The Camgirl Part XLIII: I Miss You [exh] [voy] [Fsolo] [mast] [implied MF]

**XLIII: Blake and Liam**


Blake lay on her back, wearing only her thigh-high ninja socks, head in a wonderfully fuzzy state. Being in a post-fifth–maybe sixth–orgasm state was way better than being buzzed. She wiggled a bit to the background music she’d put on as she situated herself on her bed. Looking into the camera, she raked her fingers through her hair a few times, making sure it fell over her shoulder. After looking to the screen and back to the camera, Blake reached forward and adjusted it, making sure all the important parts were in the frame, then lay back against her stacked pillows. She reached down to stroke her bare pussy without really thinking about it, then stroked her hand up her stomach as she reached out with her toes, adjusting the camera just a bit more.

Finally satisfied, Blake grinned and moved her hand back to her pussy, mouthing the words to the song as she used her fingers to spread her pink lips for the camera. The ping of a tip coming in sounded and she Blake smiled. Rotating her hips a bit as she did so, making sure her pussy and ass were in full view, Blake continued to sing silently to herself and languorously rub her pussy. She alternated between firmly stroking her lips and spreading them–and showing off her trimmed fingernails, each painted a different color of the rainbow–as they grew slick with anticipation.

In what seemed like too rare of an occasion lately, Blake was feeling really good about herself. Teasing Liam over the past week and a half had been going great. They hadn’t spent much time together outside of class or walks to-and-from them, but she’d gotten Liam to forget the tension between them a few times and slip back into actually talking with her a for a bit. Of course, as much as Blake had enjoyed those little slips, she’d used them to see how far she could push her teasing.

Liam hadn’t asked her to stop, however. That was what mattered.

Blake’s pussy twitched at the thought of him.

The frequent dates she was sure he’d gone out with Marie on–almost every other day from what Blake could tell by Marie’s outfits and Liam’s lack of texting–worried Blake, but she hadn’t heard Liam come back with Marie after all of them. That had to mean something.

As she wrapped an arm under her leg, holding it up to make her asshole more visible, Blake remembered herself.

*I can’t think like that. Liam is going to choose me, because I’m better for him, and he’s good enough to realize that. And I can rock his world in ways Marie’s never even thought of without enlisting help from anyone else.*

Blake put on a smile.

“Alright guys, what should I use for my next orgasm?” she asked, holding up her hand to the camera and wiggling her fingers, “Fingers? Should I use my fingers?”

As she continued to wiggle the fingers of one hand and rub slow circles on her pussy with the other, Blake made sure to keep her feet in the shot, even though they were covered. She wasn’t really into that, but some people really were, and paid good money just for her to wiggle her toes at the camera while naked.

Suggestions and a few tips came in. This show had been pretty tame so far–nice and easy with steady tips and requests coming in. Her favorite kind of show–at least when they didn’t drag on forever, and this one hadn’t yet. It didn’t hurt that someone had also complemented her fingernails.

“Alright, fingers it is,” Blake announced after reading the comments.

She tapped her fingers on her pussy for a moment, then spread her lips again and her eyes darted to her image on the screen. Blake liked how pink her pussy always was. And the smoothness of the skin around it. So what if that was a little vain?

Blake sang a few of the lyrics absent-mindedly as she lightly played with her pussy. She could carry a tune, but that was about it. The people who said she had a nice voice were definitely just trying to get her attention. Not that she minded.

Growing a bit tired of her current position, Blake straightened, scooting forward a bit and adjusting the camera a bit so that it centered on her stomach and underboob, pussy just out of the frame. She felt herself up a bit before moving the camera again and laying back, hooking one arm under her leg again to help keep her hips up and her legs spread.

A metallic, waterfall-like noise sounded as a large tip came in. Blake smiled wide as she wet her fingertips, raising her voice in pitch a bit, “Thank YOU!”

Blake wiggled her hips a bit as she brushed her slick fingers gently over her outer lips, enjoying the shivers that ran through her at the sensation. She gasped, body quivering when she slipped the tip of her finger between her tight lips.

“Fuck. Guys, I’m gonna die. I’m getting so shaky,” she held up her quivering hand for a moment and scrunched up her face, “I’m not a machine, I’m a person! I’m a person who can only orgasm so many times.”

Despite her words, Blake continued to stroke her pussy, “I’m having like an orgasm-high right now.”
She pushed two fingers between her lips, shuddering, then noticed one of her regulars saying ‘hi.’ Blake greeted him and a few others that she noticed had come into her room, then reached for the bottle of lube she kept handy. She spread some on her fingertips, then onto her pussy before putting it back, and leaned back, putting her asshole back into view as she got comfortable.

