asked her if she was hungry and surprisingly she wasn’t, she said, I’m on a cum diet tonight and then giggled. At this point I had to use the bathroom but this one was occupied so I went to the one upstairs. As I was walking through the house I bumped into Sarah (Randy’s gf the bitch), she was asking where Randy was and I said I don’t know, he left about an hour ago. Then she started lecturing me about bringing that whore here and she was upset she over heard some of the guys say that she gave the greatest head ever to which I replied, “Yea she does, why you think you can beat her?” and she gave me this look like she was about to punch me. Sarah is a beautiful girl, blonde, blue eyes, reeks of rich and snobby, the kind of girl who’s never really had to work for anything in her life since it’s all just been handed to her. “Maybe I can” Sarah says. That’s when I say, “Only one way to find out” and I walk pass her and start heading upstairs. I didn’t even look back at her but I knew she was following me. I go inside the bathroom and she follows me inside, “What are we doing in here?” she asks. I say “I don’t know what you’re doing in here but I gotta piss”. At which point I pull my dick out and start peeing. She looks at my thick cock and licks her lips instantly. I laugh a little bit and ask her if she likes what she sees. She says maybe. After I finish peeing, I don’t move, I just stand there, cock out, dripping piss on the floor. I look at her in the eyes and say “Clean me up”. She is fucking shocked that those words came out of my mouth. She hesitated but within 5 seconds she was on the toilet sucking me off. I just stood there for a miute while she sucked me. I took out a joint and lit it. Even blew some smoke into her face. I started talking to her and telling her what a stuck up bitch she is sometimes and that she needed to loosen up and start treating Randy nicer, he’s a nice guy. To which she agreed with my cock in her mouth. I put my joint out and started fucking her face really rough. I can tell it was something she wasn’t used to because she kept gagging and telling me to stop but I didn’t. I kept fucking her face with no hesitation. I grabbed her by the hair, got a nice grip on it and started fucking her face so fucking hard, some of her teeth was scraping my cock but I didn’t care, I was going to teach this little snobby whore a lesson and finally I unloaded what was probably the biggest load I’ve ever exploded down her throat. She started coughing and choking, “DON’T FUCKING LOSE A SINGLE DROP WHORE” I said as I came in her mouth, “SWALLOW EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DROP” .. And she obeyed. I unloaded for a good 2 minutes. I laid back against the wall and sat on the floor to compose myself. I looked over at Sarah and she was a fucking mess. Hair everywhere. Make up streaks down her face. Lips swollen. Cum all down her chin and chest. Then she said, “I want you to fuck me” to which I laugh and said, “not tonight sweetheart but just call me later this week, maybe” .. I got up and left her there on the toilet stinking of cum.

By the time I got back to the pool room there was a line of guys waiting to see Brandi. She sucked and fucked a total of almost 30 guys. By the end of the night, we were all pretty drunk and high and Brandi was pretty worn out. She told me she was done and wanted to go home. Some guys didn’t get to use her mouth and they were disappointed but she promised to come to the next party. We got to the car and Brandi was exhausted. She had cum dripping down her thighs. Cum on her hair and face. Her ass was sore and she could barely walk. We got to the care and and just rested her head on my lap. I caressed her hair, and put on some classical music for her to relax to. She asked if she was a good girl tonight and I smiled. Yes baby, you were, you were amazing. Come on let’s get you home.

I kept seeing Brandi for another 3 months or so and she came to one other party after that. I started seeing another girl regularly and we kind of just drifted apart. Last I heard she was engaged to some architect major and she was settling down. Then just a few years ago, I’m at the market buying groceries and lo and behold who do I see walking towards me down the cereal aisle. Brandi and her husband. She recognizes me instantly. We lock eyes and she smiles at me. And we just walk by each other without saying a word. And I haven’t seen her again since. I hope she’s doing well.

The end.

p.s I continued to let Sarah suck on me regularly but never let her fuck until she finally begged for it.

Fucking the Rich Snobby Sarah, coming soon.


1 comment

  1. Super hot, slutty girlfriend tale! Just wish the paragraph editing had been better for easier reading. Thanks for sharing ;)

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