Her Name was Natalie (part 2) [mF] [oral] [rimming]

Despite what I had hoped, Natalie avoided me the next few weeks. Another night of, well, whatever the hell that was, seemed out of the question. While I didn’t want to press the issue, I felt I was owed at least some kind of closure. So after class I waited for her.
“Hi, Nathalie.”
“Oh, hey …”
She avoided my eye, but didn’t seem shocked or angry. Only a bit dejected.
“How’s things?”
An uncomfortable pause. She wasn’t wearing any make-up and her hair, pulled back in a ponytail, looked dull, uncared for. But she was still amazingly beautiful and at that moment I would have done anything to make her smile. Or moan.
“I really liked what we …”
“My boyfriend came to town”, she interrupted me. “He’s staying with me now.”
“Oh …”
“So just forget about it. Please?”
Now she did look at me, her eyes pleading. I nodded.
She turned to go, hesitated, then turned back and placed a small hand on my arm.
“I did as well.”
I watched her leave, angry, hurt and, to my surprise, horny. That damn girl.
“What was that about?”
Astha came to stand beside me. A small Indian woman with delicious curves and a quick smile, she had only recently transferred here, but had already made a name for herself after a shouting match with an administrator. He had either not fulfilled an inane request exactly as she wanted, or had made lewd remarks at her, depending on who you listened to. Whatever the case, she was fierce and a bit scary, even though the top of her head barely reached my chest.
“Nothing”, I mumbled.
“That was definitely not nothing.”
“Just drop it.”
“Fine. Want to go grab a bite?”
I shook my head. “I’m just going to go home.”
“Don’t wallow!” she called after me. “There’s much better things to do.”

When there was a knock on my door that night, I considered pretending to be out. But it came again, an urgent wrapping, so I shuffled to the door, only dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Natalie glared at me when I opened the door. She wore something similar to me, with a hoody thrown on top. While I felt like a slob, she looked like a model.
“One more time”, she said through gritted teeth.
Before I could stammer a response, before I had even really processed the meaning of her words, she pushed me into the room, tapping the door with her foot so it swung closed.
“We’re going to do this one more time, and then we’ll never speak of this again.”
She had walked me to the bed, far enough away from it that when she placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed me down, I sat in front of it, my back against the mattress.
“What about …” I started.
“He’s asleep. He doesn’t need to know. Look, do you want to do this, or not?”
Swallowing hard, I nodded. I would never forgive myself otherwise. She pulled her sweatpants down and off, over her white trainers, along with her panties, and put her feet on either side of me. Her tight ass right in front of my face, her scent heavy in my nostrils, my mouth began to water. Gently spreading her buttocks apart, I took a moment to gaze upon her pink pussy, already slightly open with a hint of her juices, and the dark puckered rosebud.
“You know what to do.”
Her voice was somewhere between boredom, anger, and arousal. I extended my tongue and focused on the task at hand. As soon as my tongue touched her, she started pushing back into me. Lapping and sucking, my hands kneading her ass, I could hear her moans as the pressure on my face increased. It didn’t take long until I had to bend my head back, but I didn’t stop licking her, my tongue flat against her pussy. When my tongue snaked its tip into her asshole, relaxed and welcoming, the back of my head touched the mattress. Her weight rested on me and for a brief moment I panicked. But then I spread her cheeks even more and could draw a breath through my nose, her musk making me rock-hard. God, I loved this.
“God, I love this!”
Her utterance spurred me on. I placed my hands closer to her center, my thumbs rubbing along her labia and caressing her rosebud, wherever my tongue was not. Suddenly her weight shifted and I felt her pull down my sweats. My cock sprang free, but only for a moment before it was engulfed by her warm mouth. I moaned into her and she, in turn, moaned around me. We continued like that for a while, Natalie sitting on my face while she sucked me off. She wasn’t as good as I had expected, but perhaps that had more to do with my expectations than with her skill. Not that I was complaining, of course. It might have even been a blessing in disguise, as coming first would have been a disappointment for both of us. I pushed my thumb into her asshole, just a bit, and focused my tongue on her clit. She rose up at that, once again smothering me with her full weight. Moaning and shuddering as I continued my ministrations, she came once again on my face. I only stopped when she stood up, my thumb leaving her body with a soft pop.
“Thanks”, she said, not looking at me. “Get on the bed.”
It was all still a bit disconnected, as if I were nothing but a toy to her. But I was too aroused at that point to feel used. I quickly pulled off my pants and did as she told. She got up on the bed as well and positioned her pussy above my cock. She rubbed the head of my cock along her glistening labia, groaning softly. Just as I slid inside of her, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. The door stood ajar and I could see Astha looking at us. She had a hand on one of her breasts and another down the front of her jeans. Her mouth stood agape as she stroked herself slowly and deliberately. Before I could say anything, Natalie engulfed me completely. With a loud moan I threw my head back. It became a rhythmic groaning as she began to fuck me in earnest, hard and fast.
“Ah, Nat, I …”
I tried to speak, maybe to slow her down, or at least to warn her. Not about Astha, I had already forgotten about her, but simply about my orgasm which, at this rate, would be any second. Natalie had her eyes closed, however, and simply rode me as fast as her hips allowed. Pleasure washed over me. I raised my hips and came into her, again and again. She didn’t slow down, but started rubbing her clit frantically. Just as I was spent and my hips touched the mattress again, she tightened around my cock, still hard, but tender now. She came again, almost screaming. I closed my eyes. Every contraction of her pussy made me wince in a flood of pleasure and pain that blanked every coherent thought. I may have passed out momentarily. When I opened my eyes, she was still sitting on top of me, an odd expression on her face. Sadness? Disgust? I glanced at the door. There was no one there.
“Natalie, I …”
She shook her head and stood up. Her pussy, pink and swollen, dripped with my cum.
“Don’t say anything. Please.”
Jumping off the bed, she quickly pulled on her panties and her sweat pants. I propped myself up on an elbow, but couldn’t think of anything to say. At the door, she turned back to me.
“Thanks. I’ll see you around.”
She left, the door still ajar. I fell back onto the bed, rubbing my eyes. What the hell was I supposed to think? Should I be offended? Hurt? But it only took a few moments for a grin to spread across my face. Why not? That was awesome!
“So that’s nothing, huh?”
Wide-eyed I stared at Astha, who was standing in the doorway with a sly smile on her lips. She wore jeans and a white t-shirt with long sleeves, and I couldn’t help but notice that she was definitely not wearing a bra. The dark nipples on her big breasts, bigger than I had realized, were clearly visible through the fabric. For a moment, I wondered if she was aware of it, but then she reached up and took one of her nipples between thumb and forefinger.
“It’s late, so I’m going to let you rest”, she said, pulling slightly. “But one of these days, you’re going to have to give me a little nothing as well.”
To my surprise, my cock, laying flaccid on my stomach, twitched at her words. We glanced at it simultaneously and then back to each other.
“I thought you’d like that.”
She winked at me, turned around, and left. I shook my head in disbelief, but it didn’t take long for my grin to return.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/du3di8/her_name_was_natalie_part_2_mf_oral_rimming