As she looked at the camera, fingers spreading her lips and playing with her clit, Blake grinned. She couldn’t see her asshole as easily as she’d once been able to from his angle. She saw part of it, but the rest of it was shadowed by the cleft of her cheeks.

*Finally, some visual payoff.* She’d been getting stronger in the gym, but it was nice to actually see a noticeable difference.

Tips rolled in as she continued to play with herself, reaching around under her ass to spread her cheeks a bit a give everyone a good view of her asshole as she dipped her fingers in and out of her pussy. She bit her lip as she curled her fingers and worked her g-spot a bit, enjoying the building warmth of pleasure that radiated out from it. She gasped, closing her eyes for a moment to revel in the sensations.

The “ta-da” notification of a massive tip opened her eyes wide.

“Ah! Thank you!” Blake cried as she took in the amount of the tip. She straightened for a moment, adjusting her position to get some better lighting on her asshole. She also adjusted her hair a bit. “Holy shit, thank you so much!”

A bit of her hair tickled her as she lay back. She raked her fingers through it a few more times, thanking the tipper again, then laid back, fingers returning to her pussy.

Blake gasped she slipped her fingers back between her lips, massaging her g-spot for a bit before bringing her fingers back to her mouth and sucking on them for the camera. The flavored lube actually didn’t taste too bad.

As Blake brought her fingers back to her pussy, rubbing her outer lips for a moment before slipping her fingers back inside her tight lips, she realized something.

“Wait, does that mean I have to go another round?” she asked the camera.

Blake rolled her eyes at the wave of resounding “Yes’s” from everyone in the room, but grinned at the “Private?” DM from the tipper.

She smiled, “Thank you.”

Blake’s chest fluttered as she continued to play with her pussy, and she let herself smile again as she bit her lip. She’d have made more than enough after this show, would have a private lined up for later, and her fingers just felt so damn good inside her. Closing her eyes, Blake began to work herself toward another orgasm, gasping and biting her lips as she let the wonderful sensations wash over her.



Liam spun around in his chair, letting out a long, bored sigh. He should be at the gym since he’d caught up on most of his work, but it was a bit too cold outside for him to willingly make that trek all the way across campus. He looked at his phone again, open to his messages. Marie was currently at the top, Blake right underneath her.

Liam’s thumb hovered over Marie’s message for a moment, but Liam sighed, putting the phone back down. He had another date planned with Marie later this week, but the last three they’d been on hadn’t gone well. Liam had tried talking about them, about Marie, about the piece he was working on, about anything he could think of that didn’t equate to shallow pre-sex small talk. Marie hadn’t engaged. Each time she’d either teased him or tried to turn the conversation toward sex or tried to get them to finish early so they could go back to her room and have sex. Liam had gone along with it the first time but made excuses to go home to his own room the following two. That hadn’t stopped Marie from finding somewhere private to blow or fuck him before they parted ways. Liam had felt strange after those encounters, though. He’d enjoyed them, but if anything, that had made them only seem stranger.

Liam’s preoccupied mind hadn’t been the only reason for going back to his own room instead of Marie’s, however. If he went back to her place, he would be near Blake. Liam missed his sarcastic, blue-haired friend. He’d seen her during lectures and on their way to and from their shared classes but hadn’t really gotten a chance to hang out or talk with her in some time. He knew he should have asked her to stop teasing him—especially when she challenged him to—but every time he thought of it, he found himself unable to say form the words. What did that say about him?

Picking up his phone again, Liam opened up his messages and sent one to Blake.

*Hey :)*

He set the phone back down, waiting for a reply, but even after six minutes, there was no response.

Liam frowned. Blake usually responded to his texts pretty quickly, even if it was just to say, “Talk later?” or “Can’t talk now.” She wasn’t the type to play stupid games either. Even with their new, confusing dynamic, Liam had yet to notice Blake trying any sort of hard-to-get behavior.

Liam stared at the phone for a moment, still frowning. Then his eyes widened in realization. His hand moved to his computer, hesitating.

*Should I? Is that crossing a line?*

Liam told himself it wasn’t. He’d seen Blake naked and more before, and all of her signals toward him recently had been encouraging. Signing in to his computer, Liam searched up the camsite Blake streamed on and found her—Cherry’s—chatroom. His eyes widened further as Blake appeared on the screen. His heart seemed to pound a bit faster and his cock grew in his jeans, quickly straining under the fabric.

Blake sat with her pink, hairless pussy to the camera fingers slipping in and out between shining lips. She had one arm hooked under her knee to help keep her legs spread. He’d forgotten how…flexible she was. Blake’s mouth was open in a gasp, eyes closed one moment, then fluttering the next. Her pale skin looked so soft and smooth. Liam blinked, noticing definition on her stomach and legs that he didn’t remember from before.

*She’s so beautiful.*

Liam found himself entranced by the sight before him, completely forgetting why he had come on here in the first place.

Blake looked blissful, eyes glazed over in pleasure, heavy lids occasionally dropping down when her fingers reached deep inside her pussy. Liam felt his cock twitch when he saw her mouth, “fuck.”

Her moans, though soft and barely audible over the background music, pulled at him. *He* wanted to be the one making her feel that incredible.

“Ugh, I’ve got major sex-hair goin’ on, guys.”

Liam blinked, coming back to the present, his last thought lingering in his mind. He tried to push it out, but his eyes looked back to the screen just as Blake wet her fingers with her lips and brought them back to her pussy, massaging her soft, pink lips before slipping those wet, slender fingers back inside her. That incredible image drew Liam back in, gaze fixed to her pink, shining pussy. Liam managed to remember himself long enough to send her a message–his original purpose in opening up her chatroom–but forgot about it moments later as Blake’s porcelain skin captured his eyes again. He was so spellbound that he missed the more alert cast to Blake’s eyes as she looked toward the camera and her own computer screen.


Blake struggled to pay enough attention to her computer screen to scan the mix of messages and tips and request that flooded into her chatroom. She was getting close. Her fingers felt so *damn* good.

Blake gasped as she put just the right amount of pressure on the sensitive knot just inside her pussy. She worked that knot again and again, biting her lips to stifle moan as her pleasure rose.

When the tip notification sounded, Blake’s eyes shot open. She almost wanted to tell everyone to stop so she could just fucking cum already. Then she saw one of the messages and her eyes widened, fingers going still in her pussy.

A mix of excitement, anger, annoyance, and heady arousal flooded through her.

*What the fuck is Liam doing?*

Blake’s mind shot into overdrive as she brought her fingers to her mouth, cleaning them off with her tongue.

*Does this mean he broke up with Marie? Has he always been watching my shows? Does this mean he does want me?*

Blake shook herself. She knew Liam had stopped watching he shows once they’d met. He’d told her so. She’d also kept an eye out for his username once she’d teased it out of him, but mostly he’d told her so, and that was enough. She trusted him.

Thinking on that, Blake realized that Liam had to have a good reason coming into her shows. Leaning forward, Blake clicked on the message.

*Hey :) Can we talk? I miss you.*

Blake rolled her eyes despite the warmth that spread through her at reading that. He missed her. The fact that *that* made her feel so good made Blake feel like a little girl, though she supposed that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

*Liam, I miss you, too. I told you you’re welcome to come talk whenever you want but get out of my chatroom.*

She waited, adjusting her camera a bit so people didn’t start to wonder what she was doing.

*Sorry. I was just curious if anything was going on since you didn’t answer my text, so I thought I would check to see if you were doing a show.*

Blake very pointedly did *not* smile. She was getting to him. He could have just checked the main site without going into her room, but he’d clicked and come into her room so he could see her. While that sent a thrill through her, however, that also annoyed her a bit. She opened up the list of users in her chatroom and found his, then wrote back.

*Liam, I have work to do. If you miss me, come over to my place or text me to come hang out with you. Your room is a mess, but it’s not that repulsive. Now get out before I ban you, alright? Remember, I know which other girls you like, and they’ll listen to me if I tell them to ban your username.*

That list had been a particularly fun item to get out of Liam. Blake remembered how fidgety and red-faced he’d been by the end. While she didn’t know any of the girls personally, she’d had a few other models send out warnings about trolls or super-creeps. Blake didn’t *want* to ban Liam, but he had to know that she meant what she said.

Liam’s response took a bit to come through.

*Fine, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.*

A moment later, his username disappeared from the list of people in her chatroom, and Blake grinned. *Good.*

His answer had seemed a bit sulky, however, so Blake sent him a quick text that she would talk to him when she was done with her show. Then, she laid back, satisfied at the effect she’d had on Liam, and stuck her fingers back in her mouth, coating them with saliva as she got them nice and wet for her pussy.


Liam closed out the camsite tab on his browser, head swirling. Watching Blake like that had been…he couldn’t think of the right word. His cock ached in his jeans. The image of Blake, naked and fingering herself, that look of bliss on her face, was burned into his mind, intoxicating. A voice in the back of his head told him that this was exactly why he had originally decided not to watch any of Blake’s shows or videos.


Before Liam realized what he was doing, his bookmarks were open, mouse hovering over one of “Cherry’s” videos that he’d found and marked before he’d met Blake.

With a curse, Liam quit out of the browser and closed his laptop.

“The fuck am I doing?” Liam sighed, holding his face in his hands.

Taking a deep breath, Liam looked over at his phone. He texted Blake a short apology, then opened up his text conversation with Marie. He started typing, then deleted the message and closed his phone.

Rising from under his bed, Liam threw off his jeans and changed into sweats and a tanktop to wear under his winter jacket, pointedly ignoring his erection and trying to wipe his mind of what had caused it. Thinking about Blake when he was with Marie had been bad enough. This was a new low. Liam needed to distract himself. Hopefully the gym would help with that, and the cold walk over would take care of his raging boner.


Laying back on the bed, Blake smoothed out her mane again, adjusting her hips as she repositioned herself.

“Whoops, sorry about that, guys.”

She saw one of the messages and laughed, “Oh my god, what’s with today and people telling me I look like Katy Perry? I do wish I had her tits though, cuz…damn.”

Blake hooked her arm back under her leg, spreading her pussy with those fingers before slipping her other fingers back in her pussy.

The waterfall-tip noise came a few moments later and she smile at the camera, then slid her fingers back into her pussy as deep as she could go, moaning at the wonderful sensations.

“Alright guys, time for me to cum,” she said. She raised her fingers to her mouth again, tasting herself and licking her fingers clean, then dipped them back into her pussy. She closed her eyes, letting out a loud moan at the pleasure that spread out in waves as she worked her fingers in and out, putting pressure on her upper wall to make sure she got the wonderful knot of pleasure there with every stroke.

Blake’s mind wandered toward Liam, as it so often did of late, and she let it, imagining Liam sitting behind her camera, grinning as he watched her. He was stroking his big cock slowly. It was hard as steel, all because of her. She didn’t have her dildos or vibrators or anything crazy to help her show off for him. In her mind, she didn’t need that, she just locked her gaze with those deep blue eyes of his and worked her pussy faster and faster, moans rising in volume and pitch as the pleasure built inside of her. Her pussy was on fire. She was going to explode. She moved her fingers harder, faster, until finally her pussy–her entire body–exploded in pleasure. She felt her ass and pussy clench, felt a rush of juices in her pussy. Through fluttering eyes, she thought she saw the camera catch a little gush come from her pussy. That hardly registered in Blake’s mind, however.

“Oh, oh fuck. Fuck,” Blake gasped, throwing her head back as tremors of pleasure wracked her body. The leg not held back by her arm twitched and kicked a bit as she rode out her orgasm.

Fuck, it felt so good. It was a long one, her tremors lasting for almost a whole minute until she collapsed back onto her bed. A bit of laughter bubbled forth and Blake felt giddy as the aftershocks of her orgasm washed through her.

“Oh my god,” she gasped, unable to focus her eyes on anything yet, “Ah, oh my god. After seven orgasms, I squirt,” she cried, “After fucking seven of them, I squirt. Oh my god. Fuuuuck. Ahhh.”

Blake rubbed at her still-spasming pussy, trying to calm it down a bit.

“Ah,” she gasped, shivering even at the gentle touch, “Oh my god.”

She flopped back onto her bed with what she knew was a dopey smile on her face, “Alright guys, that’s it. I’m dead,” she stuck a hand up and gave the camera a brief wave, “See you guys next time.”

Blake lay there for a little while with the camera on while she recovered–some guys liked to watch that. After a few minutes, once her fingers and toes stopped tingling and her breathing was mostly back under control, Blake pushed herself back upright and turned off the feed. She set up the time for a private show with the one high tipper, then gathered up her blankets and curled up in her bed. While she was all cozy and comfy, a wonderful post-orgasm feeling, Blake wished she had someone to curl up next to after cumming like that. Someone with strong arms and intense blue eyes to hold her tight as she relaxed and enjoyed her post-orgasm haze. As Blake drifted off into a nap, she thought of what it would be like to curl up next to Liam after cumming for him. She knew he was still with Marie, but she was feeling good today. She’d text Liam when she woke up and let him know she’d had a *damn* good show after he left. That would mess with him.



  1. Second Post for today. This time with much more sex!

    Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

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